How to red ranks on LEGION? Help me...
Can somebody say perks, add-ons, builds, TACTICS. Thank you.
Hmmm, Legion is not the greatest Killer in red ranks, but in Red Ranks I'm using Bamboozle, BBQ, Thanatophobia and PGTW / Fire Up. I'm using the Duration addons or the faster recovery addons.
Why those perks?
Bamboozle because Survivors can go through you while vaulting a window and vault it back, this prevents that, also you get a nice vault speed bonus.
BBQ because extra bloodpoints and map awareness.
Thanatophobia because Survivors would be injured most of the match so if they decide to heal it will take much longer and if they don't then Gens will take a bit longer to repair.
PGTW to slow the game down even more.
Or Fire Up because I like vaulting windows EXTRA fast.
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legion is actually the best killer to rank up, pretty easy to reach red ranks exploiting the ranking system, just the good ol' stab and leave.
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I normally take Forever Legion and work towards the 3-gen strat. Below is my personal build.
- Thanatophobia - For obvious reasons.
- Dying Light - If used correctly, can works wonders to delay the late-game. Not everyone's cup of tea though.
- PGTW - Delays early/mid game, drastically hinders late-game.
- Discordance - Disrupts team-work and leads you to an area your power will be more effective.
- Defaced Smiley Pin - Strong synergy with Thanatophobia and Dying Light.
- Julie's Mixtape / Joey's Mixtape / Cold Dirt - Reduces the fatigue cool-down, ending chases quicker.
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Nurses, Spies from the Shadows, STBFL, and Blood Echo or I'm All Ears has been working well for me. Though you may want Bloodhound in there in case they have Iron Will.
Then whatever you want with add-ons. Either build for getting your power faster and longer or keeping them injured.
Always use the Obsession as a way to find the other survivors. I don't think you lose stacks with STBFL when you use FF on them. Also use FF on people unhooking. It overrides their Borrowed Time and injures the unhooker as well. If a chase is taking too long, use FF to whack the looper then find someone else. If a survivor corners themselves while using FF, end it there to get the hit, but give yourself a wide enough berth to get to them. By that I mean back off a bit to see where they try to go, then cut them off.
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Pop, Thanataphobia, BBQ and blood echo
pop and thana for gens, bbq for info and bloodpoints and blood echo to make chasers a little easier
addons any ruler addon, button (not the brown one) or power time increase (mural sketch, sketchbook)
have been staying in r1 for the last three seasons with this build
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Mine is Thana, BBQ, PGTW, Discordance (how many months it was since devs said they gonna change it so 1lvl is better than 3lvl?).
Usually in order to 4k I have to 3 gen, and Legion are notorious for their camping skills, so 3 gen defense supposed to be pretty decent on them. (Honestly, lately it's the only strategy if you can't move faster than 175% or teleport).
Alternatively, if you can manage to kill one of survivors with 2 or more gens to go, it shouldn't be hard to seal the game from here, but Legion aren't very good tunneler (ability doesn't promote that).
If you lose a good 3 gen, just try and get as many ability hits as possible, hooking what you can. You can blackpip at reds with 0k Legion, they's one of those killers.
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I personally got there running the following.
BBQ and Chili
Monitor and Abuse
Hex: Ruin (yes, the new one)
Addons: Iridescent Button (Best) Cold Dirt (Second Best), Stolen Sketchbook (Third Best)
Playstyle: You're goal is to continually harass survivors off gens, starting their regression and highlighting them with surveillance, after two to three gens are highlighted this way you will have a lot of information about which gens survivors are trying to finish. With Iridescent button your terror radius affects the whole map so often survivors will let go of a gen for a second and then get back on, which highlights it because it regressed for a second with ruin and then highlighted by surveillance.
You want everyone injured constantly using your frenzy and cold dirt to have lots of uptime. The Monitor and Abuse is to sneak up on already injured survivors. BBQ and Chili helps with additional location assistance as well as keeping your BP up to afford more and more addons.
The other major factor is map offerings. When I climbed to rank 1 with legion I abused map offerings like crazy. Hawkins and Lery's were my primary go to map offerings as hawkins is in general the best killer map in the game and lery's suits legion well as vaulting isn't really a problem for him and lery's is lacking in pallets. Lery's also usually has plenty of alternate routes to chase survivors through rooms as well.
Good luck.
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Surprisingly no one has said I'm All Ears, which is a perk I love on him. It really helps to get that second hit, which is something Legion really needs.
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Chopped liver.
Edit for clarity: What am i, chopped liver? My first post was overlooked.
Apparently I can't slang properly.
Post edited by Tactless_Ninja on0 -
Have I introduced you to Surge?
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I'd play around with it but it doesn't seem to want to appear in my bloodweb.
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Watch Otz's video on it, it's not chopped liver at all
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For my build you need to be good in chases in general.
Perks: Hex: Ruin, Surveillance, Enduring, BBQ
Addons: Duration and Recovery
Playstyle: B-line straight to the area where you think they spawned. Go for stab stab, killer instinct yes? Go for multiple injures. No? Cancel frenzy instantly and down the dude as fast as possible. Hook, BBQ or Surveillance, rinse and repeat. The big difference between this and any other build is, that you just never respect pallets. Never. Even in frenzy, just swing through every pallet. It works surprisingly well.
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Usually I use this build: Thanatophobia, BBQ, Surge and Spirit Fury.
No need to explain why BBQ, Thanatophobia make survivor waste a bit more time either they heal or not (win win for you), Surge gives info and saves the time to kick gens (the bonus regression is also nice), while Spirit Fury helps getting the second hit on a survivor.