feng min is apparently chinese but her cosmetic is japanese?

cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313

So speculation online says that feng min is a chinese name so she is chinese, but the "masuku bijin" cosmetic translates in Japanese to mean "mask beautiful woman" i am confusion.


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Yes, she is Chinese, and the Doctor was also meant to be a bit Chinese-themed.

    Not all cosmetics must have everything to do with the Character's ethnicity, there are a handful of other cosmetics that don't correlate to the specific character's nationality.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    It is not speculation. Feng Min is as Chinese a name as you can get (if people would pronounce it right), and the righting on her shirt is in Chinese.

    Like Fichite said, cosmetics have nothing to do with a character's nationality. Susie and Ace have a Chinese skin. Does that make them Chinese? No.

    And even if they did, Min has TWO cosmetics based on the Chinese New Year, the full set of which is a Qipao, which "is often seen as the quintessential Chinese national dress" according to differencebetween.net. (Sorry if this seems hostile, Min is my second favorite Survivor and I tend to get protective of things I like).

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313

    shes literally my main i was just asking because other survivors including her DO have cosmetics indicative of their locations and ethnicities....

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I mean it's definitely nice to see more variety of stuff in the game.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Well, David got a Dio de los Muertos outfit alongside Jane while he's British to his core. Think of it like this, certain skins are designed with a character in mind and others are designed and sorta gifted to a character because of aesthetic. I guarantee you that if Yui was in before the design contest a year ago, she probably would've got the Japanese skin and not Feng.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Literally no one pronounces her name right, not even the devs.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    I know, and it annoys me to no end. Not that I have room to speak, since it turns out I've been pronouncing it wrong for a while too (though more correct than most people). I had to ask one of my friends (native-born Taiwanese, where they speak a dialect of Chinese, like how Brazil speaks a dialect of Portuguese, America speaks a dialect of English, etc.) how to pronounce it. He described it as "Foong Min" when he wrote it down for me, not "Fayng Mihn" or "Fahng Mene."

    At least they did her Adept achievement right as "Adept Min" is using her proper name. Of course, they forgot about this later on, but what can you do?

  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333

    Feng min is Chinese (that name is common in china)

  • BSNightflow
    BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

    like Mikeadatrix said, before Yui and Yamaoka were put in game, if the devs wanted to release their Asian aesthetic to attract more buyers, they got a pretty limited character pool to choose from.

    Feng Min is obviously a Chinese name, if I get it right, Japanese names never possess Velar Nasal sound such as "-eng" "-ang" or "-ong".

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    I'm just gonna say it loud and clear without hesitation the character's ethnicity should not define what type of clothes they wear on the daily everyone including these characters can wear what they want to wear just cause Feng is chinese should mean she should wear nothing but clothes from asian culture.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Vote Up This Comment So The Dev's Give Feng Min a K-Pop Skin

  • Atchoo
    Atchoo Member Posts: 326

    Is a chinese person not allowed to wear japanese clothing? What you wear does not define who you are nor where you're from.

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313

    no one was saying that they shouldnt, to my knowledge, i was trying to nail in the coffin the question in my mind of whether she was which asian ethnicity she was as she is my main.