Not seeing a lot of Zarinas. Grind too much?
Exactly what i do lmao
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Lot of grind for a skin, not too worried about it....might get her to 40 for the perks at most.
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Hardly. The neverending matches against Deathslingers say otherwise.
Zarina herself is fairly boring (a side cut, wow, for the third time...) and doesn't have any interesting cosmetics yet.
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Hmm.... Not because her perks are bad or anything, I just am not a fan of her backstory. Sure, her being at the prison is a good way to tie the chapter together (better than Demise of the Faithful, where the survivor and killer are not connected)... but they went with a really tedious backstory for everything else.
That, and she's the only survivor to smile during the Deathslinger's mori that I've seen (whether or not that's a visual glitch is something for the devs to answer), and I would rather not be playing as a masochist, to be honest.
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I would be inclined to play her if:
A) Her Perks were actually worth getting.
B) Her voice acting was good.
C) She didn't just look like another generic tomboy side-shaven female Survivor, or at least had some kind of good aesthetic.
D) Her character/backstory is good.
All you need is one of these qualities and I can easily see myself maining her. Yui, for example, has medicore Perks that are more tedious than they're worth and her voice acting is pee pee poo poo, but despite her cookie-cutter female Survivor looks, she has a really neat appearance with most of her cosmetics that makes her look unique and cool, and by FAR she has the most interesting backstory of any Survivor in the game. So guess what? She's one of my two Survivor mains, the other one being Steve because I just love Steve and everything about Steve and just... Steeeeve.
Zarrina, though? Her Perks are meh, her voice acting stops being good after you first hit her, she looks like what happens if you put Meg in the toaster for twenty seconds, and her backstory is actually quite good, but I like Yui's way more. Maybe if she had a more interesting aesthetic that made her stand out, I'd like her more. But as it stands right now, she's the only nonwhite female Survivor who's managed to nail the painfully generic white female Survivor look, and I don't like it. So a combination of bad Perks, an uninteresting appearance, and Yui just overall being more favorable as a character incites me not to play or even buy Zarina.
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I've seen quite a few of her actually.
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Doesn't mean the dlc sold a lot
It's an original character which most killers mains are buying with shards instead of money
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Part of it is going to be alot of people don't play anybody but their mains. Another part of it is she's kinda terrible. Her perks are pretty useless outside of fringe cases or memes. Her cosmetics are pretty meh. And her back story is boring. Add all those together and it's no surprise really.
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I actually have seen quite some Zarinas out there (PC), more often none than 2 in one game, but on average I would say every at least second game I see one. When I have the shards ready, I will also just play her for the adept, because I already have 4 survivors on P3 maxxed out, Yui on her way to be number 5. So There are simply a lot of survivors that don't get my attention because I simply can switch between a handful other survivors that are full of perks and items.
Just wondering myself how I came to 4 maxxed survivors, while I only have two maxxed killers and one of them being P1 :P I never want to waste the good addons before prestige up, and as survivors are just cosmetics all having the same items, it is easier to throw away some green medkits than some coxcomb clappers or Amandas letters ^^
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That applies to every non-licensed killer since Clown and still isn't a reason to think it sold less than other releases.
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The first part is definitely the case for me with every new survivor. I just cannot abandon Dweet. I love him too much. There's been come cool survivors over the last couple of years but Dweet is Dweet.
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Are you guys going to put blood on her hands/arms? Because right now she dosnt and it just looks odd it reminds me about the time nea had a bug for her p3 and had no blood on her arms
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Don't gloss over the fact that the grind is the problem. You guys at BHVR are so hell bent on making the game "fun for new players" to the point where you make awful nerf decisions...but really, the fact is that nothing scares off new players like an excessive grind; and that's exactly what DBD is, an absolutely excessive grind.
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You think that's bad, killers have it harder. Survivors depends on how much you like the character, don't like him/her, just get the perks and use the main. Killers are unique in powers so you have to get all the perks on them if you want to play said killer xD
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A lil late but, why would I want to play anyone other than Quentin??