Some friends and I tried to re create marth88’s perkless depip squad and here’s the results.



  • Crucifily
    Crucifily Member Posts: 2

    4 veteran players, regardless of perks and add ons will always beat a rank 15 killer lol what the ######### kind of stupid post is this

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited March 2020

    I like everyone blame and talking <BAD WORD> so much on baby killer instead focus about terrible matchmaking or feel bad for newbie killer that game decide to put in 4 veteran players

    How to make more new people stop playing killer and give more loading time on survivor

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited March 2020

    Nice, you win against a rank 15 oni who has not found out how is power works. If the killer is doing nothing, its obvious gens are getting done very fast. Insert a godly spirit/nurse and the titel would rather be "slugging is a problem"

  • Mr_X
    Mr_X Member Posts: 15

    This is not the typical outcome. First of all I only play survivor now, and doing gens is boring. If anything I think they should reduce the speed and make cleansing all totems required or add another objective; something to break the monotony. Just have it be about the same overall time.

    This is red ranks against a rank 15, and a survive with friends team. Try playing solo que... Not everyone plays SWF. Often I'll be hoping for Hatch with 3-4 gens left after everyone else dies at red ranks. Probably in at least a 25% of my games, and I'm trying to be realistic and not exaggerate this number.

  • Mr_X
    Mr_X Member Posts: 15

    I will note that within the last couple months it seems purple and red ranks have a much worse chance of being good players in public games. I used to almost always start get good teams once I got to purple ranks.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    You just answered your own question. It's not balanced around high rank survivors. It's balanced around low rank survivors going up against low rank killers. A swf group n00b stomping doesn't properly showcase how a typical match should go. Again, at best, it shows how poor the matchmaking is.

  • 1saltypug
    1saltypug Member Posts: 117

    Yeah I take issue with the toolboxes and such also, they stacked the odds super in their favor to get the results that they wanted. In most games you can find a way to stack something to gain a cheese advantage it reminds me of hammer bros in monster hunter world to break shara's head super fast when it was meant to take more then 4 dudes with hammers whaling on it like one of those old cartoons with 4 guys hitting a railroad spike

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    This sums it up.

    I think the game needs to make the Survivor “Chaser” Emblem (or elements of it) the most weighed. Players who know how to run the killer are typically much smarter/better players than ones who hide, do gens, and unhook others only when it’s safe.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    You forgot 2 important things. The more gens that were done, the smaller the playfield becomes.

    And the most improtant thing: At the beginning the killer has no pressure and so he has to loose a gen or two unless he is lucky and those survivors are stacked on a single gen. Once you find the first survivor and down him, normally 3 people are out of the race constantly from that moment on. 1 is on the hook, 1 going for the safe (maybe even healing afterwards) 1 is getting chased by you, and 1 is on gen. Reduced from all 4 are on gens to maybe 1 on a gen. And it is not uncommong that actually 1 is on hook and 1 is slugged aswell (or somebody is already dead) and they need to recover from that.

    Constant pressure, smaller playground, less pallets to work with, less people on gens.

    For the ballancing, gen speed is fine. Its not that much fun tho to have quick games, but to increase genspeed or to add an extra objective, devs have to give survivors something in compensation (like more pallets for example).

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I don't get what everyone else thinks about survivors having a big advantage. I play survivor and I don't do very well at all.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Redrank and purple ranks vs rank 15 killer. Nothing can be concluded from such a mismatch besides the once again failed matchmaking.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    If it takes you 4 minutes to do gens... It takes 4 minutes to do gens. The rank of the killer doesn't matter because once someone is in a chase everyone else can...wait for it...Do Gens.

    I don't see what is so hard to understand.

    This is exclusively a swf problem. Solo queue Survivor is a completely different story.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Are you implying that solo queue survivors don't know to do gens when one survivor is getting chased?

    What ranks do you play where that isn't the case.

    The point was this Oni has literally one perk, is clearly very new to the game and definitely the killer, and is a poor argument for this problem. And posting stupid stuff like this actually defeats the argument he is trying to make. The fact that the SWF team is red/purple ranks makes this all the worse.

    Now if this was a rank appropriate killer with rank appropriate perks and he still got skunked this bad it might hold some merit, but it's not. It's a baby killer who got bullied, which is frustrating to see, but it doesn't prove the point about generator speed.

    The other factor is I'm sure the chases were long and pointless for the killer, a good killer that can limit chases effectively wouldn't spend all four-five gens chasing one survivor without downing them. That's the other point, as cliche as it sounds, if you can end chases quickly and pressure survivors, generator speed isn't quite the insurmountable obstacle it appears to be.

    What's even dumber is the "perkless" for survivors doesn't mean much when the killer was essentially perkless too. Perks mean way more to killers as they often affect the whole survivor team or the entire map, while survivor perks are often individual based or at most affect a teammate being healed or unhooked. To pretend that survivors and killers need perks in equal measure is false.

    Like I said, this particular example does nothing to show the problem, and if anything actually makes the problem easier to blame on baby killers or people not knowing what to do.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Survivors win 80% of matches according to most vets and streamers so this makes sense... I can't even remember a time when my group let it go past a 2k.

    Escape is laughably easy at any rank vs any rank. Rank doesnt conclude skill anymore so I wouldnt even bother measuring it.

    Each survivor only needs to spend 105 seconds doing gens to escape or 7min total solo at base game so as long as you can waste the killers time for 7min/number of unbothered players

    It's checkmate. I can buy 4 minutes with BT and DS alone.

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    Just proves how bad matchmaking is. Also what else could the killer have done if he was actually a rank 1 billy or freddy. 3 gens got completed in a minute 40.

    (From start of the game to 3 gens completion)

    That would just give a killer 100 seconds before 3 gens go popping. The killer cant split up into multiple entities and chase 2 survivors at the same time. Slap a freddy with bbq and pop and he might change things up a little bit but if you slap ds and adrenaline on all 4 then game over.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    But a killer finishing a match in under 4 minutes is acceptable?

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    That is to the fault of the survivors. You might reply back with

    "So it's not the killer's fault the match ends in 3 minutes?"

    Yes it's not. Because survivors control the gens. The killer cant split into 3 other killers and somehow pressure the entire team in the first 3 minutes of the game. Killers rely on survivor skills being lower than the killer's skill to kill. And the games a 1v4

    (Not saying killers should win every match)

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Also, only 2 toolboxes without optimal add-ons and no Prove Thyself. It can be under 3 min.

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    The seems interesting but a single anecdotal data point, which is what this is, doesn't really prove anything. We can all suspect and theorize the root cause of this, but what we need is a data set to see what exactly is the problem here since there are so many variables that contribute to game length. Perform this experiment many dozens of times and record every variable (map, killer, time, loudout, ranks) and the outcome, and let the data speak for itself. A single data point tells us nothing; we need multiple ones to see a trend or correlation. I would like to see the outcome of an experiment like this.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I agree. Im interested as well. But to mention that they need to play against killer with knowledge of how to play the killer that knows that he deals with swf and not just random killer playing for bloodpoints. It s funnt that most people dont even realize that 99% of killers are busy gaining bloodpoints not kills. I already suggested them to take me as a killer to go against and they seem to ignore me .

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    This all depends on the player. You can either wipe out an entire team of survivors or could dominate the killer. If you're swf, you're getting a high chance of survival. I am a red rank survivor who has been playing since 2015 and I barely survive against killers in solo and swf. When I do survive, it's mostly due to the killer's poor choice of priority or it's a green-yellow rank killer. Even if survivors get the gens done, the match can completely turn around. Especially with end game perks.

  • legionIsBackBaby
    legionIsBackBaby Member Posts: 32

    Scootjunds idea for gen speed really needs to be implemented

    But so far bhvr has done a pretty goodjop so far

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    4-1 = 3 gens done behind your back. Its simple math, dude.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020

    lol why even post this hahaha

    It just shows the complete lack of intellect on the forums that OP got any upvotes, my gawd people just read the title, agreed and hit vote up without ever checking the garbage nonsense video posted as "proof" of the statement.

    Think ill make a vid like this in the future that 5 seconds in just becomes a Rick Roll and see how many upvotes I get.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    We're no strangers to dbd

    You know the survivor rulebook and so do I

    A gen speed need is what I'm thinking of

    I think we've done a pretty good job so far

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Wait ... did they just say "It's the same Oni as before, then it's a noob"....

    You gave yourselves away. 🤣

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    It's nice to read a comment written by someone with a head on their shoulders every once in a while.


  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    You need more matches against red or at least purple rank killers if you want to prove your point.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    This video doesn’t showcase a gen speed issue, it simply shows the current matchmaking issue.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    This is a poor example, but Marth's was a good one so to those of us that watched the "DePip Squad", we already knew that the game is survivor sided. If the survivor team is top notch and all 4 are in comms, unless they screw up, the killer is screwed. Bad team mates and solo queue "give" killers wins. This is why killers get kills. You can't eliminate SWF, you can't eliminate solo queue. The only real option is to put comms in the game. Just as with any game, you should be able to mute your team mates. You choose whether to use it or not, but it should be in the game to even the playing field between SWF and solo queue.

    This is the main reason the game can never be balanced.

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    This was a baby killer. How this is considered balanced is beyond me. I would like to see this be tried with a balanced team and killer.

  • TheEntitysRightHand
    TheEntitysRightHand Member Posts: 25

    You do realize that the devs think that a game around 4 minutes is average right? So to them this is no sign of the game being bad.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    The reason why I see it as a mostly swf problem is because when I play solo queue people disconnect every game if they're not suiciding on hook. Swf Don't do that. Solo queue relies on each player not wanting to eject themselves or playing purposely bad. That could be the difference between an easy win or a massive loss.