Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why hasn't deathslinger been buffed?

This objectively weak killer hasn't changed a bit from the first time we seen him. The general consensus was he is weak and needed buffed. This is still the case and nothing has changed. I know he is fun but that doesn't mean he can't get buffed. And if you think he doesn't need buffed you either haven't went against good survivors as him or have not played him.



  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Outside of chases he has literally no map pressure. He only has any power if he has unbroken LOS for about 14 meters.(yes I know the range is technically 18 meters, but you will almost never actually hit a guy that you spear at max range) Hell, you can't even down people with your power unless they're in m1 range to begin with

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Huntress can throw a hatchet across a pallet and down a survivor, and her hatchets have larger hitboxes.

    "Better at anti loop than Huntress"


  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    A good huntress can hit you the first time with the ax, and then down you half way across the map with her hatchets. Deathslinger is screwed after he hits someone, because they get a sprint burst while he wipes his blade, then goes back to 110%, putting you WELL outta harms way of the harpoon shot. He also can't hit you over a pallet. He huntress's ######### is what he is...

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    So, the ability to down a survivor faster at a pallet isn't "beating" someone who has to take the time to reel someone in around a pallet? Okay.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Hey Peanits, if you're allowed to say, can console players get some sort of aim assist or larger harpoon hitbox? Unlike PC players, we can't make pixel perfect shots and furthers the gap between PC and console players (if cross play is ever added).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,583

    It will take time to get a good sample size. I can do well with him, but I rarely feel like it's necessarily because I'm on Deathslinger. It's hard to separate the results from the killer used. There has to be a sample size large enough where they can definitively say "These are the average outcomes with Deathslinger vs other killers". I 4k'd last night in a game where I landed 2 shots total. Deathslinger had nothing to do with that outcome. Those were just some super boosted rank 4s who managed to lose to a powerless 110 killer. Doesn't mean Deathslinger performed well there.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    It's something that could be considered, but it wouldn't be very likely. We try not to have platform specific balancing as much as possible.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    There are loops where huntress simply cant do anything because of the fat hitbox of her hatchet

    Deathslinger allows for more consistent shots due to the precise hitbox of his harpoon, therefore, its easier to cut loops with him, even though it may not be immedeate

  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    I mastered it the same day, I stay in red ranges, previously I played several shooters, I have a good aim, most killers will find it difficult to adapt, but I know they mean, he is an assassin who has potential if you know how to shoot

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Thanks for responding, I just think if cross play is ever added that a PC Deathslinger would out perform a console Deathslinger due to PC having superior aiming controls.

    A console specific update could level the playing field for both platforms (again, if cross play is added). 😁

    You wouldn't have a PTB for this since consoles can't access it, but like you said, it could be something really small (no knee jerk reactions). That way, if something goes live to console and the update had an unintended effect, it wouldn't be too bad since you made minor changes.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    He cant antiloop half as well as honest man be real..deathslinger can punish windows in very niche scenarios..every pallet and window can be punished by huntress..its not even close

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Last I checked, you were not the spokesman for the "whole killer main community". My first three attempts at playing him were a 2k, 3k, 3k at red ranks vs red ranks. This killer is quite good if you know what you are doing. Not sure what you are referring to with the whole pallet statement, but with Trapper, when I get a pallet thrown down and don't have a trap there (impossible to trap even half the pallets), I have to either stop and break it, or move around it. With Slinger, I can shoot you in the face, and start pulling you around the pallet. Sometimes I get them there, sometimes I don't, but now they are wounded and have a DW timer. I often get them jammed up so they get their speed burst right into boxes/objects. I would say only Huntress drops people faster than he does, and that depends on the circumstance. M1, and as soon as the animation is done, quick shot and Boom! Got someone down. I do that at least 3-4 times a match.

    Look, he has issues, I agree, but he is definitely not weak. I am seriously thinking of moving from Trapper/Doc to this guy. Put STBFL on him and he is an absolute beast.

    I rarely agree with the devs, but I do in this case. Wait and see how people adjust to him. Some are doing great, some are expecting the power/perk to do the work for them and are not doing great. Aiming counts more with him than with Huntress. His hitboxes are much tighter because of the nature of his power. Huntress can miss by 3 feet and hit, this guy not so much.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Hitting a surv as Deathslinger does not guarantee a damage state, which is sad

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    I honestly feel like he is in a good place right now. If anything, he just needs some love in the add-ons. I average 2-3 kills a round as him on red ranks.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    And if you think he doesn't need buffed you either haven't went against good survivors as him or have not played him.

    How to start a constructive discussion 101

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 102

    Im a survivor main who started playing killer because I loved playing against him and now playing as him. After the newest update and nerf on him I can say im never playing him again. His ads was fine before but they just had to make it unusable. I got used to his old sensitivity but this new one is just impossible to use. It feels way too slow on ps4. Glad I got my adept before he got nerfed since I wont be playing him again.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I'd like to agree with you, but seeing that I'm 0-9 against him, I can't.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I like the harpoon hitbox as it is, cause i can get some sharp shots when only the top of the head is visible. (Im on PS4)

    And an aim assist would make him too OP.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    Ah yes there's the red rank killer that 4ks every game with every killer and is never telling bs

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    To answer your question... He hasn't been buffed cause he doesn't need one..

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295


    We said freddy was weak when he came out. Look what happened and how long it took to fix -.-

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Huntress can get more downs, faster, at a infinitely longer range. She is objectively better and deserves the 110 speed. His power cant even down people, similar to Legion. Sure, you can get the shot, but because of latency they get the pallet down after you harpoon them, making it useless. Even plague is better than him because she can still down people more consistently.

    Unless breaking the chain can put people from the DW to the Dying state, he will never compare to other killers with similar powers who can.

    Don't get me wrong, he's fun to play, but not very effective.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    He doesn’t need a buff he’s really good actually. They don’t need to buff him you must be having a rough time with him as all. Just use what works for you. Killers in general don’t need a buff it just means it’s not your playstyle. But right now I’d say killers are kinda buffed too much. They have too many ways of easy gen controlling. If not I mean, you’re guaranteed to find people and get your chases and downs I don’t know why you people are so greedy about the kills. How is that fun for survivors. Killers recently got buffed in these past few patches yet killer players still complain for no reason. They don’t need to make it so easy that survivors never get to survive. Gen speed isn’t an issue because killers can just as easily slay all 4 under the condition a few mistakes were made. There are ebony Mori’s , hooks are littered all over the map to the point where they’re basically always within reach. I don’t understand why the killer shouldn’t get ran on just like survivors do.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 547

    Twice yesterday I shot THROUGH someone who was healing another person. Maybe a step in the right directrion is fix stuff like that huh guys?

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I agree. It grows tiresome killer players asking for buffs especially for one that JUST came out. He’s Just... different okay? Lmao.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    If you're getting your power erased by pallets, it's not because Deathslinger's chase is bad.

    After playing him extensively at rank 1, both against the common potato and Sweat With Friends groups alike, I can safely say that there are NUMEROUS ways to circumnavigate a pallet with his power. Shooting them before they can drop it, holding them there while you go around the loop, or even just breaking the pallet and shooting them after are all, for the most part, incredibly possible and viable options for Deathslinger. His chase potential is, quite frankly, out of this world—in the right hands, I wouldn't hesitate to even say that Deathslinger is overpowered or even downright broken in a chase.

    He's bad for different reasons. Remember the last time we had a 110 Killer who inflicted Deep Wound? Yeah, Deathslinger suffers from the same problem Legion did: Despite downright breaking the game in a chase, he has negative mobility and thus no map pressure. A 12/10 chase power isn't going to make up for that.

    The difference is, old Legion actually had a sprint ability.

    Deathslinger is C-tier on a good day, don't get me wrong. But to say it's because his chase is weak is absolutely preposterous. I would happily see his chase potential be toned down in exchange for higher base movespeed or some other form of map pressure, be it traversal or stall or damn anything. All he has now is Deep Wound, and an immobile 110 Killer who has to reload every time he uses his power doesn't exactly get much usage out of Deep Wound.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    He really just maybe needs 115 and he's easily B tier. The only other thing he could do with is an ADS sensitivity slider on console. But I 100% agree his chase potential is solid.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    The thing is, 115% would solidify his brokenness in a chase. With a gun that powerful, he needs some sort of movespeed drawback, or else the thing would have to be heavily nerfed.

    I've been tossing around the idea of 112.5% speed in my head for a while now. It gives him more map pressure, but it's not a drastic enough increase to his chase mobility that we'd have to do more than give his gun minor nerfs to keep him from being actually OP. His gun is already insane as is; I really think some of its power should be taken away already, but balancing his chase without giving him mobility would just make him a balanced 110 immobile Killer. He needs some serious pressure buffing either way.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    I can get behind that. I actually thought of 112.5 as well but wasn't sure if that was something that would be considered due to the fact that I don't think any other killer moves at that speed. Guess there's always a first though. I think the gun should stay the way it is though. While it can be extremely powerful it is rather hit or miss in my opinion (quite literally). If you miss even a few shots it could cost you the whole game. And to hit those shots you have to play smart and be much more accurate than Huntress. Another idea I had instead of a speed buff was just make his gun have the purple hatchet head ability of Huntress. Anyone injured by the gun would have a decrease in gen repair speed until healed or for 120 seconds just like the hatchet. Then remove deep wounds. But honestly not sure if that is too much.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Why does he gain Bloodlust even after missing his shots?

    Huntress does not, and neither does Nurse. @Peanits

    Was this intended?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Hatched windup time is so long, it takes to long to be at the point to hit a survivor at the loop if the keep running. Deathslinger just needs a longish wall and as soon he has Los you are caught.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2020

    After some thorough play testing with him, I believe I've sussed out why I find him a frustrating killer to play as... Slowdowns.

    This shows all his different movement speeds and slowdowns, (minus the wipe animation):

    Walking (Reeling w/ Collision) x0.35, 1.54 m/s, 38.5 %

    Walking (Reeling + Firing) x0.5 ,2.2 m/s, 55 %

    Reload x0.6, 2.64 m/s, 66 %

    Walking Backwards (Reeling w/ Collision) x0.7, 3.08 m/s, 77 %

    Aiming Down Sights x0.75, 3.3 m/s, 82.5 %

    Walking Backwards (Reeling) x0.8, 3.52 m/s, 88 %

    Carrying x0.8365, 3.68 m/s, 92 %

    Walking x1, 4.4 m/s, 110 %

    Lunge x1.568, 6.9 m/s, 172.5 %

    Reel 2.6 m/s, 65 %

    Reel Back (walking backwards) 25 m/s, 625 %

    Launch 40 m/s, 1000 % (projectile speed)

    He's already a slower than average killer in regards to movement speed (110%, 4.4ms as opposed the the average killer at 115%, 4.6ms), but when you compare his power, and ability to do damage with it to all other killers, he experiences more slowdowns than they do. Like all killers he has a wipe animation slowdown that is the standard, but on top of that he has 4 other things associated with his power that slow him down even further: Aiming down the sights, Missed Spear attack cooldown, Successful Spear attack reeling time, and Reloading.

    He starts his slowdowns taking aim, which lowers his movement speed even if it takes only .5 seconds to do so, then after firing and missing he's slowed down again during the cooldown for 1.6 seconds, but if successful he's slowed down while reeling in the survivor for 1-5 seconds, then strikes the survivor slowing him down majorly for the weapon wipe animation (or the chain breaks and he's stunned for 4 seconds), then he's slowed down a final time when he reloads.

    Comparing him to Hag; Her slowdowns are when she stops in place to plant traps, and only has a wipe animation for successful attacks. Huntress stops in place when reloading, but her successful/unsuccessful attacks with hatchets only experience the charging, and cooldown of the throw for slowdowns, and she doesn't have to reload every time she takes a shot unless she's using the Iridescent head add-on without a belt add-on to aid it.

    With all of these slowdowns working against an already slower than average killer, and the precision aiming he needs in order to land his ranged attack, which is further limited by an 18m range restriction... It takes him much longer to down any survivors with his power than any other killer in the game, and gives the survivors too many chances to gain distance from him which increases the overall time he takes to chase them down.

    This is what I find so damn frustrating about him, and is quintessentially what I believe makes him a weak killer (5 possible slowdowns just to secure a hit? really?). The only real advantages his power gives him is that he can pull survivors away from advantageous positions before downing them, and his TR + music are subtle enough that he often catches survivors off guard, and thank god for that because otherwise he'd never get close enough to use his power, much less hit survivors with it.

    If they are going to buff him somehow, I'd suggest simply removing some of the slowdowns he experiences (examples: remove the weapon wipe slowdown after reeling in a survivor and successfully striking them, Speed up his reeling, shorten his stun time when the chain breaks, change some add-ons to add more bullets but increase reload time, flat out remove the reduced movement speed Downsides of his Marshals Badge and Cold Creek Whisky add-ons, etc.), because right now, his power is far too lenient to survivors when it comes to giving them distance on him, and taking damage from him.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Every shooter game has aim assist on console/controller tho

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    The missing a few shots issue isn't just a Deathslinger problem, though; that's a DBD problem. Killers can't afford to make mistakes nearly as much as Survivors can; Deathyboy isn't a special cookie. And frankly? Deathslinger is one of those Killers that, if DBD were balanced, he shouldn't be given so much leeway to make mistakes. His gun is very powerful and, quite honestly, it isn't even that hard to hit. If you missed, you're either a bad shot or the Survivor juked and outplayed you.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Might be easy on PC to make shots. I wouldn't know because I play on console and they just nerfed the crap out of ADS. I can quick shot just fine but flick shots are a big part of playing him and that's near impossible on console now. Even at 100% Sensitivity.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Well, that's just BHVr being utterly, shamefully terrible at everything console. That's a different beat entirely.