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Running Everywhere

Wylesong Member Posts: 642

I have to ask because I seen it happen in 80% of my games and on almost every youtube video. Is running the entire match the best way to get around?

I watched this player on youtube Puppers and he get unhooked and just runs as spine chill is active knowing the killer is looking at his area. I mean wouldn't people have even a little more luck trying to hide for a minute or crawling or well anything besides leaving scratch marks that scream, I AM HERE! I am not saying you should not run and by all means play however you like but it puzzles me the amount of people that run the entire match and are shocked when they die are get found.

I have had MANY teammates who as I am hiding from a killer behind a rock or tree that will flat out RUN to me leaving scratch marks the entire time and then are shocked when the killer finds us both. I have gotten to the point if someone is following me and running while I am carefully crawling to hide I will just flat out make as much noise as possible to make the person leave. I like to play in stealth mode and scratch marks are not very stealthy.

I am just wondering if anyone can give me insight as to why many players have just seem to stop playing the stealth mode and glued down their run buttons.


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It means they're not afraid of being found, they're confident in their chase skills.

    Even if you only manage 30-second chases, that can still be a big win if your fellow Survivors work on the objectives in the meantime.

    It's not rare for the Survivors to make a decent victory by just going fast, literally and figuratively.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I understand not being scared but if you see another player who is trying to stay safe why run up to them and all around them to give away their location. You may be confident in your chase skills but that poor player may not be as good. Also I understanding being good at chases but last life and you get saved and the first thing you do is run and leave scratch marks? Don't you on your last life want to be as careful now as possible?

    Also with this new running idea I see in 80% of my games it amazes me that people get mad at Hag killers because they set traps off by not crawling. If anything patience and stealth is just as important as being able to run. I do not mind you playing however you want but be respectful of others and if you see someone who is trying to hide or heal up PLEASE walk or crawl to them. Do not leave HUGE RED MARKS on the walls to give them away.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Running around other people may not even be on their minds, they just run cause that's their style.

    If you mean they purposely find people who hide and try to make their location be known to the Killer, that's just being a douche.

    People also often run when they're confident that the Killer is busy with someone/something else.

    Sometimes they're wrong, but with experience they're often correct.

    As for being on the last life: Stealthing away is...well, more stealthy, but running away is faster.

    If you can run away from nearby the Hook fast enough so they won't see Scratchmarks at all, why bother using stealth?

    At least, that's what i can think of as a reason, i think both tactics are valid.

    As for Survivors triggering Hag traps, to me it's quite simple: You fell for a trap by not being careful, you face the consequences.

    If they can't keep themselves under control from facing those consequences, idk, maybe they should stop trying the definition of insanity.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I 100% agree to the hag trap thing. I am always amazed when I save someone off the hook by crawling up to them but they instead of crawling away RUN and trigger the traps then cry the killer is camping. It is like nooooo they are using a ability and you just refuse to learn how to work around it.

    I also agree that running from the hook is the quickest way but when you see Spine Chill is activated or the killer coming your way it is just smarter to not run. I have started using both BT and Babysitter to give players a double chance. It may just be the survivors I am getting stuck with playing but my teams are full of potatoes just waiting to be baked. I mean my last game I had two survivors who did not use even one perk. I mean really not one. All survivors start with 3 perks and the ability to equip at least 1. Sorry I got off topic but yeah it may just be the players I am getting being d-bags or just refusing to learn.

    Thanks for the input. =)

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Yeah, I'd like a meme for when im walking and another survivor just runs towards me killing all my stealth if the killer comes... LOL

    But sometimes I do that to others too. LOL Not to expose them, just because I think walking isnt required at that moment/location and I want to get past there.

    Something I do when unhook someone that begins to walk is to run to another way, so the killer will see my scratch marks and come after me. But as i am not injuried, i can just hide with the heads up i have.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    At least you try and help confuse killers leaving more scratch marks. I just wish players would mimic me when it comes to hag and just crawl. If you see me crawl to you and not trip a trap take that into consideration and don't assume I am a witch. lol

    I also respect that you run up to help fellow survivors thinking that walking is not needed but I will say running is not normally needed as well when going to maybe heal a teammate behind a rock. You will get there by walking in a decent amount of time anyway and also not leave a possible way for a killer to see you both.

    I hope I am not coming off as saying I am right because I am not. I mean I certainly make my fair share of mistakes but just wanted to share my opinion and I hope you guys continue to have fun because that is all that matters. =)

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Oh, i run thinking about scratch marks. If im not sure the killer is on the other side of the map or in a chase, i dont run. Specially near to walls or trees, if there will be a scratch mark not only in the floor, but somewhere the killer can see from far away, i avoid running.

    I try to predict when i can leave scratch marks and they will not bring the killer to me. And im good with that. Cause I play both roles and since Fixated made me have an even better notion. :)

    Good luck and have fun in your matches.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There is a time to run and a time to hide. More often than not it is more strategic to run though. It's actually the way the game is designed to be played obviously from the way bloodpoints are rewarded. Sneaking around never being found doesn't give very many bloodpoints.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I agree that sneaking doesn't reward many Points but neither does getting hooked so quick because you left a trail to find you that you are the first one dead. Then you also get no objective points or survival or altruism points. Yes you are right running is also part of the game but the game was not built just around running it was built around a mix of hiding AND running. It is a 50/50 thing and you are right there is a time to run and hide so one does not trump another.

    It's like what the Good Lord Mister Kenny R said, "You gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when you walk away, know when to run" ROFL

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    It is because you're not doing anything productive, that's why some players run towards those hiding, if i get into a chase, i would very much love it if my teammates do gens, i run bond just to see the stupid things people do while i get in chase etc like hiding, going to the corner of the maps etc and crouching (all these are time wasted that could be allocated to doing objectives)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Valid point but what if that person is just hiding so you can lead the killer away and they can go back to the gen or is healing?

    I do agree though and have done this exact thing myself. I figure if you are not gonna do anything I can at least use you as bate as I do the gens.