Masterminds of DbD, have you ever done something what pissed the survivor / Killer totally off?

and if so, what have you done?


  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Cleansing original Ruin within 30 seconds of Match start. Never went down well.

    Cleansing Devour Hope as soon as the killer reaches the last stage. Another hissy alert.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited March 2020

    I looped a ghostface for 4 gens and he got really, really mad, he kept hitting me on hook and teabagging, my teammates didnt rescue me because they were more interested in finishing the last gen and opening the exit gates, that they forgot I was entering second hook stage.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Looped a killer for 5 gens, let him get me at the exit gates.

    He got old DS'ed in the face.

    I do miss the old times. (sometimes)

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Random hatchet from across the map hits a David on a generator. He spent the rest of the match t-bagging and clicking his flashlight trying to get me to chase him to shack.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Played against an entire Rank 1 match of SWF, all had tool boxes designed to immediately take down hooks and the exact same perks that countered slugging and camping. All 4 still alive, 2 of which who were being toxic, when the very last Gen popped. Got too cocky and got wrecked, they were expecting me to pick them up and hook them. I just sat there and let them all bleed out for 2-4 minutes instead.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    Just the other day I was playing while streaming and against a Huntress. I ended up running her for 4 of the 5 gens. At the end of the game she was quite upset over the fact she never caught me and told me how bad I was at loops and how I could only pallet camp to get away. Jokes on her I'm a killer main and know I'm bad at loops... But she never caught me. She got more upset when she saw I was streaming.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited March 2020

    Yeah especially at god loops of I'm on a gen close by. I dont abuse them and always just use the window once.

    The one thing I do is jump through the window and then try to hide close by. It's actually amazing if you have enough distance how many times they follow the whole circle around while I have ran away to another area. End game chat accusing me of constantly running it when it was only in their mind all along.

    It also works the other way as some see what I do and realise I'm not abusing them. Quite often then if I'm hooked they nod to me and then immediately leave the hook and rarely come back and don't tunnel me which I can only see as a sort of thank you.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    4 Survivors just 3 gen'd themself really hard. I had surveilance as Freddy, so I could teleport to even the gen that was a bit further away than the rest. Sure enough they all ran around like chickens who lost their head. Not only did I max all my bp catagories by the time they finally gave up trying to finish the last gen, but I got the 4k - becasue the Laurie was annoying and was trying to bait me into chasing her into the completed gens and last of the palelts.

    Anyways the lobby chat was just them calling the usual "zzz", calling me a "tunneler" (Camper maybe, because I could see when they touched any gen, but I didn't tunnel. I hooked them all twice, and didn't chase anyone off hook - I chased the person who saved them because I had Make Your Choice).

    It was a good time.

    Disclaimer; Literally at any point 2 survivors could have worked on the same gen and finished it before I had a chance to react, they literally just spent too much time healing and not enough time working on the last gen.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I came out of phase onto of a Jake with MYC proc. He DC'ed before he hit the ground.

    I looped the killer for 5 gens, was put on a hook on a hill across the map from a door with only corn between us. Got the 4% was downed moved away enough to DS him, Proc my BL and peaced out.

    I broke Ghostface out continuously non stop the whole match. Wasn't even intentional every time I popped it he just happened to be around trying to mind game someone. Last time he slowly turned around and looked at me. I feel like I broke that persons Spirit that day.

    Made a Huntress DC because my Ace always tends to be toxic with chest. Found a purple key and after the Huntress killed the AFK person. We did 4 gens. I got hooked on purpose to locate the random after locating hatch. All 3 of us noped out. As my friend was jumping Huntress DC.

    Playing Hag I like the people who have DS who get cocky. Place a trap and pick them up. I've had so many people DC when they realize what just happened.

  • AddictedToMosh
    AddictedToMosh Member Posts: 116

    I slugged a super toxic Blendette Squad till they were dead on the ground. Ended up with a depip, but man, was it satisfying.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I do play legion with SF+Enduring and never respect pallets. People get so mad for some reason.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I was following a survivor I unhooked back in yonder day since the killer went right after them, and the injured survivor threw a pallet down and stunned the trapper.

    During the stun animation I crouched at the pallet and bodyblocked the killer so he couldn't get into position to break the pallet, and he had no idea what was going on.

    He disconnected.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Cant tell for sure but i think it would piss off any killer when he wants to finish off dying survivor but he lose him out of sight because you bodyblocked him when vaulted a window 😅

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I remember having a game where after the first person was plunked into the basement, the Survivors refused to leave the shack area and were CONSTANTLY trying to go for the same hook save without waiting for me to leave. I think maybe one person went to do gens (I think he slowly got down to 2 gens left before the game was over), but the other two were repeatedly yoyoing back and forth trying to bait me into leaving, only for them to repeatedly fall for the 'ol "take two steps out, Pig crouch to turn off TR, and take two steps back". It resulted in the guy on hook dying and a second person being hooked and eventually dying too.

    The guy who ended up dying was quite salty about it and didn't seem to understand how being overly altruistic was a bad thing. "ARE YOU SAYING WE SHOULDN'T RESCUE TEAMMATES" he kept saying. He accused me of being mad in all caps, and when I pointed that out, he said something about him having big hands. The guy was a streamer, and when I checked his stream out of curiosity, he was still complaining about it. :P

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    That's easy:

    1) play Freddy;

    2) make a laggy hit over a window;

    It's a 50/50 DC or suicide.

  • KidsNotIncluded
    KidsNotIncluded Member Posts: 6

    When my friend got hooked by a Huntress. I have a build oriented around saving my friends off the hook. I followed her as close as I could. She hooked my friend and I crouched behind her as she hooked him. She turned and either she wasn't paying attention or I was too short for her to

    her to see me, I immediately grabbed my fried off the hook as soon as she left and she started to chase me down. I knew there was a pallet close by so I ended up looping her until she gave up on me.

    I played the killer several times that game until she rage quit

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Camping the last hook when the exit gates are opened. Apparently I should go to the other side of the map and smell the flowers, I shoudn't be around hooks, not even during EGC.

    That makes survivors lose their minds at the end chat every time... their tiny mind cannot comprehend the situation.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    played against a Spirit.

    i used Iron Will, ran in one direction past a window then quickly turned around walked normally and slow vaulted the window. she didnt get me once, cause she always lost me when she started phasing.

    got reported for "hacking".

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Sabo the hook just as the killer was going to hook the survivor...but better one was I was the last survivor...the killer had closed the hatch and he was chasing me and just as he was about to hit and down me used the key to hatch escape. Then there was the one a few weeks ago. I was the last survivor and I hid out near the gate waiting for the killer to close it so I could do my 50/50 gate opening gamble. And about ten minutes later...opened the gate and escaped. He wasn't pleased by that move either.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I 100% understand and if I was in the exact same situation I'd do the exact same thing. Doesn't stop me from trash talking the killer though just the same. But I'm not really mad...just playing mind games is all.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    That makes no sense, but play the way you want. Survivors think they have the right to escape just because the fifth gen pops, the match doesn't end there.

    Me, on the other hand, if the killer camps me when the gates are opened, I always say GG, there was nothing else for him to do. I also side with the killer when someone else is trashing him because of that. That's part of the game design, there are literally no more objectives for him to do, and there's a chance he can snowball one or more kills. I have done it, I've even 4k from 1 hook and 3 survivors alive and healthy a few times, two at least that I can remember... There's literally no other objective and no incentive for the killer not to camp, other than feeling bad or don't wanting salt at the end of the game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Well, I used STBFL to quickly down a Bill. He quit and went on a racist rant about me and my family.

    Turns out, Xbox doesn't stand for racism, so he got permabanned.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Being Laurie strode gets a killer to tunnel everytime don't know if they were pissed off but I was

  • BabyClaudette
    BabyClaudette Member Posts: 109

    I tapped a Thrill Of The Hunt totem so the killer would keep getting the notifications as they were chasing people.

  • PfoxandtheHound
    PfoxandtheHound Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2020

    I played Spirit.

    Today I had a Bill use the combine harvester trick on me to jump off the top hay bale onto the side hay bale and dead hard across the gap to land on the ramp to really bamboozle me. I used the lunge attack from the ramp onto the side hay bale and slapped him down at the vault as a response to him trying to get fancy. DC domino effect proceeded to happen when I went to pick him up and downed the wanna be flashlight hero Jake.

  • Legionmain0517
    Legionmain0517 Member Posts: 34

    This wasnt necessarily me but rather a boosted Claudette that just decided to run ahead of me in a chase, and throw the pallet in my face before I could get through. Needless to say, I went down and I was not happy about it.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2020

    as survivor: i once spawned next to ruin and cleansed it immediately, the killer was myers and he was approaching me, but i got it cleansed before he could get to me. then he just DC'd.

    then one match me and my friend were using head on, the killer was a bubba and whenever he chased me, my friend hopped in a locker and stunned him as i run by, and when she was being chased i did the same. and we both stunned him with head on like 10 times on that match. when he got my friend down i flashlight saved her. then i went down and my friend head on saved me as she was in a locker next to me. that was insane :D well, then i finally got hooked by NOED and bubba facecamped me, hitting me on hook and nodding. sadly i was the only one to die, but it was a fun and insane match XD after the match he rage messaged us a bit..

    as killer: i was playing freddy and decided to try out a slugging build. i think i used forever freddy add ons and as perks i had knock out, thanatophobia, sloppy butcher and ruin. so basically i was being kinda toxic and created a really boring match for survivors. and when i got a down i just left them on ground until everyone was downed with 4 gens left, then i hooked 2 of them, one bled out and one DC'd. you can imagine the hate messages i got after that match..

    also one match as ghostface i had ebony mori and OP add ons where i expose people insanely fast and cant be revealed easily. i exposed them mid chase as they were looking straight at me, hooked everyone once and then i started slugging :D when they were finally all downed without getting up with unbreakable, i tbagged and mori'd them one by one. i know, i'm a horrible person. claudette already told me that very clearly :D

    don't get me wrong, i'm not playing like this every match! just when i feel like it for some reason

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Was on a smurf account (before anyone freaks out, im doing the no perks, solo challenge) and on the game map against a wraith that was kind of struggling. End game comes and the random drops a pallet (the one between two shipping crates at the gate) and starts spamming and teabagging. I blocked her in so the wraith could get a free hit at least, but the meghead runs away from the exit and goes down... I left. Don't be toxic especially if you did nothing

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    2 things, playing as a survivor, and the second one is playing as a killer, 2 days ago someone sent me a few hatemails on PSN because the maps were survivor sided even though the game itself chose those maps, no offering.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    That's not my experience with Xbox. But if you want to believe that...okay...sure.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    As Survivor:

    Pulled off Using Red Herring + Alert Combo, and Mettle of Man + For the People Combo in one match, RH+Alert kept the killer distracted from the actual gens we were working on, MoM+FtP came in ridiculously clutch in the endgame to secure an escape for an ally and myself. The latter combo is very difficult to get to work, but makes killers rage so very hard at you in the post-game chat, and it makes you feel so accomplished when it works. As for Alert and Red Herring, its a no-brainer combo that works pretty well for not only wasting the killers time, but also revealing to you if they took the bait or not, which was proved surprisingly effective in my playtesting with it.

    As Killer:

    Play killer, win with 3-4k (especially against SWF groups), and the hate just flows in the post-game chat... you don't have to do much more than that really. The killer role is just a sponge for abuse that most survivors will go out of their way to bully, so if you play it and do good, you'll piss off hoards of survivors without even trying to on purpose.

  • Anevian
    Anevian Member Posts: 47

    Ran a wraith for 4 gens. After he hooked me he cloaked and camped. I get unhooked, rescuer takes the hit, but he's only got eyes for me. Run him for about 45 sec then jump in a locker. He opens it so I hit him with the ds into head on/fire cracker combo at the same time as the last gen popped. Immediate DC.

    Good times.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Yeah you're EXACTLY the kind of survivor I'd love to have on my team...bravo...well played...bravo.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    There are so many things that piss people off in this game. Finding an hex at the beginning of that match and destroying made me get face camped until death, for example. Even just playing well and managing to loop the killer for a few minutes will totally piss off a lot of them, to the point they make it their mission to down me and camp me to make sure I die.

    As far as pissing off survivors, well, anything a killer does can piss them off, really. Sometimes, playing as a survivor what pisses me off most is not the killer, but the other survivors. Running to my gen, fixing for 2 secs, blowing it and running away is something I hate.

    Also, selfish survivors. 2 days ago, me and another survivor were the last ones alive. I fixed the last gen to 85% and then the killer chased and hooked me. The other survivor finished the gen (she was hiding near while I fixed, I had waved at her to come help me, but she ignored me) and saved me. The killer came and chased me again. After some time, I managed to get away and heal. I was hoping by that time the other survivor would have at least tried to open a gate, but no, she was sitting on the hatch and pointed at me to go try open the gate.

    I was chased, hurt, had time to heal and she didn't even try to open one of the gates, not even a little bit. I lost it. I used a locker near to make noise, ran away, killer got to her, downed her, I opened a gate and escaped while she died. I had no problem if she wanted the hatch, but just not doing anything and expecting me to try to open it and being chased again, while she just hid. Nope, I wasn't going to take that.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I run NOED since the Ruin nerf. The salt is heavy when the survivors are healthy happy and butt dancing around me and SUDDENLY 1 hit downs galore. God damn, I never get tired of them acting like NOED is an awful and unfair perk, especially when they are all running DS. :D

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Not awful just a perk for the unskilled who can't get kills any other way. I run detective's and make it my mission to destroy every totem on the map. So pleasing to wipe up all the totems and the killer have noed.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    How so? You started saying that it wasn't your experience, then you implied that I was simply wrong.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I can tell you from my own experience (and being com banned 38 times) that they don't really permaban anyone. You'd really have to cross some line that went into actual criminal law violations for them to do that. In the past when it seems an actual person reviewed the reports I'd get com banned for 14 days. Now it seems it is done instantly...they report you, the software checks the "naughty" list to see if the word is on it and if so...banned for 24 hours (it is usually for some odd amount of time like 27 hours and 53 minutes or something but usually they knock off a few hours at the end so you never really serve you whole sentence...just like prison ). So yes I am highly dubious that anyone got permabanned for using racial slurs.

  • LifeQuestions
    LifeQuestions Member Posts: 26

    Looped a Freddy for 5 gens (tunneled) because he didn't like Claudettes with the red L4D shirt and flashlights.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited March 2020

    Hooked Survivors in the basement.

    On Wreckers’ Yard, while they were inside the shack.

    And doing nothing but clicking their flashlights while I was standing at the window.

    And I was Deathslinger.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I get your just baiting me, seeing your name, your comment on your constant bans and how your treating others personal experiences and decreeing them untrue or wrong...but I’ll bite anyway.

    NOED is no more for the unskilled as DS is for survivors. Oh you couldn’t escape the killer? Guess your bad. What? Killer would tunnel you to death if you didn’t have it? Learn to git gud lol.

    Late game perks are fun, in my experience (which you’ll probably disregard) if I challenge or beat the survivors too hard/early they all first hook suicide like lil babies so...