Things are too bad now days

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

Really, this game already had a good time, now it's disgusting play , bhvr just nerfs killers, the game have more bugs than scripts and a ton of things are broken as consequences of other stuff(matchmaking). Also there are things like the DC penalty that makes no sense in my opinion and it's kinda boring, a example of what I am saying is when the killer just slugs you and you need to wait your while life until you die and can get another party, sometimes it takes more time than just DC and wait the penalty.


  • TheEdMaverick
    TheEdMaverick Member Posts: 101

    You can say "nerfing killers" but it's very much If the killer is good or not. When two opposite sites fight someone gotta lose, of course, but it deppends almost from your skills, If the other team is good too then there's tense and it makes the match more distracting and spicy. Nowadays there you have green, yellow killers who need to camp or tunnel because survivors do gens and they feel like that's the best choice wich is a mistake because you don't learn and play the game how it is supposed to be (you have more chances to win If you don't camp), so I'd say it's the killers fault to put the match in that state and every lose you should have learned instead of raging or complainning.

    In my opinion, dc's are a good thing, there was more poeple dc's cuz they quit than the bad connections, they've said that they're trying to improve it to make it more fair

    Lesson: don't camp or tunnel, be a badass killer and try to defeat survivors by strategies and mindgames:)

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151
  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    the last whole patch was killer buffs. take your bias else where and get good

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    Red ranks are the worst for campin and tunnelin, there's legit no killers left that use mind game strategy anymore

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Well obviously red rank killers are going to be the most brutal ones for unfun tactics. The Ruin destruction made genrushing easy as hell. In order to actually stay at red ranks, you have to be mean as hell to compensate for gen speeds. I used to be a red rank killer with the old Ruin. Now I'm green rank because I care more about bloodpoints than pips and tunneling might ruin 4 stack BBQ for me. Also, if you're running into a bunch of campers amongst red rank killers, it's your own team's fault for flooding the hook every time somebody gets hooked. No killer stays in the red ranks by camping without reason.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    I'm over killers campin, and tunnelin, it's their choice how they wanna play, but u're guaranteed more bp's participatin in a decent chase and findin a survivor ect. if they want to play a borin game so be it, but there is other perks to slow gen speed down like corrupt intervention or thantaphobia so in reality killers have no excuse to camp and tunnel like they do, and personally i rather get more bps than keep a rank, I'm happy with havin 54kaii bps with Bbq&Chilli along with distressin, but each to their own play style

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,363

    It’s definitely not fun playing killer anymore

  • TheEdMaverick
    TheEdMaverick Member Posts: 101

    "you have to be mean as hell to compensate for gen speeds" Well, yes and no. When you chill and play you will be facing a bad killer or a good one, it things get worse you will be angry or have learned something, both cases will make you more though and won't be nice in the next matches. If you play survivor there's good killers that get 4k 'cuz you ######### up or the teammates didn't help at all and as the killer you will get gen rush, teabagged (I consider these things as negative thoughts), any side have empatty for the other one, that's why I feel like it's a race where you need to be first or get bullied (I hate toxic people). What I do its congrats the killer If he won or us, you know, the effort they put its admirable:)

    pd: yes, i am "bad" person for play killer very good, but since its the objetive people just piss off because they didnt create any chance, instead they make the situation worse (like not heal, fall for a mindgame, etc) but when I lose I accept it and tryna be better

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    No it really isn't, I've been FL flicked, tbag, blocked in by all 4 survs, perhaps what made killers so brutal in a change of gameplay, ngl many times i wanna tunnel the crap outta someone that's bein toxic