Would you be fine with Springtrap in DBD?

Semimatic Member Posts: 162
edited March 2020 in Polls

If I were asked awhile ago, I would say no to the idea. However, now with FNaF going in a much mature setting and it not relying on cheap jumpscare tactics anymore, I would be fine with this once the new game this Summer comes out.

I mean, the latest project has a ton of popularity and impeccable reviews on Steam. I believe he's working with the same company who made this for their next game, which involves a literal cult and such. I'm not too knowledgeable so correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure the creator is known to be lenient with licensing and I think he'd be fine with changing up the designs a bit as well.

(Here's the other reference image, it wouldn't let me post an image of it: https://www.deviantart.com/misterfab1970/art/Stylistic-Springtrap-Render-686826438)

Would you be fine with Springtrap in DBD? 214 votes

Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.
BossMrDrakanatorAdelooFrenziedRoachVolantConch1719MiriamGSpacingLlamas[Deleted User]TekachikaMrCandyKillerInnCognitoMegMain98blue4zionSblitcherJacoby2041KilligmaJotaNekoGamerXFog_Kingmichaelmorton 129 votes
No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.
GibberishEsskaySeiko300AcromioCheersSlaughterhouse3TapeKnotF60_31Doctor_GrizzDimekDeadbyDeathGardenPaces007OmegaCTHFunchalxEaWalker_of_the_fog_96RullisiTaigaAvilgusDr_Loomis 85 votes
Post edited by Semimatic on


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    When people answered the question "Which animatronic would you want from fnaf" and the general consensus was (despite people not particularly being a fan of the idea) that when pressed to choose an option people chose springtrap, that doesn't mean people actually want him in the game (although some really like fnaf but I feel that's more bias due to being a fan rather than objectively thinking who would fit in the grand scheme of licensed characters).

    Basically, it's a lesser of two evils type of situation. The withered, rotted, decayed aesthetic of Springtrap would be the best option out of all the animatronics, like fuzzy original ones from the first game or the exaggerated nightmare ones (that technically don't exist from what I know about fnaf lore) from the fourth. But that doesn't necessarily translate to being an actual good option. Just the least-bad option if that's an easier way to think about it.

    At the end of the day, I won't lie the mystery behind Fnaf have captivated a large fanbase and I won't lie it's a decent horror story if you look into it. I just don't think it's fit for Dead By Daylight and regardless of how "large" (which is a subjective term dependent on context) the Fnaf fanbase is it pales when compared to the recognizability of the characters Dead By Daylight has been seeking out thus far. Legendary characters like Myers, Freddy, Ghostface, Leatherface, etc. and there are still a few equally legendary characters out there like Pennywise, Pinhead, Chucky, the Xenomorph from Alien, The Thing, hell even the Predator.

    I would be very disappointed if one of the animatronics from Fnaf took away time, resources, and energy away from the devs if they had the opportunity / chance to pursue and bring to life one of the characters mentioned in the list above. When all or most of those characters have found their way into the fog years down the line and DBD might look into seeking out lesser known licenses or characters from other video games? Maybe, until then it's a hard pass.

    And ngl even the original chapters put up serious competition toward a character like springtrap. I would take the Deathslinger 10/10 times over any of the animatronics even the "least-bad option"

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    He'd be a copy of Legion as Springtrap is purple guy, a murderer with a knife. He'd be running around with his knife. Maybe he'd be able to hide in lockers with like a Head on effect? Also, people were asked if a FNAF animatronic was put in DBD, which one, not "Do you want FNAF in DBD."

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    The "Purple Man" would not be the one considering adding. Springtrap would be it if you refer to the images, so it's not someone running around with a knife. Not discrediting your opinion, but I'm making sure the right question gets across!

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    But Springtrap in FNAF is the Purple Guy. During FNAF 3, Purple Guy, or his actual name, William Afton, jumps into a Springlocked suit to avoid the ghosts of the kids he murdered. He moistens the locks and they spring, trapping him inside, making the suit a "Springtrap." In FNAF 3 you can see his organs in the suit during his jumpscare and him appearing in the hallway. Not to sound harsh but some research would do you well as your skills in arguing/debating is good and having the correct information will help you sway the right people.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    This is an awesome marketing image. I'd say this was real if I was none the wiser to this post.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Thanks @DeadbyDeathGarden, I actually made it and posted it on the Reddit! It got a ton of positive reception, hence why I made this poll.

  • DeadbyDeathGarden
    DeadbyDeathGarden Member Posts: 117
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    Good image but imo, Idea that's been put up alot before

  • coffeebot99
    coffeebot99 Member Posts: 8
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I say yes because the mori could be sick and same with abilitys and perks mabey he could be a stealth killer because he would be bulky and u have a different idea for survivor it could be a older crying child

  • BirdFlox
    BirdFlox Member Posts: 27
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    yes, i do think that springtrap could work. he has a design that's not too hard to fit into dbd (especially if it's tweaked a bit) and there have been very cool killer concepts on the dbd subreddit for him. having an animatronic killer would make for some cool variation, but it's also not strange enough to be too far out there, as there is still a human corpse inside. i doubt it'll ever happen, but there's a movie planned, so who knows.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Looking back on this, I truly think this comes down to if the character is executed well. As someone who has been part of both of these franchises for multiple years, I know that each has grown and FNaF is no exception.

    FNaF fell into a pot with young kids obsessing with thriller/mild horror indie games, and at this point and time, seems to have gotten out of that pot. Though the younger audience may still remain, it is definitely a minority. The majority seems to be teenagers and older, and though that may not be reassuring, look at the Stranger Things chapter. It's specifically aimed for teens and up as well (TV-14) and well, a ton of teenagers and up watch it. That doesn't mean that some younger kids don't watch it, but that is a minority of people who watch it similar to FNaF.

    A concept of this I came up with on Reddit got around 1.5k upvotes and rewards for Springtrap as a character, and it made me notice that it's not the character itself that's bad, but the fear of the execution and younger parts of the fanbase that may follow. Nobody wants some goofy unfitting animatronic moving through the Entity's realm, but it can fit well if it's retextured and slightly redesigned. Furthermore, the Demogorgon doesn't fit that well either, but it still works.

    I think that a character like Springtrap would work well and play on many fears as well, as @BirdFlox said, it's unique but not too out there. A clanking abomination of a rotting corpse and metal would be terrifying to hear across the match and to see and hear approach.

    TLDR: A FNaF x DBD (specifically Springtrap) crossover could totally work if it was executed well.

  • Epicu2
    Epicu2 Member Posts: 46
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.


    but I would be fine with him in the game though.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited June 2020
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I agree. I just wanna see something refreshing. That’s why I loved the Demogorgon, because it’s completely different that all the other killers. The entire roster are just humans. I wanna see some beasts, monsters, creatures, robots, etc...

    But as you said...it would have to be executed well.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    For me, the FNAF lineup works because they're based around jumpscares. FNAF in general relies on the atmosphere to prep you for the jumpscare, and then the jumpscare. DbD doesn't have that atmosphere, so I just really feel like they'd be out of place. And if I see an animatronic strolling around at 4.6 m/s, then it's not like I can be jumpscared by it at that point...

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    i said yes love the franchise think the dev could make it work.

  • AwesomeBird707
    AwesomeBird707 Member Posts: 4
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I think that Springtrap has a great potential for DBD. Also the thought of being able to hunt down survivors as my favorite horror character thrills me. Even if he didn't come with his own chapter, I would simply enjoy getting the opportunity to play as him. I also think it would spice things up for the killers and make more variety for mostly human killers.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    At this point it couldn't hurt to add him

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    It's horror. Horror that is well known, and there's always mixed feelings on the licenses. Not impossible honestly.

  • AwesomeBird707
    AwesomeBird707 Member Posts: 4
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Hey Semimatic, maybe you should try reaching out to some DBD streamers to build popularity for this poll. I'm sure many of them would love to see this become a reality.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    Anytime someone mentions FNAF coming to DBD, I ask myself what is going on in their mind. It would be such an unoriginal and boring idea.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Man I hope they bring him into the game at some point. With the Robbie the Rabbit Legion skins, there's no excuse not to tbh. Springtrap is way spookier than those.

  • ChaosJack
    ChaosJack Member Posts: 1
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I wanna him to use his jaw to bite the survivor for a basic attack instead of a knife.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I don't particularly want him, but I'd be fine if he got put in.

  • Gommwaffel
    Gommwaffel Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I would be OK with him, because it would be interesting how he looks like in DBD, besides he doesn't needs a knife, maybe something else or not be like the legion.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    all comes down to execution, but he currently is number 2 on my wanted list (No. 1 is Jason)

    as long as they do him justice he'd be great.

    now to cover some common arguments

    "FNaFs a kids game" well yes and no. the fanbase used to be made up of a lot of children (and there still are some) but that has gone down. even then, the games themselves are not for kids (anymore, yeah the first couple were pretty much for kids). example: Help Wanted. young kids should not be playing vr, let alone a horror game in VR (plus it's actually pretty scary at times, I highly recommend it). and may I remind you the entire franchise is built off of child murder?

    "He wouldn't fit" he is the rotten corpse of a child murderer who died from springlock failures (or in other words, having various robot parts quickly and brutally being impaled into the body of whoever is inside, which causes a painful and slow death) because the ghosts of the children he killed haunted him which made him put on the suit with said springlocks to try and defend himself, only for it to kill him. then 30 years later he is reanimated as springtrap. that's much more complex than say trappers backstory (not counting archives) whos basically "daddys boy kills some guys before getting yoinked by spider god". lore wise he's perfect for the job (as for appearance wise, look at his fnaf AR model. yeah that'd fit.)

  • Kagato
    Kagato Member Posts: 27
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    There's no reason to believe a FNAF character couldn't work in DBD outside of bias against the series. I'm pretty certain the devs are creative enough to figure out how to make it work.

    Personally, I'd have simply chosen Freddy Fazbear himself, but considering Springtrap is the actual FNAF killer lore-wise, I'd be fine with him. I like the idea someone came up with earlier about being able to hide in lockers to make use of the "Jumpscare" mechanic.

    I would love to see a FNAF chapter. Pyramid Head opened the door to licensed killers from video games after all.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    No fnaf plsss

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    The first picture reminds of something but I can't put my finger on it...

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138
  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    yes. Dope fish + Big Chungus.

  • BriccsMe
    BriccsMe Member Posts: 5
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Springtrap would be perfect in every way for me. The only real problems I could think of would be what his weapon would be, his Mori, and if he is still gonna sound as a mad British guy in his stun and hit sound effects. But his power, perks, add-ons and skins could all be thought up really fast and they all could be really cool. But for a survivor? Hell no. They could make the security gal from the new game the survivor but that probably wouldn't fit right and I don't see Jeremy, Fritz or Micheal being in the game

  • ScaryCat
    ScaryCat Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2020
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    I love all the ideas players have about this unofficial chapter, but it doesn't seem to fit in DBD... It's like FNAF is a different genre than DBD. It's more about jumpscares and the atmosphere. FNAF's "killers" don't chase the player, they just sort of scare them. I hope this makes sense. 😂

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    you act as though DbD is scary. it's only scary when something quick and startling happens and sets off your adrenaline.

    so a jumpscare.

  • VoidAether
    VoidAether Member Posts: 15
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    yeah but what would his ability be

  • ScaryCat
    ScaryCat Member Posts: 49
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    It's definitely the chases for me, not jumpscares. Those are rare.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    All the way, yes. I hate how people overlook how much FNAF has brought to the table when it came to survival horror. It was one of the games that renewed interest in the genre and I respect Scott Cawthon as a developer. Springtrap would fit in perfectly and would even challenge DBD, which is something it desperately need

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Maybe the lady from the novels, she'd add a pretty interesting dynamic. Springtrap's mori could be a jumpscare, that'd be pretty fun lol

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I would be ok with it.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    I find it interesting that you put "killers" between quotation marks. Because the FNAF killers do, in fact, kill you. No quotation marks needed. You know that you die when the animatronics jumpscare you, right? Just checking to be sure because there's so much misinformation about FNAF being spread by FNAF haters that I wouldn't be surprised if people actually believed that the animatronics just jumpscare you for the funsies and then pat your shoulder and laugh with you.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Is...Is this a constructive FNAF discussion where people actually talk to the other instead of spamming the same tired arguments and insults? Its beautiful.

  • ScaryCat
    ScaryCat Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2020
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    They are killers, but from what I noticed, in FNAF games, it's not about them killing the player, it's about surprising/jumpscaring them. I don't know if there is such thing, but I've never seen a FNAF character kill the player on screen. That's why I put quotation marks between that word. Because my intention was to point out how little I think FNAF characters would fit in DBD's KILLER section. Calling them killers directly wouldn't help me with that. I should have just used characters instead...

    But knowing as little about FNAF as I do, I feel neutral about it. So it was not an insult or a hateful comment.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    few Fnaf players would turn to dbd, and few dbd players would check out fnaf. From a business standpoint, it's a terrible decision.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Like It, or Candyman? Those are just as unoriginal, tbh.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    Technically, Bill from Left for Dead did that first, but PH gave more serious thought to it. : P

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    I think putting springtrap in DBD would be pandering to an under age demographic the game is rated M not T

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    No, Springtrap would not work in DBD.

    I don't want IT either.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    Yes, Springtrap would be fine in DBD.

    This is my opinion as well. It'd be cool. There's plenty of FNAF fans who'd rush DbD and buy a lot of #########, so its even a smart move marketing-wise to add Springtrap to DbD.