That was my last game
Seriously. I see a person being unhooked and immidiately jumping on a gen.
But when i approach them again lockers are OP.
T-bagging 4 david squad with DS DH BT And Adrenaline.
No chance at all.
Fractured cowshed was the map, pallets everywhere.
Grabs getting cancelled.
Toxic gg ez messages post game.
Nope im out. Im a rank 1 killer on ps4 and theres too many bugs that punish killers.
Theres too many broken mechanics that reward survivors.
I play for the pips, I never bring a mori because Moris only get you a black pip.
Hopefully the game gets fixed soon and i also mean moris.
Play survivor, there's no point in playing killer anymore.
After two years as a killer main, since the nurse nerf I moved to survivor.
Hopefully with predator and re resistance we will be able to find better games.
DBd as a killer is over
17 -
I find killer super relaxing and much less stressful than Survivor.
Mostly because every killer is sweating waterfalls KEKW
9 -
tbh 1,5 year ago i moved from surv to killer because soloQ is unplayable, and i play enough games on survs to be on purple (my sanity allows me to play only couple soloQ games per month) and now im playing mostly killer,
as wraith main with only sloppy as slowdown, never killing before 7th hook, am i red ranks? nah, do i care if i 4k? nah give me my bbq and bp
but ofc when i see some piece of .... surv that only runs infinite window or runs OoO i make sure he wont leave game, but aside from that nah
if youre telling me surv is more relaxing because you dont care if you survive why care about outcome of killer game,
but if you find holding m1 relaxing, give yourself 500h of holding m1 and you will change your mind
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Bye, see u tomorrow
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Because I define Piping as a win. As survivor I dont need to survive to pip, also toxicity from a killer is much more easy to take then the other way around.
As a killer in Red ranks I need 3 10 hook 3k to pip.
Survivor is way more relaxing because mistakes are not punished nearly as hard as a killers mistakes
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cool comment :) But I dont think so, I have other addicting games I can play
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That's the main problem of dbd. Depip squads dominate every killer and solos suffer under really sweaty killers.
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######### games happen. When they do just move on. Teams like that I just either learn what I can and can't do or i afk in a corner and playing animal crossing.
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"mistakes are not punished nearly as hard as a killers mistakes" those mistakes only makes you die and get camped/tunneled
+ imo most frustrating thing in soloQ surv is, randoms can pretty much ruin your game (and its pretty often nowadays) like not unhooking you, dying in literally 10 sec to wraith (its not uncommon to see random getting hit THEN drops pallet killer has enduring, random runs away from loop, then killer after enduring stun catches him in 5 sec) and so on.... afk randoms blending in corner when there is no killer nearby, selfcaring in corner vs sloppy legion, cleansing vs plague (even tho she has now 1 fountain base kit you still shouldnt cleanse when shes not using it xd)
just take your time and those kind of thinks in most games will make you regret your decision, unless you will just join selfish surv gang in that case you will just make issue bigger
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Loosing as killer = ranting about it being last game. Obviously youre not suited to play DbD.
2 -
If you meet a team like that, here's what you do:
1.) Slug them all
2.) Let them bleed out
3.) ????
4.) Profit
3 -
Please can you stop your crusade, agains killers I don’t know which rank and servers you are playing, but if you can’t see these problems then you got serious issues. You just comment something negative on killer posts. Literally like a 10 years old child...
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Its not losing that makes the game unfun. But empathy isnt your strongest abillity I guess, Sad life you have there posting comments like this
6 -
See you next week :)
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Just ignore their posts - Your life will be better without the vitriol they spew.
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I guess you are right... Had a rough afternoon in DBD and I saw the post
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Oh sorry you are right. Killers life is hell.
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I wouldn't hold my breath on Predator. Look up star citizen fps module, the Revival mmo, moving hazard (and whatever they changed the name to to get around its rep on release). Illfonic could program hello world in basic without a game breaking bug.
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you can prove the opposite. I gladly watch your stream.
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You really shouldn't blame survivors for using something that the game provides them with though. Of course you can play just like you want to play, just saying.
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Come back when you decide to 'git gud'.
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that guy always has something against killers,dunno why :/
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Oh no , not the "Toxic gg ez messages post game"! Just not THAT! Oh NOOOOOOO!!!
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Then why are you still here? Go play those games. Enjoy!
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Are these also ps4? Thanks
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One was an mmo that they sold player housing to fund, blew a bunch of cash, stopped development, kept selling houses, then the dev crew took what was left and went on vacation.
Moving hazard was in development for ages, launched a beta/early access, got laughed out of town by backers for how horrid it was. Then they changed the name, prettied up a few things, and released it as just as much a broken mess as it was before.
Don't think any of them are on ps4.
Iirc, they also made a terrible Sonic game that may be on Playstation.
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It Is ok, a lot of main killers stopped playing due to genrush, but Devs love survivors so you don't wait for a fixed to genrush because Devs and main survivors say that it isn't a problem... That are looking for what killer perk will be the next to nerf
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Haha, this is a funny post. Hold on, I´ll just finish this match and add another to my current 29 4k streak (all at rank 1, yes) and get back to you.
This whole discussion is getting very old. The game simply isn´t as black or white as a lot of people on this forum has it out to be. It usually comes down to two factors; you needing more practice or the general bad luck.
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bye, have a beautiful timee
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29 is a bit much but im a decent killer too.
The problem is that theres a huge difference between rank 1 survivors and rank 1 survivors.
Lets say the game would actually measure skill with ranks.
Then I should be like a rank 4 killer (top 20%) I dont know everything about the game, but I have understood what does what. Im able to mindgame etc.
There are survivors that you cant win against with certain killers. And I had a streak against people like this. Youll get send to haddonfield etc.
Its just frustrating. You have a game against potatoe survivors or a game against a super gen rush squad. Both games are not fun the first one being to easy and the second one unwinnable.
Also I play on PS4 at night. which is the best time for hardcore squads.
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Do you really care about your rank? It means nothing at all. If you want rank 1 you just spam legion and stab everyone and pip even if you don't kill anyone.
Me? I am sitting solidly at rank 4-5, because I use mori's / tombstones / basement builds / etc every game and it's way better than trying to play nice so I can pip up.
1 -
I know all that, man, I just think it´s a bit extreme saying there is "no point" playing Killer. It´s just spreading a false picture.