Hey trapper mains

I just got finished with billy and unlike other survivors surprisingly i didnt level trapper as my first killer. So looking for build ideas. Right now im thinking DH agitation and spirit fury/enduring. Dh in some spots a simple trap is all you need. Agitation to spend less time on hooking and maybe get basement. And spirit fury enduring is obvious.


  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63

    Corrupt Intervention gives me some much needed time to set up some traps in the beginning.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454
    edited March 2020

    If you have all other perks, my go to build is Devour Hope, Discordance, STBFL & Haunted Grounds. If Haunted goes off early game, slug like hell, if it goes off while you dont know where anyone is, you can just use that time to set up traps while survs all play careful for a minute. STBFL, because STBFL. Discordance, because Discordance. Devour Hope is exchangable, but when a surv cleanses Haunted instead while DH is at 5 stacks, it always feels amazing.

    However, if you're not too confident, run Corrupt instead of DH, it's great on him for some free set up time & getting a portion of the map fully trapped up.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright are great, Devour Hope can force survivors to make mistakes in traps, the last perk for me is usually pop goes the weasel.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    My personal build is:

    1) Corrupt Intervention - this is probaply the most important perk. it buys you time at the beginning of the match, when you need it the most. without this, you will lose gens while preparing your trap setup.

    2) BBQ & Chili - this one really is just for the points. Trapper does not need that long range aura reading, so if you dont play for points, feel free to replace it with whatever you think would work best. My pick here would be Pop Goes The Weasel, as its just an insanely good pressure perk that lets you defend your gen setup better.

    3) Brutal Strength - get rid of unwanted pallets faster. its decent for saving time here and there, and since you're gonna waste time in normal chases, this helps out there.

    4) Monitor & Abuse - i really just like the TR reduction this provides, aswell as the FoV increase. this allows you to spot Survivors more easily AND sneak up on them. this can put survivors off of your location and confuse them, allowing for some early hits or them panicking and running straight into your setup.

    i know thats more of an uncommon build i run, but it works for me, so you can go and give it a shot if you want.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    In the current state of the game this is what I would run as trapper.

    1. Corrupt Intervention - Necessary for early game stall for trap setup.
    2. Save the Best for Last - Trapper is one of the few killers who can still down and hook his obsession without wasting stacks, making this perk particularly good on him provided your obsession steps in a trap or two.
    3. Pop goes the weasel - Even with corrupt you're going to need generator regression, pop is probably the most efficient, find a generator with decent progress and snuff it out.
    4. Surveillance - As you will be kicking with pop quite often this will let you know when survivors move back onto a generator you've kicked, it also makes 3 gen defense significantly easier.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I use Infectious, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Sloppy. I can swap Sloppy for PGTW if I use the mangled addon.

    I'm not a particular fan of Corrupt on Trapper. If they pop a center gen or two, then that leaves three far gens I have to trek to. I'd rather them pop those far three and leave central gens for me to get ready for.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Here's a build I like:

    Spies From the Shadows

    Pop Goes the Weasel



    Not a beginner build, but it does create a sense of fear for the team and gives awareness when survivors think you're too oblivious. Spies is great all around, but one you can stop using later if you want, Pop is a great gen slowdown perk, Nemesis and Rancor is to have fun in the endgame (since gens will get done).

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    I usually run corrupt, stbfl, whispers/brutal strength/infectious, and surge/pop.

    corrupt and STBFL are really strong on him and I think they’re his best perks. Others you can fill in per your strengths as a player

    whispers is good for tracking and to let you know if anyone is watching where you’re trapping. Brutal strength or enduring is also great since you don’t want to respect pallets if people run to loops you haven’t trapped. But if you can win loops you don’t really need it. You want them out of those loops ASAP. Infectious is good for tracking people nearby and letting you know when to slug or not and you’re getting your STBFL stacks.

    I think you need one gen slowdown perk also. Pop is great but surge is also great and arguably better at defending a 3 gen. Depends on your play style.