Killers you hate playing against (Greatest to least)

Murdle Member Posts: 119

As a survivor, what's your 1 being most hated and 19 being the most fun killer to play against?

Mine is..


1. The Doctor.

* SPAM shocks you so you are NEVER able to use pallets or windows.

* Reveals everyone's location in a huge radius around him.

* Gives you "Hallucinations" that face you and give away your location. He sees these "hallucinations" too..

* Annoying skillchecks for everyone.

* No doing anything until you snap out of it.

* Annoying laugh.

Does he really need this much? He is literally a bug that needs to be fixed asap aka completely removed in the next update.

2. The Hag.

The embodiment of the words "camper" and "tunneling". Hooks someone, places 3 traps, proxy camps so they can instantly teleport back and tunnel whoever was unhooked.

Ofc you can crouch walk to avoid triggering traps but once you unhook, the traps STILL get triggered.

3. The Nightmare.

Puts you asleep every minute and the only alarm clock that wakes you up is on the opposite side of the map.

Yes, there's an alarm clock right next to you.. but that one doesn't work cause it's too convenient. You need to waste time going to the other one cause that makes more sense. Don't question this.

Let's not forget his ability to teleport to whatever gen you're working on.

No gens will be getting done against this guy.

4. The Clown.

Gotta love a pink elephant speedwalking at you and throwing bottles of gas that blind and slow you down.


5. The Trapper.

I like the ability to vault windows or drop pallets or.. walk.. without being trapped, injured, revealed, and ultimately hooked.

6. The Ghost Face.

"Tadaa!! You're exposed and I can 1 shot you now cuz I looked at you for a lil bit!"

7. The Cannibal.

With every "HURRRRR", he swings his chainsaw that 1 shots multiple survivors at the same time. Convenient tool for face campers.

8. The Legion.

Sprints across the map like sonic the hedgehog, hitting every survivor once and not committing to any chases. Randomly decides to hook a survivor after a gen or two gets done.

I don't think I like this killer.. cause I don't understand it.

9. The Deathslinger.

So if this guy shoots you with a harpoon.. And you manage to get a giant ass tree, wall or structure in between you and him, that doesn't instantly break the chain.

The chain just magically turns red and phases through everything as he still pulls you toward him.

Because that makes perfect sense, ladies and gentlemen.

10. The Wraith.

95% chance to get facecamped and tunneled.


11. The Hillbilly.

Running at the speed of light while holding a chainsaw. Blink and you'll miss him.

12. The Pig.

Hold on guys.. I have to get this ######### off my head before I die. Lemme just be completely useless to my team for a few minutes.

13. The Oni.

Demon dash.. Or demon bash. Whatever it's called.. The thing that allows him to sprint like The Flash. Then he hits the ground and that instantly downs everyone in the immediate area.

Yeah, I don't like that.

14. The Spirit.

My favorite killer to play, not my favorite one to play against however.


15. The Shape.

"TAAADDAA!! I looked at you for a lilbit now I can 1 shot everyone!"

16. The Demogorgon.

This thing hisses like a snake and dashes forward then smacks a pallet, breaking it and sending it to the shadow realm in under a millisecond as if it was built like styrofoam.

17. The Plague.

I don't enjoy being thrown up on but hey.. It's funny being chased by this thing that's literally puking on everything.

18. The Huntress.

Feels like this is one of the very few killers that don't walk at the speed of Quicksilver when he saves everyone from that explosion in x-men.

Actually balanced and fun to play against and trying to dodge the hatchets she throws at you is fun.

19. The Nurse.

Gotta say this is the most fun killer to play against. The most challenging to learn how to play and requires a lot of skill. I don't even get mad if the nurse ia amazing at the game and kills me. I say "gg, well played".

The amount of respect for nurse mains.

I wish I played against the nurse more often. Games against this killer seem to be more fun than others.

Anyways that's how I'd rank each killer from most hated to most fun. Would like to read how everyone else would rank every killer.


  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Mate the had is fine. I just press LT to crouch immediately whilst someone is unhooking me

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    That was a really long one.. Y'all can just put your most hated and most liked but it'd be awesome if you ranked them all 1-19 cause I'm interested to see everyone elses

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Bruh I mean I get it we both don't agree on our opinions on killer. Cool but that's not really the topic? Like the topic is more

    " YOUR most hated killers"

    And not so much

    "critique my opinions on killers"

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    In order from most hated to play against to least


    1. Freddy
    2. Billy
    3. Ghostface
    4. Doctor
    5. Legion (Old Legion was #1)


    1. Deathslinger
    2. Trapper
    3. Huntress
    4. Clown


    1. Spirit
    2. Pig
    3. Leatherface
    4. Wraith
    5. Hag


    1. Oni
    2. Plague
    3. Nurse
    4. Demogorgon
    5. Myers
  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    1. Spirit, hate playing her, hate fighting her, you shouldn't be able to mind game someone by standing still, that's just dumb
    2. Leatherface, I've dealt with very few of them but the ones that I do face are either really dumb or the camping/tunnelling types
    3. Huntress, Hitboxes the size of a Blue Whale
    4. Nurse, they're either trash or god tier, never in between
    5. Legion, nuff said
    6. Doctor, can be a bit of a pain but that's mainly down to RNG screaming and cutting off my vaults
    7. Trapper, random traps placements and RNG struggles (25% escape chance my butt)
    8. Hillbilly, if they're good they'll slug, if they're bad they'll tunnel, getting hit around corners and through pallets shouldn't be a thing
    9. Plague, mainly due to my teammates cleansing
    10. Myers, 99% tier 3 for a insta down is cheap as hell
    11. Ghostface, breaking him out of stealth is either impossible or braindead easy
    12. Pig, after all the RBTs are used up there is nothing they can really do
    13. Wraith, actually good mindgames
    14. Oni, can feel like BS when you get hit by demon dash but pretty fun otherwise
    15. Freddy, I make it my mission to stay out of the dream world as much as possible, so his power's never really screw me over
    16. Hag, the only character that can give me scares consistently anymore
    17. Deathslinger, feels fair and balanced in a chase
    18. Clown, I respect the people who play him despite him being complete garbage
    19. Demogorgon, he's too damn cute, I want him as a pet/plush toy
  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Hey some of our list is actually the same, nice!

    Just in case tldr, mine is


    1. The Doctor.

    2. The Hag.

    3. The Nightmare.

    4. The Clown.


    5. The Trapper.

    6. The Ghost Face.

    7. The Cannibal.

    8. The Legion.

    9. The Deathslinger.

    10. The Wraith.


    11. The Hillbilly.

    12. The Pig.

    13. The Oni.

    14. The Spirit.


    15. The Shape.

    16. The Demogorgon.

    17. The Plague.

    18. The Huntress.

    19. The Nurse.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Spirit, HillBilly, Crusty Cowboy. Most of them just proxy camp the hook and tunnel the second someone unhooks.

    Freddy, I just hate. He’s like a magnet to me, I turn my back and he’s there, I can never escape him.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454
    1. Spirit: I dont think i have to explain how... "interactive" she is
    2. Clown: Exactly the same as facing a 115 killer with no power, except the game just takes longer
    3. Plague: I run medic builds
    4. Billy: I have nothing against Billy, i just personally find him boring on both sides
    5. Wraith: Clown, but the game MIGHT go 2s quicker
    6. Legion: First of all, it's Legion, second of all, the only teammates i get are the survivors that think not healing is still a counter to Legion
    7. Bubba: See Wraith. Bubba isn't with Wraith as chest protectors always make funny games
    8. Freddy: Boring, but has some nice gimmick builds that are always a good change of pace(when you get someone who plays them)
    9. Myers: Freddy, but sans the "Boring" part
    10. Ghostface: Surprisingly i dont have too much of a problem with the reveal mechanic, i know the size & i played the ptb...jesus christ... the current reveal is an astronomical improvement. He's always as average of a game as you can get
    11. Oni: I just think he's neat
    12. Deathslinger: Have only played against him on the ptb, but it was fun
    13. Hag: Suspense, the killer
    14. Pig: It's always nice to play against your main, especially when it's a surv main at the helm. "You may know everything i'm going to do, but thats not going to help you, because i know everything your going to do... STRRRRAAAnnnge isn't it"
    15. Trap-Daddy: A good Trapper forces you to focus
    16. Doctor: His music
    17. Huntress: Always a back and forth when you're on an equal skill level
    18. Demi Plays: Not only is the roaring, a thing, but dodging a shred always feels good
    19. Nurse: Now i'm not the best looper, what i am good at however, are mindgames, making Nurse, to me, the most interactive killer in the game, which makes her my favourite to play against

  • Member Posts: 1,398
    edited March 2020









    7) Pig














    19)Clown the walking bug

    Post edited by on
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Most hated to least:

    Hillbilly: the entire Survivor community seems to not realize that virtually every Hillbilly is running BBQ, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Infectious Fright and as such 3/4 of my team are downed in under five minutes...

    Freddy: He's boring as hell to play as and against.

    Huntress: Because who doesn't like getting hit around corners that you've got about a ten step lead on?

    Leatherface: Do I HONESTLY need to explain myself?

    Pig: This one hurts for me to say as I'm a Pig main, but I hate taking on other Pigs because all of them tunnel the ######### out if RBT wearers and it makes. No. Goddamn. Sense. You have EFFECTIVELY removed a player from the game, allowing you to focus on the other three. WHY THEN do you focus down the player not presently capable of working on objectives?! *note I'm not say NEVER go after RBT wearers if an easy opportunity presents itself, merely that doing nothing but going after them just shoots yourself in the foot in the long run.

    Everyone else I can more or less either handle or don't mind.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946


    Freddy, screw Freddy, ill never forgive what they did to my boy!

    Ghostface purely because of the buggy revealing but eh hate goes a bit far.

    For the rest its fine, it just depends on the killers behavior and add ons used.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    1) Spirit: Very interactive Killer and definitely should still be in this game. /s Whenever I play with my friends (casually not tryhard SWF) a Spirit always has to ruin the mood. Not fun to play against. Not fair in the slightest either. A game against Spirit will always be the last one of the night. I have a feeling one day a game against Spirit will be my last game of DBD ever.

    2) Huntress: Mostly because of wack hitboxes.

    3) Hag: They all literally play the same. Walk away from hook to activate Make Your Choice then come back to hook.

    4) Doctor: Not strong but that shock is REALLY annoying.

    5) Plague: I like running heal builds.

    6) Freddy: Not bad to play against just played too much.

    7) Leatherface: They all play the same.

    8) Deathslinger: I have a feeling hes gonna be Spirit but without mobility. But he feels fair to play against ATM.

    9) Ghostface: Can be fun if the ghosty likes variety like I do, but most likely a boring game.

    10) Nurse: Either an EZ 4k or an EZ escape. But the mindgames can be fun sometimes.

    11) Legion: Depends on if my teammates know how to split up. Potential to be a fun game.

    12) Pig: Depends on RNG but a good pig is always impressive in chases.

    13) Wraith: Underrated Killer and can definitely be fun to go against.

    14) Oni: Feels fair but at the same time strong and I will have to try harder than I usually do. Chases are likely to be intense and exciting.

    15) Billy: Same as Oni.

    16) Myers: Always scary and never sure if I am safe. Feels like playing a true horror game against Myers.

    17) Clown: As a Clown main myself I love to see others play him.

    18) Trapper: Easily the best designed Killer in the whole game. Has counterplay as a Killer should, but the Killer can also outplay you if you aren't careful. Should remove RNG on trap escapes though.

    19) Demogorgon: Feels fair to play against AND is fun to play against. Many MANY good memories playing against him.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Ok I HATE to be that guy, but old Freddy was SO MUCH worse. Much like current Hillbilly, virtually every Freddy ran Ruin, NOED, Sloppy Butcher or Overcharge, and some random fourth perk, usually old Dying Light. Add-ons were generally instant sleep add-ons with some variation but not often. And unlike Hillbilly, he could not capitalize on things nearly as easily since he had to wait to be able to attack. He was significantly worse then he is now, but I will acknowledge he's a lot more boring.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Which is a trade off I was not willing to make, plenty of other killers fill that void of just being good.

    Old freddy was unique, fitting for the character, fun and weak-ish

    New freddy is generic and boring and strong.

    They had to just tweak old freddy with the million suggestions people gave and they threw that in a PTB to see if it worked, but instead they just robbed us of that character (we paid for btw) and turned him into this boring piece of crap he is now.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Seems like so far most the hated is freddy

  • BabyBubbaMain
    BabyBubbaMain Member Posts: 97


    1. Hag
    2. Huntress
    3. Deathslinger
    4. Freddy

    Don’t enjoy:

    1. Ghostface
    2. Trapper
    3. Spirit
    4. Clown
    5. Doctor


    1. Legion
    2. Wraith
    3. Plague
    4. Nurse
    5. Myers


    1. Leatherface
    2. Oni
    3. Demogorgon
    4. Pig
    5. Billy
    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Man, u basically hate every single killer

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    If it just comes down to their power:

    • Ghostface: its just broken to be unable to reveal him from like 2m away and instead getting marked OR reveal him through the whole map, not even knowing where he is.
    • Deathlinger: the reeling is super annoying, cause you cannot do anything against it + its ridiculous hits.
    • Freddy and Spirit: both are braindead to play and uncounterable.
    • all the rest is okayish

    If it comes down to how people play them:

    • Bubba, Wraith, Ghostface, Myers for obvious Zero IQ camping
    • Hag, Freddy for obvious (hook) tunneling
    • Onehit Down and High Mobility Killer (Oni, Bubba, Billy, Nurse, Spirit, Myers) with Infectious Fright for obvious easy slugging
    • Iri Huntress
    • Slowdown Freddy
    • Anti-unhook Doctor
    • rest is okayish

    For other reasons:

    • Demodoggo: It just shouldnt exist.
    • Plague for hard countering Med-Kits esp. after the Item add-on changes.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    You placed only 5 killers on "fun" category. What do u want me to say?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Most hated to least hated:

    1. Deathslinger
    2. Deathslinger
    3. Deathslinger
    4. Trapper
    5. Spirit
    6. Nurse
    7. All the rest
    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Wait with? Why is trapper on the list? I was a trapper main and when I play versus TRAPPER is pretty fun

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Because of paranoia. Every blase of grass is dangerous. And stepping into traps is a really horrible feeling.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited March 2020
    1. Clown. A good Clown cannot be looped, so the counterplay to his power is camping pallets. This not only creates an extremely boring and un-interactive chase for both sides, but it also means that if your team are a bunch of idiots who can’t hold M1, then you’re going to burn through all the pallets before the gens are done and you have about as much chance of surviving it as you do a Huntress with aimbot hacks.
    2. Spirit. Spirit is honestly just such a stupid Killer that I wish was never added. Nothing about her is fun to fight. Her entire power is a guessing game, she wins by having ears, and she barely damn needs her phase when the passive one she gets almost makes her better at being an M1 Killer than a 115. God, I despise her.
    3. Doctor. Don’t know why, but Doctors LOVE to sweat. And since I don’t run Decisive and my teammates love to farm without Borrowed, I get ######### because of it.
    4. Myers. 99’ing Tier III is annoying. Pocket NOED is what I like to call it.
    Post edited by Inji on
  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    Trapper and Wraith can go eat a bag of entity dicks. Other than that spirit is annoying and I dont really mind playing against the other killers.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Hate Deathslinger, Doctor, and Legion. I think preventing survivors from playing the game to some degree or another is unfun, whether it snapping out of it or deep wound.

    I don't really get the Freddy hate as much. Most of the Freddys I encounter are really bad. Many survivors don't bother to wake up for some reason. The game gives you multiple ways to wake up. You can literally wake multiple people up at once by failing a gen skill check. It's quicker to do that than to wake each other up manually. He has no chase power when you're awake outside of gen teleports that he completely telegraphs. Most of the time when I die to a Freddy, the team completely ignores every single Freddy mechanic. It's dumb. Dead survivors can't do gens and sleeping survivors can't loop Freddy all that well. Wake. Up.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    1.) Hillbilly

    2.) Doctor

    3.) Trapper

    4.) Freddy

    5.) Wraith

    6.) Myers

    Runner-up: Huntress, but only because of dedicated server shenanigans causing hits through walls, trees, objects, etc.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    edited June 2020
    • HATE

    1) Spirit - I hate trying to guess where she's going to pop up.

    2) Hag - Crouching to every gen and hooked survivor is a pain. It's even worse when your teammates are bolting through traps and getting themselves killed

    3) Pig - The rng traps are just frustrating and not fun. Knowing my luck, it's always the last or second to last box.

    4) Clown - Not really much to him.


    5) Legion - Mending simulator

    6) Nurse - Just not a fan of the guessing/unpredictable playstyle.

    7) Plague - Being vomited on is gross.

    8) Ghostface - Those exposed one shots, oof

    • DON'T MIND

    9) Deathslinger - He's alright I guess, tho when it comes to ranged killers I find Huntress more enjoyable.

    10) Trapper - Makes me paranoid of walking in grass or vaulting windows.

    11) Oni - Can be intense, especially during blood fury. I almost always get downed if they're pro at using it though.

    12) Huntress - Hatchets that missed you onscreen but still count as a hit are just the best.

    • LIKE

    13) Demogorgon - I love Stranger Things so I find the demo fun to play against. The chase theme is also epic.

    14) Wraith - Gotta love bing bong boi, especially a really sneaky one. Bonus if they're using the seeping hollow skin, as it's my favorite killer skin in the game.

    15) Bubba - Ignoring facecampers, I genuinely enjoy playing against a good Bubba.

    16) Doctor - I like the insane atmosphere and the effect it has on the player (hallucinations, fuzzy/reverse skillchecks, creepy sound effects etc) it makes the game more interesting for me. I also love his eerie chase music.

    17) Freddy - He's one of my favorite horror movie characters so I like playing against him. As long as you try to stay out of the dream world, you're good.

    18) Billy - Idek why I have fun trying to dodge a sprinting chainsaw boi... I just do. It's exciting.

    19) Michael Myers - I always love playing against Myers, especially a jumpscare one. Chases also feel intense because of his chase theme.

    Post edited by Owlzey on
  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    19) Spirit

    My least favourite killer. Not sure there’s much that needs explaining, I feel like this is a moderately popular opinion.

    18) Freddy

    Every time a killer slugs me and leaves me to bleed out in end game for no reason it’s a Freddy. A boring, unfun killer design that’s almost always played by someone with a chip on their shoulder.

    17) Nurse

    If she’s good you’re dead. If she’s bad the game is easy. I don’t really find her fun at all.

    16) Deathslinger

    A killer that downs people quickly but has no map pressure. Either the game is a horrible snowball with 5 second chases, or a 4 minute gen rush. Either way it sucks. Plus a lot of them wait just outside of TR range of the hook and then just tunnel right back, probably due to said lack of pressure.

    15) Doctor

    The constant screaming hurts my ears. All of the music and sound effects in Doctor matches annoy the heck out of me actually. I‘m not sure what the devs think they did to make him less annoying to play against because he isn’t.

    14) Plague

    Similar to Deathslinger, the nature of her power means you have to just slam gens as fast as possible since healing is impossible, early cleansing is bad, and you can’t waste time or be sneaky. Leads to either fast snowballs where everyone dies on first hook or gen rush.

    13) Clown

    The visual effects of his gas make me feel ill, his power is kind of boring, and the easiest way to play against him is just to run from pallet to pallet slamming them down early which is completely uninteractive.

    12) Wraith

    I don’t know why but I just can’t remember ever having a great match against a Wraith.

    11) Trapper

    A well designed killer, I just don’t enjoy him too much from the survivor side.

    10) Ghostface

    If his power wasn’t so buggy he’d be fine.

    9) Leatherface

    He’s fine if the person playing him isn’t insecure.

    8) Legion

    Legion’s fine now. Not great but fine.

    7) Hag

    I’m a former Hag main so I like playing against her.

    6) Pig

    I like most Pigs if they don’t tunnel off the hook. Her crouch mindgames are enjoyable.

    5) Oni

    Pretty fun. Enjoyable chases and mindgames. Only annoying if my teammates can’t survive longer than five seconds against him, but that’s not really on the killer.

    4) Billy

    Same as above.

    3) Myers

    His base power is great. Not a fan of some of his add ons but I love his design and enjoy playing against him.

    2) Huntress

    This is pre-dedicated servers. Hit boxes aside, I love chases against Huntress. Trying to read each other, pre-empting what you think they’ll do and when and where they’ll throw. Fun.

    1) Demogorgon

    Cute, fun, a bit scary. Idk I just like Demo.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I think a lot of people hate playing against him because he prevents you from playing the game.

    I mean he wastes so much of your time by making you have to wake up way too often.

    Waking yourself up by shocking gens is not good especially if you do it when everyones working on the same gen.. Ofc freddy is gonna see that and come hit you, put you back to sleep, chase everyone. By the time anyone gets back to working on a gen, they're back in dream state cause waking up from a gen actually wakes you up for less time than alarm clocks or friends snapping in your face.

    His entire abilities prevent you from getting any gens done.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited March 2020

    Everyone dislikes killers, but saying that a killer should be removed just because you don't like the killer is a bit extreme.

    This would be my list.

    1. Hag: not op, just don't enjoy her counterplay and going against her
    2. Leatherface: boring, weak in general but really good at camping
    3. Spirit: counterplay is mainly just a guessing game
    4. Nurse
    5. Trapper
    6. Clown: has somewhat boring counterplay and matches against him often just end in total gen rush
    7. Legion
    8. Wraith
    9. Plague: This is already where we get to killers I do quite enjoy at least a bit, though she has the potential to be boring if you don't cleanse, which sadly is often the better way to go
    10. Freddy: I do actually enjoy going against him, even though counterplay in chases isn't the most engaging
    11. Deathslinger
    12. Ghostface: Very fun when he works
    13. Myers
    14. Hillbilly: This is where we get to the killers that I really enjoy going against. Hillbilly has a lot of map pressure and can be deadly, but he also has very good counterplay in a chase
    15. Pig
    16. Oni: I just love how much one has to fear him whenever he activates his power, when he gets close it actually gets my adrenaline pumping like no other killer, which is why I love going against him
    17. Huntress: Dodging Hatchets has always been entertaining
    18. Doctor: he makes skill checks a bit more interesting and challenging, he can give you different afflictions that impact you in some way and make the match more suspensful, his chase potential is good and engaging, you have a small side objective of snapping out, and survivors going mad just creates a great atmosphere in my opinion, he has always been my favorite killer design and lore wise, I just love the idea of a Doctor driving humans mad and conducting unspeakable experiments on humans
    19. Demogorgon: Chases against him are just really fun and engaging, with a fair amount of counterplay, his portals are like a second objective to survivors and they give the Demogorgon good map pressure which makes more interaction with him possible, he just has multiple aspects going for him that make the match against him really entertaining

    The last few killers in particular are pretty interchangeable, I enjoy going against any of them a lot.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352
    edited March 2020

    I'm far to lazy to do all 19 so I hope a top 5 is OK.

    5 Is The Doctor. I hate this guy:(

    4. The Cannibal. Not because he's that hard to go against, more because 9/10 times he's a "One strike and you're out" kind of killer. If you get caught you're done as most LF's I personally meet just camp the hook revving they're saw.

    3. Legion. Eww

    2. Huntress. Especially players with skill I love a good challenge and good Huntress players always give me a good run for my money.

    1. The nurse. When vsing a good Nurse you need to be on your toes every second. I love vsing Nurse

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Most annoying:

    Doctor (his shock power is extremely annoying in every way. The sounds, the skill checks, the stupid snap out of it mechanic that you have to do.

    Oni ( they are all the same. They all have the same build. He is a killer that is purely built for slugging since you get punished if you dont. Yes lying on the ground majority of game waiting for a survivor to pick you up is really fun. How do people actually enjoy playing against him?)

    Leatherface (a killer built for camping. Although if the person playing him doesn't camp then he is fine but a majority of them do which makes games really boring.)

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    aight here we go


    2. Plague. killer iself is fine, but my teammates always cleanse, and i'm here, broken, about to get hot sauce shoved down my throat courtesy of rank 20 meg and vommy mommy
    3. Hillbilly. nothings getting done this game with him zooming around.
    4. Wraith. I can't see anything, so he's always on my a s s


    1. Pig. so sloooooow. I get that's her powers point, but when in a solo, nobody ever stop on gens so as soon as it's on, it may as well be activated.
    2. Doctor. The skill checks always somehow catch me off guard. especially the reverse ones.
    3. Oni. it's either a slug fest or a baby every time
    4. Trapper. I am a trap magnet, and all the loops around always seem to have a bear trap there


    1. Hag. Traps don't mean much when you can crouch by the hooked survivor
    2. Demogorgon. nobody ever uses his portals, and his shred is just extend-o-lunge
    3. Ghost Face. if you see him, his power gone. loop him if exposed. I always stay by powerful loops once I learn its a GF
    4. Deathslinger. His Gun isn't that powerful if you repeatedly swerve.
    5. Cannibal. What's there to talk about?
    6. Huntress. hatchets are interesting, but I never see their range used well. it's always miss if far, hit if within the range to lunge. they only get used at unsafe pallets when the killer is a lazy
    7. Clown. not enough data to settle this one.
    8. Nurse. I'm not at red ranks, so I never get them. when I do, they probably are just doing a daily or achievement


    1. Daddy Myers. A good Myers can make great use of his power and be actually scary while in T3,
    2. Spirit. I have a gambling addiction, so loops are fun.
    3. Nightmare. it's fun trying to play around his traps or guess which pallet is fake.

    boom theres my list now please let my family go

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I hate Trapper. That's really it lol.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    I don't really hate going against any killers but there are definitely some I have more fun with. These are not in order as I'm really not sure for most of them.


    Trapper: Definitely my least favorite. I'm just awful going against him and he can have traps right out in the open and I will be stepping on all of them.

    Clown: I also just can't do well against him no matter how I play and it tends to annoy me because I know I can do better. I just see the clown and I'm already going "Welp, I'm going to mess up."

    Freddy: I don't mind Freddy with a team that can try to play. With normal people you get in solo sometimes he is just awful. He has a lot going for him and you can't mess around much against a good Freddy.

    Spirit: Same as Freddy. When you face a good one, you can not afford to mess around too much and you better hope your team is doing something.


    Ghostface: On ps4 it seems like every Ghostface is laggy and can hit through windows a mile away. They also tend to teleport while looping and it ruins my enjoyment of the killer. When I face one that has a good connection then I enjoy it but as 90% of the GF I go against seem to have bad connections I get meh when I see one.

    Myers: Myers is a weird one. I do have fun with him but other times I don't. I'm not really sure why and it's more in the moment.

    Hag: Very close to being annoying. If my team is dumb, then definitely on the annoying side. She's so rare to see though that I actually get a bit happy sometimes when one shows up.

    Doctor: Don't mind him besides the frame drops on console.

    Wraith: Love playing as him, meh going against him.

    Bubba: If he's campy then boo but if he plays normal then yay!

    Oni: I enjoy him sometimes, I just don't want him a lot in one gaming session. Goes for any killer really.

    Deathslinger: Not really much of an opinion on him yet.

    Plague: Just meh. I have fun in some games against her but I'm never excited, I'm more like "Oh, it's a Plague. Neat."


    Nurse: Ton of fun to go against on ps4, good or bad. There's like 2-3 really good nurses I've seen and they're so much fun to try and juke.

    Pig: Very close to neutral. If she's campy then extreme meh on her but otherwise, I enjoy going against her and I don't mind the traps. Booping the Snoot is also fantastic.

    Billy: I have a lot of fun trying to dodge his chainsaw and the games are normally pretty hectic which is great. He can be annoying at times but for the most part I enjoy going against him.

    Huntress: Same as Billy. Good Huntress's are fun to try and juke out.

    Legion: Most hate him but I actually have a lot of fun getting chased and looping Legion.

    Demogorgon: Favorite killer to go against by far. He's got a little of everything going without being overkill. Good Demo's can end you quick and it's fun to try and fake them out. I also think he's the most balanced killer in the game and it leads to fun as against a good Demo, games can seem like they'll go either way.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited March 2020

    Hate playing against:

    Killers that are shameless play theses most often.

    19 Freddy

    18 Legion

    17 Spirit

    16 Plague

    Rather not play against:

    These killers cann easily snowball beyond return based on hook locations and map layout.

    15 Trapper

    14 Hag

    13 Doctor

    12 Clown


    Predictable play styles not much to talk about.

    11 Ghostface

    10 Wraith

    9 Leatherface

    8 Pig

    7 Huntress

    Enjoy playing against:

    Fresh powers variety of skilled players. Not much dull gameplay if these killers are on duty.

    6 Oni

    5 Demogorgen

    4 Nurse

    3 Mikey

    2 Billy

    1 Slinger

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I dislike going against hag + pig bc it makes me sad to see their powers used stupidly which is often the case. 10 traps in a circle around a hook, tunnelling RBT wearers and bad/no dash attack use, etc etc. Going against someone who plays them properly is excellent but rare.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    My top most hated would probably be (in this order):


    (Don't get me started on how much I detest this one killer)


    (You need to rely on your team to not feed him stalk. Solo survivor makes this very difficult)


    (I know he's weak but it just kinda takes the fun out of the game. No need to prepare yourself for mindgame just drop a pallet because you're slow)

    My favourite ones (from most to lease favourite):


    (I like him because it's basically easy loops if you know what you're doing but don't pay attention and he has an actual way to punish you being zoned)


    (Very close to bubba; I enjoy the challenge and if you mess up you get rewarded with a curved chainsaw whilst still having fun counterplay)


    (It's very tense just running around hoping there aint a trap where you're about to step).

    Honourable mention to pre-dedicated server huntress and non-ForeverFreddy™

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2020

    Hate playing against: FREDDY, Doctor, Deathslinger, Hag

    Like playing against: Myers, Demo, Wraith, Huntress

    i'm always really happy to see demodoggos. too bad i rarely see them as survivor.

    Everyone else is somewhere between

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    "2. The Hag.

    The embodiment of the words "camper" and "tunneling". Hooks someone, places 3 traps, proxy camps so they can instantly teleport back and tunnel whoever was unhooked.

    Ofc you can crouch walk to avoid triggering traps but once you unhook, the traps STILL get triggered."

    Imma stop you right there.

    If survivors can't grasp the concept of crouching it's kinda their fault.... No?

    And sometimes a trap gets triggered, i teleport, and start following scratch marks....then boom i find someone but tough luck it's the person who just got off the hook. The F am i supposed to do?

    Just leave, go back to the hook hoping to find the other person who is probably already gone? Next time crouch, realise its your fault and suck it up.

    Does it suck to be tunneled? Yes, yes it does, i try to avoid it but the word "tunneled" is used so often and do loosely that it almost means nothing.