Chapter idea: An urban myth (updated)

Killer: the nighT lurker
wears all black clothing including a hoodie, the killers face cannot be seen under the hoodie so it you can only see black with a pair of red eyes glowing. One hand appears to be burnt and a glove is worn over the other hand, bare feet which appears to be burnt and scarred.
a broken glass bottle
4.4 m/s
Terror radius
During the late 1980s, in the streets of London many young people started to without a trace, the people of London created their own idea of who or what caused the disappearances. Was it aliens? A gang of criminals? The government? There were many different theories and conspiracies of what was happening.
A legend started to spread of a man named Henry Hughes. who had a group of young teenagers roaming the streets outside his home, these teens were causing havoc: shouting, vandalising property and generally being a nuisance, he had confronted them numerous times all with no result. One day Henry was unlawfully fired from his job, this made Henry angry. That night Henry had decided to try and drink his troubles away but that night the teens had gathered outside is house once again. Henry had decided to leave his house and approached the teens. The group had thought Henry would once again attempt to talk to them to try and get them to leave but not this time, Henry didn’t want to talk, Henry was angry. Henry lifted the bottle over his head and smashed it over the face of one of the teens. The rest of the group fled whilst Henry stabbed the body of the unconscious teenager.
the next night Henry was once again drinking in his house. His wife and children were in bed upstairs. The night was quiet until a brick came flying through henry’s Window followed by a bottle of cheap vodka which was light at the end. This forced Henry out of house, running through the flames and broken glass. When Henry got outside he realised that his family wasn’t. He knew it was too late to save his family
In anger Henry walked away into the night
mothers would use Henry’s story to scare children into not staying out late at night or to get them to go to sleep.
a suspect was later changed for the disappearances and most forgot about the tale of Henry Hughes. a few years later more people disappeared and only those who remember know what happened to them,
The night lurker stabs both eyes of the survivor then releases them. He then throws the broken bottle at the survivor causing it to smash, the survivor falls to their knees, the night lurker pulls out a new bottle and breaks it over the head of the survivor.
The night lurker hides inside of lockers or chests and waits for the unsuspecting prey to come across his path
Behind closed doOrs
the night lurker can hide in a locker or chest
whilst in a locker or chest the night lurker’s terror radius is reduced to 24m (can have less or no terror radius with the right add ons)
the night lurker can lunge out of a locker or chest at the survivors
Nowhere is safe
when in a locker or chest the night lurker can teleport to other lockers or chests within a 32m radius (this can be changed with add ons). The night lurker cannot teleport to lockers that survivors are already in
trapped lockers and chests
if a survivor attempts to enter a locker or open a chest that the nightcrawler is in then the night lurker will attack them and the survivor will be put into dying state
Add ons
the night lurker’s addons will affect terror radius in lockers, distance the lockers that can be teleported to. A survivor that was in a chase with the nightcrawler will have there aura revealed. Survivors in lockers will be highlighted, the night crawler can hide in and teleport to gens.
Fueled by anger
your hatred to others makes your thirst for blood immeasurable.
every time the killer is hit with a pallet the killer gains 1 token.
each token gained increases the killers movement speed by 2% with a maximum increase of 6/8/10%
all tokens are removed after a survivor is put into the dying state
“Nothing will come of you fighting” - an old teacher
Drunk on power
those who think they are above you get sloppy
when a survivor completes a generator they gain the oblivious status effect for 20/30/40 seconds. The timer is paused if a survivor begins work on a new generator.
“As long as there’s a bottle in my hand and a smile on my face nothing can hurt me” - Henry Hughes.
Survivors start to wonder why they try so hard and start to give up
everu time a survivor completes a generator a token is gained
each token decreases the speed of healing, repairs,sabotage, cleansing and opening doors by 2/4/6%
“We no longer view you as valuable to the company” Henry’s ex-boss
Map: isolated City
a Metropolis with sky scrapers and a road with abandoned cars. Some of the buildings have smashed windows with no power until a generator in the tower is complete. Their is also a drug store, a bus and a killer shack at the end of a road. The basement spawns in killer shack or in the drug store. The bus will always have a chest unless a cut coin is brought. The doors resemble bridges that have to be lowered to escape.
New survivor: marcia santos
female, Brazilians white T-shirt , blue jeans, camera around neck, blue and white trainers, brown hair in ponytail.
marcia was born into a poor family in Brazil. Her family would often struggle to give Marcia food, water or an education. Marcia’s family would often resort to forcing Marcia to beg for food. One day Marcia overheard another young girl talki;g about their family’s trip to Mexico. Marcia asked her about it and the girl told her about the trip. Marcia found out the girls name was ana, the two girls eventually became close friends with an ambition to travel the world together as the 2 grew older Marcia got a job and ana gained a significant position in her fathers business. After spending years saving money the duo started travelling. They when all over the world: Budapest, New York, Helsinki, as many places as they could go.
on a trip to Moscow ana got confronted by the Russian mafia who did not like her father or his business. Ana fled before any harm could come to her. She knew she was being hunted and the only way to survive was to fake her death. So she became Marcia. She learned how to talk like her, dress like her and act like her. She became Marcia Santos.
she then lied to the Russian mafia saying that the real Maria was ana. This resulted in the death of Maria but everyone believed it was ana who died.
ana would keep her new personality for the rest of her life and became to much like Maria that it would even fool the entity. But blood never washes away and karma comes in many forms. On a trip to London her past would soon catch up to her and she would regret becoming Maria Santos.
New identity
you can change who you are by getting to know others.
every time you save a survivor from a hook you gain 1 token
for every 6/5/4 tokens you gain you regress 1 stage on the hook
new identity has no effect If you have not yet been hooked
“Ana’s death was a tragedy” - Ana Blanco
Say cheese
you share your photographs with your friends
the last 2/3/4 genorators, hooks, chests, totems or exit gates you interacted with are shown to all other survivors
say cheese loses its effect if you are inflicted with blindness
“Let’s take a picture so this memory will last forever” - Maria Santos
Camera flash
your photography skills are so good that they are deadly
camera flash cannot be used when exausted
when on full health and in a chase with the killer you can activate camera flash
camera flash causes the killer to be blinded for 2 seconds
using camera flash causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds
“Cameras are more than just something to take pictures with” - Maria Santos
I like the idea. But I don’t know about the name. I feel as if it could be better. Like. The Night Lurker instead of Crawler. And maybe try adding a survivor and this would be a decent chapter too. It could be called ‘Bottles Of Brutal Torture’. I would also tweak the ability of the killer as it’s not the best. Maybe he could hide in chests or maybe even generators. And when a survivor goes to work on it, he just jumps out at them. Also just for the extra touch, what if he doesnt have a red stain as another part of his ability? Also, because his name is the Night Crawler, what if, when u go against him, the map is night time. So cold wind farm at night. Do u get what I mean?
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I’m probably gonna add a survivor to the chapter later.
Ive put that the hiding in gens and chests are gonna be addons
and I think changing all maps to night would be a bit hard to code
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Love it! When does this chapter drop? 🙏
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This is only a fan made thing, it’s not an official chapter although it would be cool to see devs using more ideas from the community