Can we just remove Deathslinger's terror radius already?

It's useless asf anyway. Most people are playing him so it's the size of a palette when he aims down sights. Just take it off already and make him officially the stealth killer he is.

I'd rather just him be a stealth killer than have his music going in and out every time i round a corner/vault a pallet. And going into a jungle gym is hell on earth. if you're on one side of it and he's on the other you won't hear him half of the time. So likes just call this spade a spade and stop fronting like he's a club.


  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Sounds great but i dont think survivors would like it they already hate his small tr and low music now

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I main survivor (trying to play more killer currently) and I'd rather just have him be a full blown stealth killer.

    It's not scary it's annoying. Because hearing his terror radius means I have to waste 5 seconds of my life for him to attempt to reel me in while I don't struggle because there's no point because you have to mend either way and he doesn't get stunned like he should. Just got me to get a speed boost, skirt away, and get hit again outside his terror radius to get reeled in again, break the chain, get another speed boost, and rinse and repeat. The whole time music is abruptly cutting on and off.

    Maybe because I'm seeing too many Deathslingers and I'm honestly bored of them. IDK. But I'll take a Spirit over him. She's legit terrifying and fun to play against. With Deathslinger all of them play the same and you know what you're going go to get and how things are going to go.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Spirit is unbalanced piece of s*it without counter, how is it possible you like playing against her? I can not imagine that.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Oh, so I need to have perks to be able to counter one certain killer? It's bullsh*t and bad game design.

  • NotDingus
    NotDingus Member Posts: 6

    You can counter her without specific perks, you just gonna win the ''mindgames'' - Be aware of your suroundings and use them to your advantage.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Yeah it sounds more like you are just bored and annoyed of him. No need to really take away his TR and I do enjoy hearing it. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    lol The perks are built to counter different things. You do not NEED perks to counter killers but they certainly help. I mean I use Spine Chill Pretty much 100% and it lets me know when stealth killers and well any killer is looking at me including a spirit in phase mode. It helps me a ton so honestly every killer can be countered but some or much harder than others. Personally my most annoying killer to deal with is the Doctor.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    So if I don't need perks to counter killers, tell me how to counter Spirit.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Listen for her whatever you call it and personally I find it useful to run at her just like the nurse or jump through a window or something. You could also just play stealth. There is many ways but in the ways of perks you can always run Spine Chill. It is useful on every killer and is a hard counter on Meyers and Ghostface and Spirit when she goes POOF! lol

    You seem extra mad this morning, maybe have some coffee and then we can hug it out buddy. =)

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    He’s not a stealth killer. Did I miss something? Is he walking around with a suppressor on his weapon? Is he sneaking around like ghost face and pig? He’s a made up character you don’t know him! Lol

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    There is no spirit counter because you cant counter her rng-like playstyle. You go one way and she goes the other or she goes your way. Its random. Thats the point. You can't hard counter her without perks but you can greatly increase your odds of not dying if you play smartly. All the little things that people say to use is said for a reason. If you say "ohh a good spirit will still get you" well tough #########. Guess you got outplayed because she was good.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    YAY I like your response to this angry spirit loving hippy. You get a upvote for this lesson in tough love! =)

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Besides, he’s a ranged killer. They don’t need to be silent too. Where’s your head at sir? In the clouds clearly. Thinking about yourself. Just like all killer mains.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Back to OP tho, I like his tr the way it is. Maybe because I haven't been overexposed yet but it's still kinda scary.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    as someone who studies game design I'll explain most of the core mechanics of this game as far as balancing goes. it's actually really simple. but i'll extrapolate it and explain some finer details since you seem to lack a basic understanding of the game.

    level 1 killer with blank slate loadout beats a level 1 survivor with a blank slate loadout. This is fact. the reason this is fact is because the killer will always have an advantage in a 1v1 if the hatch is closed and the doors aren't powered. Killers can't die and there is unlimited time to search. so you're correct when you say you need something to win against a killer.

    But just because a 1v1 scenario isn't balanced doesn't mean the game isn't balanced.

    This isn't call of duty or hearthstone where both players are playing the same game. asymmetrical versus games are intentionally unbalanced in a 1v1 to punish one side for playing alone. you have other players trying to survive with you.

    So the option you have for beating a killer is utilizing numbers in a way that allows you to escape.

    and of course this goes without saying, but the game was designed to never have voice chat or survive with friends. So the question of how do I work with someone whom I can't communicate with pops up. And the answer to that question is completely up to the player.

    • You can work on generators together,
    • one of you can run the killer around in circles,
    • you can pick different points of the map and control that area,
    • unhooking a survivor doesn't have to be about making sure that player lives. it could just be a way to keep the killer from chasing you.

    thinking outside of the box, interpreting what the other survivors are trying to do and then doing something that allows you to escape is how you beat a killer. it takes a hell of a lot more brain cells to play a survivor than it does to play a killer. because a killer only has to worry about "where did they go"? as a survivor you have to keep track of the big picture and every little cog that is or isn't spinning to claw your way to a victory. the other players might decide to make you the sacrificial lamb for example because the killer camps. in that time they may complete 3 generators, find a hatch, destroy a totem, or open a gate. the reality is people try to make this a team based game, but it's not.

    you want to avoid dying by using numbers.

    • the best way to do that is to hide.

    hide from the killer and hide from your allies - the caveat is the other survivors will get pissed if you do this because they know you're trying to win at any cost and many times they'll throw you to the wolves.

    • the second option is to learn how to run away.

    this skill requires you to utilize the vaulting and pallet system. by default this tactic eventually loses. killers are just faster and you only have so many pallets.

    • the 3rd option is to repair generators.

    this is a combination of the other 2 and is more team based. you basically play the game straight up. this is what most beginners try to do and they often get caught because if the other players aren't doing gens this method takes forever. SWF players gen rush because it's the only way for everyone to escape and they're already communicating and agreeing to work as a team before the match starts.

    no matter what choice you make you have to realize that your choice may not be right for every scenario. if you're playing solo and 3 players are playing together you're more likely to die if you don't help them because they're not going to look favorably towards the odd man out. and if one person sees you hide in a locker then their whole party might think you're a left behind bill instead of a borrowed time bill. however, in a 4 man random game you might be better off hiding and waiting for the hatch while snagging a few objective points here and there.

    and that's really all there is to the base game. do you need perks to beat a killer? no. if the killer doesn't have perks you can still win a 4v1 game even with the killer being powerful.

    the perks are another layer of strategy just like items. perks are designed to change up game mechanics in order to reduce predictability. most perks are time extensions or reductions. some are vision enhancements. some are sound reductions. some are movement speed enhancements. because at the end of the day all you have as a survivor is movement speed, sight and sound, and a bunch of 0 to 100 bars that can be filled or emptied. all movement speed in the game is based on the survivor base movement speed.

    • for the average killer you need higher than a 15% increase to outrun a killer who isn't using their ability to sprint or in bloodlust. effectively making running pointless if you can't break chase or if you're using exhaustion perks. these are only good against slower killers on a reliable connection.
    • if you're not crouching, you can be seen across the map, but the average distance that a killer can see you is relative to the terrain on the map. the tree map for example has a much shorter distance than he suburb maps because there aren't any obstacles to block being seen around the boarder of the map or the roadway in the center. with that in mind vision range is based on the map. on complex low visibility maps it would be beneficial to have aura reading perks, but there's no way to tell before joining a match what map will be chosen. killers are typically large and colorful so they're easy to spot.
    • sound is all about how good the killer's hearing is, but sound notifications are either on or off. so sound is pretty pointless unless it mutes it completely. in the case of terror radius, it's best to not rely on it now with all the perks to distort or change it until you've discerned who the killer is.
    • 0-100 bars should be your primary focus. this is how you get points and how you complete things. healing, sabotaging, cleansing, chests, repairing, powering, unhooking, struggling, standing, dying, etc. all of these are 0-100 bars.

    that's really all there is to survivor perks. killers are kind of similar except the game is built on the killer's loadout so killers get to activate or deactivate game mechanics as a way to encourage certain gameplay. totems for example.

    • movement speed
    • action speed
    • 0-100 bars
    • gameplay elements (totems, regenerating hooks, obsession etc.)
    • vision
    • sound

    in any case killers are pretty straightforward and their perks are designed to counter strategies that are typically used to escape - so running, hiding, and repairing. or they help grant kills faster - exposed.

    in the case the case of the spirit - she moves faster, can't die, and can go invisible. so what's your counter to her you ask? her movement speed is slower than 4.6 for starters. so you can in theory just run her around the map if you have a 15% movement speed boost. even a 10% movement speed boost is enough to outrun her in most cases if you can break chase or get her to break a pallet. her ability makes noises when she uses it so you can tell if she's baiting you by standing still. when she's chasing in her ability she's following your scratch marks, blood, and sounds. so if you fast vault she can hear it, see it, and will hit you. when you hear her vanishing noise run back through the scratch marks you just made. heal constantly so you don't drip blood.

    if we're talking perks... well sorry to say this, but she doesn't really benefit from perks since her power is so bloated. you're never at risk of her totems unless she's using ruin and trap totems - and ruin isn't really that big of a deal if you aren't lagging. so that's two perks that are basically useless so long as your team isn't a bunch of idiots. rancor, fired up, and so on are for late game which if you get that far then you're going to lose a player if you're not in an swf. so really aura perks, movement speed perks, and her own natural vision are her best friend, but there are counters to those like distortion and lightweight. play with your food just requires you to heal after getting hit. devious doesn't work because of her entire kit trying to misdirect you with her terror radius bbq and chili requires she hook someone first and since she doesn't have an instant down like billy, trapper, or bubba it's inconsequential.

    add-ons are way more beneficial to the spirit than perks. and so she gets some pretty powerful add-ons. the add-ons are used to counter the traditional way people avoid spirit's ability. i mentioned a couple, but i'll repeat them. spirit can be countered by listening for the noise when she uses her ability. this is countered by add ons that manipulate the noise. walking slowly away from the scratch marks and double vaulting is countered by wakizashi or father's glasses, using sprint bursts and outrunning her is countered by massive movement speed add ons like the slippers. dead harding the effect or using balanced landing is countered by ability charge and reappearance. and so on.

    it's mainly about her add-ons and how you work around those. she's not broken. and it's not bad game design.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Firstly, I play killer more often than survivor and I have red rank on both killer ad survivor.

    Secondly, just because killers can be easily beaten by survivors it does not mean Spirit and her ability are not the problem.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    If I run back following my scratchmarks without Iron Will she can hear me. There is no way for survivors to detect where Spirit is when using her ability, but Spirit can hear survivors, so it is complete guessing for survivors what to do to avoid getting hit.

    Spirit is worst balanced character in the whole game and should not exist in current state.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    My only problem with perks being able to counter certain killers/tools are that survivors don't see what killer it is before the match. Lotta good it is to load Calm Spirit vs anything but Clown or Doc. At least killers get to see the four toolboxes and load Franklin's. Problem with that is if you let survivors see the killer, it would neuter many killers. I don't think that's the answer. The reason I state this is because I don't think perks are a solid way to counter any killer. It is a crap shoot as to what killer you get. Therefore I disregard anyone who says to load up a specific perk to counter a killer's power. That is a fail.

    As for IW countering Spirit, it only counters the bad ones. I can still hear you breath, rustle through the grass, etc. I have caught many an IW-using survivors by following the sound of their moving or breathing. If I load Stridor, it is even easier. Spirit is quite powerful in the hands of anyone that knows how to use her. Unfortunately, most Spirits I've run into, or seen in vids are proxy campers who waste her abilities, similar to many Hag players. Good Spirit and Hag players are chaos incarnate and impossible to predict.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    No thanks. If a killer wants to use up add ons and perk slots to be stealthier that's fine. There's absolutely no reason Deathslinger should just get all that for free so then he can use stronger perks and add ons on top of that. Your logic makes absolutely no sense.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    No, no, no OP. They need to fix his TR yesterday. I hate these stupid custom TR songs. None of them work properly. They need to stop with it until they can BLEEPING get it right already. I swear none of them actually play more than 1 match against new killers when testing.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    exactly either buff up the sound of his song like the huntress, increase his terror radius, or remove the custom song. the first 2 lines of this music is quiet asf before it tempos up. that's 32 notes and TOO long. his terror radius gives him such an unfair advantage.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    What does that have to do w my comment? I was referring to how killers HAVE to rely on certain perks to be able to compete.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    "if i run back following my scratchmarks without iron will she can hear me. there is no way for survivors to detect where spirit is when using her ability, but spirit can hear survivors"

    first off - the only thing that iron will helps with is grunts of pain. you don't grunt in pain when you're not injured. so why would you use iron will in the first place? People keep bringing this perk up, but it's completely useless. If you're injured you're bleeding. father's glasses makes blood visible. Scratch marks are pretty reliable. Sound isn't reliable. You can't outrun her when she phases. Standing in place is dumb. She's going to hear you fast vault or drop pallets and she can collide with you. Literally trying to play the anti-sound game is committing seppuku against spirit. A spirit player told you how to beat the spirit. That's laughable.

    secondly - using a perk as an example to counter a mechanic is literally by definition COUNTERING A MECHANIC.

    re-read the very first line of my post.

    level 1 killer with blank slate loadout beats a level 1 survivor with a blank slate loadout.

    Complaining about losing 1v1 to a killer as a survivor is like complaining about not being able to breathe underwater. If you get hurt get healed or heal yourself. outrun her after she uses her ability. Juke her while she's using her ability. rinse and repeat until everyone but you dies or the gates open.

    Third -

    complaining about a killer hearing you is literally stating that you don't like this game. the entire game is based on sound and sight as it's literally a giant game of hide and seek.


    however, setting aside my annoyance at your poorly thought out reply. allow me to give you some options that could be used to improve your experience as a survivor. Lightweight and mend make a lot of sense. use them.

    some other options are quick and quiet, calm spirit, solidarity, poised, dead hard, red herring, diversion (this one is entirely underrated due to all the meme videos), urban evasion, lithe, balanced landing, adrenaline, sprint burst, spine chill. etc.

    all of these are good. If your fear is noise then use diversion. why anyone would use iron will against a killer who can track you when you're hurt is beyond me. unless your goal is to be hit then you should never use iron will. even if you absolutely love iron will then just run diversion, mend, iron will, and lightweight.

    run backwards and throw your pebble at a window or pallet when the phasing noise happens.

    of course all this is assuming you know you're about to play against a spirit.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree with you and that is why I hate when people say things like "To counter Doc just use Calm Spirit", "Use Spine Chill for Myers". The problem is like you said. You never know the killer so you pick Calm Spirit and you get the Oni or Ghostface. The killers are right there are perks that CAN counter killers BUT you are lucky if you pick that perk and actually get the right Killer.

    You are also right that we should not be able to see the killer because then a good amount of people might just pick at least one perk to counter them hard. I also do not like that killers however can see our items and pick certain things and even the survivors actually. Most killers see certain survivors like maybe Claudette and can probably assume they will be using Self Care and Empathy.

    I use Spine Chill a lot and I will say it helps even against the spirit for me. It lets me know when I cannot see her but she is coming at me. It is not a perfect system but it certainly helps. It let's me know to at least get moving and not try and hide in a locker or something just for her to phase back in and make me poop myself and pimp slap me. lol

    Thanks for being polite unlike many others on these forums who cannot have a conversations without name calling or pretty much just rephrasing why my opinion is dumb and why their opinion is a fact. =)

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    I like how Huntress is,20m TR but her lullaby alerts you of her presence.Meanwhile Deathslinger randomly pops around corners like Ghostface

    It's kinda sad that he's a better stealth killer than Pig at this point

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    his TR is small enough. he does not need to have no TR. That would be unfair.

    seems like you personally are bored of him.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    he doesn't have a large terror radius because it would make his ability pointless. He's already as tall as freddy. if you could hear him coming he'd never get a chance to use his ability. Personally... i feel like his terror radius should bloom like doc's. but in regards to that how would that even be possible?