When you're a level 1 killer with 1 perk (rant with swearing because im pissed be warned)

Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

and you face off against people several ranks higher than you with all purple perks, thats the moment, that this game can go ######### itself and i need a break from it. Throw in a few SWFs and you have a cocktail that could make Ghandi lose his #########.

no fun, pure frustration and stress. Gens pops left and right and i have no way of tracking from where. Gens often pop before ive even reach the gen at the back of the stage, furthest away from me.

I would rather get corona virus than be in such a situation. This is why i dont want to level up killers the proper way. it SUCKS that the meta is that you level up killers, by playing ANOTHER KILLER just to spend the BPs you get from that killer, on your new killer. you're supposed to get better at the killer by growing with him not just feed him stupid BPs to get perks. But you cant do that (technically you can) because every time you try and level up your level 1 ghostface or what ever killer, you get faced off against a fully kitted SWF group several higher ranks than yours. because this game has no chill and gives no #########.

The Match making dont give a #########. it doesnt care if im level 1 with a killer, it doesnt give a flying ######### if i have only 1 perk at the lowest possible level.

WHAT am i expected to DO in such a situation? play and "have fun" being absolutely molested? i feel like a child in a pedophiles basement, i dont have a chance what so ever. and that kind of play isnt fun.

there truly is only one way to level up killers, and that is to NOT play that killer untill hes like level 40. oh yea, how great that gameplay was.


  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    no you just need to git gud and adapt you have no idea how hard survivor is. Playing killer takes no skill you just hold W and press m1. Let us do dances infront of you and let us t bag you at the exit gate, remember you’re an object so you have no say what we do to you. Gg ez baby killer. All jokes aside but if your not having fun just take a break, the new mm system will come soon.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited March 2020

    Yea i get what you are saying. Survivors are so annoying when i have no perks. well they are always annoying but some are more so than others. even when they can see that im struggling hard they still go to great lengths to teabag me.

    My survivor rank is the exactly the same as my killer rank. namely 10.

    It better come soon because i like this game. but it frustrates the ######### out of me when this happens. so im rank 10 and i some times get pitted versus rank 1 and 2s? what the #########. Theres a reason im not rank 1 and 2, because my skill level is around that of rank 10. im proud of my rank 10 i dont need to prove anything. thats my skill level, and i expect to be pitted against ppl of equal skill level for the fairness of the game.

    i swear what in the ass is going on. who ever made this match making system was either drunk or deliberately wanted to see the world burn.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    You can grind BPs (it is super-easy to do that as Killer) and level your Killer to have some decent Perks and Add Ons. At least this would be better than expecting to do well with a 1 Perk-Killer and complaining afterwards when it did not work out.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,254

    I haven't seen this in awhile but unless you know how a killer work you will most likely lose to a group that is stacked up on perks.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    "WHAT am i expected to DO in such a situation? play and "have fun" being absolutely molested? i feel like a child in a pedophiles basement, i dont have a chance what so ever. and that kind of play isnt fun."

    As someone who plays Freddy a lot, I chuckled way too hard at this than was appropriate.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    aside from matchmaker being dog crap

    youre playing on R10 with 1 perk and its weird for you to meet ppl with perks?

    "meta" "playing other killers to get bp for other killer" its not meta its called USING BRAIN because its not like ppl are saving 1mln bp AND THEN they buy/invest in new killer/surv so they have playable build?? you can play on lvl 50 killer and gain 1mln bp for his prestige xd

    if you expect this game to support lvl 1 characters in midranks, GL with finding game that supports that and even if you will find this game (highly doubt) that game doesnt have as small playerbase as dbd

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Let's see: Person complains about having to grind BP on a different killer to level the one they want to play because MM doesn't factor in killer levels and so you wind up with a single perk vs a full meta group... So YOU suggest that he grind BPs on a killer different than the one he wants to play.

    I feel like maybe you missed the point of the OP.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    There's a better way to play a killer, lvl them up to 50 and start burning their offerings/items etc by the time you've finished burning your offering, you would have learned how to play the killer and can move on to the next. If you want to play the killer again, prestige him and repeat

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Sorry, it is so easy to grind BPs as Killer, I dont see any reason to play a Level 1-Killer. With BBQ, 50k BPs per Match are at least possible, 25k BP is a normal (not even good) Killer game. With BBQ results this in 50k BP, so 20 games to get 1 Million BP, which brings the Killer to Level 34 or something like that.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    you didnt read my post at all because i already pointed this out.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Then dont play Level 1 Killers in general, if you dont even want to put BPs in them. This is the other easy solution.

    Instead you go for the third easy solution by playing, failing and complaining.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Sorry this happens to you. I guess I am just happy to play on the one platform many consider to be garbage YET Que times are super fast and so far this stuff has not been a problem yet. Thank you Nintendo Switch. I have over 1000k hours and have not had any issues like this yet and hope not to. I hope things get better for you and I mean I guess you get Corona if you really want it. =) lol

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Just play survivor. It is very easy to do, you can play survivor in red ranks without perks at all. If you grab 3 friends and you are not bad at the game you will get a very high escape rate in very short amount of time. The only thing that is against playing survivor are the long waiting times to find a match, especially in 4 man swf. The skill floor for survivor is non existent so have fun and enjoy the game.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited March 2020

    The entire discussion, had you properly read it through my rage, was that when you play a level 1 killer, the match making doesnt take that into account. it doesnt care if you have 1 or 4 perks, if you are level 1 or 50.

    thats the point of this discussion, the match making sucks and takes nothing in to consideration which it should. you should NOT face high end people when you dont use high end killers.

    and i do want to put BPs in to them what are you even saying? thats why i play them. its just boring to play another killer just to take the BPs i get from him and put them in a killer thats level one to level him up. thats a ######### way of doing things.

    i get its the most OPTIMAL way of doing it, but it shouldnt be. the match making should simply take things in to consideration so that one can grow with the killer from level 1.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I do this all the time when I’m prestiging - I can do it on lots of killers but there are certain ones that I say are a big no:

    Trapper, Wraith, Bubba, Michael, Pig, Legion, Clown and Demo.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    You go in with nothing equiped to learn how a new killer works...and you are upset you dont do so well....idk man, thats pretty weird of you.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited March 2020

    how can you read what i wrote and get a completely different thing out of it compared to what was my point? the hell.

    its not about whether i do well or not. its about the fairness of how the match making matches low level killers with high level'ed survivors. The match making is horrendous even at finding people at my own rank as im rank 10 and rutinely fight against rank 2 and 4's. couple that with me leveling up a level 1 guy versus survivors who are fully purple perk'd meaning they aint level 1, then you've created a situation that was never fair to begin with.

    The Match making system MUST take into consideration that you only have 1 perk when it ranks you against others. if it cant find other survivors without all 4 perks as well, it could at least pit you versus people of lower rank than you to compensate. instance, me level 1 ghostface rank 10 general, could face off against rank 13-15 who have all their perks. at least that would make it more fair as my lack of perks might be made up by slightly by my higher rank level due to my skills.

    but thats not what happens. in fact the opposite often happens, that i fight against rank 2 and 4s as mentioned, so not only is it an uphill battle on that front, but im also 3 perks short.

    My entire post is about the fairness of that, nothing more nothing less. The match making system really needs to take more factors into consideration when making a lobby.

    Post edited by Beardedragon on
  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I am having the exact opposite problem, despite being a rank 1 killer I am getting matched against purple ranks and even brown ranks, its kind of annoying because I feel like I outplayed them but then I get to the tally screen to see they are all lower ranks than me and then I just feel I curbstomped them because of their lower skill level.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Extreme analogies aside, it is a tough problem.

    I used to just grind through it. You know make each killer "earn" their blood points. But it is just frustrating to me to have crap perks.

    So I do the farm them on 1 killer I am good with and put them on another method. I know that is not what you want to do, but it may save you some frustration.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    it IS what im doing honestly. it just sucks i cant do it the way its meant to work.

    i just had a few matches with a low rank killer the old natural way hoping things might work out but they didnt.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    The devs don't balance the game around perkless or bad perk setups as a killer... So i can see how frustrating can that be to a new killer in the game. Because a killer really needs his perks to change the tides a bit, as a survivor... yes of course it is much more easier to play survivor with full meta perks, but in reality you don't need perks as much as killers need them.

    This is a flaw in the game like many more, the only thing i can recommend you is to start playing survivor instead as it is much easier and farm until you have at least 1 killer with nice perks. There is nothing more to say, the devs only care about survivor play, i wish i could tell you something else but there isn't. 

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    It's not about the balance, it's about matchmaking. If anyone is using a fresh character with no perks and no levels, mm should account for thst by not throwing r1s at the killer, even if their rank is a bit higher. Honestly, hours played should probably also factor in. So the general idea is, if you have an r1 killer player, with a fresh killer character, the mm would ideally bump your matchmaking down and give you, say, green rank opponents instead of red until such time as that killer has some levels under it.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    i can see how that might also be a problem. i mean for every rank 1 and 2 guy i face off against a killer, theres a killer rank 10 (namely me) they are passing around like a blunt

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    What you're suggesting would require crossplay. There just aren't enough players queuing up as lv.1 survivors or survivors using one perk. This would take hours to properly matchmake.

    As for the rank 10 killer with 1 perk being matched up with rank 15 survivors.. it doesn't work. Who are the rank 15 killers supposed to vs? The rank 18 survivors? Those survivors dont exist for the most part.

    The platform exclusive playerbase just isn't there to perfect mm'ing atm. I had a 12 rank difference in a killer match over the weekend. Only one person tho. They were sacrificed bc I brought a lv.35 killer. Just the way the game works these days.