The Hag being unfun to play against

Murdle Member Posts: 119

Literally every hag uses ruin and probably make your choice too.

After they hook someone, they place like 3-5 traps around them.

After that, they proxy camp and keep checking the person on the hook!! So it's literally impossible to crouch walk past all the traps in time and rescue them.

So it's like the only viable option is to rush as much gens as possible and not even attempt to rescue anyone and let probably 2 survivors die.

I hate playing like this.

I just had a game like this and 2 died. Me and another guy escaped but still it was a boring game cause the only thing I did all game... WAS REPAIR GENS. THAT'S IT.

I attempted to save a person but like I said.. It was impossible with how the Hag was playing.

Can we change these types of killers or give survivors more perks or buffs that combat this boring play style?

Literally everyone is tired of this unskilled way of playing. Camping is the most toxic thing and you're making it a more viable strategy by nerfing the ######### out of survivor items.

Genrush is hardly even a thing now. Toolboxes repair like 10% of 1 generator. Survivor items are absolute trash now...

What are the devs thinking??


  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    While your comments on Items are completely wrong I do agree with the sentiment that Hags are unfun I honestly think that we might have been in the same game yesterday because i played a hag that was just like this and when she realized she was gonna loose she started to face camp the ######### out of one guy and wouldnt even leave when we activated her traps

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    While I do agree that playing against a camping killer is one of the most frustrating things in Dead by Daylight, it should be pointed out that you are generalizing a bit. Not every Hag plays like this. The play style also depends on the Rank your match was played at.

    about the perks

    • Ruin is not a big deal anymore, it barely does anything when the Killer camps, especially since Hex Totems get cleansed maximally 1 minute after the match started at the most.
    • Make your Choice does not work if the Hag is camping, she has to be 32 meters away from the Hook. Considering this, you should either be able to crouch over her Traps and rescue the hooked Survivor or get a Borrowed Time save. BT is an excellent Perk when it comes to combatting camping.

    about the gens

    • Genrush is more of a thing now than it ever was since Ruin got nerfed. Now, Survivors don't need to waste time finding a Hex Totem, they can just do Gens whenever they aren't being chased, which is essentially what "Genrush" means.
    • Doing Gens is pretty boring and this should be acknowledged.
    • Toolboxes are now meant to be used strategically, like BNP. However, they have been nerfed quite a bit.
    • Flashlights and Keys are very, very good items still, so Survivor items are by no means "trash".
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    99.9% of Hags are too scared to do anything but proxy-camp with traps.

    Those who do place traps effectively are still a nightmare and unfun to verse because the trap goes off, my camera is immediately locked on, and I have about half a second before I get hit. Her power is boring BY DESIGN and only counterable by an item that few people bring.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited March 2020

    My only issue with hag is unlike trapper, you have no way to disarm (or realistically, even just see) the traps she sets.

    The only thing you can do is sprint by to trigger them all and hope either she chases after you to let someone else unhook or she kills a bunch of time resetting her traps, letting everyone else do gens.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    Many people bring Flashlights to the game from my experience playing Killer. That her power is boring, yes it is, but Make your Choice doesn't make any sense if you proxy-camp, it probably won't activate. This means you could be able to get a BT save.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    That would be dependent on rank, platform and area of play. MYC is purely distance based, but a Hag can hover at about 43m, proc MYC, then move forward a bit and teleport in her base kit. Add any teleport distance add-on and now you don't even have to worry about moving back into range.

    Borrowed Time, however is purely based on Terror Radius, meaning that anybody with Undetectable or a shorter Terror radius can simply ignore the BT effect.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Hag doesn't have any way to get Undetectable. If she is outside a 32 meter radius of the Hook, then you should be able to save the hooked Survivor before she catches up. If she's within 24 meters of the Hook (her TR), then BT will come into play.

    I'm not considering Add-ons for the sole purpose that it's unlikely that every Hag out there use teleport distance Add-ons, I'm mostly analyzing vanilla gameplay in the Add-on sense.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Fair, there are maps where you can tell exactly where they are but that doesn't fix my main issue with them; there's nothing you can do about them.

    If the traps are in the way you and you have no choice but to go through them, that's all you can do. So a lot of hags (smartly for them but annoying and unfun for everyone else) use them to surround hooked people or around the few gen at end game. You should be able to either crouch through them (like your survivor is being careful not to disturb and set off the trap) or flat out eliminate them (pour dirt over it or something and lore say it needed a living organism to trigger it where dirt just does nothing).

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    There is no need for a risk free way to deactivate the killers power.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Then have it give the hag an indication the same way the trapper gets one when a trap is disarmed.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    The bags traps don't injure you in their own, she has to have placed the trap in a way that she can even capitalize a hit off it. You can also crouch over the trap completely, Urban evasion is still a complete counter to her. What you're asking for would make hag worthless, as a prompt would come up everytime you're near her traps and she'd never get any value out of them unless she chases you into them (mind you she moves at 110, she's not a chase killer, like the trapper can be).

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211


    You can just crouch walk over the traps and not trigger them? I swear I've tried it before but maybe I haven't.

    If that is the case, I'm fine with her as is. I essentially just wanted a way to counter her traps. If I can crouch walk over them and not trigger them, I'm perfectly happy with that.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Any killer that roughly has to use corrupt intervention to gain any momentum, isn't OP.

    Traps can be disabled with flashlights.

    A lot of killers these days begin to camp once 1 or 2 gens are left. 2 escapes and 2 deaths is hardly a massacre. In fact, it's the ratio the devs find ideal.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited March 2020

    If anything times like these should call for each and every one of us to be respecting The Hag. Give them a knock on their door, ask if they need any help with grocery shopping and keep them upto date and welcome to get in contact with you if they need to. Also advise social distancing measures and remind them to wash their filthy hands for at least 20 seconds frequently.

    Remember to take precautions and assume they have devour hope and keep your distance.

    You shouldn't be trying to put make it harder for Hags to defend the gens.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Here's a fun trick... Pop a trap on the other side of the map and get her into a chase. Not working? Pop ALL her other traps. Still not working? Well, at that point it's nothing to do with hag any more. Campers gonna camp on whatever killer they play, and if they decide that's the dude whose match they're going to ruin, then that's what they're going to do.

    Same goes for baiting the unhook. Or getting a second person in so you can run interference for each other. Crouching isn't the only way to unhook vs hag, it's the way to unhook vs a hag that traps and leaves. If they trap and camp the hook, you handle them like a camper, not like a hag.

    And yes, if nothing else works, you do Gens and gtfo. I swear, everyone says killers just want 4ks every match, but it seems like Survivors are absolutely allergic to leaving anyone behind.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Aye, aye, aye... I suppose it was only a matter of time before this Hag-Style got too unfun to play against before someone came into the Forums to say "get rid of it", "nerf it", or "buff this and nerf that". I'm not hating/being dismissive, I'm being genuine, please bare with me. In addition, this will be a somewhat biased statement, because I love Hag, as her and against her.

    I'm going to start by listing off her weaknesses that I know and have experienced as a Hag player: (keep in mind, I am a WEB-BASED Hag. I do NOT over-trap hooks, but I will list the weaknesses of the aforementioned Hag plays from above)

    • Flashlights: Flashlights completely disable the traps, eliminating any use of them -- does alert the Hag, but knowing where a survivor is doesn't actually help her if she has no web/traps to effectively chase the survivor or if she's too far away to pressure the loss of the trap (doing this is actually not a good idea, though, she loses pressure by attempting a pressure -- unless of course she's right on the survivor)
    • Speed: One of the Hag's biggest weaknesses, but also one of her necessary ones (At least imo), is that she's a slow killer going 4.4m/s or 110% speed.
    • Coordinated Survivors: SWF's are all Killer's weakness to a degree -- but they hurt the Hag the most; they can eliminate her power with ease, avoid her webs effectively, and can easily get generators done in the process
    • Generator Times: Generators WILL get done, a MINIMUM of one-two will get done before the Hag can effectively get a chase going -- and that's hoping survivors run into her Web (IF she's using a web of course) (you can also use Corrupt to help lessen these odds, but it's ALWAYS in the Hag's best interest to get a web down before she begins a chase)
    • Setup Time: Hags HAVE to setup. This is her biggest hindrance but it can reap many rewards if her web is effective and beautiful. Yes, she has ten traps, has addons which can lessen setup time, but in the end, it is necessary to get at LEAST 7 traps down in a POPULAR area (ie the school on Badham) Setup time can coincide with other factors which can make her pressure on early generators NONEXISTENT.
    • Large Maps: Large maps are EVERY killer's nightmare -- if they have ZERO map pressure (ie Clown, Deathslinger, etc) Hag has it worse, because not only does she need to setup, she also has 110% movement speed. Her gameplay is sluggish to put it simply, because she moves awfully slow
    • Hooking: Hooking survivors help killers with pressure, but before the Hag can put the survivor on the hook, she's vulnerable to losing her web. (as explained below)
    • Good+ Survivor Knowledge of the Hag: Survivors with good understanding of Hag players (this is based on the effective web-Hags, however) will know to eliminate her webs when she is hooking/preparing to hook a survivor. Good Hags will usually lose one-three traps in their web before downing a Survivor, so that means at least 4 are still up. A survivor that knows the basic setting spots will run through her traps as she's hooking.
    • Spawn Locations: Believe it or not, Hags can suffer immensely if their spawn locations are bad -- not spawning close to a cluster of gens, to a strong tile, can ultimately ruin your chance for a potentially good setup spot. Hags rely on taking hostage of an area with her webs in order to apply pressure, so if she spawns in a corner with one gen and a basic tile, she has to take the time to get to the nearest popular tile to setup -- if survivors aren't already there
    • Dedicated Servers: Dedicated servers is hurting everyone; survivor and killer alike; but they're also making it where Hags cannot teleport effectively -- ultimately holding her in the same spot after setting down a trap and another going off elsewhere. She cannot teleport, and if the player (which I have done, because I was hoping it'd catch up with itself) continues to attempt to teleport, they're stuck in a loop until the Hag Phantasm turns red (there's a small window in which the Hag can teleport)
    • Crouching: Crouch-walking makes her traps null. They don't activate if a player crouches over them, which also makes the perk "urban evasion" strong against her (ultimately unhook a survivor safely with this perk while also still being quick and efficient)
    • Trap Appearance: Sometimes (this doesn't normally hurt her, however) if she is on maps like "The Game", "Hawkin's" and places where her traps are clearly visible; survivors are given ample time to react and make a read (whether that be crouch over to avoid detection or to eliminate the trap)
    • 2+ Hook Trap: This is INEFFICIENT for the Hag to do, and it can ultimately ruin her chances of strong map pressure (she HEAVILY relies on her webs, and if there is no web, she's a basic attack Killer that goes 110% movement speed), when a Hag does this; it's countered by: Borrowed Time, Urban Evasion, and two-rescuers (two people doing the unhook goes like this: one survivor activates all of the traps, takes a hit and the Hag goes after them, while the second comes in for the save) The Hag loses distance if she teleports to each of those placed traps -- distance in which she desperately needs to take advantage of.

    These are just the weaknesses that I can think of -- I'm pretty sure I named all of them, but I have likely missed a few. She is a VERY strong killer, but she has many weaknesses which can ultimately make her a very WEAK killer. I understand that she may not be fun to go against, because of the way her power works, but this doesn't necessarily make her a strong killer. Unfun to go against? Yes. But it's not the deciding factor in strength.

    Now, I'm going to list off her strengths that I know and have experienced as a Hag Player. Same things apply here as mentioned above for the weaknesses:

    • Height: Believe it or not, her small size gives her HUGE mindgaming potential. Despite it giving her some "small" hindrances on Corn maps, she still has immense potential for being so small. For example, she is completely hidden behind the haybale-filler-pallets on corn maps, making the survivor have to watch for her red stain.
    • Terror Radius: The Hag has a very small terror radius in comparison to other killers, giving her opportune chances to sneak up onto survivors and even allow her to manuever herself into a position which allows her to HERD the survivors to her web.
    • Crouching: Believe it or not, crouching survivors can also be a strength for the Hag -- because they have to lose precious time maneuvering around traps at a slower pace. (this is of course countered by Urban Evasion)
    • Post-Hooking: The Hag has one of THE strongest hook controls in the game. Nearly as strong as Bubba's hook defense. Usually, placing one trap is all that is needed for the Hag to have hook pressure, as well as being the most efficient. Even if she doesn't get a trap proc, the survivor still has to crouch up to the trap to save the survivor (often after, the unhooked survivor panics and decides to run, procing the trap anyway) Of course, when a trap is proced before a save, this makes the would-be rescuer an easy hit, and even an easier down.
    • Trap Disorientation: Traps, once activated, disorientate the survivors, locking their cameras onto the traps, which could make the survivor lose precious distance, run right into the trap/Hag, or mess up a loop that they'd otherwise have no issue with.
    • MYC Plays: MYC is likely one of her strongest perks, however it encourages unfun gameplay. Despite it being unfun, it is still a strategy some Hags use -- and it's strong. The unhooked survivor may be safe for a moment after the Hag downs the rescuer, but to apply even more pressure, the Hag is likely to chase after and slug the unhooked player (ultimately tunneling and avoiding a tunneling perk (ds))
    • 3-Gen Defense: Hags will often protect three generators by placing her traps around the area of those generators. This is often another unfun playstyle, but if the Hag player was unable to get her setup complete or she inefficiently placed her traps, she will often go for an easy 3-Gen strategy instead. 3-gen defense is one of her strongest strategies, and rightfully so. Survivors have to avoid traps and avoid her. Ultimately making this gameplay almost a guaranteed win for the Hag.
    • Generator Defense: Generators are often trapped if they're within a potential web.This allows for the Hag to teleport and ultimately herd the survivor into her web, getting hits/downs in the process. Her generator DEFENSE is perhaps one of the strongest in the game as well, even despite all of her weaknesses/counters. (This is only if a Hag decides to pressure this, if she lets that generator go, or continues a chase with a different survivor, she's liable to lose that potential pressure)
    • Trap Appearance: Most of the time, survivors can't see her traps, making them an easy proc for her to quickly take advantage of. This also gives her an immediate chase -- well if she's in the vicinity. (Hags need to be in range of their web, otherwise they're a basic attacker)
    • Webs: Webs. Webs are what often make the Hag comparable to Nurse at times. She has the ability to end chases quickly and efficiently. This potential makes her a scary good adversary, which in its own right, makes her powerful. (Often I've referred to her as an Off-Brand Nurse, because of her webs alone). Good/beautiful webs give the Hag what she lacks early game. Map Pressure.
    • Hostage: When I say hostage, I don't mean taking the game hostage -- I mean an actual playstyle that I refer to as Hostage. The Hag makes strong loops weak with her webs, and if these strong loops (crotus prenn for example) are trapped, survivors aren't going to be able to loop effectively. She closes off loops that would otherwise be difficult for other killers to play against. She ultimately takes hostage of an area that is always popularly traversed by survivors (giving her chases ALL the time) (For example, in the Preschool I place traps in these places: Front door that leads to the window, the hole, the back door, the top AND/OR bottom pallet, as well as a trap between the side door that leads to the cars and the window, meaning I've placed at LEAST 5 or 6 traps, giving me 4 to still work with. And you don't even have to use that many in the web to take the preschool hostage) Taking a strong tile hostage is one of the things that make Hag such a strong killer.
    • Synergy: The Hag also has wonderful synergy with many different perks, which gives her variety and this variety often leads to unpredictability. (STBFL, MYC, Deerstalker, Corrupt Intervention, DH, Haunted Grounds, Retribution, A Nurses Calling (this one is my favorite to run on her), and these are just the ones I've enjoyed using on her)
    • Post-Setup: If she's all setup with a STRONG web, her mid/late-game potential is high -- which also gives her avid snowball potential
    • Snowball Potential: The Hag, like the Nurse, has a HIGH snowballing potential, and these days, snowballing is an absolute must in order to win a game.
    • Pressure: The Hag can be anywhere and everywhere with a simple teleport. This makes her an intimidating force in a trial. She can lockdown sections of the map, make survivors panic, and ultimately take advantage quickly when the opportunity rises. Her pressure coincides beautifully with her snowball potential.

    The Hag can be a force to reckon with, but like other killers, her downfall is gen pressure. I've noticed that some Hag Players have begun to resort to this camping/proxy camping strategy to ensure their kills/points/what have you, and it does hurt my soul to see it. Often, new Hag players will panic when they notice they're losing generators quickly, despite having to place down traps. So, in consequence, they take to the hook-pressure of the Hag instead. This is unfun, and despite being counterable, it isn't necessarily easily counterable -- ESPECIALLY in solo queues. SWFs, even two-mans, can have an easier time countering it, but for solo players, the Hag can take control of that hooked person, making a save near impossible. I understand that you find her unfun, her power annoying, and everything about her boring, but based on what I've told you about her weaknesses and strengths, I'm hoping to show that the reason a Hag has taken up this gameplay is because of the potential panicked mindset the Hag Player has. All Hags start off this way -- especially if they didn't look into how to play her first. Traps, although easy to understand -- place, procs, teleport, hit -- doesn't mean that webs are known/easily understood or that placing 2+ traps is inefficient.

    In addition, the hook-pressure she has, only works if a survivor goes for the save. Camping only goes as far as a teammate's altruism goes. So, if you do as you did and let the hooked player die, she loses. Is it unfun? Yes. The Hag is a different gamestyle-kind of killer, so you won't see a lot of her. Personally, I've only seen 3 Hags in the last 2 months alone. This doesn't count my Hag games, of course. And to no surprise, only one of those three Hags placed Webs. This isn't an excuse to the gameplay, but I digress -- everyone is going to play their own way. If they're having fun, then in the end, that is what they'll focus on.

    It's no surprise that Hags go into the game with MYC, but ruin? I don't know about that. Ruin is actually awful on her per my experience, so I don't ever use it. In fact, I'll take Devour Hope over Ruin any day. And Devour Hope relies on me getting hook-pressure.

    Survivor items aren't trash -- toolboxes are definitely weaker than before, yes, but they're not useless. I actually prefer them this way, because I can get a gen with 13% or so progress left, done in a hot second (exaggeration of course, but I'm sure my point is clear). I've finished generators in the killer's faces before. Flashlights are still a powerful item in the game, especially for saves and distance, but against the Hag? That makes flashlights even more powerful, because they completely eliminate a Killer's power.

    In addition, you point out that every Hag plays like that, but by listing the strengths/weaknesses, I've proved I am one of the Hag players who do not play like this. I know you likely wrote this out of frustration, so I understand, but not every Hag plays like that, and the more survivors don't reward that gamestyle, the more likely the gamestyle will lessen. I'm not saying it will rid of this strategy completely, but I am saying it potentially could.

    Lastly, I know you likely wrote this to rant, so I apologize that this is so long of a response. I'm hoping you've calmed down and are still enjoying the game. Hags can be fun to play against, especially when you understand them. I suppose that's why I'm so biased. I understand her, know where her web is, know what she's likely to do, and how she'll do it. However, that is what makes this game, is it not? Learning and adjusting? Basic knowledge becoming adept knowledge.

    Anywho, I'll stop with this already chapter-long post, and move on.

    (the caps weren't made to exaggerate what I was saying. Certain points were put in caps to highlight them. I could've bolded, but honestly, capitals were way easier lmao)

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2020

    Is this post from 2020? Because if you find a hag with ruin its because its one of her perks.. and that hex isn't a problem anymore. The devs nerf it to pieces and made the hag cry. Shame on you complaining about her.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R.I.P Hex: Ruin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I actually love to play against and as the hag.

    As a survivor she adds a tension, especially if they are a good hag and don't just trap the obvious places like gens or right under the hook, or use quick draw to close off loops. Personally when playing hag i use proximity and range addons, means I don't have to camp. I don't trap under hooks either, i like to trap the various places you'll run to for a heal when you think you're at a safe distance. Works a treat with nurses and Monitor and Abuse.

    The hag is quite slow, its why she isn't a chase killer, hence why the camera moves when you pop a trap. As already stated, if you have urban evasion you are golden against the hag, and if your unhook target is smart enough, they will already be crouching while you are lifting them off hook, stops them activating any traps under the hook.

    Flashlights work against a hag, but too many in one game is likely to bring out some franklins.

    I don't deny there are players that will draw a Hag army under a hook or by a gen, but the real good games are the hags that know how to still scare the s**t out of you because they know where you wont expect a trap when you go for those loops.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Oh god yes! Getting a basement hook from a hag is awful and can have a domino effect even if the Hag isn't camping nearby.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    A "couple" of things is not 5 things. Couple means 2.

    Very useful in life to have this bit of knowledge. You're welcome. :)

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Hag is way more fun to play against than Spirit

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Probably should have pointed this out earlier but I'm completely fine with it being in the game.

    I think ruin is fine how it is and doesn't need any nerfs.

    It does however add to the toxicity of hag when she camps and then occasionally messes up your gen progress so you have a hard time doing gens if you can't find the hex totem and also you can't save whoevers hooked cause she put like 5 traps around them and is camping

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,495

    That‘s your response?

    And in General, i get that some killers can be annoying, almost everyone has killers they dislike. But don‘t expect them to be changed or nerfed just because you don‘t like them.

    I do think camping and tunneling should be nerfed in some way down the line, only actual Camping and tunneling of course, because it‘s a terrible strategy to go against, and is to often rewarding for the relatively low skill it takes. But i feel like some other changes have a higher priority right now.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Even though you're joking, he is being serious with his offer. His youtube channel has information to help beat a good hag player, as well as how to play hag well.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Hag is unfun in general, especially when most Hags trap the hell out of a hooked survivor to then teleport and down the saviour with Make Your Choice.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I know but I'm talking about the BAD hag players that put 5 traps on one place then camp the same exact area.

    Sure you can try and genrush instead of saving but it's kind of lame and unfun is my point

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Hag main before dedi's made her feel sluggish.

    Oh god she is super ######### boring to play against, and it doesn't help that 99% of Hags play her like a brainless ape.

    The thing with Hag is that she's always been unfun, but never as bad as some of the most unfun killers to play against (helps that she's a very rare sight in the wild).

    This game is dead, too many killers are super unfun to play against, too many killers are unfun to play. Abandon the ship while you can, I say.