people confned to thier homes? BHVR still hading out DC bans? disgusting

people are confined to their homes because of a pandemic . and  BHVR still handing out DC bans? disgusting.


  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Well since this is online game, i figure most would make sure they have a stable connect and if they lack that, wait until it is stable or try to fix it before playing. Now if the game crashes from time to time. Well my advice is to look up fixes online and hope one works for you, to stop the game from crashing every other match. I have no idea what platform people are on. When ever i notice the game starting to crash a lot. Restarting my pc tends to fix the problem for awhile for me. It rarely crashes anymore and if a five minute wait is bugging you. Going with the idea it is your first dc of the day. Well go listen to a music video on youtube for a few minutes or play something else for awhile, like dark souls until the time is up. That the best advice i can offer.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited March 2020

    How dare they not let people ruin everybody else's fun.

    If this disconnection didn't ruin the game for everybody else in the match there wouldn't be a problem but it does.

    However if you're someone who disconnects frequently enough for it to be active problem to you maybe you should reevaluate why you play the game.

    Side note yes I know there are people who are actually innocent people subject to trolling Bugs or disconnected by servers even though it's wrong I hope those individual cases can be sorted out.

    However if you disconnect because you didn't like a match or some other nonsense like that you shouldn't get any leniency because there's a quarantine.

    What's your essentially saying is you want behaviour to stop punishing you for ruining other people's fun. Why should the other players have to deal with that when they are also under quarantine.

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • stuwill
    stuwill Member Posts: 3

    yes cause people don't suicide on the hook or just sandbag their team instead of disconnecting

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    So then whats the problem? Or are you just here to complain? Sandbagging would happen anyway even without DC bans. They'd just suicide on hook if the didn't want to play

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    So quarantined players should be allowed to ruin the match for other quarantined players? The DC penalty is there to prevent people who like to DC from ruining other players' experiences. I frankly can't grasp how someone would think DCing is "fun" for them or for other players.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    So because people will look for ways to circumvent punishment, we shouldn't bother with the punishment in the first place? That makes no logical sense.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266

    So what does the quarantine have to do with your inability to deal with the conswquences of your ragequits?

    I fail to see any connection between being forced to stay home and a penalty for disconnecting in a video game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Disgustingly good.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Guess this didn't go the way you had hoped.

  • Tokie
    Tokie Member Posts: 8

    DC penalties are fine.

    The only real issue with them is that they can be annoying for people with unstable connection.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    This ignores those of us whose internet goes out intermittently.

    It's not like my internet is going out every other match. It's going out like two or three times a day at random times that I cannot predict. And when it goes out, its out until I restart my router. Then its back either for three hours or its back for 24 hours. I've NEVER had my internet go out on me more than twice in 24 hours, but I've still built up a 6 hour penalty (in part thanks to the game crashing on me. I'm sure it REALLY ruined the game for the 0 other survivors left in the game when the killer closed the hatch, I made my way to the exit gate, opened it, made it all the way to the other side only for the game to NOT let me escape. And no, the killer didn't have blood warden. And even if they did -- 0 other survivors were still alive when the exit gates were even powered. Oh wait, no. Only my game was ruined by that, and MAYBE the killers but that wasn't even my fault). The penalty decays at a very slow rate, too. It seems designed to punish people with connection issues (even intermittent ones) rather than people who ragequit. I'm fine with there being a penalty, mind you. But I think the penalties enacted escalates way too fast and decay way too slowly. I shouldn't be punished for having an internet connection that works 95% of the time. At least not this much.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah which is why it would be nice, if possible to add a feature that lets someone rejoin with in like a minute or so [a time that seems reasonable]. IN case their internet is wacky, for sometimes it happen. That or if the game could tell the difference between a crash and someone dcing.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 214

    I just had a game as killer where in the middle I got serious lag from the server (all other games and internet apps work just fine, so it is NOT my connection that has an issue) ending in a disconnect message and sure enough after the game comes back I AM GETTING PUNISHED for THEIR inability to provide a stable running piece of software !!!!!

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    That'd be nice. At the very least as an option for killer. Let them reconnect to the game. Gens would probably get done in that time, but at the very least they'd be able to get more BP. Not sure why the game ends if the killer disconnects anyway. Well, I mean I guess its because the killer used to be the host. But with dedicated you'd think they could leave survivors in the trial. I mean I believe there have been games with 5 survivors and no killer.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    That list is so accurate it’s sad... I literally have been accused of tunneling and camping the last survivor alive???

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though I have yet to DC, I have forbade all survivor play on my part. Why? The massive toxicity of the camping and slugging out there. After about your fifth match in a row of being slugged for the whole game, you get tired of it happening. Give these players a surrender option that is not a DC. Let the killer get sacrifice points and the player can move on. I have never seen the level of camping/tunneling/slugging that I've seen lately. Played 9 games as survivor last night and only one of them was void of an overabundance of those three things. No wonder they are DC'ing. I was so frustrated at the end of those 9 games that I loaded up all pink addons, the most toxic build I could on Doc and Eboni Mori for three matches in a row. Yep, I became part of the problem and mori'd 12 players before I realized I was falling victim to the toxicity of this game's community and the developers...yep, they are just as much to blame.

    Seriously, any human being can only take so much of a frustrating thing before they have had enough. Telling them to go play another game is dumb. You want them to play YOUR game. This is why I play killer, well, that and it is much more rewarding in the BP department. I can't fathom why anyone would ever want to play solo survivor in this crap show.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Damn this article turned into WW3 o.o

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Prime example of bad design. I'm sitting here now for 10 minutes in a locked up game. I dare not Ctrl-Alt-Del or I face a 5 minute ban. This happens multiple times a day sometimes, so I could quickly get upwards of an hour ban. This does not happen with any other PvP game or online game I play and I'm running an Alienware gaming machine that handles all other games just fine.

    This game punishes you for their failure. I sit in killer que for 15 minutes just to sit at a loading screen for 15 more.

    Pretty good job so far dev team.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Sure, they matter too. But I'd hope the rest of us matter as well. And sometimes you just get disconnected from the server. In fact I JUST had a game where the server disconnected me. I was scared it was my internet at first, but I didn't have to reconnect and I was still able to use the internet.

    There being a penalty is fine, but the escalation is a bit much. It hurts people who's internet may not be immaculate or who experience issues with the game. (I've had the game crash on me at LEAST twice in the last week. Coupled with some internet issues, and that's led to me having a 1 hour penalty for an issue with the server where I had green ping.) And I know the NEXT penalty is 6 hours, so now I essentially have to quit playing the rest of the day so that my penalty has time to decay, despite the fact that not only did my internet not go out, but it was the fault of the game itself.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    man this Bait sure did get a lot of traction, im impressed

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @MandyTalk for once we agree for once we agree...

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    It'd be better if maybe first they'd fix the bugs causing the game to crash before moving to dc bans. I play every night pretty least 20 hours a week and 50-100 games a week. I can count on one hand the number of dcs I see and I am on Xbox where aside from losing BP and PIPs there is nothing to stop you from dc'ing.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Bravo. Exactly. Has more bugs than the Okefenokee in July.

  • hexgongiveittoya
    hexgongiveittoya Member Posts: 7

    Today I received by first DC penalty.

    I've never had this before but when I pressed Esc in a game to look at the offerings. DBD locked up, CPU utilization was maxed, I waited 2 minutes and it never came back.

    I got a disconnect penalty for that. I've pressed Esc many times during matches but that's the first time it's caused me to be forcibly disconnected.

    At rank 3 people kill themselves in my games all the time by dying on hooks.

    It's good to see that the disconnect penalty is working well. If only the disconnect penalty could fix some of the bugs in this game everyone would be happy.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    It's so easy and quick to die on the hook, why bothering DC at all...?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Some matches are quite frustrating I think and you can't die on hook. Had one last night where killer worked with the survivor. He would down you, the survivor healed and he downs you again. I started moving so I could not be healed and killer picked me up and kept dropping me in basement corner with survivor blocking me in. Did that till I was free, trapped all exits and downed me again. I step in the trap and the survivor helps me out just to get downed immediately.

    3 DC'S in that match. I just went afk and reported afterwards. No video though, so the azzhats will do it again.

    In short, can't die on hook if your not hooked.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I would say that's debatable. On the one hand, it would absolutely be ideal if we could have the penalties without punishing innocent players. On the other hand, if we wait until the game is crash-free before implementing the penalties, we'll be waiting a very, very long time.

    I don't think my game has crashed once in the middle of a match since the penalties were introduced. I'm not saying these things don't happen or shouldn't be improved upon by the developers, but I do think they're a lot rarer overall than the amount of people raving about them makes them seem, and I would also be inclined to believe that if someone's game is crashing enough in the span of a few days for the penalties to be noticeable, the problem might be more with the strength of their hardware than with the software itself. Dead By Daylight is not a well-optimised game, and lower-end systems do struggle to keep it running stably.

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Good. Thx for looking out for those of us who don't DC.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited March 2020

    I've had three crashes in the last week. And it's not my hardware because I'm not playing on PC. I'm playing on Switch. One time I was an inch away from escaping. Actually not even that, because I was AT THE LINE, but it wouldn't let me go through. I don't think it's rare enough or the DCs are so bad that we need Six+ hour penalties for these things. They should be capped at an hour. I also think they could mitigate some of the issues with DCs by allowing survivors to stay in the game if the killer disconnects and leaving a husk behind if a survivor disconnects (For BBQ). Also it should create a new obsession for obsession perks. (Neither of which issues are really fixed by the DC Penalty)

    I mean I can't speak to experience on PC. Maybe PC works a lot better. But at least on Switch there's some issues.

  • SassySolidSnake
    SassySolidSnake Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2020

    I just played a game where the killer disconnected, and at the Scoreboard it says both the killer and I disconnected, and I've been punished with a DC penalty. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me, so far. I'd rather have people disconnect than be stuck with myself being punished for stuff I am not doing intentionally 🤦🏻‍♀️ The back and forth on this is obnoxious, and no, people shouldn't disconnect, but some of you need to understand that there are people suffering from things beyond their own control and can't play. My app also crashes a lot, so I haven't been able to play as often as I used to 😔 such a bummer

    *Edit* Just got into 2 more games, and it's had DC issues, something is wrong, at least on PS4. It's a couple minutes after the trial has started too.

    Post edited by SassySolidSnake on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, the hardware thing isn't necessarily your fault, but as I said the game is not well-optimised, and with it not being a particularly beefy machine, that's probably especially true in the Switch's case. Like I said, it's a difficult call to make, because if they waited to implement penalties until everything was fixed, they might never get around to it. All in all, I think they probably do more good than they do harm, but admittedly I might feel differently if I or someone I knew were experiencing constant crashes.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Often when you see the symbol of the killer and you having dc'ed and everyone still alive has an escape symbol next to them in reality the game is still ongoing and you have just been kicked from the connection. This was really bad this past summer where I got kicked 10 times in a single day, but recently it doesn't happen very often, but yeah if that happens to you on pc or PS4 the game will consider it a dc and ban you.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Except for the fact that a lot of DC's are due to the game bugging out and kicking people or forcing people to have to dc when their character randomly gets frozen..