No perk killers

I've been seeing a ton of these lately. Is there some kind of killer challenge going on that I didn't notice?
No, they probably are SWF and have dropped perks to balance the game for the developers
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Did you...not read the title?
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Couldn't resist. Killers probably are trying to improve their skills without perks.
What rank and killers?
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Idk... the internet here couldn't handle all the people being at home. So I haven't been playing
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Mostly between 16-12. But I just saw a level 16 Deathslinger with green and purple perks with green and purple addons. Very strange.
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Just to see the survivors reaction to "HoW DiD hE/sHe FiNd Me" its actually pretty funny.
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I used to play no perk, no add on Nurse on PS4 to derank cause I got banned for constantly DCing as soon as the game started. I've since stopped deranking. It's pointless because matchmaking is so ######### you'll end up playing red ranks when you're rank 15 anyways. Maybe they're deranking too