2 kills does not equal a win (For killer)


As stated, a lot of people including the devs stated that the goal is 2 kills and 2 escapes. But according to the emblem system, 2 kills does not equal a pip. Its either a depip or a black pip. And also how come the emblem system is so biased? For survivors, you don't even need to escape, just do the generators and basically "chase the killer". You will pip, but for killers i can kill everyone really fast and still depip. So what exactly is the objective for killer? Is it to be looped like a dummy and then kill? Or should i just open the gates for the survivors? Because the only way im pipping is if the survivors mess around and not do generators


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Killer pips are broken as hell lol. Good luck getting adept achievements now

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Surviving is part of having fun. I don’t think this game gives survivors a good enough opportunity of playing the game when they can spawn in and get downed hooked and Mori’d for getting caught out of position once. Or that they give SOME killers a lot of speed when they got these insane melee lunges. Not everyone can loop the killer for 10 minutes like everyone would like to, but that doesn’t mean survivors Should deserve to lose. I don’t find staring at progress bars repairing fun either, but for some reason killer players want gens slower. I think they’re too slow as is. Unless you work together like you’re supposed to. But you’re not getting that playing solo ever. So it’s practically unplayable from a solo standpoint. I’m sorry but I don’t want to come in and die for you every game. Killers just want more and more that’s all I see. They have so much already

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    When people say "the devs said the goal was a 2K", they don't mean that a 2K is what killers should aim for. 2K is what the devs define as a tie, and therefore balance around. I don't think I've ever heard someone try to argue that a 2K is a win for the killer.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46
    edited March 2020

    Sooo a tie gives survivors a pip and gives killers a depip? I really don't see equality in a asymmetrical game. And when i say a win it means you got a pip and a good amount of bloodpoints, both sides win right? If only we didn't depip for it

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Im pretty sure survivors have a lot all ready,you complain that working on generators is fun but for killers im pretty sure most of them don't want to run around a pallet all day. You do state that some survivors don't know how to loop but thats part of learning, the game shouldnt be balanced around players that don't know how to play the game. We learned how to play let them learn. As someone that plays both survivor but mainly killer, its stressful enough to juggle everyone to make sure they are not doing the gens and can you really call a game "a game" if its stressful? I call that work.and the final thing you said was that its hard to solo but you have so many things working towards you like kindered, bond, DS, BT, and dead hard. I don't see how solo q is hard

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I feel like 7 hooks should be a win for a killer. That's enough for 2.33 kills, regardless if anyone dies or not. The entity should be pretty happy, because it means its properly fed. But I'm probably the only one who feels this way >_>

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Well, I would say that the emblem system is not well designed, and furthermore has nothing to do with each role's objective or with the win condition, but that's not really a discussion I want to get into again on the forums because it never leads anywhere productive. For what it's worth, though, that's my answer.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    What is the objective for killers? 😂 Behavior literally spells out all four of the objectives every match. It does not include only killing people as quickly as possible. I can easily red PIP on a killer while not intentionally killing anyone (although accidents happen 🤷). So if you're having trouble PIPing after killing ALL 4 SURVIVORS, you are doing something terribly wrong. Try focusing on any of the THREE OTHER objectives outside of sacrificing survivors. You will open up a whole new world of PIPs when you explore the map beyond the first hook you put someone on. 👍️

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,683

    This isn't actually true. You don't even have to kill a single survivor to pip (depending on current rank). There are 3 categories of emblems. Only one actually requires sacrificing survivors. If you get iridescent on the other 3 then it will result in a pip. Gaining rank has little to do with killing actually.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I can pip as legion with zero kills. I won.

    I can pip as survivor easily by farming and killing my team. I guess i won.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    You can "win" the game even if you dont get kills IMO. Bloodpoints are often a good indicator of how well you played.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Im just saying it doesn't feel good to have "entity displeased" on your screen