Killer Tier List as of Deathslinger Patch
The ranking within tiers is left to right for best to worst. To clarify my thoughts, the last 3 in B tier can be interchangeable depending on who you ask. Yes I think Deathslinger is not that good (debateably bottom of B). Wraith would be higher, but he isn't because I think he is too addon dependent. Clown is not the worst killer, though he is not great by any means. And finally, sorry Legion mains but he is trash (and I play a lot of Legion to form a decent opinion).
Remember, THIS IS MY OPINION!!! Nevertheless, feel free to tell me where you would make some changes (& explain why because just saying something is wrong won't change my mind).
I would move spirit, freddy and wraith up a tier. And pig up two tiers.
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Freddy is at least A tier and deathslinger is obviously higher.
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and why do you think demo is that strong? pretty much all of the C tier killers are stronger than demodoggo
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Oni is one of the best killers in the game. Definitely better than hag. He's up there with billy and spirit. I wouldn't say hag is though.
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I would dare say Nurse is not S tier herself anymore, at least way less people are playing her as it's just become such a quality of life nightmare playing stun simulator 5000. She may still mechanically have the capability but she is such a pain to play now. I guess keep her in S tier for those that are willing to put up with the headache.
As others have said, I can't take this seriously if you're putting Freddy in B tier, I mean I play Freddy often and hes is probably the strongest killer in the game right now at least in terms of effort vs. reward. Spirit and Billy need to be up on S tier as well. They are the killers who are viable on every map which is critical.
A tier should have Doctor, Ghostface, Oni, and Huntress. All are more than capable of dominating a game but they all have one or two weaknesses that put them slightly below the optimal guys.
B tier would be Wraith, Hag, Pig, Myers, and Trapper. All can be good in many situations but all have some weakness whether it be setup times (Hag, Trapper, and Myers) Addon dependence (Wraith) or power not generating enough pressure (Pig).
C tier would have Deathslinger, Plague, and Demogorgon. Deathslinger is worse huntress, Plague is just always going to be mid-tier until they rework it so she gets a pool of devotion no matter what, and Demo just really doesn't fit a niche right now with his portal setup times, you could move him to B tier though due to his good chase potential and ending loops quickly with shred.
D tier just has Bubba, Clown, and Legion for obvious reasons.
So to recap:
S Tier - Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Hillbilly
A Tier: Doctor, Ghostface, Oni, and Huntress
B Tier: Wraith, Pig, Myers, Hag, and Trapper
C Tier: Deathslinger, Plague, Demogorgon
D Tier: Bubba, Clown, Legion.
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Freddy up one tier. He has power that allows him to deal with every loop, plus he has good mobility.
Plague up one tier. She is very good at slugging and that is the best strategy currently and she has free stridor. If they decide to cleanse they are just simply #########.
Myers up one tier. Similar to plague he is very good at slugging.
Oni up one tier. He has great mobility, good chase potential and he is great at slugging, maybe he needs to work for it, but the longer the match lasts the more blood will be on the ground so he will be getting his power back constantly.
Piggy up one tier. Even though her RTBs are RNG, those are still a time waster, plus she is a stealth killer and her dash is helpful in loops.
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That's surprisingly close to how I would rank. Only one I'm not sure about out of those is Deathslinger because I still don't feel comfortable enough giving him a hard ranking with how new he is.
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you heavily underestimate so many killers
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As you can see, your list isn't that different from my current one. I think it's too early for a definitive Deathslinger position, so consider this a first impression.
A team of 4 good Solo Survivors would be in the same place as Billy (maybe as Spirit now with Old Ruin gone).
A 4-man SWF with voice comms would be Nurse tier.
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I'd move Plague to A tier. She's so good right now. I put in a lot of hours with her since her release and freeing up an add on slot previously locked with the apples put her up a whole tier for me.
She's all about set up and infection management. Your chances of success skyrocket if you get multiple survivors infected before the first gen pops.
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Demo is a very strong killer with the correct player. He's at the bottom of A tier.
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In my opinion :
Nurse isn't on her own tier anymore.
Plague is high B tier.
Huntress low B tier/high C tier.
Pig and Cannibal could be C tier. I think they're better than Trapper with the right builds.
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I'm one to usually say Hag is not A tier but rather B, but honestly a great Hag player can destroy a strong SWF if they're smart enough.
To this I would say that Oni is just map dependent. A map with so much to move around puts him in awkward positions when he's using his power. Plus he is nowhere near Billy because he has to work for his power while Billy has it at all times.
Freddy is better at lower ranks. In higher ranks he struggles a bit more, but I do think his ranking is a bit flexible. Also Deathslinger is very underwhelming in my opinion. And Demo is put so high because of his map mobility. Plus a Demo with StBfL is really strong.
Pig is honestly too RNG reliant which is why I find her to be a bad killer. It can waste time, but the chances of it wasting enough time to actually benefit you in the long run is slim.
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I don't know why people think legion is trash. You just need to know how to play him, controlling when to use the power and when not. And for the add-ons, if you make good combinations, you can literally destroy survivors. I PLAY 90% OF MY GAMES AS LEGION and manged to get to rank 2,aiming for rank 1. Also perks like the one from the nurse that makes survivors more noisy when injured, to know their location.
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I would bump hag way down imo
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The thing is his power has too many flaws. First off it does not help you in downing survivors, only injuring multiple survivors in a short amount of time. A decent amount of the time when you hit one survivor the rest have already legged it toward the other side of the map. With how prominent sprint burst is it also plays against his ability. The cooldown is a bit harsh for a mediocre power. He also suffers a Nurse-like stun but doesn't even have an ability on the same level as Nurse. And while he does have a bit of mobility, it doesn't help that he can't see scratch marks so a survivor can run away unnoticed before he makes it to their location (like if he is running BBQ or something). His addons are decent, but nothing special honestly. His only redeeming quality is his teachable Discordance.
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Wraith opinion is misguided. Add ons imo should be considered IF they are fully sustainable.
In wraiths case you only need 1 green and thus is fully sustainable with bbq.
You can go 99.99% by the math of matches with the adds on that make the bell global so it should be allowed.
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Legion-C tier. Hes quick and can get everyon injured real fast especially when their all groupped up good for keeping players more worried about health and less about the gens
Pig- B tier. Same thing as legion to me her putting down a survivor and than putting the mask on them is very helpful for the survivor to worry about dying and less worry about gens
Demo- C tier. Ive played many games against the demogorgan and his portals are rarely used since if hes chasing someone someone else can go and destroy them and as for his little tackle move its easy to just counter with a pallet or well juking
Freddie- C tier. Cant explain my reason here but hes deffinitly not a b tier to me
Oni- A tier or high B tier. Oni is really powerful its just hitting one survivor and focus on the orb than going out and finding more survivors which if you cant find any is a total fail which why im in the middle of a high tier or A
Ghostface- S or A. Ghost face is really tricky for some people guess it depends on the map if its a dark and forest area where he can hide and stalk than its a gg but if its an open area than it would be hard
And nurse should be moved down people dont play her much and people who dont know how to play her
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I don’t know why people think deathslinger is higher lol honestly I would put him lower .. he’s high risk low reword and needs some buffs maybe I’ve just gone against terrible deathslingers but I’m rank 1 and up until today I’ve been playing all day’d think in that time I’d find a good deathslinger but I have not
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I think Spirit is better then billy: If you are good with her (not def) your chases can litteraly last 10 seconds no matter where you are and she also has a mobility power, not as good as billy but good. If you give a god tier billy an absolute great map, I would agree. you're kinda underrating pig, she is not the best, but she ain't like clown (HAHAHAHAHAH - Clown). In my opinion, legion is not the worst: He has pressure and you can also get a free hit, it's not great but like, clown's power is to laugh
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Everything on here looks correct except for Trapper below Plague. Trapper in the right hands is anything but low tier. I'd put Trapper in front of plague.
Forgot to mention Huntress and Deathslinger are DEFINITELY NOT B and C tier. They both have the power to stop loops which is probably the best thing to have right now and they can hit you from a distance. Huntress is A tier and Deathslinger is A or B tier imo. No GeN PrESsUrE doesn't matter if you get quick and easy downs.
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I honestly think hag is up there she can easily get hits on survivors if they know where to place there traps and idk if this is just luck but at red ranks i never get nurse's and when i do for me it easy to duke nurses and when i play against spirits its a lot harder to duke a spirit than a nurse but nurse deserves top teir but in my opinion so does spirit it probably makes me sound stupid but im not going to change my mind about it
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Huntress and Deathslinger barely stop any loops. And gen pressure indeed matters, especially on big maps.
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Why is Trapper in the lowest tier? His traps are very powerful when used strategically. I personally think he should be moved to at least lower mid tier.
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Gen pressure matters. hooks create gen pressure. Huntress and Deathslinger get hooks fast. More hooks means less people on gens and more people healing/making saves.
Huntress and Deathslinger do stop loops. Huntress can hit over the loop. Deathslinger can drag you to himself in short/medium loops and can stop window loops.
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Huntress can't hit over high walls, which are a lot of loops. Long loops are Deathslinger's worst nigthmare.
And both can't do anything against God loops.
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Trapper sacrifices early game to set up his traps. He already struggled a lot when Old Ruin was still a thing, even more now that it's gone. Without proper setup, he is basically a no power Killer that can cut one or two loops short (something even Clown can do). In order to setup, he has to sacrifice part of the map for a defense that's not hard to fight against.
His performance is also inconsistent. Some games multiple Survivors get caught in traps and you reach them in time, while in other games few to no Survivors fall for traps and/or free themselves before you can catch them.
The reason I placed Trapper on Low Tier insted of Low Mid is because I think he needs greater buffs than Plague, Myers, Wraith and Doctor.
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That's true, his inconsistency causes variations for his power.
I think it just depends on the type of survivor he's put against. For example there's the god looping survivors and the potato survivors. Trapper has an easier advantage with the god looping survivors because of how frequent they use the safest loops. Most potato survivors run in a straight line or only use a pallet whenever they stumble across one. However I don't wish to generalize that all noob survivors run in a straight line as people have different perceptions of the word 'noob'.
A buff idea I would like for Trapper is to have traps that are already open in the map and to have a white aura for when they're closed and a yellow aura for when they're open.
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I believe that Spirit and Nurse are on the same S tier now. Also as far as killers without any addons go, I think Mikey should be to of B tier if not bottom A tier
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I feel like myers should be higher because he will punish your team if they make mistakes and his tier 3 is good and a force to be reckoned with when a good player is playing him
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I would move deathslinger up because he can end chases in a second and I think he's actually better then Huntress because of many different reasons such as being able reload anytime you want without having to go to a locker also he has a small terror radius of just 24 meters while Huntress has a 48 meter terror radius and a few others.
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Bring oni up a bit and hag down a bit
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Oni, demo, and Deathslinger behind Spirit, then it's reasonable tierlist... these killers are so underrated
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To both of you, why I put Myers so low is because he requires a build up at the start of a match. If a good team is immersed & uses line of sight against him then Myers is stuck in a rough spot. His Tier 3 is pretty good at creating a snowball effect, but his power forces him to stalk instead of chase which wastes time & gives survivors a chance to reach a safe area. Not to mention how inconsistent & buggy the stalk mechanic is at the moment. Plus, Myers cannot handle large maps against a good team. I could see him being interchangeable with the rest of the C tier that is ahead of him, but it depends on the specific player.
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My opinion still stands as when he was in the ptb and released I think he’s in D tier
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Since I play on xbox I would put nurse in D tier and Freddy in S tier. Freddy is undoubtedly the best killer in the game right now. Deathslinger... everyone says he's good but he has no pressure. Map pressure is most important in this post hex ruin nerf world. Hag drops 2 tiers. Huntress drops one, and put Oni right under Billy.
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Legion is definitely top Tier...
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S Tier - Nurse
A Tier - Huntress; Spirit; Hillbilly; Oni
B Tier - Doctor; GF; Plague; Trapper; Michael; Demogorgon
C Tier - Hag; Pig; Wraith; Freddy; Deathslinger
D Tier - Legion
F Tier - LF; Clown
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Wow I am suprised how many people consider huntress better than Wraith. Id say wraith to be an A killer.
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Everybody's hating on hag, but have y'all seen Michi? Just started posting vids on YouTube and I'm completely rethinking my opinion on hag.
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First of all hag is not on spirit or Billys level and deathslinger be just below huntress and Micheal is definitely deserving of B tier just above demo gorgon I'd say. I'd also just put freddy a little higher in B tier above doctor.
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I agree with your ratings 100%. I play A TON of Ghostface, Legion, and Pig to agree that Ghostface can easily not only hold his own, but can apply a decent amount of pressure, as long as you play him right. His stalk ability is a great way to apply pressure, as every survivor that you have max stalked can be downed with one hit. While a pallet can cause him trouble, I’ve had loads of fun tricking a survivor into thinking I’m moving one way, and blocking their other path in turn. Legion is a main of mine, because I love being able to give a survivor a status effect and allow them to fight their own. I love he challenge. He is definitely one of the lower ranked ones, but if you have good perks equipped, you can just as easily apply pressure on survivors by marking them with a status effect, and downing them slowly. But I agree he is at the bottom. Pig is definitely at least B tier, because while her ability is kind of sucky at immediate pressure, it does still stall survivors out on completing gens which allows you to play her to your advantage. By putting a bear trap on a survivors head, most often then not their immediate reaction is to try and get it off, as to avoid immediate death. They have a 1 in 4 chance of going to the right Jigsaw box, which gives you optimal time to catch them, or other survivors in the process of moving the game forward. And the Pigs personal perks also allow a player to slow the game further, by allowing Pig to track survivor progress on gens. Her p perk Surveillance is one of my favorites, as any time more than 1 survivor is working on a gen, it will highlight the gen yellow, allowing me to make the survivors scatter, while also preventing an immediate gen completion. It might also give me the opportunity to catch one and bear trap em’! So Pig is definitely up in the charts, for anyone that likes to play long game, hook line and sinker.