Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Reworking Some Bloodpoint Stuff (LONG THREAD!)

Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

This started out as a simple "fix killer BP addons" post planned for the steam forums, that took a long time to write and was lost to the ether thanks to a computer mishap. Remaking the thread now, and seeing as this place seems better than the Steam Forums in terms of saturation of experienced people (I only have around 120 hours, almost all of it's in Killer, so I'm not the most qualified person to make a post like this) and general exposure, I want to get a discussion going about this kind of thing.

DbD has come a long way, but there's still a lot of jankiness in terms of BP earnings. The simple fact is, BBQ, WGLF, and BP Offerings are the only source of additional BP from matches worth a damn. I think this is a bigger problem for the game than we think. A big part of what makes DbD interesting is the variance between matches- Not just in terms of things that make you stronger, but weaker, too. Survivors already frequently go into matches without Items, and I think the game would be a lot less interesting if they were all forced to take one, for example.

BBQ and Chili is one of the best Killer perks in the game AND is ludicrously good at farming BP. WGLF is obviously nowhere near as good, but has a neutral effect on your match beyond consuming a perk slot. In that case, I have to ask why something like Speed Limiter, which has a huge negative impact on your game as Billy/LF, only provides +50/25% respective BP for chainsaw hit score events, that can't exceed the usual 8k Deviousness cap? If Killers actually USED these addons, the game would be more welcoming to new/solo queue Survivors and the game would feel more varied.

Several Perks also have the same problem, and as I wrote this thread, I realized these changes couldn't happen in a vaccum: I also believe if this kind of stuff were to happen, and widen the BP earnings gap between Killers/Survivors even more, Survivors were gonna need to be thrown a bone and gain the ability to max out their own categories more easily, so let's tackle that as we go to the end of this thread. Will try to format this as best I can, but am unfamiliar with the DbD forums, so please excuse me if I screw up:

Existing Addon Changes

The big thing here I want to do is standardise all Killers as having a BP earning addon that provides +50% Bloodpoints at the END of the match. So, that means:

Padded Jaws, "The Beast" -Soot, Speed Limiter (both LF and Billy) will all feature the above changes instead of their current BP bonuses.

Kid's Drawing is also included, but with the addendum "Bloodpoint bonus is incompatible with Addons that replace Dream Snares with Dream Pallets" for obvious reasons. If BHVR wished, they could rework the addon to have a detrimental effect on Dream Pallets, too, as an alternative.

White Nit Comb and Dull Bracelet are exceptions, as these two addons are on the same Killer, these will therefore feature +25% BP at the end of the match each instead and can stack.

Anxious Gasp will extend your Deviousness cap to 10,000. A less pronounced effect than the direct bonus BP, but I think that's reasonable seeing as Anxious Gasp is a more practical addon with no attached handicap.

Scratched/Vanity Mirror: Addons like these are special cases that act more as compensation for fewer BP events due to playstyle changes. They could be left alone, but I think they can be tweaked to incentivise their usage. I think "You may continue to stalk and drain Evil from Survivors after reaching your maximum Evil Within level for additional Bloodpoints." plus an increase to Deviousness' cap to allow for room for all those Bloodpoints would incentivise jumpscare Myers builds to take things a little slower for the possibility of more BP.

Scarred Hand: Like the Mirrors, this BP bonus isn't this addon's main feature. However, I think increasing the Deviousness Cap to something like 10,000 on top of the normal Deviousness bonuses would be reasonable for this addon, to incentivise players to mix things up a little.

Existing Perk Changes

Beast of Prey: I would personally rather see this just become a decent Perk and scrap the BP gains because I have no idea why they're there, but increasing the capacity for Hunter Bloodpoints by the current percentages BoP has would be a much better bonus.

Distressing: Make the Terror Radius increase a less confusing flat value that doesn't change between tiers (admittedly that has nothing to do with BP earnings, but it really needs to happen), and change the BP bonuses to "Gain 10/15/20% more Bloodpoints at the end of the Trial."

Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: Each Token remaining increases all BP gains at the end of the Trial by 10%, instead of Hunter category BPs. Hex: TotH will no longer spawn attached to a Hex totem, but will instead work as long as any Totem, Dull or Hex, remains on the map. For each Dull or Hex totem Survivors cleanse, all Survivors gain a 5% stackable bonus to Bloodpoints at the end of the trial.

No One Left Behind: Once at least one Exit Gate has been opened, (in addition to the current Altruism Bloodpoint gains) the Altruism Bloodpoint cap is removed for the remainder of the trial. (note: BP earnings that hit the cap earlier in the trial still don't count, but this means you might significantly exceed your normal altruism cap. Thanks to the Endgame Collapse, we shouldn't have to worry about a cap removal opening up too many terrifying farming opportunities. If I'm wrong, this could be changed to the Altruism cap simply increasing once the Exit Gates open)

Prove Thyself: The Objective category of Bloodpoints has its cap increased to 10,000.

New Addons to Standardise Killer BP Addons

I'll skip any descriptions or fluff to just get to what exactly I think these addons should do. As +50% BP after the match is a significant bonus, I want every Killer to have options for this if they don't have a BP focused handicap addon already. So:

Shape: Evil Within I requires 100% more Evil to advance to Evil Within II. This addon's Bloodpoint bonuses are incompatible with "Scratched Mirror". (note: this does not apply for EWII - EWIII, so this gives Myers an even worse early game than usual, but doesn't impact him after he gets out of EWI- beyond the extra Evil he consumed to get there, at least. Vanity Mirror still works with this, just not Scratched for obvious reasons)

Hag: Reduces the number of avaliable Phantasm Traps by 5.

Doctor: Survivors require 100% more treatment to advance Madness tiers. (so, Static Blast inflicts 0.5 Madness, shocks inflict 0.25)

Huntress: Reduces Hatchet carrying capacity by 3. Hatchet carrying capacity cannot be lowered below 1. (note: The more I think about it, the less I'm sure the final addendum should be a thing, as I could easily see M1 Huntress becoming a meme setup and I'm potentially worried about arguable double-standards with Spirit later)

Pig: Survivors wearing Reverse Bear Traps have their Auras concealed from you, and if hit while Injured, recieve Deep Wounds instead of advancing to the Dying state. Survivors afflicted with Deep Wounds will enter the Dying State regardless of this. While the Exit Gates are powered or the Hatch is open, this effect no longer applies. (note: this one feels a bit ambitious and perhaps ripe for Survivor abuse, but I didn't want something simple like "less RBTs" or "you can't crouch" because I still want Pig to have her basic gameplay fundamentals. Not 100% confident in what I came up with though)

Clown: Reduces Bottle carrying capacity by 3. (note: I also considered "You cannot move while reloading" on top of this, but beating on a man with such a weak heart while he's down feels cruel)

Spirit: You can no longer see Scratch Marks while using Yamaoka's Haunting. This addon's Bloodpoint bonus is incompatible with the Addon "Mother-Daughter Ring". (note: Unsure if this addon conflicting with MDR is reallly necessary, but seeing as MDR makes the downside not matter at all, I think it's fair. Alternate solutions are welcome though)

Legion: Successful normal attacks against Survivors drain 100% of Feral Frenzy's power. Consecutive attacks in Feral Frenzy refills Feral Frenzy's duration for 25% less duration with each Survivor hit. (note: while this makes chaining between Survivors much harder, if you already have some Feral Frenzy progress left over when you hit a Survivor, this could still carry over- eg. if it's your 2nd Survivor hit but have 25% Feral Frenzy duration left over, you'll still have 100% Feral Frenzy duration after the hit, because you regained 75% duration)

Plague: Survivors require 100% more Infection progress to reach full Infection and become Broken.

Ghostface: The first time each individual Survivor is Marked in the trial, they are not Exposed from the effect. These Survivors still see an Exposed status for the duration of being Marked as usual, however. (note: also not 100% about this one. I wanted to try and go with the theme of ghostface as a more comedic character and thus make his inconvenient BP addon a "fake-out" that also requires him to stalk his victims more intensely before instadowning them, but not sure if this would work)

Demogorgon: Gain 2 additional Portals for use. Portals do not become avaliable for re-use after they have been Sealed.

Oni: Blood Fury's duration is halved. (this one feels really simplistic to me so alternate suggestions are welcome. I considered Blood Fury being more difficult to charge up, or cancelling Blood Fury removing all remaining charges to force you to choose between risky slugs or limiting Blood Fury's potency to 1 survivor down per, but wasn't confident enough with what I came up with)

I'd really like to hear other suggestions though, especially from people experienced with the Killers in question. I tried to make some of these Addons more unique to fit certain Killer's identities better or present different obstacles, but I'd be interested to see what others have to suggest. All these addons providing the same BP bonus also means some effort should be maintained to ensure each inconveniences Killers with some level of equivalency, so critique away.

New Survivor BP Events

This list is designed to include not only events I think should award BPs but don't, but also acknowledgements to specific Survivor Perks that make plays- Some already grant BPs but several of them don't to my knowledge, which is IMO silly seeing as Perks can essentially be a Survivor's equivalent to a Killer Power, determining their role in the team.

To clear some things up, I am aware that Killer generally earns more Bloodpoints because BHVR presumably want to incentivise people to play Killer. (and, to be fair, Survivors can also indirectly get BP value out of matches from chest looting, too) My intention here isn't to fully bridge the BP earnings gap between Killers/Survivors, but to partially bridge it to compensate for these other changes. Survivors still run a significant risk of getting removed from games early, remember.

I also think Survivors who don't utterly carry their teammates, but instead fill a specific role in a larger team, often get shafted in BP categories due to a lack of overlap. A Survivor who gets good loops can be just as valuable to a team as an ultra-immersed toolboxer who the Killer never finds but still repairs several gens, so why should either be punished by getting meager earnings in certain BP categories? Meanwhile, Killers get Bloodpoints in four categories that go well together no matter how you choose to play.

I also generally feel looking at Survivor BP earnings that there's a lot of things I've seen Survivors do that they aren't rewarded for in BP in ways that warrant it. No wonder most of them are so hungry for pallet stuns!

BP earnings are rough estimates from me based on other BP values. Not sure how these would pan out in reality, so feedback is welcome.


Gain +250 BP for Generators that are completed while the Killer is engaged in a chase with you.

The "Tenacious" BP bonus for repairing gens when the Hatch is open IMO seems pointless in the face of hatch closing. IMO a +200 BP bonus for every dead/disconnected Survivor when a Generator is repaired would fit a bit better and reward Survivors who are persisting despite bad odds.

Survivors gain an immediate +100 BP for stopping a Generator's regression. (Note: For obvious reasons, this does not proc while Hex: Ruin is active)

Gain a BP bonus if you finished the final Generator. (I was thinking +750 or so?)


+1000 BP for dying, but escaping sacrifice to The Entity. (mostly by moris, or in the rare instance you bleed out. Maybe this should be +1500 or +2000?). I think this would be a nice way to make Moris feel less salty and hand over some compensation BP for being killed when you probably wouldn't be dead in an ordinary game- Or, for Cypress Moris, as a bonus to the last player standing. (Note: I'm conflicted as to if this should apply to only Moris, and exclude Kills under other circumstances like Rancor, Devour Hope, Tombstone addons, ecetera)

In addition to the current Struggle Bloodpoints, Survivors gain a +500 bonus for making it to the end of the Struggle phase if nobody rescues them, with an additional +500 if they did not attempt a self-unhook during the first phase, and were not saved during their first phase either. (note that these BPs are only obtained upon death on hook: these are intended to incentivise Survivors against giving up when hooked even when it appears like their allies have no intention of rescuing them or if they are being facecamped)

Survivors gain an additional +1000 BP when escaping the match for each Hook state they avoided reaching- So unhooked Survivors get +7000 base points for an escape, dead on hook Survivors get the standard 5000. Survivors who engage with a Killer and take risks will likely earn more points even if they are Hooked, but this will help reward Survivors who remain untouched.

Survivors gain +500 BP for reviving themselves from the Dying State, (via use of Unbreakable, No Mither or Adrenaline) with an additional +500 for every other currently downed, hooked or dead Survivor when they do it.

No Mither grants +1000 BP in this category to all other Survivors at the beginning of the Trial (does not stack with other instances of No Mither on the team) to compensate teammates for a potentially compromised game.


Gain +500 Bloodpoints if an item you looted from a Chest or brought into the Trial was picked up by another Survivor, and they escaped while holding it. (this one isn't supposed to be practical, it's just adorable. Potentially, this could be made exclusive to random teammates, not SWF teammates. Could be made to scale with Item Rarity, so +300 for a common up to +700 for an UR item)

Gain +500 BP for healing another Survivor out of the Dying state, seperate from normal Healing Bloodpoints. Overriden by the Late Heal bonus if the Endgame Collapse has triggered.

Gain +150 BP in this category if, while being chased by the Killer, another Survivor is unhooked or healed from the Dying State.

Kindred awards BP for the duration you reveal the Killer's aura to other Survivors.

Leader, Streetwise, and Vigil all award BP for allies benefiting from their respective buffs, provided they are making use of their benefits.

Open-Handed awards a small amount of BP at the start of the trial (+100?) for every Survivor aside from yourself using a Aura-reading Perk that benefits from it.

The BP values for Hook Rescues and Safe Hook Rescues should be swapped, so simply rescuing a Survivor from the hook rewards only +500, but if they got a fighting chance thanks to your rescue you still get the full 1500 total.

Safe Hook Rescues award an additional +250 Bloodpoints for every other dead or Hooked Survivor, so Survivors who make impactful hook rescues or go for an ally when they could let them die for a hatch are rewarded with more BP.

Using a Map with Crystal Bead as an addon grants Altruism Bloodpoints for the duration of its activation. (note: I tried to figure out a way to get Glass Bead to work with a BP bonus, but I'm not really sure how that would work)

If you opened the Hatch with a key, gain +1000 BP for every other Survivor who escapes in the Hatch you opened.


Completing a Generator while within the Killer's Terror Radius earns you +1000 BP.

Any Means Necessary awards +1000 BP for resetting a dropped Pallet.

Adrenaline awards +500 BP if it is triggered while in a Chase with the Killer.

When the Killer misses an Attack while in a Chase with you, you gain a small amount of BP, with a short cooldown. (I was thinking something like +100 per, but maybe specific attacks like a Pig missing an ambush could reward more? Currently I believe Deathslinger is the only Killer with BP rewards for Survivors who juke a hit which I think is odd)

Diversion and Red Herring award BP (say, 750?) if the Killer enters the vicinity of the distraction shortly after it goes off, and does not engage in a chase within a short window (10 seconds or so) afterwards.

Dead Hard awards extra BP (say, 250) for the Killer missing an attack during or shortly after Dead Hard triggers, overriding other Attack Missed BP events.

Another thing that should be noted is that if Perks like Thrill of the Hunt are going to be buffed, it might make sense to give some select Survivor perks a few bonuses for BP farming. I think I'll defer to the community on that one, though I can think of some candidates.

With all that said, my total lack of experience with Survivor is probably extremely obvious from all that, so I would very much appreciate more educated takes here.

I think the reason why I found myself so motivated to make this thread is because Behaviour are still clearly toying with the concept of BP farming stuff, but until we get the ability to have more Post-Trial bonuses beyond simply BBQ/WGLF and the usual Offerings, that effort will remain wasted.

I do appreciate that Behaviour probably don't want to tune BP earnings too high in general, for fear of throwing the in-game progression out of whack, but I think these changes wouldn't be too out of control for increasing max BP earnings, and Survivors would (hopefully) feel like they're earning more BP than usual to avoid feeling like they're even FURTHER behind in BP compared to Killers.

Above all else, I don't want the next Killer's BP farming addon to be met with a resounding "Seriously, why do Behaviour keep making these?" from the community, and I'd like players who don't own Leatherface to have a little more in the ways of BP farming options. If you feel the same way, feedback/discussion on this thread is very much appreciated, as is sharing it if you'd like with others you know could also provide useful feedback/discussion on this topic. And, if you've read this far, thanks for hearing me out, go wash your hands.

Post edited by Lexilogo on


  • SrxErick4
    SrxErick4 Member Posts: 28

    Leí uno y cada uno de tus puntos y se que lo hiciste lo más justo posible, quisiera comentar cada punto y decirte mi opinión de cada uno pero escribiste demasiado, (soy un jugador veterano con 2 1/2 años de experiencia). También no tengo tiempo. Apoyo la mayoría de tus puntos.

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    @Peanits could you please pass this thread and suggestions to the team? Some of these ideas are great, and increasing base blood point gain is long overdue.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    They also need to buff the blood point offerings.

    Browns offer a 1k in the best case scenario

    yellows 2k

    and greens 3k


  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    That is also a problem, yes, and it's kind of silly that, despite being BETTER than the BP addons I mention in this thread, they're still eh.

    Not 100% how I would buff them (aside from maybe just a rework to the numbers, like 100% for common, 150% for uncommon, and 200% for category-specific offerings) but maybe tying the category-specific Offerings to the Emblems system? Each BP category is somewhat related to an emblem anyway, so maybe something like +1000 BP at the end of the match for each tier of that respective emblem you earned for Common, +1500 BP for uncommon and +2000 for rare?

    So, you equip the Rare version of Spotted Owl Wreath as Killer and get iridescent Chaser at the end of the match, that's a payout of 8000 Bloodpoints in addition to the multiplier to the Hunter BP category (let's assume it's maxed because you got Irid Chaser), which with unbuffed numbers would be a total of 16,000 additional BP for the match. I think that's fair, for the best-case scenario of a Rare addon that won't always work out quite like that, especially considering Survivor Pudding/Escape! Cake and Bloody Party Streamers already exist.

    Don't worry, I also think I wrote too much!

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    So killers can get bonus BP but take a nerf while survivors get bonus BP with no downside yer no thankyou take "+1000 BP for dying, but escaping sacrifice to The Entity. (mostly by moris, or in the rare instance you bleed out. Maybe this should be +1500 or +2000?)" sorry but if the survivor died why should they get BP for it are you going to give killers BP if gens get done in under so many min to balance it.

    even "Dead Hard awards extra BP (say, 250) for the Killer missing an attack during or shortly after Dead Hard triggers, overriding other Attack Missed BP events." if the killer lands a hit they lose 250 BP. If you going to give a downside to killers using addons to get more BP you need to do the same for survivors as a lot off nerfs you listed for the killers will hurt them bad in the game.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Survivors who end up being the Obsession actually already get BP for dying.

    The Survivor did die, but they didn't die to a standard Sacrifice, they died to a Mori. Currently moris are incredibly divisive among the Survivor playerbase and a lot less "fun" than they should be, especially Ebony/Ivory Moris where a Survivor understandably feels cheated. With this change, Cypress Moris would actually be a benefit to the final Survivor and hopefully not feel as salty, and while Ebony/Ivory moris could still remove you early, you'd get a parting BP bonus to compensate for not getting a proper game.

    If you want a comparable bonus for Killers, an amount of Sacrifice points (like 500 at the end of the match) for each Survivor who escaped via a Hatch opened with a Key would be the more fitting comparison. That's also a situation where you might feel cheated out of a "proper" game, and I don't think that would actually be a bad change either.

    Survivors shouldn't lose BP for being hit, not even the best Survivor in the world can get chased by a competent Killer forever without getting hit (even with the best environmental props, excluding an infinite the Killer just moves faster and the Survivor will eventually need to consume pallets for more distance). The Dead Hard BP is supposed to be a bonus for people who use Dead Hard correctly, just like how Killers get BP for using their Killer Powers correctly to down Survivors.

    And yes, the Killer addons would significantly impact a Killer's game. Remember that Survivors already do something quite comparable to this when they enter matches without any items. The intention with these Addons is also to allow for them to be played around to an extent- If I'm worried about any of them being overkill, it's probably Myers' because EWI can already be difficult to escape in high ranks.

    I considered Survivors getting similar negative addons for Bloodpoints, but because Items are fundamentally a different mechanic it's not quite the same thing, and as Survivors are playing on a team that might not appreciate the others gutting themselves too much.

    It also doesn't help that your reply is kinda predicated on the premise that Survivor/Killer BP earnings are balanced with each other when that is very clearly not the case. A Survivor needs to escape and perform well in all categories of play (or be very, very good at the game and barely not escape) to get Bloodpoints roughly equivalent to what a Killer gets in essentially every match, AND their BP farming Perk isn't BBQ + Chili. It is well-known that Killers earn more Bloodpoints than Survivors.

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144
    edited March 2020

    Survival category is a mess; almost all score events are too situational and unrewarding to rely for a good amount of bp, except for Survived, which requires you to win the game against the killer.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    That's the thing what is a proper game survivors complain about mori but have no problem bringing in all the 2nd chance perks they can, items and getting the gens done as fast as they can or like you said use a key to get a free escape, but a killer brings in a mori to balance the playing field and all off a sudden its unfun for survivors and they need to be given BP to say sorry you died have some BP as a reward and are way of saying sorry you died why not just take the loss and move on to the next game not everything needs a reward. If survivors beat me fair and square and i don't get 1 kill and the gens get done fast or 2-3 survivors get out because off a key i just say gg and move on to the next game.

    Mori and keys both need a rework done to them not BP given to the player because they died to a mori, i think the hatch should go back to how it was when so many gens had to be done not like now if your the last one alive the hatch opens even if only 1 gen got done the survivors failed at doing there objective they shouldn't get a free pass but keep it so they can try and open the gate or the killer can forcing the EGC.

    But survivors don't need items to do there job if they need to heal they have perks or other players, they don't need a toolbox to fix a gen so not taking a item into the match won't impact the survivors i.e making it take 100sec to fix a gen not 80. Lets not forget that survivors can find items in the match to so survivors are not really at a loss if they go into a match without a item as it doesn't stop them from doing what they need to do.

    There is reasons why killers get more BP then survivors apart from wanting to get people to play killer, a lot off killers need add ons to be some what decent in a match and killers lose them after each match, yes survivors have that now to but they keep the item which can be used without add ons and even then they don't need to bring a item in to be able to do there job. Go though every killer and look at what addons you would use on the killer there is only a few you would really use the rest are just a waste and sit there.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Moris aren't really comparable to 2nd chance Perks. Even if every Survivor brings Decisive Strike and Borrowed and all of them proc them, (which is often the Killer's own fault anyway) that's not really comparable to an Ebony Mori. The game's balanced around no Moris.

    Also, you're clearly trying to poke fun at Survivors complaining about Moris, but what exactly isn't un-fun about getting unlucky and found first by a Killer, chased and Hooked, immediately going down after a rescue because a teammate of yours was a moron, and then getting booted from the match by an instant Mori?

    You can say you think Moris/Keys need a rework, but I personally think there isn't that much you can do to them that doesn't destroy their current appeal. You can stack on more restrictions, but at the end of the day Moris are for executing Survivors, and Keys are for escaping when you ordinarily wouldn't have "earned" it yet. I think compensation BP would be a solution that partially resolves the "I waited in matchmaking and didn't get a match" complaint at least from a progression perspective. (I also disagree with your Hatch rework, I MUCH prefer DbD's endgame now from back when I was playing with the old system, but that's kind of offtopic as it doesn't change how Keys are used)

    Survivors don't NEED items to do their job, yes, just like a Spirit doesn't need scratch marks to down Survivors with her power, Trapper doesn't need to deal Health State damage with traps to get hooks with them, Billy doesn't need instadowns, Clown doesn't need all five Bottles, ecetera. One addon here I'm unsatisfied with in that respect is LF's Speed Limiter, as instadowns are all LF really has going for him in the first place, but an LF rework is a seperate topic.

    Some Killers are reliant on addons but the game isn't supposed to be balanced around that, neither should the game be balanced around certain addons being useless. Those issues are (more slowly than I'd like) being resolved. About the only Killers I think are seriously addon reliant right now are Wraith and Trapper, honestly, at least from the ones I've played (perhaps ones like Oni are also reliant on addons?). In any case, I've already said I actually don't want the Survivor BP bonuses to make Survivors equal Killers in BP gain, but to stop the gap between the two from widening too much.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Read most of this, but as it's 6am and I haven't slept yet, I'm just going to add this if it hasn't been been already stated.

    Healing another survivor should grant the healed survivor survival points just as you get altruism points.

    Survivors selfcaring get them. Bridge the gap. Make it efficient to heal by someone, and be rewarded for it.


    Would make the survival category so much healthier, as you'd gain points the same way you would altrusim.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    That is actually a good one I didn't state in the thread. Survivors who don't bring the ability to selfcare definitely get shafted in Survival points unless they actually escape. A small BP event for getting healed would be nice.

    I did consider writing something up about Solidarity, because from what I understand that Perk should probably reward BP, but I don't know anywhere near enough about Survivor play to make a good judgement on that. Hell, I had to look up if Inner Strength rewards BP for the self-heal. (it does)

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Wonderful ideas. My only comment is that the extra 1000 BP should only be from Moris and not dying. Otherwise, Survivors will be encouraged to crawl away to a dark corner and die there on the floor to unnecessarily lengthen the match just to spite the other player.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited March 2020

    I am conflicted about the bleedout thing, yeah. This is kind of a seperate thing but I've felt for a while that Survivors should be able to voluntarily speed up their rate of bleedout if they've been in the Dying state for a while and was kinda envisioning a slugged Survivor finding a good hiding spot to deny the Killer their final hook, but it's not really that well thought-out in retrospect.

  • SrxErick4
    SrxErick4 Member Posts: 28

    La diferencia entre las llaves y el mori es que el mori te puede eliminar a los 2 minutos comenzada la partida y la llave solo sirve cuando aparece la trampilla y los supervivientes tienen que buscarla en las ubicaciones donde podrían estar.

    La trampilla aparece cuando:

    Quedan 4 generadores, 3 supervivientes muertos. Quedan 3 generadores, 3 supervivientes muertos. Quedan 2 generadores, 2 supervivientes muertos. Queda 1 generador, 1 superviviente muerto Quedan 0 generadores, 0 supervivientes muertos.

    Para que uno pueda escapar por la trampilla con la llave cuando quedan generadores mínimo 1 superviviente tiene que morir y el que tiene la llave si no está jugando con amigos tiene que buscar la trampilla por su cuenta.

    Si vas eres el primero en morir por un mori casi empezando la partida pierdes rango y solo ganas 1000 BP porque el asesino cuando te vio supo que te podría hacer mori (no estoy quejarme de los que hagan esto).

    Creo que lo mejor sería que el mori se aplique después de 2 ganchos para así ahorrarse el tercer cuelge y darle al superviviente más oportunidad

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Good thing i said 2nd chance perks, items and getting the gens done as fast as they can i didn't just limit it to 2nd chance perks like you did and like you said "but what exactly isn't un-fun about getting unlucky and found first by a Killer, chased and Hooked, immediately going down after a rescue because a teammate of yours was a moron". The amount off time i have hooked someone walked a few feet away from the hook just for someone to unhook them or do it right in front off my face sorry but that's on your teammate not me if you go down again, that's why survivors get BP for a safe rescue so survivors need to stop blaming killers all the time and start looking at there teammates.

    Yes there are killers that camp or will hang around the hook if i know someone is at the hook i will look for them otherwise i move on to the next survivor all survivors need to do is wait a bit then unhook not go i will unhook now in front off the killer and expect them not to do anything.

    The most easy way to balance mori and keys would be that you have to hook each survivor at least once before you can mori a survivor which will stop i just got unhooked then mori complaints because the killer will need to hook all 4 survivors at least once to use it and for keys only one person can get out with the key which will stop complaints about 2 or more people getting out with a 1 key.

    All the things you listed are the killer base kit which allows them to do there job as the killer and what make them unique just like it's in the survivors base kit to fix gens, heal other survivors, disarm traps, pull down pallets. Take away what power the killers have and you will turn them all into M1 killers that can't do anything else.

    If you want to close the gap on BP between killers and survivors then they need to fix the maps and gens to allow for more interaction with the killer, when i'm having one off my matches where i hook everyone once for BBQ then just screw around and chase people and down them but not hook them the BP gap is pretty small. Why because everyone got into a chase, got hit, escaped a chase, got someone off a hook, worked on gens they pretty much did nearly everything they could.

    Instead off hand feeding things to players or nerfing killers even more or giving BP to survivors for no reason i.e they got mori lets give them blood points they should spend there time on working out how to make killer/survivor interactions better, when people ask me why i didn't hook them a 2nd time my answer is simple i enjoy the chase more then killing because off that everyone is getting more interaction with each side which in turns means more BP.

    I would love to see how many people that play killer like your idea off nerfing killers even more just for a 50% bonus in BP knowing that there are a few killers that struggle now even more if its a bigger map.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    I agree Killers aren't responsible for unsafe hook rescues, but you have to admit that IS indeed a raw deal for the Survivor who got "saved".

    Having to hook every Survivor at least once per mori would make Moris much less powerful but opens up more potential for abuse/exploitation than you'd think. If your teammates have all been hooked and the Killer used a secret offering, why not go ultra immersed and hide somewhere you know you won't be found to avoid much risk of the Killer catching you?

    Only 1 person getting out per key would only result in the salt being Survivors having their teammates abandon them mid-match. That's already a pretty contentious issue as is.

    Uh, no, the things I listed were PART of the Killer's base kit. Eg. Padded Jaws makes Trapper worse, but you can still play Trapper and it by no means makes him "More of an M1 Killer". Just like how Survivors don't need toolboxes to repair gens but are better at it if they bring them.

    No, changing maps would not "fix the survivor/killer BP gap". Yes, more killer interaction can net BP, but the playstyle you describe is not how Killers are supposed to play. Of course if you don't hook people just to prolong the game the Survivors will earn loads more BP, but that's not what's actually supposed to happen. Making Killer interaction more common would probably lower Survivor BP average gains because 4Ks would happen more often.

    Also, for the record, a voluntary handicap addon is not a "nerf to a killer", you can just not use the addon and every Killer would be exactly the same. Nurse and Freddy are doing fine even with BP handicap addons existing for them, I just want the bloodpoint bonuses to be useful.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    @Lexilogo don't nerf clown, I do agree with your doctor nerfs, I don't really understand the rests but I do also agree with the idea of increasing bloodpoints game, I grinded enough for the rift, don't make me grind so hard for bloodpoints, I totally agree for bloodpoints but explain me the changes for killers except Doctor please.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    They aren't nerfs, they're extra Addons that do what I list in exchange for whoever equips them earning +50% Bloodpoints from the match.