The disconnect punishment is ridiculous

mil71 Member Posts: 7

I've had two disconnects today due to the dedicated server I'm on going down and kicking everyone out of the match and then crashing the game back to the "Killer lobby" where you can ready up and unable to navigate to any other menu.

I then have to close the game down via task manager and when I re-open it I'm greeted with a matchmaking ban.

Brilliant and lost 3 pips as well despite us having all generators done and just about to open the exit gate and boom the server goes down.

Beyond frustrated.

The pictures aren't in order the first one is at the bottom when being kicked out of the game.


  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'd say the problem is more that there's a random disconnect happening like that, not that there's a punishment system for DCs. The punishment system should be there. The random kick from your game shouldn't.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you deserved a time-out for being kicked. I've experienced weird bugs pretty recently myself like this, but I just still see people to this day blatantly rage quitting, no doubt it's an intentional DC when they do it. Like after they get picked up and whatnot. So long as I continue to see things like that, I'll have to say that the DC penalty should remain.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah, it sucks. I've been kicked from several games recently by the server. The penalty is a bit too extreme. I don't think they should get rid of it, but I think it shouldn't go past an hour until you're an extreme repeat offender.

  • JaxNosam
    JaxNosam Member Posts: 2

    I understand giving a “time out” for players who disconnect just for the sole purpose of getting downed once or due to them being all upset about the killer mori-ing them or whatever else; but, I never disconnect (I know that sounds narcissistic, but I don’t simply because it’s a game) and I get this punishment that they put into place due to my internet not being the best and I end up lagging out. However, I do think it should be gotten rid of, unless there’s a way that the game can detect that the reason why you disconnected is connected to lagging out. However, as said above, I do think people who intentionally disconnect and are repeating offenders should suffer the consequences; and, that the “time outs” shouldn’t go past an hour. Again, due to my internet being garbage randomly, I lag out and then I suffer this new punishment and it kinda ticks me off because it’s not fair to me. So, could the Devs maybe just get rid of this punishment or somehow tweak it to not go past an hour?

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    4 times today!