Red ranks feel more like a punishment than a reward.

Why isn't there any rewards for getting to red ranks? Like, the only "reward" you're gonna get is sweaty killers and survivors, and you always die or get 0-1 kills and it is just not fun to play in, aren't games made for fun? Definetly does not feel like so. You could atleast get some actual rewards for getting to high ranks, auric cells, shards or bloodpoints. Why haven't the devs thought about rewarding people who are in high ranks. Atleast make it harder to get to red ranks.
Matching against people equal to your skill level is a reward in itself. You will never improve playing against people significantly worse than you.
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Red ranks only sucks because people hit red ranks who dont belong. i honestly preferred going against killers that had ruin, at least back then i knew my team would have some common sense on how to do gens or lead on a chase but now i will hardly play the game because its tiring loading into a match where everyone is red rank but they cant do gens, hide all game and cant even get safe saves they just farm for points and hide for hatch all game. while i wouldnt mind bonus rewards for hitting rank 1 for either side (been there for 2+years) i wouldnt want that till they fix the ranking, most of these red ranks should be green ranks at best
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The problem is you'll also never improve if you play at your best and it's completely negated by your side being completely overpowered or underpowered. In order to truly improve youself, balance and matchmaking are both incredibly important. Since BHVR struggles to do either, rank rewards are ridiculously easy to implement and could at least provide some relieve from the hassle.
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I kind of get what you are trying to say. Before I was a red rank, I was enjoying casual games and even dying early was not an inconvenience if my teammates were close to winning.Now, I'm really salty when I lose and It's coming to a point where I'm not even enjoying my wins anymore, as if I should have them for granted every time. More challenges or less games where you de-rank when you play good would be a huge improvement tbh.
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There's only a handful of completely broken things in the game as it stands. Freddy / Hag / Spirit, a number of busted add-ons (iri head, tombstone, rusty shackles, etc), mori's, keys, and some infinite buildings. Other than that, it does come down to player skill in the majority of cases in my opinion.
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Yeah I have the same thing, I don't enjoy playing in red ranks, and when I win, it does not even feel good. I wish that I was atleast green rank but it is just too easy for me to get to red ranks.
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Yes, I agree, and no I am not a game developer but I don't think it is that hard to add some rewards to ranking up.
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It's true. If someone asks, I'll tell them you don't want to rank up in this game. The problem is it's hard not to if you play a lot.
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This entire game feels like punishment.
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EDIT: Whoops, wrong thread. My bad.
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I get to play in red ranks without actually being a red rank. This matchmaking is great!
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Getting to red ranks just shows how survivor sided the game can be... so many mechanics are in their favor. And they act toxic in the match. It's not worth it for my sanity to try to stay there, since survivors there actively try to tilt you.
It is why purple/green ranks are more fun. I can just play and have fun instead of just sweating all the time.
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I always avoid going to red ranks as killer. Now I am rank 5 so I will play Nurse (Xbox) a few games to derank..I'm useless with Nurse lol.
As survivor I'm rank 3 but I'm not the best survivor so it is more easy getting to red ranks as survivor. And more fun and ranks as killer is not fun just stressful.
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Nowadays the game is killer sided because of the short af loops and hitboxes
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Haha are you serious? You probably one of those survivors who Urban evade 100 meter away from generators and expect to survive! When me and my friends did SWF at Rank 1 we LITERALLY did had like 40 escapes in a row.
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Not really. Many of the maps are still in survivor favor because of how long the loops can be (Wretched Shop and Ironworks still exists), and based on how breakable walls were implemented in Dead Dawg Saloon, there will be pseudo infinites if you don't break them (wasting even more time).
That doesn't even get to the rough time of chases. If you get the first hit in surprise, the chase will often be around 60 seconds at the start. That is a gen (if two are on it). If you don't get the jump on them, or if they use Sprint Burst as a get out of jail free move, then the chase will probably take around 120-280 seconds, and that is if you can get them quick, since survivors have two hits you have to get, and many jungle gyms are in their favor.
That doesn't account for DH, Lithe, Balanced Landing, which give survivors distance.
Then, after you get the first hook, I would not be surprised if the second or third gen were to pop. For every survivor you chase, the others will be pressuring gens, and in the end, they will get done.
Hitbox issues are more about your and the killer's connection (at least on Xbox, which is my platform).
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Nah I do gens as much as possible and help my teammates and my teammates is my number 1 priority. and i never use urban evasion
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Yes I agree that autohaven/macmillan has pretty long loops but still, there is literally zero safe pallets in the new maps, hawkins for example.
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This is because you don’t need to do gens, at all, to rank up. Between looping / staying alive a long time and unhooks you can easily rank up. You can make it to red ranks without ever having escaped.
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not even a rank rewards system in place is kinda goofy
if X rank at reset then award Y Bloodpoints would suffice for most people
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Exactly. It's not a ranked vs casual type of ranked. There is no reward. It exists to pit you against people of your rough skill level. If it's a challenge, it means you belong there. If that challenge is at red ranks, then congrats, you deserve to be at res ranks going against tough opponents, and not having easy victories handed to you.
If you dont want those tough games, then just dont try so hard and enjoy it as a game. Yeah, you'll de pip, but guess what? That means less tryhard games.
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if they made it a little more difficult to attain then I would fully support a monthly reward for reaching Rank 1.