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Tunnel/facecamp all day long

Katie28 Member Posts: 22

Hate this game right now, tunneled and face camped every game (killer getting 4k every match. And before you say git gud it's hard to when you spend so much time on the hook. I don't teabag killers, I use self heal, lithe, urban evasion and empathy and don't take toolkits (no point now they've been nerfed) only used to be Billy that did this crap and the ocassional huntress or invisible dude. It now its every killer, pig, spirit, trapper, new guy, Jason..

Why do these events bring out the worst killers and whats the incentive to keep playing?


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    eh play killer or just dont play during the event I would say

  • Katie28
    Katie28 Member Posts: 22

    Thank you that's a good idea, mostly when I'm hooked people don't do gens they all come from different directions to save me and all end up bleeding on the floor x

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    "Jason", LOL. Good to see you didnt lose your humor despite all.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    You have empathy, so I'd suggest removing self-care and putting a different perk in its place if you have it. With empathy, you can find another injured player and the two of you can heal each other much more efficiently. Maybe bring Kindred so your team can see the killer is camping, and they might not come. And you can see if the killer is camping as well.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Try DS.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i played 5 soloQ games vs: red, green, yellow, red, red killers

    and sad fact is the only difference were perks, red rank killers had bamboozle to help them press W,

    their playstyle was exactly the same: find and camp/come back straight to the hook to tunnel unhooked guy, (no obsession in either game) yellow rank will tell "im bad killer so i tunnel to get kills", red rank "its effective strategy" hmmm

    in chase it was exactly the same (except red ranks were using bamboozle) it was funny to see red rank killer going through windows in 2 connected T/L walls xD in both cases chases ended on BL 2/3 or dedicated(server) hit

    btw some red rank killers are so used to getting DSed they dont even check if there is obsession and count 60 sec on my body anyway xDDD

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Low effort, high reward. Only likely to cause you to lose if you’re against a 3-4 man swf that aren’t overly altruistic.

    its a problem with the game design.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Rank only shows how long someone has been playing. It takes a little longer to red rank as a Killer but it doesn't actually reflect anyone's skill at the game.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i know but tell that to killers that sweat their asses off to be in red ranks haha

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Sorry, if a killer gets a 4k by "facecamp and tunnel", then it's 100% the survivors' fault for falling for it.

  • Katie28
    Katie28 Member Posts: 22

    Lol, yep all my fault... That a killer can down me in one hit then babysit me on the hook, killing anyone who attempts to save me.

  • Spectre3
    Spectre3 Member Posts: 1

    A problem I think comes from the punishment the devs came up with for hook proxy. It's so insignificant that killers don't care and a simple offering bonus will out weight it. Plus alot tend not to care about rank. These events bring out the worst killers (came across 2 basement Bubbas and an insidious camping DSlinger). There are some good perks to counter tunneling like DS and Head on and BT. Just gotta play with the right group or try to do as many gens as you can. Hide and evade all the time and use perks to find the hatch or use the key. Best advice I can give.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    More like your teams fault. If the killer wants to camp push gens and do bones when you see them. At most they will get 2 kills camping.

  • YoshisCookies
    YoshisCookies Member Posts: 67

    as long as maps are the same size as they are now, i will continue to face camp/campproxy hook

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    The number of times that I leave the hook, find a survivor, and that survivor runs to the hook I left is: a lot. There is a surprisingly large amount of lack of context to your posts.

  • Katie28
    Katie28 Member Posts: 22

    Never seen that happen, but seen lots of killers chasing off people who come to unhook then run straight back to me when I'm unhooked by someone else..

    Thanks for the advice on perks etc I really appreciate it x