The game is more balanced then people say it is. Change my mind.

So many people claim this game is completely unbalanced, however I disagree with this.
Is the game better and easier for one side compared to the other, yes, however the game isn't near as bad as some state it is.
Recently, after hearing so many people complain about how certain killers have it so hard, or rather how survivors have it easy, I decided to start playing killers that are considered weak by majority of the community, and I still don't fail to get 4ks.
The game is survivor sided, but not near as bad as so many people think it is. Change my mind.
I was going to agree, because I agree that the game is more balanced than most people believe it is, but then you used the "I get 4ks AlL tHe TiMe" arguement as, basically, your only standing point. And then I tossed basically your whole opinion in the trashbin.
No reason to even attempt trying to change your mind because when someone says "change my mind" it is never going to happen. And it never has. Change my mind.
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math should change your mind. applying pressure is the biggest bullshit people invented to justifiy this game total unbalance. If you win, survivors are bad, period. With how many tools survivors have, being the power role in terms of numbers, objective and loop power, on paper is impossible for them to lose.
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I dont have an opinion about it. Change my mind. :D
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The assumption that survivors are bad due to you winning isn't necessarily true, but rather the survivor made mistakes or the killer was really good.
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Dang, you bamboozled me!
On topic: It's not completely unbalanced, but survivor sided at red ranks, like op said.
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I think the game is in a good state right now.. Against a good swf it is unbalanced as killers, but you have to also think about the lower rank players that arent even close as good
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That's the whole point though, is it not? The killers job is to get kills and as much as possible. Anyways, currently in an attempt to try to see if killers are as weak as people claim I've started using many killers, including The Legion who I've been tracking stats with and will make a post once I get to 50 games.
I'm about half way through and I've been consistently getting 3ks or 4ks, with very few survivors being able to escape through and exit gate.
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Well your opinion is you don't have an opinion, so technically you do have an opinion.
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"I gEt 4K's EveRyGaMe iTs BaLanCeD"
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I rather Nurse's tits. The best bootie is Spirit's. (I just felt like it would be a good comment).
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Well, you did changed my mind! :D
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I like pizza too! How did you know?
(imagine nurses big blagongdagongas and spirits booty in one killer BHVR we need this gimme pls!)
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I like math. Did you math include your play style, the number of SWF groups you are playing, the experience accumulated by each survivor and take into consideration the BP bonus and public lockdown, bringing some people back to this game after a long break and also encouraging others to make stupid mistakes in the hopes of more BP?
Im just jokingly pointing out that getting a 4k isn’t hard or special, especially if your not earning Iridescent emblems and opting to just get a 4k and consider it a win. Hell, the Entity doesn’t even consider that a win half the time :D
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Thats a well deserved vote up, bro!!! :D
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What rank are you as killer?
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When the game would be more balanced, more people would say it is. Change my mind
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making mistakes, being bad. same story, you didn't win, rather the opponent lose.
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Rank 1 at the moment.
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Well when you're getting 4k consistently playing as a killer considered weak by many, you do have to question if the game is balanced.
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Usually I get a pip or double pip, the few times I haven't is either all gold emblems or a survivor or two died on first hook. As I can't rank up past rank 1, I consider a 4k a win, even a 3k with a hatch escape.
Also the entity is clearly survivor sided :p
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You re not wrong. There are just players that suck as killers the same way most suck against nurse. But then you going to have people saying non sense like " If survivors are good killer stand no chance" with zero proof of that. They are just bad at the game and cant stand the fact that killer is harder to play than survivors .Because? They are horror movies biased... people.
The game is balanced fine.
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Apparently you are a god and we are all scrubs unworthy of your presence.
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ChAnGe My MiNd ThReAd
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Making addons disappear when you escape is stupid as it means that item addons = killer addons which doesnt add up as their are vastly more addons for survivors to sift through
Change my mind
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I can't. I think survivors should lose their add ons if they use up the whole item, but the current state of items and add ons is stupid.
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Nah the real gods are people who use Noed, moris and instant down add ons all in one build.
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If you measure solely by the ability to 4K ever, then sure - killer is not always and completely helpless.
It's clear that killers are under more pressure and cannot afford to make many, if any, mistakes. Getting to rank 1 as killer was harrowing. I had to keep an eye on my opponents, on map offerings, etc. It wasn't enjoyable. Even if I choose to depip to purple ranks, I'll still get those same survivors, that same pressure, and every mistake will be punished and then ridiculed by survivors and the Entity.
I haven't had fun as killer in a while. Did I get 4Ks? Sure. In fact, due to the emblem system at higher ranks, those games were necessary.
Now, on the survivor side, I can casually waltz my way into red ranks with suboptimal, meme-y builds. I have time to scratch my nose. I can replace my controller if the batteries run out and still survive. I am not BM'd nearly as often as I am with killer. It feels much better, even in solo queue, which Kindred and Empathy are almost enough to fix.
It's not balanced, and maybe that's fine, but it's not balanced. One side has a lot more responsibility and stress and receives more salt if not outright abuse. And maybe that's fine - if you're a tank in WOW, you're taking on more than the DPS, and that's ok. But still, it's not the same role and there's no real balance.
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"Not nearly as bad as some say. Change my mind."
Okay. Three gens in two minutes. I can't pressure gens if I have to find someone, and hunt them down. It's not that I suck, it's because gens are way too fast.
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Game is ALRIGHT solo surv
Game is broken vs swf
Both in the same mode cannot be balanced
Killers against solo survs needs tweaks
Killers against swf would basically need 8 perks.
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All I can say to that is unlucky. You'll have games like that, and the one tip I can say to that is if a game is going south, 3 gen. It's often your last lifeline and if you do it right you can get a 4k.
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Although a swf makes it harder (and its evident when it's a swf) it doesn't make it impossible.
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I mean, every killer has the ability to kill sure. even clown. but when saying that your assuming the survivors are going to make many mistakes. killers like clown and bubba have bad mobility, so on certain large maps like ormond generators get finished before you can even walk to the other end of the map. absolutely no counterplay so maps are an issue for some killers
going against coordinated swf groups allows the chased survivor to tell the others to work on generators, knowing the killer wont come near them. and if he does theres little danger in getting caught as they would be warned. so map pressure is not great in some matches.
survivors have multiple second chance perks making any chase potentially go on for the whole map, especially if loops and pallets are taken into consideration.
Every killer CAN kill yes. But you;d have to capitalise on survivor mistakes to make it a reality, and when your best chance of success is on the opponents mistakes, thats not a balanced game.
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If you manage to get 4k all the time, then devs should buff survivors and/or nerf killers.
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Lol yes it does, ever went against a legit red rank swf? It's not winnable. Not hard I said, not winnable.
Why do community tournaments have such heavy restrictions on survs you think?
Otz who is a really good killer got completely destroyed by some top level swf a few days ago running non meta perks.
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I mean, I wish I could. If it's a map with spread out gens, it's over. Maps like Hawkins, Lampkin, or the Meat Plant have issues if you're not a Nurse, Billy, or Freddy main.
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I've faced a full swf group and been destroyed, and I've faced a full swf group and pushed through with ease. Although swf does help gens get complete, it isn't always viable, and if you can consistently down survivors you are decreasing how fast they can work up until you sacrifice one or two, or possibly more.
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Like you stated certain killers have to rely on much more mistakes then others, aswell as maps playing a big part into it, however a good killer can force mistakes. Obviously very good survivors won't fall for these dukes, but that comes with loads of hours into the game.
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I would agree with that statement, however the one thing that holds me back is my experience with survivor is completely different.
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Both of y'all need a therapist
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The thing is, the game is survivor sided, but not near as bad as people claim it is. That was the main point of the argument.
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So you admit when you play killer your enemies are usually potatoes.
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They play very similar to my team mates. Sometimes with my team we'll all escape, some games it'll be a 2k and sometimes the killer will completely destroy us.
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Thats a really sad mindset you have
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I think of it as a great play from the killer since im pretty good at looping so if i get caught its mostly the killer doing an amazing mindgame
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Or the lower ranked killers against purple/red SWFs. After all, green killer is the new red.
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SWF comms OP. Killers can try to pressure all they want, but they can't do jack against a decent SWF.
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It's asymmetrical. Very hard to balance lol
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it's sad but it's true
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"Change my mind" posts are an inherently negative archetype born from a deliberately provocative format and intellectual dishonesty, being used as a platform to throw out a controversial opinion or as propaganda pieces as opposed to being born from an actual interest in discussion, and people should just stop doing them. Change my mind.
Joke that was actually kinda serious aside, speaking from a Killer POV, I agree the complaints are blown out of proportion.
Do I think the game's balance state is in a great place? Of course not. Do I think that, at the highest level of play, an organised Survivor team has an unreasonable advantage over most Killers? Yeah.
But at the same time, a good proportion of Survivor/Killer community complaints aren't from people truly dealing with said issues, but likely regurgitating what they've heard from people who have, and blaming that for their own bad plays. Sorry, but if 4 gens get popped before you find your first Survivor, that's probably not because of genrushing, I'd wager it's because you're bad.
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Anyone can get 4's at Brown, Yellow and Green Ranks.
But eventually you'll start to climb the ladder, and you'll realize how wrong you were.