Legion needs a buff pls.

Hello, I am a player who plays with the legion and I would like to know if a potential buff is planned for him because it is now almost impossible to kill survivors with this killer.
Thank you for your answer, even if I am quite disappointed and I find it a shame, I think even a speed buff or other could do the trick but hey if they do not intend to do anything it's pretty sad...
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Legion is fine, if one killer deserves a buff its bubba
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I do not agree, it is true that bubba deserves a buff but legion even more it is even considered as the worst killer of the game according to some players it is impossible to make a 4/4 with.
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Everytime someone asks for Legion buffs they look at ways to "rework" them.
And by "rework" i mean nerf.Bubba? I didn't know the Clown had the same name as LF.
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Just because there is a worse Killer than Legion doesn't mean they're fine. At least Bubba is the best facecamper in the game, look at poor Clown, that guy deserves a rework.
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Shhh don't mention legion or they'll nerf them to a survivor
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I main legion, but saying that im doing really good on red ranks will bring nothing to the discussion. You can do well with every killer, but not againt every survivors.
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Legion is, frankly, a boring killer to play. His ineffectiveness aside, his kit lacks any of the pizzazz that so many others have. His loop is remarkably simple: Chase and deep wound everyone, try to down as many as you can as a basic attack melee killer while they heal, get looped in the process, rinse and repeat. At least with other basic attack killers (The Shape, The Spirit, The Doctor, etc) you have SOMETHING you can use to make you competitive. Leaping over pallets and vaulting just isn't enough.
When Legion came out it was a disaster. They were too ridiculously OP (especially with Frank's mixtape) so Behavior already re-balanced them once. That re-balancing apparently meant a nerf that took them straight to the basement. I'd still play Legion over Ghost Face, but neither would make me happy.