Dbd on Switch is utterly broken

Meh i got an awnser so i dunno
Feel like Xbox & Switch guys don't matter as long as the PC fanbase is happy.
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I mean, it did look trash in the trailer for Switch, I would not have purchased it based on the selected footage they released for it as an advertisement
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I agree with this as there are not as many bugs as there are on switch and xbox
and for this switch and Xbox are sometimes the only things that people can play dbd on because not everybody buys a pc or builds their own
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Ugh, I hope they fix it. That's unacceptable. I was planning on buying the Switch version but I'm going to hold off for now.
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I play on switch, and it's not THAT bad for me, though every day I do get kicked from a match which leads to a DC penalty. But matchmaking times vary, I don't think I've ever waited 30 minutes for a match on either side. Might depend on where you are.
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It never used to be 30 minutes at most it was 15 for me but now with all this happening it starts to make que times a lot longer than usual
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I play on Switch in Europe and queue times aren't too bad for me (as long as your not playing at like 1am or something). I also never received a DC penalty that I didn't deserve. Where do you live? Queue times might depend on the area that you live in.
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I live in washington where schools are closed and most people are staying home so it leaves alot of people playing games but what i mean is the game never crashed this frequently it used to be once every 10-15 matches but now its almost every match
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I could play that 50% is from pc
and 40% is on consoles,
and 10% use either cell phone or switch
and switch players go for things like "smash bros" or something childish xD
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So im not trying to be mean but. You know the switch is a consol and a handheld right? Plus people buy whatever they want just cause you have a switch dosent mean that your a child or want something childish to play its just the type of Console you wanted
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You talk of these problems but I've never had them. I play solely on the Switch. I'm even buying a pro controller to use instead of joy cons. Que times aren't that long. I can get a killer match as fast as 10 seconds. My longest waiting time was an hour and that was because I played at 2 in the morning. And DC penalties aren't that hard to cope with. Its only from 2 to 5 minutes. Just sit on your phone for that time frame.
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Doom Eternal would like to have a word with you
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Just because I bought Animal Crossing that doesn't make me a child!!
I play Resident Evil too!!! Grrr
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I'd buy the game on Switch too if they added cross-play and cross-progression.
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Nintendo actually has good games, not just smash
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Childish? Ahh I see we got our mlg gfuel cod gamer in chat.
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Botw Mario odyssey Mario maker smash links awakening luigis mansion Mario kart Mario party. There’s plenty of quality stuff
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The Switch Release was nothing more than a cash grab.
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I said that the majority who buy the switch go for their games as "smash" I did not say that they make you childish or something like that
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I said that the majority who buy the switch go for their games as "smash" I did not say that they make you childish or something like that
If something else was understood, sorry, English is not my native language
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I really can’t believe they charge $50 for the Switch version. I was going to buy it until I saw the price. They’re out of their minds.
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They do include 2 DLCs, but I agree. It needs to be much cheaper. Especially since they picked crappy DLCs IMO
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This game chugs on beefy pc's. What have you expected from reeeeeeally weak switch version?
Even consoles drop to 20 fps.
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Well Behaviour got your money so tough. That’s as far as their concern goes.
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I've been playing on Switch since day 1 and I haven't experienced these problems. Only early mornings have lobbies been slow for me. Tons of matches otherwise. my zarina already has a 'll 75 level 3 perks. Matches just haven't been a problem.
I think I've only had 8 matches where a player disconnected while loading a game...Since ban effect. I've only been kicked from a game twice and sure it was my internet dropping that was to blame. Maybe you have a corrupt file or bad switch it some thing?....