Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Possible Hag change ("nerf")

Hello y'all.
So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. This could have potential.

    2. No. 20-25 seconds is not enough to place traps. You will place 2 traps go somewhere and boom they are gone. And why should she recharge writing something on the ground X_x

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    No, i like actually going up against something else besides Nurse billy nurse billy nurse billy ....
    Probably you dont know that you can crouch over her traps and make them useless, yes i know mindblowing.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Well, she's a witch, and the thing she carries is a catalyst of some sort. Even magic needs to be recharged, you could look at that as needing mana to cast her spell. Concerning the timer, 30 seconds is the maximum amount of allowed time I was thinking about. This would also serve the purpose of denying camping or her particular form of "fast camping", in which she can move around and quickly get back to tunneling as soon as a trap is activated. Don't know you, but I hate people who camp, be it in DbD or other games. And sadly, no, people I've met up to now never did that because my teammates were over altruistic. They just did as soon as one was hooked. Back to the Hag, though, I feel like both my propositions could do. Maybe the first one would be a little less complicated to put into work.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @Damarus said:
    Hello y'all.
    So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

    1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

    2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

    Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?

    I don't think she needs a nerf she's already slow. And the fact that people place 5 traps in the same spot doesn't change any thing they are just wasting their own time. Hag is more of a mind game character that will prevent you from looping and slow down the game. And being able to erase it with flashlight is a must have otherwise you remove the only counter while walking or running. And they shouldn't disappear since with hag you'll prepare your traps at the beginning of the game before looking for survivors. Since she'll want to put her traps at the windows and pallets to compensate for her speed. If she's not chasing you her traps are useless and once you get her totems she just become regular killer with 110% speed.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @switch said:
    No, i like actually going up against something else besides Nurse billy nurse billy nurse billy ....
    Probably you dont know that you can crouch over her traps and make them useless, yes i know mindblowing.

    Does that phrase where I wrote "most people will just start running as soon as they are unhooked" tell you nothing? I already knew that, some people just happen not to have more than a neuron to work on a logic basis, I guess. Try to be less of a jerk and more of a constructive guy ;)

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @Orion said:
    1. Could be an add-on.
    2. This is a ridiculous nerf and would make her absolute garbage.

    The thing is, it shouldn't be just an add-on. She has to become strategic, as other killers are, not just be the easy to play type. Too much room for mistakes usally equals an unbalanced character. And while she may not be completely unbalanced as is, nobody should be given the option to spam freely.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    These ideas give me the impression that you haven't played the Hag. You don't need to place any more than 1 trap near a hooked person as that is certainly enough. Anything above that is simply making the rest of the map much safer.

    The trap decaying idea is just stupid and absurd with the times you suggested. The Hag is slower than most other Killers, she is meant to rely on her traps so having them swiftly disappear would just tank her viability.

    Honestly, she's fine as she is.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @HellDescent said:
    I don't think she needs a nerf she's already slow. And the fact that people place 5 traps in the same spot doesn't change any thing they are just wasting their own time. Hag is more of a mind game character that will prevent you from looping and slow down the game. And being able to erase it with flashlight is a must have otherwise you remove the only counter while walking or running. And they shouldn't disappear since with hag you'll prepare your traps at the beginning of the game before looking for survivors. Since she'll want to put her traps at the windows and pallets to compensate for her speed. If she's not chasing you her traps are useless and once you get her totems she just become regular killer with 110% speed.

    It would be a soft nerf, not touching anything else. As previosuly said, she shouldn't be able to spam traps whenever the player feels like. Sure, she might be slower than other killers, but she is also shorter, putting to good use some walls and objects to cover her before surviviors can even hear the heartbeat. And once you get in a chase, Bloodlust makes that "being slower" of her mostly unimportant.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    These ideas give me the impression that you haven't played the Hag. You don't need to place any more than 1 trap near a hooked person as that is certainly enough. Anything above that is simply making the rest of the map much safer.

    The trap decaying idea is just stupid and absurd with the times you suggested. The Hag is slower than most other Killers, she is meant to rely on her traps so having them swiftly disappear would just tank her viability.

    Honestly, she's fine as she is.

    I am not talking about my experience playing as the Hag, I am talking about what the majority of players does with her. Traps get spammed because those things can also bodyblock. And surviviors who are stupid enough will run as soon as they get unhooked. But, quoting what I read in another thread, this is a killer-centric forum, so I kinda knew what was going to be said from the beginning.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Damarus said:

    @Orion said:
    1. Could be an add-on.
    2. This is a ridiculous nerf and would make her absolute garbage.

    The thing is, it shouldn't be just an add-on. She has to become strategic, as other killers are, not just be the easy to play type. Too much room for mistakes usally equals an unbalanced character. And while she may not be completely unbalanced as is, nobody should be given the option to spam freely.

    The power role should be the one allowed to make the most mistakes.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @Orion said:
    The power role should be the one allowed to make the most mistakes.

    Perhaps it is so. But not in a game. Games should be balanced for both sides. Would it be ok if, for instance, there are two teams, Red and Blue. From the lore, you know Red team is the most powerful. So you give players in the Red team the ability to one shot everybody, while those unlucky enough to be in Blue team have to hit them 5 times? Not at all.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Damarus said:

    @Orion said:
    The power role should be the one allowed to make the most mistakes.

    Perhaps it is so. But not in a game. Games should be balanced for both sides. Would it be ok if, for instance, there are two teams, Red and Blue. From the lore, you know Red team is the most powerful. So you give players in the Red team the ability to one shot everybody, while those unlucky enough to be in Blue team have to hit them 5 times? Not at all.

    This is an asymmetrical game. When I said "power role", I meant the role that's alone in an asymmetrical game.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @Kebek said:
    So you want to make viable killer not viable ? I guess you would also like billy to have gas to replenish for his chainsaw and nurse to collect breathers around the map ro refill as well right.

    How about replacing DS with UE insted of whining.

    And again, another guy who gives things for granted. Never once have I used DS yet, and I do not plan on doing so. How about you let the sarcasm for those who need it and quietly walk away from things you don't reason about? Anyway, seems like forums are, once again, useless. When will I learn that the most toxic people a game has to offer are found on the forums? Well then, sayonara boys, not going to waste any more time here, since Orion seems to be the only one capable of phrasing his thoughts without offending or giving them a true thinking. I'd say I wish you well, but I'd be lying.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @Damarus said:

    @Kebek said:
    So you want to make viable killer not viable ? I guess you would also like billy to have gas to replenish for his chainsaw and nurse to collect breathers around the map ro refill as well right.

    How about replacing DS with UE insted of whining.

    And again, another guy who gives things for granted. Never once have I used DS yet, and I do not plan on doing so. How about you let the sarcasm for those who need it and quietly walk away from things you don't reason about? Anyway, seems like forums are, once again, useless. When will I learn that the most toxic people a game has to offer are found on the forums? Well then, sayonara boys, not going to waste any more time here, since Orion seems to be the only one capable of phrasing his thoughts without offending or giving them a true thinking. I'd say I wish you well, but I'd be lying.

    If you would like others to reason with you then you should stop posting unreasonable nerfs which you find soft when in reality they would make hag C tier killer with freddy.

    The DS part is practically answer to your whining about setting traps around hooks if you don't like it switch any of your perks to UE for easy save. DS is just typical perk survivors use and judging by your post I find you to be quite a survivor.

    Don't worry Orion finds your nerfs ridiculous as well but he's beiing mindfull of himself.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Damarus said:
    Hello y'all.
    So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

    1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

    2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

    Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?

    Both ideas are massive nerfs to her.

    I don't understand people who want to nerf killers which are not as effective as the others like nurse or hillbilly.

    She is slow, trapping takes time (don't just think about 2 sec to put a trap, she has to travel around the map to place her traps as well), her traps can easily be destroyed by either flashlights or when she is carrying somebody you can run over them.

    I don't say that she is a weak killer but at least she is manageable. I just can't see any reason to nerf her while there are more effective killers like hillbilly or nurse.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Damarus said:
    Hello y'all.
    So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

    1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

    2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

    Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?

    The maps are too large, 5 traps and you can remove hag too

    25 seconds is insane, this means that durign your chase all the traps you prepared for the chase will dissapear.

    You might as well remove her

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Damarus said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    These ideas give me the impression that you haven't played the Hag. You don't need to place any more than 1 trap near a hooked person as that is certainly enough. Anything above that is simply making the rest of the map much safer.

    The trap decaying idea is just stupid and absurd with the times you suggested. The Hag is slower than most other Killers, she is meant to rely on her traps so having them swiftly disappear would just tank her viability.

    Honestly, she's fine as she is.

    I am not talking about my experience playing as the Hag, I am talking about what the majority of players does with her. Traps get spammed because those things can also bodyblock. And surviviors who are stupid enough will run as soon as they get unhooked. But, quoting what I read in another thread, this is a killer-centric forum, so I kinda knew what was going to be said from the beginning.

    Like I already said, placing multiple traps near someone on a hook is essentially pointless and makes the rest of the map much safer because there are less traps to potentially run into.

    People running after being unhooked with traps nearby is nothing more than stupidity. That's not a reason to nerf her.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Lol maybe play some hag at high ranks and see if she needs a nerf 
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    How about no? Can you please start gittin gud and stop asking for nerfs?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Damarus said:

    @Orion said:
    The power role should be the one allowed to make the most mistakes.

    Perhaps it is so. But not in a game. Games should be balanced for both sides. Would it be ok if, for instance, there are two teams, Red and Blue. From the lore, you know Red team is the most powerful. So you give players in the Red team the ability to one shot everybody, while those unlucky enough to be in Blue team have to hit them 5 times? Not at all.

    The red team should be able to one shot the blue team. But unfortunately the blue team is able to bully the red team right now. Because the red team is not powerful enough. Since for a strange reason, even tho red is a single player, blue can 1vs1 him.
  • jiminie
    jiminie Member Posts: 200

    Just remove that anorexic swamp thing, why bother nerfing such hideous creature

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    @Damarus said:

    @switch said:
    No, i like actually going up against something else besides Nurse billy nurse billy nurse billy ....
    Probably you dont know that you can crouch over her traps and make them useless, yes i know mindblowing.

    Does that phrase where I wrote "most people will just start running as soon as they are unhooked" tell you nothing? I already knew that, some people just happen not to have more than a neuron to work on a logic basis, I guess. Try to be less of a jerk and more of a constructive guy ;)

    well that sounds to be their problem, if you dont want to get saves vs hag just do 2 gens and play the hatch game.
    Just bacause ppl dont know how to counter her that doesnt make her op/nerfed

  • Frockz551
    Frockz551 Member Posts: 45

    Hag doesn't need a nerf

  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    When one of the weakest killers gets a thread asking for a nerf 😂😂. Might as well nerf Freddy because you cant locate him too. FOH.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    Hag is fine, also you never need more than 3 traps under hooks. Only need one and one at a gen. If you prioritize all of your traps under a hook or all on one single generator (depends on the situation) than you are just playing her badly..

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    They only need to remove traps under hook like they did with trapper. Very unfun and outdated and she's strong enough in other areasr. The Hag cube was supposed to do that, but it has gotten very quiet over a year about it.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Please, leave my bae alone

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Just a question: have you ever played seriously (so not just for daylies) as the Hag? Because I feel like if you did, you wouldn't propose such ridiculous changes.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    hint: crouch button ;)

  • 245_Trioxin
    245_Trioxin Member Posts: 171

    @Kebek said:
    So you want to make viable killer not viable ? I guess you would also like billy to have gas to replenish for his chainsaw and nurse to collect breathers around the map ro refill as well right.

    How about replacing DS with UE insted of whining.

    Replacing a one-time-use crutch perk with a perk that's consistently useful?? You're absolutely mad! ;)

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    Damarus said:

    Hello y'all.
    So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

    1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

    2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

    Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?

    Ok. But why though? She has 110 speed and requires setup. Whilst shes setting up billy is flying across the map sawwing people. These proposed nerfs would gut her to below freddy tier. Also your only reason for the first nerf is because you see has place a ton by a hook. Which is rank 20 hag play and can be countered by just crouching....
  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    edited September 2018
    Sounds like you went up against a new hag player. Camping is a reasonable strategy while learning the game and in tactical situations.

    Your Nerf suggestions are too much and should be reconsidered with true balance in mind rather than anecdotal evidence from bad matches.

    Hag is much better than she used to be and nerfing her would be equivalent to the flashlight and pallet stun situation we had months ago.

    Play hag to red ranks and then suggest nerfs. Until then, youre just whining.
  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    I think shes fine as is and can steamroll with good addons, with proper trap placement she can counter loops easily.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Hag doesn't need any changes. She's actually a good killer now, you just want easy escapes bro.

    Placing multiple traps is a way to force unsafe hooks. It's also a way to secure a kill, and if you see a Hag placing a lot of traps near a hook that means they want that person dead so you should just do gens. Alternatively, if you are in a group have 1 person run through the traps and bait her to chase and then have a second person come in for the save. Or rush the hook as a group and bodyblock when she teleports. Even if she has MYC if you go in 2 or 3 to save you decrease the chance she hits you specifically. Knowing where she has been is also important because it she hasn't been somewhere then there won't be traps.

    I had a game few days ago on preschool where I was dominating a team pretty hard. The first time I chase the obsession 2 are already on death hook, third on second hook, and they have 1 gen and my Ruin done. I chase the guy and he sabo's 2 hooks right in front of me. I pick him up and just eat the DS, chase him again as he sabo's a third hook in front of me. But he made a mistake of being too close to the preschool where my basement was, so I stick him in the basement and literally place all 10 of my traps in the preschool and camp the crap out of the guy until he dies. IDGAF, sabo is such a toxic perk and this guy had DS too (and I've played him before, he is a toxic MF). I made sure that guy wasn't going to escape because he pissed me off.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Damarus said:
    Hello y'all.
    So, playing against the Hag many times, I've come to a conclusion: she's given too much room for mistakes or improper placements. She has a lot of trap spamming on her side, and I think the traps she can place should be changed in one of two ways.

    1 - Her traps get reduced from 10 to 5, this way she won't be able to spam them on a gen or on a hooked survivor, trying to bodyblock. In this case, to give her some form of compensation, her traps are no longer erased by flashlights. As of right now, there is little to no chance a Hag will place less then 3 traps near a hooked survivor, who will start running as soon as he is unhooked, most of the times. I've seen a Hag place 6, SIX, traps below a friend who was hooked. Of course, many times 3 traps are placed near gens as well.

    2 - Her traps will keep being 10, but they will start decaying over time when she places them, and fully disappear in about 20 - 25 seconds. Also, I think it wouldn't be bad for her to be given the need to recharge her traps in a Huntress fashion. If the Hag is played, some shrines could spawn around the map, where she must head in order to get her traps back (it would be a faster interaction than that of the Huntress).

    Now, I know those who main her will disagree, because people like to have things the easiest way, but this is my take. Any constructive thoughts?

    She just got a buff that made her actually viable to player past rank 16 she is no were close to OP. Its good that they finally made a killer who can make a mistake without it costing the entire game lord knows survivors have to make 2 mistakes before getting on hook once.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Most hags I've played against have only ever put 1-2 under a person via a corner hooks to block of speed unhooks and patrols a area with them y Nerf someone that takes skill it's like asking to have the nurse removed for being able to blink or billy because he has great map control
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145
    Don't ruin her like they did poor Freddy 😥
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Damarus said:

    @HellDescent said:
    I don't think she needs a nerf she's already slow. And the fact that people place 5 traps in the same spot doesn't change any thing they are just wasting their own time. Hag is more of a mind game character that will prevent you from looping and slow down the game. And being able to erase it with flashlight is a must have otherwise you remove the only counter while walking or running. And they shouldn't disappear since with hag you'll prepare your traps at the beginning of the game before looking for survivors. Since she'll want to put her traps at the windows and pallets to compensate for her speed. If she's not chasing you her traps are useless and once you get her totems she just become regular killer with 110% speed.

    It would be a soft nerf, not touching anything else. As previosuly said, she shouldn't be able to spam traps whenever the player feels like. Sure, she might be slower than other killers, but she is also shorter, putting to good use some walls and objects to cover her before surviviors can even hear the heartbeat. And once you get in a chase, Bloodlust makes that "being slower" of her mostly unimportant.

    You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

    A soft nerf isn't drastically changing a killer's base kit.
    Also with the upcoming bloodlust nerf the point is not unimportant.

    If a Hag spams unnecessary traps they're wasting their own time. As traps are very easy to counter if you're not in an active chase.

    It hasn't even been a full road map update since she got buffed and people are already crying for a drastic nerf.
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Damarus said:

    @HellDescent said:
    I don't think she needs a nerf she's already slow. And the fact that people place 5 traps in the same spot doesn't change any thing they are just wasting their own time. Hag is more of a mind game character that will prevent you from looping and slow down the game. And being able to erase it with flashlight is a must have otherwise you remove the only counter while walking or running. And they shouldn't disappear since with hag you'll prepare your traps at the beginning of the game before looking for survivors. Since she'll want to put her traps at the windows and pallets to compensate for her speed. If she's not chasing you her traps are useless and once you get her totems she just become regular killer with 110% speed.

    It would be a soft nerf, not touching anything else. As previosuly said, she shouldn't be able to spam traps whenever the player feels like. Sure, she might be slower than other killers, but she is also shorter, putting to good use some walls and objects to cover her before surviviors can even hear the heartbeat. And once you get in a chase, Bloodlust makes that "being slower" of her mostly unimportant.

    You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

    A soft nerf isn't drastically changing a killer's base kit.
    Also with the upcoming bloodlust nerf the point is not unimportant.

    If a Hag spams unnecessary traps they're wasting their own time. As traps are very easy to counter if you're not in an active chase.

    It hasn't even been a full road map update since she got buffed and people are already crying for a drastic nerf.
    U say people but this is the first time I've seen someone ask for a hag nerf. I read the title and thought, "but she just got buffed" I don't play killer to much (mostly for dailies) but I feel like the hag is fine. Let the ######### set all 10 traps cuz when no one sets them off (urban evasion for the win!!) Usually she gets all mad and either kinda stops playing or goes super try hard and starts ######### up left and right making it an easy win. My biggest pet peeve with the hag is that if she sets a trap in front of her ruin, I can cleanse it but sometimes the trap triggers while I'm still cleansing (and holding crouch) and kinda screws me over. But that seems like and glitch to me cuz it doesn't happen to often 
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    yeet said:

    @Damarus said:

    @HellDescent said:
    I don't think she needs a nerf she's already slow. And the fact that people place 5 traps in the same spot doesn't change any thing they are just wasting their own time. Hag is more of a mind game character that will prevent you from looping and slow down the game. And being able to erase it with flashlight is a must have otherwise you remove the only counter while walking or running. And they shouldn't disappear since with hag you'll prepare your traps at the beginning of the game before looking for survivors. Since she'll want to put her traps at the windows and pallets to compensate for her speed. If she's not chasing you her traps are useless and once you get her totems she just become regular killer with 110% speed.

    It would be a soft nerf, not touching anything else. As previosuly said, she shouldn't be able to spam traps whenever the player feels like. Sure, she might be slower than other killers, but she is also shorter, putting to good use some walls and objects to cover her before surviviors can even hear the heartbeat. And once you get in a chase, Bloodlust makes that "being slower" of her mostly unimportant.

    proposes a massive nerf that would absolutely gut a killer
    calls it a soft nerf
    the survivor main classic

    I also like how he finished it by saying anyone who disagrees with him is lazy and just wants an easy game.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    They finally make an unplayable killer viable...let's nerf her into the ground, boys!


    When the Doctor Cube was released, was the feedback from Survivors this bad? Were they suggesting things to make him crappy again (that’s just what I heard, I wasn’t around when Doctor Cube was released)? 
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    They finally make an unplayable killer viable...let's nerf her into the ground, boys!


    When the Doctor Cube was released, was the feedback from Survivors this bad? Were they suggesting things to make him crappy again (that’s just what I heard, I wasn’t around when Doctor Cube was released)? 
    Yes, they were suggesting watered-down versions of every buff the Doc got, some even worse than his pre-buff kit.