What is this matchmaking?!?!?

What on earth is this matchmaking?!?! last game i had 2 rank 1s and 2 rank 2s
I just want to play the game, not get my ### handed to me before the match even started, it doesnt really help that 90% of demogorgons add-ons are utterly useless, im supposed to be a killer, im supposed to be able to kill not watch as survivors dance around me whilst im unable to do anything because they know how to play way better than me, its not that i dont mind playing with people better than me but when their skill level is towering above mine am i just supposed to accept defeat and suffer from depiping and loss of bp
And no this isnt a entitled killer post as im rank 4 surv, rank 6 killer but even so the matchmaking should not be as broken as it is atm
I feel the struggle just wen against 2 rank 1's a rank 2 and a rank 5 while I was a rank 12 killer :T
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Yeah, that is rough :/
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Yea thats even worse to mine, the game really shouldnt pin mid - low ranking tiers with top high ranking survivors and vice versa
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That's not even remotely unfair.
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How isnt it? Rank 6 against 4 rank 1s im sorry to say this but how idiotic can you be? rank 1s are supposed to be the best of the best in this game so by what you're saying a casual going up against a intire team of basically tryhards is fair?
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No offence, but I’m a purple rank killer and I deal with red ranks easy, it’s different for many people but since green ranks I have been able to deal with red ranks easy. The difference between purple and red isn’t very large and rank dosent really matter
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Maybe you should play more rank 15 killers, I'm a green/purple survivor and some of these rank 15s mop the floor sometimes. I think they're deranked killers though.
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Yea but these gen rushed, i tried applying pressure but it didnt even phaze them in the slightest, im ok with rank 3 and 4 but 1 and 2 is where i struggle at especially when they're entirely coordinated and know what each other is doing
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Yeah, I can generally deal with red ranks but ultra coordinated rank 1’s can only be handled by the best nurses, spirits and Billy’s
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Rank 6 is hardly more casual thank Rank 1, don't kid yourself.
If you have a full perk loadout, you literally have no right to complain about any matchup being too difficult. Everyone is playing the same exact game. The only possible disparity is perks, and sure enough, here you had no disadvantage.
Players blaming matchmaking for giving them an "unfair" match whenever they do terribly is one of the best recurring jokes in DBD.
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I play casually i only managed to get to rank 6 just by pure playing with my actual skill not playing dirty or anything because thats not how i like to play these games i want to play casually but sorry if im too good to be a noob rank but too bad to survive god level survivors and how is there no disadvantage using one of the weakest killers thats not even suited for going up against rank 1s with terrible add ons and only 1 actual 'meta perk' which i only use just for the extra bp so the match is actually worth it. As my bf kindly put it you're probably an entitled rank 1 survivor who loves picking on killers that you know arent as good as you. And by the way your acting you probably dont even play dbd because its fun you play it just so you can be toxic to everyone around you.
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matchmaking is still broken.
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meanwhile...not a premade btw.
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Yea there should be no way you should be getting red ranks at all but here we are...the thing is i use demogorgon i know hes weak and everything but i use him because hes fun but it totally destroys the fun when my demogorgon isnt suited to playing with a team of rank 1s, like after this match i had many mixed groups after which i got 2-3ks in most of the time.
The one thing is its a team of rank 1s working together which knowing as it was on xbox they all were probably in a party together against a demogorgon which isnt a high end killer at all it just makes it 10x harder for the killer as theres no way to actually beat them
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Rank 6 is absolutely within the level that should be fair game for Rank 1s. If you're not good enough to handle R1 survivors by Rank 6, what else do you expect to happen? You should start losing and deranking at that point, until you're back at a level of opponents you can actually handle. That's exactly how matchmaking is supposed to work.
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im rank 12 and ive gotten that. its the combo of MM being scuffed and long que times that made me not play much, or at all only 1 game this past month, after the last rank reset.
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I think it's just comical that people still think ranks make a huge difference.
Like yeah sure there might be some difference between the average rank 15 and rank 1 obviously, but there's plenty of good players that don't play enough to maintain rank. And there's plenty of bad players that just get easy ranks from doing scummy things or whatever.
You just gotta play well enough. I just had a game earlier, that I screenshotted even, where I went Clown with a trash build, went against 2 rank 1's and 2 rank 2's and still hit merciless on them I believe. Even if it wasn't merciless and my memory is wrong there, I still got the 4k. It just goes to show that it really depends on what happens during the match itself. Rank isn't an excuse all the time for complaining, although I will admit recently it has been looking weird.
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What did you expect by playing demogorgon? Lol
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I think the main proplem isn't the unfair matchmaking, because you can at least lear a bit about playing. It is the childish behaviour of the survivers in-game, behind pallets, with flashlights or at the exit gate. The just take all the last fun that is still there and teabagging it into hell.
That is the worst part of a unfair match seeing those pisci survivers celebrate something that isn't there goal.
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I was solo
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I had a match with me as purple aginst 2 purple and 2 reds and I won as the Demogorgon. He's not so weak if you can manage him.
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I ended up figuring out about 2 minutes into game who was probably high rank/skill low rank/skill so I tried getting them accordingly. Jane was the red rank that died, also my obsession which I constantly used as bait and was going to let her go free since IK I was honestly abusing tf out of her and being annoying. So in exit gates her and Feng were teabagging but I was saving 99 stalk and I had max pwyf stacks and had eating her DS earlier. I slugged her and took her to basement.
She proceeded to rage and say you only got me because I was closer. I told her yep. Because had been dead harding all game. IK you were going to be cocky at exit gates and that I already decided to let Jane go since I was picking on her so much. I won't lie the win was tough and I couldn't mess around at all. My saving grace was because I'm naturally so annoying anal on gens and survivors get extremely frustrated with doing one or they attempt to commit to the one to "prove a point" so I either get bodied or they all end up on second/death hook for being stubborn.
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I had multiple 4ks at red ranks with legion and doesn't make him any good. I should say that he's not weak if you can manage him, but i'm not like that lol. He's just trash, but fun though.
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A rank 6 and a rank 1 is pretty much the same thing. Anyone that plays the game can hit rank 1. It's not about performance just about how much you play. It's why the game shouldn't have a ranking system and that's been a argued fact for years.
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This comment will definitely get some angry feedback, but here goes:
Anyone notice that when people 'lose' or just don't play well, most times it's someONE or someTHING else's fault? Not their own?
I'm sure it DOES happen - you get screwed - but this is ridiculous.
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Tbh i never made this post to say that i did bad or anything just trying to show the broken matchmaking.
In the game i got enough emblems to stay at pip and i had also used a streamer so i definitely got enough bp after and after the match i even had a laugh with one of the survivors as he even noticed on how bad the matchmaking was.
I mainly just found it unfair that i was going against people who i just couldnt combat at all, im good with matches with say one r1, two r3 and one r5 because most of the matches are normally balanced out but when it was all rank 1's and i get that i could've played better but people still have no idea what actually happened of me struggling for even a grasp of pressure or even how well they actually played this is why the term "get good" is just a stupid saying especially in a game like dbd because you're basically begging them to become toxic back at you
And i just want to leave this for anyone who reads this, i dont want to go pro level at this game nor am i going to derank. I want a challenge and to have fun, not play toxic and either bully low ranks or get bullied by higher ranks if the game stops me going any higher than rank 6 whilst playing casually i will stay there. This game already has a really big toxic side of the player base and im not going to add myself to it.
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Isn't within 6 ranks the intended way?
You can laugh at it all you want, but if i'm correct to remember, this match-up is within the criteria.
The comments show far worse.
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Ive only gotten rank 1 killer once. When i play survivor i mess around more than i probably should but eh. Its better than hold button simulator. Id rather be chased and work on the loops for 4/5 minutes than work on a gen.
Also i think swf matchmaking is messed up. Since im rank 4 and play with a rank 10-15 and the killer / other two survivors are always closer to his rank. While when i play by myself they are closer to my range (1-6)
As killer i notice early morning i get rank 10s and 14s despite being rank 3 but thats probably just cause no ones playing at that time in my rank.
Ive tracked about 80 games as survivor marking the killer ranks. And the average is normally close to my rank. Though there are extremes.
I feel this can go both ways :/ also swf might be messing it up like mentioned above.
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The way it's going, and with some people more deserving than others to rank up, maybe there shouldn't be any rankings at all. It would even help with lobby times I'd think.
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I would play - as a red rank Killer, but that would be too stressful. I have my mental health to care for, more than other people who bully me for their own entertainment. In regards this was a game I paid for, I don't see why anyone should be required to do that.
I would sooner suggest just stop playing Killer until it's fixed.