Game is beyond stale for killers

This game has gotten really stale for killers at red ranks post ruin nerf.. roll your eyes all you want, it's truth. If I want to try interesting builds that deviate from the 6-7 "meta" perks for killers, gens fly and it's generally a miserable experience. You will of course have some wins, but more often than not, Brutal Killer/Displeased is your result.

Survivors can run meme or thematic builds all day long because they have 3 other people to carry them. If i want to run an all hex build, stealth, or perma injure build.. it might work a quarter of the time. Injured people at high ranks just split up and sit on gens so it doesn't really matter.. plus they get dead hard constantly.

I realize X killer may have Y build that works for them, that only proves that you're being pigeonholed. "If you want to use this killer, here are the perks that actually work".

I am essentially locked into using the same build for every killer unless I want 3 chases and the game to be over in 5 mins. Boring.

BBQ / Corrupt / Pop / Discordance /// Nurses / Monitor

"THEN JUST SLUG" - no thanks that's not fun

"DONT WORRY ABOUT RANK" -- maybe I don't like seeing "Entity Displeased" every game when I try experimenting

"PLAY ANOTHER GAME THEN" - i have been thanks

Sure would be nice to be able to run interesting builds without being absolutely punished by the game.

