Game is beyond stale for killers
This game has gotten really stale for killers at red ranks post ruin nerf.. roll your eyes all you want, it's truth. If I want to try interesting builds that deviate from the 6-7 "meta" perks for killers, gens fly and it's generally a miserable experience. You will of course have some wins, but more often than not, Brutal Killer/Displeased is your result.
Survivors can run meme or thematic builds all day long because they have 3 other people to carry them. If i want to run an all hex build, stealth, or perma injure build.. it might work a quarter of the time. Injured people at high ranks just split up and sit on gens so it doesn't really matter.. plus they get dead hard constantly.
I realize X killer may have Y build that works for them, that only proves that you're being pigeonholed. "If you want to use this killer, here are the perks that actually work".
I am essentially locked into using the same build for every killer unless I want 3 chases and the game to be over in 5 mins. Boring.
BBQ / Corrupt / Pop / Discordance /// Nurses / Monitor
"THEN JUST SLUG" - no thanks that's not fun
"DONT WORRY ABOUT RANK" -- maybe I don't like seeing "Entity Displeased" every game when I try experimenting
"PLAY ANOTHER GAME THEN" - i have been thanks
Sure would be nice to be able to run interesting builds without being absolutely punished by the game.
And ? It’s obvious the devs don’t care about are fun that’s why I play survivor 70% of the time now it used to be 50/50 but it’s just to stressful
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i agree,the game at current state is not good to play killer cuz of how unbalanced it is but nothing we can do about it sadly
Edit: I always use the Thanato/Dying Light/Sloppy Butcher and Hex Ruin just to slow the game down and have some fun,and i know the new ruin is bad but atleast it still good for me
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yeah because survivor is just a walk in the park. 🙄
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It's because the devs are biased
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You people want to be spoonfed by the devs.
both you killer and survivor mains are so goddamn annoying, is it really that hard to get better at the game? Why blame everything on "da genrush" and "muh NOED"?
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tell me how i should get better then, what is the do I ascend beyond rank 1 without using the perks I noted in OP
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It depends, which killers do you play the most?
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i generally change every match, outside of bubba/clown. Doc if i need a pip, Myers/Spirit/Demo/Huntress/Hag/cowboy follow
i already mentioned where you are going with this in the OP.. "if you want to use X killer you have to use Y perks" or a generic combination of the perks i listed
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It really is.
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Then you dont want advice, you just want to rant about not having an easy game.
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Ruin is still good. It’s useful in combination with informational perks like surveillance. Tbh it doesn’t need a buff. I think killers are still OP they have so many good ad ons and ebony Mori. I know you want your 4K every game but please understand that each of those 4 survivors are real people too that want their share of an enjoyable experience playing the game. And it’s not enjoyable when you can’t get any gens done fast. Good killers can take people out of the game JUST as quick or just keep survivors on their toes healing and rescuing so gens don’t get done. You got thanat, dying light. Ruin is a crutch. Get good at actually being a killer.
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No, you are ignoring what he wants because its easier to complain about him if all he wants is an "easy game" he wants to be able to play the game as he wants to without the game itself gimping him for trying non meta killers and builds, you know, like survivors are able to do without issue. Dont just generalize into " UGH BABY KILLERS WANT EZ GAEM"
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Yeah run a meme build as survivor and get camped, tunneled and slugged. Sooo fun. Yikes.
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It's pretty much true for any rank to be honest,with how matchmaking works.
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So I should get good at being killer by using Thanatophobia (3.2sec/injure) and Dying Light (2.4sec/hook)? So instead of using Pop for 20sec/hook, I should instead use 2 perks for not even half that.. got it. I'm feeling better already.
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Just drop rank by waiting for resets or make a new account on console. Play a new killer. Do some Survivor archives in the meantime.
With the list of killers that you've given us, I'd suggest a stealth killer that isn't Myers, so probably Ghostface, and play for the hunt. Be an unseen predator and play for the ambush. It is so much fun than the usual "Go to generator, find survivor, CHASE survivor, down survivor, hook survivor, kick generator" loop a lot of other killers fall in to.
Toy with the survivors and control the match in its entirety. The hunt is better than the sacrifice.
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Man getting good only goes so far,for real. Pro gaming wouldn't be a thing if some people didn't have a higher level of ability,you know what I mean? I got way better than I was by playing against better players,but with my disabilities,I'm never going to get as good as the top streamers or whatever.
Im usually green/purple and still get matched with reds like everyone else. Some of them are so good it's insane. For example,I enjoy Street Fighter and its like... imagine every other match I have to play against one of the best players in the world. That's not going to be very much fun after awhile. Might get better,might get completely destroyed. And then get mad and get destroyed every time from lack of focus,lmao.
I understand what you mean though,I really do. There's some underlying issues that need solved. I used to main survivor and switched to killer because of the queue times. After awhile I kinda started to play with the mentality that someone is going to escape and I don't need to win. Keeps me from getting too mad or complaining too much.
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The idea that survivors get to run their "fun builds" is only possible in SWF. As a solo, you are stuck in the same fate - having to bring essential perks because your random teammates are not dependable. Welcome to the club. 👍️
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Between being matched with red rank SWFs (when I'm not even green), the ability for survivors to just run in circles (fun!) and the jack***es who taunt at exit gates (how brave!), playing as killer blows at least half the time.
This game is supposed to be fun, right?
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Why to make game hell for new players? I know there are lot of derankers in purple and green ranks. But why to make to inocent survs game hell, simply change to surv only and wait till the gen rushing get fixed for all killers.
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Play meme builds or underpowered perks. You'd be surprised how fun Lightweight in replace of an exhaustion perk can be between ranks 15-20.
New players have bigger concerns, like always trying to 4%, WAY more facecampers and generally getting smashed by the killer.
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Survivors, specially the ones playing solo, also struggle without meta perk perks, have you tried solo perkless at high ranks? One tunneling killer and the match basically over for you, and I dont even run DS, i consider it to be bullshit, but sometimes I wish I had it equipped.
I have personally been doing just about fine with No mans switch + Nemesis + PWYF on my rank 1 level 12 deathslinger, saying that you are helpless without meta perks is exagerating. Map sizes and corn as always is what ######### me up most of the times.
Its just that I feel that you people complain because you outright refuse to get better at the game.
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I also got bored a few weeks ago with running the same perks over and over again - murdering and destroying those "impossible to beat SWF groups" so i decided to do some adapts (i never did them so far). It took my 8 games to get 6 adepts on R2 within a few hours including a break. All i want to say is: If a guy who is not even a killer main can win most of his games even with trash perks, a potent killer main should not have the slightest problem to do the same.
No offense but maybe you have to improve you game a little bit?
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I'm in the same boat but I play survivor mostly. Just running the same perks all the time because they're the only ones that work in every situation and trying to deviate from them just ends with being facecamped.
N00b3 said it best, "there's a game in this bug" lol
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me in a nutshell, got 2 kills doors opens survivors stay on map spamming locker/pallet jump until i get them out. their fun is on being a pain in the ass even when they lose, and the entity displeased is a ######### thing, sometimes i 2 hook everyone and entity displeased, ######### the entity.
there is a lot of sweating only to get bullied and with gen times you only 4 k if they do ######### and REALLY BAD cause they can recover from 4 slugged and 3 gens super easy nowadays
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yeah and they scape but withotout respecting you as a player like a hatch escape is something to make fun of you.
"ill stay on the hatch until he comes to see me jumping cause he cant do nothing"
"ill spam alert sounds cause the killer is on the other side of the map hooking someone and the gate is open so ill mess with his ears until he comes otherwise i will get out on the last 10 seconds cause killer is for bullying"
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I'll give your pic a pity Up Vote :3
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I don't really understand why you would expect a meme build to not cause you issues. The point of running them is to have fun goofing around. To try new things. Naturally they won't be as effective. I'm not saying there aren't issues that need addressed. There clearly are. But meta perks are meta for a reason. You can't choose to not run them and expect it not to negatively impact your results.
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I didn't say it is less fun, i said more like if you were red rank and downgrade all the way to rank 15 then game is simply easy to you while the new player have hell as a kill or as surv to outplay you while picking up the basics.
As for high rank, well massive high ranking camping and tunneling should be question for devs. there is a good reason why there is a little red killers now and why many of them use face camp, mori and so on every single match...
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Funny thing is that quite a lot of the time, they actually ditch me at an appropriate time. Or even tend to focus down more on everyone else in the match. That being said, it's still kinda fun to make a killer chase you around for five minutes using nothing but a level 1 Dead Hard and some lockers.
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You could literally also change the text to Rank 20 and Rank 1.
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Ah, another constructive get good comment. I actually am good at the game, thanks for checking.
However, the issue at hand is in regards to the limited builds killers can use if they want to have a decent time playing the game.
Any solutions to that or should I just ascend above rank 1 ?
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The fact you consider any non-meta build a "meme" build is the problem.
If I want to run a skill check hell build on Doctor.. Distressing/Unnerving Presence/Overcharge/Pop(or Lullaby).. game's over in 3-4 chases even though it should theoretically be an entertaining build. Sure I can run it, have a horrible time and get Brutal/Displeased.
That's the game's way of telling me to choose 4 of 6 useful perks, out of 50.
And you're trying to argue that's not proving my point of the game being stale?
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Ill say it's a bit of both ways, though i didnt say helpless without meta perks, just that we cant experiment to the extent that survivors can. As far as refusing to get better, again i feel maybe both ways. Tunnelling and camping are more a result of the constant worries about ds bt and the sort. Just like how the rage over NOED comes because noone wants ti break dull totems
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I am thankful we can agree on certain points.
You can experiment with different builds as killer, its just that playing with certain set ups is easier.
I mean, nobody is forcing you to stick to the meta, trying something new from time to time to see how it plays out and how you like it may completely change your gameplay experience, there are slowdown/chase potential perks that may suit well with certain killers and playstyles.
Dead Mans Switch is one of the best recent examples of a great synergetic and fun perk, its simply amazing on high pressure killers like Oni and Billy, 30ish seconds of generator Stall can be completely game changing.
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Your not pipping by just sitting on gens lol.
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The game doesn't revolve around "red ranks". It's been too much of an obsession around here for as long as I can remember.
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I don't even have to try to escape a majority of my matches when at rank 1 solo. Survivors is definitely a so simple and easy its boring walk in the park,
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While other people like me use plenty of perks variations which change their strategy and they still win most of the times if their strat played out.
Where s the proof of you just not playing bad. You can t provide good points then just git gud !
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I love how the survivor community believes the ruin nerf changed nothing. It most certainly did. Killer can afford zero mistakes, you need certain perks and it just isn't fun anymore. You can;t tell me the game is fine the way it is with 20 mins survivor que times or rank 16 killers being matched against red survivors. Nothing is wrong with MM. When Deathslinger came out que times improved because there was an influx of people playing the new killer. When the hype died down it went back to what it is now. The fact is no one wants to play killer cause it sucks and they will stay this way unless something substantial is done to the game.
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If you cant beat good survivors that doesnt mean everyone cant. Git gud!
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I guess I got good?
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Obviously they're not all meme builds. But, like I said. The meta perks are meta for a reason. Using anything else will naturally be less effective. My point was to focus on having fun when you run something less effective. I don't disagree that many perks need attention. But until they get it there's not much to be done.
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just wait for the game to die then we might see some real balance
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Stop wasting your breath on that person, no need to reason with a person that hasn't even spent 1hr playing killer
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Only reason why I still play killer is simply because survivor is just too damn boring. Gen's go by too quick, some maps so large that i'll go a match without hearing any terror radios, sitting on gens and pressing the space bar is getting old, and constantly looping the killer the same way just doesn't interest me anymore. Survivor no longer requires skill, while the element of fun no longer exist for killer.
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I'm sorry but that isn't true at all. You'll get queues way faster as a survivor right now compared to killer. Survivor is near instant while killer can take more than 10 minutes.
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That depends on the time and region you play as well. I'm from Central Europe and by my experience playing in the morning to early afternoon leads to long killer but short survivor queues. In the evening it's the other way around though. You have short times as a killer and survivors have to wait quite long. And that's most likely the time when most people have the time to play.