Comic Sans!?

I can tell you right now that it's not comic sans. It's also an April fools joke, so we're not gonna be seeing this font for more than today.
Btw this is the part where you forcefully exhale air out of your nose at the Devs and say "darn, ya got me!"
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This isn’t Comic-sans, this is an ancient script that was used in times long past.
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No, it's Comic Sans. Definitely an April Fools gag :p
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As a recent graphic design graduate, I can confirm this is indeed Comic Sans.
As for my thoughts, I will be quitting the forums for 24 hours, effective immediately. Thank you very much, good night.
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With you on that, as a certified graphics design pensioneer.
See you once this abomination has been cleansed from the forums.
Comic Sans is design murder.
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As a person who hasn't even graduated high school I can tell you that it's not comic sans. At least for me it isn't.
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h1, h2, h3, h4, p, a, a.Title, .BoxCategories li.Heading {
font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive !important;
Something is wrong with your browser then. It's in the bloody code.
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It's in the code... it's in our blood... RUNNNNNNNNNNNN!
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What the hell happened to my post... yeah, that was my post in the quotes.
Yeah maybe I should REALLY leave until EVIL has left.
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I think the typeface they're using on mobile is different, if that's where you're accessing the forum from.
It's like the white-gold/blue-black thing all over again.
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Wish I could read any of these replies lol
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Thanks, I hate it.
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I feel bad for the people who weren't taught cursive in school. That being said, it is really small on my phone to read. It's like it's almost fine print size text.
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But this is not cursive, it's really hard to read.
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My eyes hurt <|:^(
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My eyes hurt I can't read 😭
It's probably their April fool's thing
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Most positive thread I've seen in a while since the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA post. R.I.P. to everyone who doesn't like the font though, I actually think it's pretty neat. Also, I love how the community can go from debating about whether or not killers/survivors are OP to debating over fonts. This community does have its moments for sure.
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Yeah. Today, way less controversial topics are being discussed on the Forums, which is very good. But the new font doesn't work for Mac users apparently, idk, it isn't showing for me and a friend who are both on a Mac. That's sad.
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This is comic sans.
This is the font being used. I would prefer comic sans.
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I love that mobile and pc users are now discussing whether what they see is Comic Sans or not. A well-thought joke on so many levels!
@DWolfAlpha If you like Comic Sans, stop using the mobile version and come to the aestethic side!
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I tend to check the forums while I'm at work. The site is blocked on my work computer, so I have to use my phone. :/
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I hope this is just an April fool's joke. This ######### is murder on my dyslexia.