Fun thread..what killer would you like to see given a boost to high rank standards ?
For me..hmm, I'd have to say I'd love seeing a better iteration of the demogorgan, he just needs some tweaks to his portals and maybe a number change or two but the structure is hes a legit eldritch monster , very fun to see him skulking about but sadly nobody plays him much
Pig, some of the other weaker killers aren't really that interactive to play as or against.
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Hence why I asked whom youd like to have boosted^^
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Pig. I enjoy playing her, and she has a natural built-in mechanic for slowdown (when it works...)
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Okay? You never really made it clear what that boost would entail, I just thought that you'd be giving them tweaks like your demogorgon example. Pig has a good base ability that is already interactive, giving her more base traps and making rule set no.2 are just small tweaks that would make her much better. In comparison, Clown and Leatherface both need serious changes imo, they're both just worse versions of other killers.
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Yes I agree..pig I dunno what the perfect change would be but those are good suggestions
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Fair enough ^^
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I would say clown and Bubba but there's not really anything to do about them. For bubba pretty much the only thing they could add for him is extended chainsaw or decreased revving time. For clown they can only pretty much increase the range or expand the area of the toxins. Clown and leatherface are probably the killers they regret making the most.
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Lol yeah I could see that..bubba needs a full rework..clown..hard to say
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Demogorgon. It’s strong, but not strong enough to compete against red ranked Survivors.
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If you could rework Leatherface, what would the reworked version look like?
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Clown and Bubba. Clown with a full rework and Bubba with an addon rework with QoL changes to his power.
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If you're playing as Bubba on a map that isn't coldwind then you're pretty much a killer without a power. And for clown you need perfect aiming. They're in a tight situation at the moment.
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A lot of people saying pig but I've seen plenty of people play her at high ranks. It's Legion or Clown I want to see up there. Legion is what I consider to be a boring killer and Clown just has nothing going for him.
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Ahh yes..I designed one once essentially every hook would have a chilli cauldron underneath them..every time leather hooks someone or the longer they are hooked the cauldrons fill up, upon filling leather can get a ladel full of the chilli and consume it, giving him a "rage" state, where hes like a juggernaut, resists stuns, revs faster and moves faster , albeit temporarily..something like that
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Legion makes sense..he has potential
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Unless you're facing a full team of survivors with 2,000+ hours every killer is quite lethal if you play well. I'll base my suggestion on the fun factor - I'd like to see an overhaul of the plague's power. Aside from the fact that you're literally puking on survivors, I find her gameplay loop very dull and I usually find myself bored out of my mind when I play her. A lower arc of her projectiles could make her power require a bit more skill and make it a bit less mindless to use.
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You would only succeed in making her worse..and I also strongly disagree on your premise..but that's not the point..I see what your saying but..I dunno
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Clown and LF are the ones in most need of a buff but I think practically speaking Trapper could, relatively easily, be given a lot more potential than he has now for redrank play especially without too much work on BHVR's part.
Like many Trapper mains have been saying for ages, buffing his base Beartrap carrying capacity to 2 would go a long way for freeing up his addon choices and improving his overall state. As would changing Beartrap spawns so they aren't so scattered, making self-escape times from Beartraps a fixed value instead of RNG, and perhaps giving him new addons to make him more unpredictable- I've always wanted a Rare/Very Rare that allows him to walk through his own traps without triggering them.
Characters like Clown, Legion, LF, and Plague need serious rethinks, but a character like Trapper could perform very well with some relatively minor changes.
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Hmm..I do agree trapper would be the easiest killer to fix..I just want to reload traps at lockers
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I'm not attempting to make her better or worse. I'm suggesting that her power requires more skill to use around map tiles, so that she's not as boring to play as. In other words, she'd be as powerful, but more difficult and fun to play as. Granted, if you disagree on my premise then that means you already have fun playing her, so making her more difficult might make her less fun for you, but you did ask to hear people's personal views and opinions.
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Clown for sure. Remove the grunt on vaults so I can actually mindgame them. Starling Feather and Cork Bottle Stopper baseline. Maybe even Flask Of Bleach baseline.
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I've yet to see tiles provide any less defense than long as you avoid windows shes quite limited in where she can fire
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Pig. She just needs a few number changes in everything but the RBT's and she'd be top tier viable.
No need for RS.2 base, which I have explained before why it's a bad idea. No need for RNG adjustments, just a few QoL changes and boosts.
And a total add-on rework. Bar a few decent ones. All of about 8 of them.
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I can respect that
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While that clown buff would be more balanced, I don't think it would be that fun for anyone. Like the Freddy rework, just because something's balanced doesn't mean it's fun or healthy. I wish Clown's power could change completely and have an intoxication system like the doctor's madness and maybe the survivors would have to detox or else their UI would be obscured or something. The clown's current kit is boring as ######### and I don't want another viable boring killer that takes no skill to play and can still consistently kill you. (cough, Freddy, cough)
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Until survivor requires actual skill I'd say theres 0 room to complain
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And why is that?
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Why clown if I may ask?
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Looping efficiently as survivor does require skill, even if it's less skill required than playing killer. Clown's power removes all skill based gameplay from the situation and forces them to throw down the pallet immediately or take a hit. So I could say the same to you, be quiet about how easy survivor is and maybe play a killer that survivors can employ skill based gameplay against instead of the braindead garbage that is the Clown.
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Lol well dont go talking smack about clown when for all the skill he supposedly lacks hes the worst killer in game to most
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Why her?
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Clown. He has such an interesting power, I just wish they did more with it. Allow him to regress gens by tossing a bottle at the gen, and make his bottles more lethal. More fun addons would be nice too. I'm tired of the "slightly reduces _______". That is not an add-on; it's a power buff on a price tag.
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Running in a circle around an object while being able to see the killer doesn't take skill. What does take skill is the ability to read killer's movement when moving around a fair thrown pallet. The ability to connect tile-sets simultaneously, The ability to Juke the killer and create distance. If anything, Clown raises skill-cap for survivor, not decreases it as it is much harder to loop a clown than it is to loop a leatherface for example.
I would say both sides require an equal amount of skill, however survivor mistakes are more forgiving because they get more chances to make errors from multiple hook states, health states, exhaust perks etc. if the survivor team is very optimized on objective, Killer errors are not forgiving.
@immortalls96 I think clown some of the tools to be scary to killer to face, but his short coming bring him down.
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I've always thought that survivor should get hurt if they are not already when they search on a jigsaw box. I mean, on the movies that's just what happened, isn't it? U had to "suffer" in order to save yourself.
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Fair..decent base line, weaker numbers and no pressure tool
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True..but most people stay injured to search a box anyway
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I definitely see what you mean
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Hmm, interesting would certainly help
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As a Legion main, I see this as an epic win u3u
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Legion they still need some work their changes overall to them was a "slight buff" which honestly is very poor hell they even admit they nerfed him to buff borrowed time XD
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Because his power is awful, all it does is slow down survivors a bit in a chase. Other than that he's just a m1 killer that can be looped.
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Fair enough
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Eeyup..legion has had it terrible
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Wha......... how?
I think you have the wrong comment. Unless you think that a similar thing could be done to Legion.