4:40 gen rush what was the killer supposed to do?



  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    and you are proud of that? idk man, seems you have mental issues or maybe are unhappy about your actual life, I would seek some help.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    This killer was quite bad, he should have got you at the start, but between the pallet and finding the other survivor, he made bad calls. Then he continued to chase the second survivor for too long, meaning he was quite a bad killer, although I do understand his need to get a hook. He used his power 3x all game, that's ridiculous, it's great use of the killers power that keeps killers viable during a match. The fact he had NOED says lots for his general killer ability.

    All that said, you guys completed your objective well. Your this is not happening and the other dudes price thyself were helpful. This game could have easily been a 4 man escape or a 3k, and sometimes games are that close, the simplest decision or one small mistake can change everything.

    GG survivors, 3 escapes v a below average killer.

  • Strome21
    Strome21 Member Posts: 16

    Basically the comments way of justifying a sub 5 minute game

    "well the killer didn't play perfectly, the killer should know better than to play if they don't know the exactly perfectly scripted way to chase survs down to the last detail"

    Imagine being so toxic that you think >5 minute matches are the killers fault and not the result of poor balancing

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Happens all the time to me. Fast matches. No kills. No points. It's not worth the frustration and effort. I don't play serious anymore. I just goof around and try to get as much BP as possible. The recent changes have screwed the game. Especially with ruin. Old ruin did actually slow the game as long as it was active, because it had a punitive action. New ruin almost worthless..

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    This demogorgon doesnt even know that he can break pallets with his shred. He was not experienced at all and had no idea of tracking survivors. He lost alot of potential pressure at the early game of lack of experience and skill. This is a bad example for "genrush". Everyone can genrush a baby killer and say see see genspeed is broken???

    However there are some games and situations where genspeed can be broken but at your example right now, this is just the fault of the killer and had nothing to do with genspeed.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    "Gens done super fast" "BuT tHiS dOeSnT sHoW hOw FaSt ThEy GeT doNe, KiLlEr ShOuLd GeT gUd!!?!??!¿‽"

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Totally thought that the t-bagging was strategy so the downed guy could get hatch

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Yep. But killer need to start understanding in order to draw out games you have to give survivors more than one objective and look at perks in terms of what other actions can they force.

    I don't run NoED as killer because I personally don't keep it. The reason I don't need it is because I will slug the obsession or a weak survivor and then carry them away from their team rather than hook unless I can get a secluded hook. I force other survivors to either let them die or waste time picking them up. This also helps me understand who is altruistic so I can use it against them. Ik these will be the survivors going for basement saves and probably have BT.

    Yeah NoED is good for getting kills but doesn't give any info on how the survivors behave as killer and that's the most important to me at least. Finding out who is selfish grants me more of an advantage. Because that means the person will let their team stage 2 before they respond even when in the area. So then when I hook them in a secluded spot their team probably won't come get them because they don't want to risk dying or feel they're too selfish and will screw the team over.

    Even if they save them they usually avoid them like the plague of of fear of being sandbagged.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    That's kinda the point of every killer. Demo definitely has more pressure than Legion though.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    I play Legion and still get actually good games though :0

  • XCieroX
    XCieroX Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2020

    There is any number of things they could have done. Made smarter decisions earlier in the game, used better perks, use an offering to get sent to a map they were strong on given the killer they were using.

    All this whining from killers about how hard it is and how the Dev's dont care about them is tiresome. Some times you do your best and you just f#cking lose. Thats life get over it and ready up for the next match. For every killer on here whining there are ten or more new or low skill survivors get 4k'd on the regular and getting ######### on by deranked killers being brutally toxic sh#theads because they cant hang with legit red rank survivors.

    I hate to break it to you, this games health and balance doesn't revolve entirely around your experience at red and purple ranks.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    So now y'all see. NOED doesn't "guarantee a 4k for playing bad! Rah!". It just doesn't. So how is it overpowered?

  • ThiccumClownBoi
    ThiccumClownBoi Member Posts: 16

    Firstly, can we knock it off with this idiotic NOED war or whatever. It's a perk who cares, survivors also have all kinds of overpowered perks. Furthermore I watched the video. He didn't get a kill just because of NOED. Towards the end you didn't do much saving. You got Claudette off hook good, but the one teammate was down on ground while she was on the ground Dwight was being chased. Why did you not go over to her and heal her while Dwight was still getting chased around and leave out the exit gate Claudette opened? Cause while Claudette was opening the gate you just ran around the yard of that house and up the stairs for no real reason. Time wasted doing nothing when you could save a teammate. Getting the portal was good but otherwise you wasted a bunch of time running around the house for no real reason when that time could have been spent healing the second Claudette.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    multiple good points, thanks for being level headed. I’ll focus on the last sentence, the game revolves very little about “high rank,” experience... this is a casual game and it needs to appeal to a casual player base. If people want a tournament ranking worthy game there are plenty of those

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    I always expect to have all 5 gens get done, but I’m always able to secure the 4K before the doors get open, I usually let the last person out though, but I still call it a 4K because I could of easily killed them.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    multiple good points, thanks for being level headed. I’ll focus on the last sentence, the game revolves very little about “high rank,” experience... this is a casual game and it needs to appeal to a casual player base. If people want a tournament ranking worthy game there are plenty of those

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213


    In low skill matches more so than high skill matches.

    Since the Killer is 1 player their mistakes have a larger impact on their success of completing their objective when compared to the impact 1 of 4 Survivors has on the success of completing their objective when they make mistakes. This is why playing Survivor is so much more chill, and enjoyable, than playing Killer for many people. Myself included.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Move on to the next game?

    Like for ######### sake yes gens are fast, but having 10 posts a day with "what was the killer supposed to do" its beating a dead ######### horse.

    You play your game. Do your best. And move the ######### on. Some games are gonna go fast, and some will be dragged out.

    But can we PLEASE stop with this repetitive bullshit thread every time gens get done in under 5 mins? Because I could post PLENTY of under 5 min 4 kills and say," what were the survivors supposed to do??" For a month. It doesnt change anything or prove anything that we dont already all know is an issue.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Ehhh CAN make mistakes and still win, and likely to still win are different.

    A killer can make a mistake, or two, at high ranks, if the survivors make more mistakes. At high ranks with actual good players, a killer has to play optimally and rely on survivors making mistakes to squeeze out more than a 1k. You cant just make mistakes, make poor chase decisions, miss attacks, and then 4, 3, or sometimes 2k against good survivors. They run too optimally these days. People on gens get them done and good loopers dont go down in under 30 seconds.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You sympathize with taking 3 minutes to chase and then breaking a chase? With newbie perks?


  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2020

    So OP lemme ask. I had a game. Well ive had this game a couple of times. I went down first, it happens sometimes it okay, then. One by one my teamates ran in and tryied saving me, we all went down got hooked and the game was over. Just as quick of a game. Sometimes theres just really bad games. And if you start nitpicking and taking evidence from only convienient games that support your arguement. You are literally not going to convince anyone with half a brain. I mean sure your scenerio is unfortunate for thr kilelr but i have played this game for a long time and you wanna know how many games ended in less than five minutes? VERY, very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very few of them. This post again LITERALLY proves nothing because your sample size is so minisculy small its actually irrelevant. We have thousands of killers on these forums and you know how often a post lioe this comes through? Please refer to the answer above for that answer. Gen rushing is not so over powered that its seen in every possible game. Hell half of killer youtubers are making revenue off clickbait thumbnails about how they are crushing gen rushers. I wasnt in the game so i dont know but unless that killer was rank 1 it is highly likely that he made a number of mistakes and likewise for the survivors which further proves my point.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    So let's ignore examples of games where survivors finish the game very quickly without any helpers like old toolboxes.

    Just because most survivors play terrible it doesn't mean everything should be balanced for them.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    If your going against a good team that has been playing the game for a long time that has no weak link then you do t stand a chance lol it’s as simple as that

  • OscaREEE
    OscaREEE Member Posts: 7

    I was thinking maybe remove a gen or 2 or even just make the gens closer or something. I know they can test that ######### out but it seems impossible for bhvr. Anyways i always get told pressure the survivors but what can you do when youre chasing 1 while the others are at the farthest gens? by the time you catch up in the chase 2 gens are already done and they are barely done with the third.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    From 440 to 710 gates were powered but not open right

    4.5minutes for all gens

    2.5 min for the 20second gate

    Oh wait that's the second gate the first was already open around 5.30ish

    This game is so survivor sided its unreal.

    Idk how anyone dies anymore unless they make huge huge mistakes

  • madsweeney84
    madsweeney84 Member Posts: 31

    You quit playing the game , you quit buying the dlcs, you quit supporting a game until they fix the balance issues.

    4v1 does not mean you put a more positive weight on the "4" side.. but survivors have always gotten what they cry for.

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    You empathise with the killer and then promptly tbag at the gate as a toxic Nea when the killer was actually not toxic? And you want people to listen to you.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Here's how I prevent this when I play killer:

    1) If I haven't gotten a hook by the time I get 2 gens to pop, it's time to start slugging to pull them off gens. I will ensure I always have 2 people down on the ground at any given time and swap out the one I do hook to ensure that I maximize my points to get merciless.

    2) If I see a survivor out of position, I have to ask myself: Is there anyone else that could currently be working on a generator? If so, then I ignore them and look for a survivor that is doing gens.

    3) Corrupt Intervention + Dead Man's Switch + Pop are your BFFs if you're not good at ending chases quickly and gens are popping in your face. (P.S: It's really fun to have DMS and see survivors attempt to pop a gen in your face and you smack em once and it triggers leaving the gen untouchable for like 40 seconds lol)

    4) Hook survivors closer to the gens you need to watch if possible so that you're nearby to slug the recently unhooked survivor to keep an extra person off of a gen.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Yes; this is how you have to play as a Wraith and Legion as well. You have to constantly make sure everyone is injured so they have to get off gens and heal.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I didn't even watch the whole video because we all already know the answer: if you don't down people fast you won't have pressure.

    (also these threads are getting old real fast)

    I did, however, check the killer's build. It was absolute and utter garbage, and the choice of perks suggests that he's relatively new to the killer and doesn't have many options. Even if he wasn't, half competent survivors would be able to beat a killer with a build like that.

    Perk builds are part of the game, you know. Just like any other game that involves pre-match planning and strategics. You can't expect to win games in League of Legends if you troll your runes, or win in any TCG if you have a crappy deck. He had Ruin, which is pretty weak on most killers, Surge, which is terrible, NOED, which can be okay if you don't lose the game this bad beforehand (still not the best if you don't have perks that synergize with it) and Dead Man's Switch, which is absolutely horrible if you don't have a build around it. No reliable slowdown. No tracking. No snowball. Basically 4 perks thrown together without thinking how they work with each other. Why should this killer deserve a win unless they played exceptionally well, which they didn't?

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I’ve seen high mobility killers pressure gens ez. Killers can do it just work on improving man. How come killers can kill so fast? Should that not be addressed too?

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I play toxic as killer and survivor lol I tbag because I get a laugh out of it especially when the killer says no it’s funny I do the same as killer I play both killer and survivor so yes I know what killer deal with

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So let’s ignore games where killers get steamrolled because they take way too long to down a single survivor and drop off chases for no good reason

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Of course each side can make some mistakes, inexperienced killer may just chase survivors through infinite-like loops or long ass string of pallets but that's something killer can do thing about.

    What does not feel fair is that even if killer is very good and he leaves bad chases and commits to others, survivors can always just finish the gens and end the game early forcing the killer to camp or lose the killer he got.

    Also, some meta shakeup would be nice for survivors. I'm tired of seeing DS, BT, DH, Adrenaline/Unbreakable when survivors actually want to try.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree about the meta, someone had an idea of buffing/nerfing perks every three months like other games do for “seasons.” So you could still play DS during its “nerfed season,” but it would only last 15 seconds. Or while it’s buffed technician would prevent gen explosions 100%

  • Jopium
    Jopium Member Posts: 39

    Umm so when killer brings in mori and I lose pip, cuz I’m dead already in the first 2-3 mins of game. What am I pose to do ? It’s gonna be games like that if everyone brings In a new part and things you have to bite the bullet. Your playing solo so you don’t know how their last games went. Last night I went back to rank 4 because of 3 mori games in a row. And I also play solo and duo only and my mates never that good they leave you on your first hook and run out lol

  • Jopium
    Jopium Member Posts: 39

    I don’t understand this you act like the killer has to 4K every time I’m order for it to be a good game. When I’m killer if the survivors are good I’m happy with 2 kills I still got a lot of blood points I didn’t camp I played my best game them survivors just play a lot together and I won’t see them next game gg.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    But everything i said still stands. This doesnt happen so often that its a problem to be addressed and their are survivor equivalents of this game. Complaining will not solve the problem and complaining will not make behavior address it again. Cause its not a relevant issue. All you can do i go next and take it.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Yeah. You should. Thats literally how statstics work. If we used all games as valid arguments then any infectious fright combos that ended a game withing 2 minutes of the first person going down are also valid points to nerf it into the ground. "These guys were downed so fast" and thats valid evidence.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    The games I'm in in general end with either side dominating. This isn't fun for either side really.

    Should I also ignore 20 minute survivor queues ?