Killer Perk Tierlist (as of Deathslinger)

This is my opinion. From left to right is the rankings within tiers. How the tiers can be classified:

S - best perks for killer, really strong

A - strong perks, all are valuable

B - good perks, generally work better in synergies, serve their purpose

C - very mediocre/low value perks, need QoL fixes or number adjustments

D - bad perks, too situational or serve almost no purpose in most builds

F - these perks need a rework/overhaul

Feel free to give your thoughts below. Keep it peaceful. To make your own like this, here's the link to my tierlist:


  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Overall I think it's pretty solid, just a couple disagreements but minor at best.

    This comes from a Rank 1 killer main, and strictly opinions as well, this is not meant to be disagreement for disparagement, just some things I've observed.

    On your S tier, I would move down discordance, sloppy, and infectious to the A tier. By your definition S tier is best perks for all killers and I would argue Infectious is really only good on killers like Oni and Billy and Myers who can capitalize with quick one-shots on multiple survivors consecutively. Discordance seems to have lost some luster as survivors have realized that spreading out to do generators by themselves is the most efficient. It is nice for finding the first gen the survivors found as usually multiple work on that one but after that it never seems to light up again, except maybe at the end when they're brute forcing the last generator. Sloppy is good on all killers but I just don't know if it's one of those "must bring" perks.

    I'm not touching NOED, I think that's the hardest one to rank, mainly cause of the survivor reaction to it. That said, it can be completely neutralized through cleansing of totems so I think S tier may be a little high.

    Now for your A tier, again few disagreements. I would argue that you could argue to move Corrupt Intervention up, because unlike Infectious it is actually useful on all killers, just helps trap and setup killers more. I would personally move down bitter murmur as aura reading after losing an objective is situational and usually it seems to happen when you're already chasing someone. Stridor should also be moved down as it's really only going to be used on Spirit. Spies from the shadows is also very situational, and hex: retribution just doesn't have enough punch to justify an A rating. I would also move bamboozle down as it's really only good if you're not great at running window loops and I think it causes bad habits.

    My only other point I'll make is moving Brutal Strength up. I think it's an A tier perk and definitely something I use in a lot of builds at higher ranks. Brutal not only removes pallets faster, but makes kicking generators significantly faster and works splendidly with pop goes the weasel.

    But overall, as I've said, the list is roughly very accurate, well done.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Also dependent on ranks but it's your ranking of the individual perks based on power, not of it's usage in ranks. I've seen Thanataphobia and MYC more than DH and SS perks, especially with them being deadlier. And though there is massive complaint, ruin is still a great perk, especially with surveillance but you put it in a row where it needs synergy so it's agreeable. Only one thing I honestly don't agree with is TOH should not be as high up as it is. It's a useless perk that honestly just takes up a slot.

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    good post, and good first comment. Spirit fury / enduring are A tier when used together, but either by themselves would only be B tier imo, so just a minor caveat

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Discordance shouldn't be S. I would put it in B at best.

    Spies From the Shadows and Stridor being in A is a joke. They should be in D tier at best. You could argue that they belong even in F.

    Enduring, Retribution and Corrupt Intervention should be in B tier.

    Bitter Murmur, Dead Man's Switch, Distressing, Iron Grasp and Dark Devotion should be in C.

    Lightborn should be in D.

    Zanshin Tactics, Unrelenting and Hangman's Trick should be in F.

    Third Seal and Bloodwarden should be in C or at least D.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Good tier list, however not all would agree.

    I personally think the majority of it is accurate, however one perk I would suggest moving to A tier is Brutal Strength. I think the perk is underrated and deserves more recognition.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    Agreed. I think this is an excellent tier list. It’s too bad the tier list format doesn’t do perk synergy justice, but that can’t be helped.

    Maybe the list a touch generous though? The key one is Spies from the Shadows. I tried it as Spirit because the notifications can proc from the spirit world, and even then it wasn’t very good. Did they buff it recently and no one told me?

    Bitter Murmur, Stridor, Iron Grasp, Unrelenting maybe a few others could go down a peg or two, but I get the feeling the list is supposed to represent tiers more “equally proportioned”. My own tier list would be more “bottom heavy” if you know what I mean.

    Except Blood Warden. No love for Blood Warden? I’ll admit it’s not a “good” perk. It’s situational as hell and most of the time doesn’t work, but when it does, there’s no better feeling! It’s a massive guilty pleasure of mine and I run it when I’m feelin’ saucy.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    @DarkFox85 BW is pointless when survivors can just 99% exit gates.

    @Elena BS is not fast enough in my opinion. Survivors generally can still make the next loop/pallet no problem.

    @Kwikwitted I am rank 1 as well, though more recently just reaching it. Discordance helps prevent duo gen rush, which gives me a better chance to pressure gens being worked on solo. SB is never not good, as it slows healing or keeps people injured (buys killer time). IF is good for slugging, which is apart of the killer meta. It is also good in finding flashlighters, so thats a plus too. Corrupt is valuable, but after 2 minutes disappears & leaves you with 3 perks. BM is just good information, & tells you what gen is next based on where a survivor is headed.

    @Marcus regarding Spies from the Shadows specifically, I believe this is the most underrated perk in the game. Survivors are too careless about crows anymore. Why I don't give it S tier is because it is map dependent. Some maps need more crows. This placement is definitely heavily opinionated, but I wouldn't ever place it lower than B. I suggest using the perk & you'll see it has more value than you thought.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I saw a lot of people using it and it's near useless on a lot of maps. Still wouldn't give it more than D.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    Devour Hope should at least be on the same level as NOED. It's another perk that counters the post-ruin genrush.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    I didn't say that for dick measuring FYI, I said it just to point out where my ranking perspective would come from.

    Discordance - this is probably a personal preference, so I'll agree to disagree. I stated my reasoning already, but I can't deny that discordance at least works on every killer regardless of power, so if you think it's S tier you're entitled to that opinion and I could only counter with my own opinion.

    Sloppy Butcher/Infectious Fright - The thing with sloppy butcher is you wouldn't run it on killers who don't rely on M1, so ironically the killers who would run Infectious Fright (Oni, Billy, Myers) are exactly the killer who won't run Sloppy Butcher, the reasoning is simple, you want survivors healing if you can one-shot them anyway. Infectious finding flashlights is also minimally helpful considering looking at a wall negates almost 95% of flashlight save attempts.

    As I said, my standards for an S tier perk are must be a mandatory level perk on every killer, regardless of power.

    Bitter Murmur - I didn't say BM wasn't good information, I said it's dated information cause it's letting you know after the objective is completed, making perks that let you know before it's completed (like discordance oddly enough) significantly more valuable, particularly if you are running pop goes the weasel.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Spies from the shadows is currently slightly better than it has been; it's currently bugged and has no cooldown. It's still not great, but you get location and direction from it now.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    A couple disagreements.

    Barbecue and chili is not a strong perk. It is used a lot because of the blood points. It's not a bad perk by any means. But let's say the double blood points was on thrilling tremors instead. People would use that and not bbq.

    Second, blood warden is probably the best end game perk other than noed. Blood warden can turn a 0 k game into a 4 k game. It's very situational but not tier. F tier should be reserved for perks that are pretty much useless every game no matter what.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    @Kwikwitted I was just clarifying what rank I was, not trying to have a d*ck measuring contest lol. I would say sloppy is still useful on killers that don't M1 because a good looping survivor will force you to M1 sometimes. I can agree with your argument on IF, but at the same time I just always find value from it on any killer which is why i put it so high. And yes BM is definitely not the best info perk by any means, but its a personal preference of mine to use it (especially on hit & run or juggling builds).

    @InsidiousSmartfaceLF Devour Hope is good, but it often disappears before you can get any effect from it since it's visible from the start. NOED on the other hand becomes lit after all gens are done, & survivors tend not to cleanse every totem. DH is still a great perk though.

    @Steve0333 BBQ is mainly S tier because of the 2x points. It is hard countered by lockers, but it still has the ability to provide some great info. Without the points though, it would be a high tier B or low tier A. (For me the points justify S tier) And I would say Remember Me > Blood Warden. BW is hard countered by 99%ing gates, which is common practice. Remember me can at least make the process of opening exit gates roughly 2x slower. Either BW needs a rework or they need to fix 99% gates (perhaps have them regress when left alone to 50%).

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Oh for sure, I wasn't insinuating you were stating your rank to do that, I was just clarifying that in my original post I didn't post it to puff myself up, trust me I get beat plenty of games lol.

    You make a good point on Sloppy, I could probably concede that one too.

    I appreciate you seeing IF from my side as well, and I definitely would agree that depending on killers you play it may be an S tier perk. I think my problem with IF is I always take someone showing up as a sign that I should leave the first guy and then go to down the second guy since they're close, but it seems like every time I do a third guy shows up to pick up the first guy, and while that is beneficial to have three survivors occupied it just always feels like I lose value in some ways, especially if I end up losing the second guy.

    I personally think Tinkerer beats Bitter Murmur in my opinion, I'd rather know when a generator is nearing completion so I can get over and stop it, hopefully down someone, and then regress it with pop. Tinkerer also gives you undetectable for a period of time making the approach even easier. Maybe I should have lead with that instead of just disagreeing about BM.

  • LoneWolf820B
    LoneWolf820B Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2020

    As a ghost face main, I think all of Freddy's perks should be a bit higher. I use BW on GF and it's pretty good coupled with NOED. Fire up should be a little higher imo. Maybe a C or D. Remember me is maybe a B. But no higher

    EDIT: Please ignore this. I didn't notice the (as deathslinger) part. Although blood warden could still maybe be higher

    Post edited by LoneWolf820B on
  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Most of it looks good, but spies as A tier and spirit fury as B tier? Spirit fury is super overpowered. Spies is mostly worthless and there's no reason to take it over whispers really.

    Corrupt as only A tier? It is the best killer perk in the entire game.

    Blood warden could use a bump up as well, it is a game changer when it works.

    BBQ could use a drop down to A or B tier, it's mainly used for bloodpoints. The tracking portion is easily countered.

    Make your choice could also use a bump up to A or S tier. It is really, really nasty on high mobility killers.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited April 2020

    My tier list based on how much I like the looks of the icons

    Post edited by Todgeweiht on
  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    @LoneWolf820B I'm referring to the usefulness of the perks overall, not specifically used for playing Deathslinger. When I say as of Deathslinger I mean since he has been released. But I would still argue that Freddy has the worst perks out of any killer (debateably Wraith or Demogorgon being worse).

    @Shocktober I still am a firm believer that Spies is heavily underrated. Corrupt is A & not S because survivors can wait it out (it's also better for trap characters, not necessarily needed for others). BBQ is A at the least, but I generally get good info from it (even when not getting info you still get info of knowing the survivor is either hiding nearby or in a locker). MYC is good, but not viable for all killers (a good survivor can stealth around a killer with MYC too). Also, Spirit Fury is not very effective unless partnered with Enduring. And BW is useless when survivors just 99% exit gates.

    @Spannungsstoß I like the list you made, but some of your choices I just can't agree with. Cruel Confinement might be the worst designed perk honestly. Enduring is fantastic. Shadowborn is good, but should be a setting not a perk. Mindbreaker & FC are also god awful. While I may not agree entirely, I do respect the opinion you have behind your placements (except Cruel Confinement, I absolutely hate that perk lol).

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I meant how good their icons look, not gameplay design. Woops

  • LoneWolf820B
    LoneWolf820B Member Posts: 12

    Oh ok. Well in that case I still think blood warden should be much higher. Especially if it's used right with NOED. and remember me can be very helpful for getting that extra time back and forth between gates when you need it. I'll say though, it's unfortunate that they are strictly endgame perks. They're very niche. But I personally feel like I'm able to make enough use out of at least warden. I don't use remember me as much.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    what on earth makes you put bloodwarden in F tier?

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    @toxicmegg I've explained in a previous comment, but Blood Warden is top tier garbage. Survivors mostly 99% exit gates, so whats the point in running Blood Warden when the start of EGC is so easily controlled by survivors? Yes you can open the exit gate yourself, but it's not really an option you have if you are from it. Also, it only activates for 60 secs max. If you don't activate it within the last half of the EGC timer (considering you aren't downing anyone & slowing down the timer), survivors can just wait it out & still escape. The perk is way too flawed due to EGC & how exit gates work. It is in need of a rework, or changes to EGC or exit gates are needed.