Why ivory moris are more rare than ebony moris

Is it because the devs failed math when they designed the blood web? With the ultra rares on killers you have max 3 of them and are guaranteed one every level 50 blood web which means your chances of getting one is going to be 1 to 3 or less depending on the killer.

With rare (green) offerings and add ons you get more of them per blood web (average is like 5 or 6) but there are way more of them in the game (19) and each can repeat itself in a bloodweb which makes the chances of you getting an ivory mori much less than 1 to 3.

Let's say you were a gambling man and somebody told you theyd give you a thousand dollars if you can guess a number between 1 and 3 but you only have one chance to guess it. OR you can guess a number between 1 and 19 and they'll give you 6 times to guess it but each time you guess wrong the number changes.

If you picked the second option then you dont understand odds.
