The moment I switch to Killer.

Botiz Member Posts: 483

So, been playing probably around a dozen chill games as survivor before I started to get a little bored and switched to killer. Had a few matches with bad teammates and campy/tunnelling killers, but overall was still a chill, relaxing experience.

Literally, I switch to killer, am put on Ormond, and there's an OoO in the game. Okay, whatever, i'll just ignore him for now as there may be a survivor over on the gen I was headed too, sure enough, there was. Chased them for about 30 seconds with them optimally looping it, meaning I wasn't able to get a hit, and sure enough, a gen pops. Probably about 40 seconds into the game at this point, and it was one of those games which you can tell from the get-go wasn't going to be a fun experience so I just DC'd. Suddenly got trash-talked by three of them "you ######### suck" "are u boosted" "go play minecraft" "bruh #########" - and it was a full team of Rank 1's. Literally, the first game I play of killer.

I'm probably going to get a lot of backlash for DC'ing, but for those who play Survivor/Killer 50/50 or play Killer more, you know what i'm talking about when you just know it's not going to be a fun game from the get-go. I really hope the devs realize i'd much rather not play the game at all and have a DC Penalty than to be constantly put up against these optimal teams. Honestly probably put against a team like this like one in three killer games nowadays. Playing Killer nowadays is so demotivating and gives me the urge to uninstall even more.

I've made threads here in the past saying "I quit playing Killer" blah blah, and honestly, the only reason I still do is because of how they get more bloodpoints more consistently from matches. Apart from that, if I had everything unlocked on my survivors i'd have no incentive to play killer whatsoever.


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    OoO means survivor is most likely in a good swf with coms. It also means they are all confidant in their looping skills. The moment you see that they have it, you should either tunnel the crap out of the OoO user, if you don't think you can keep up with them, do what I do and just hide in the basement and protect your chest, its not worth the stress. They're looking to have fun at your expense, don't fall for it. Do the opposite of what they want you to do.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    Yeah. I'm probably just gonna AFK if I get a game like it again. Don't wanna get this DC Penalty too high as would like to play some chill survivor

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51

    I usually tunnel the OoO guy or when his team is blocking me etc from tunneling, I'm starting to face camp. At least I have fun. Sometimes they want save their teammate so bad and they end up giving me 4k and flaming after match

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    "Playing killer gives me urge to uninstall"

    Go for it already!

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    See the trick is to run Object of Obsession while playing solo, look at them once, then never look at them again for the rest of the match so they think you're just a god, looking at them when they're not looking at you.

    I'm not responsible for any face camp you may receive.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Honestly if they just banned OOO from SWF play I would have no problem with it, as a solo survivor perk it's ok but not game breaking and I can choose to ignore that person if I want. In the hands of SWF with communication setup it's pretty much miserable to play against.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    lol I don’t mind those games, if it seems like one persons job is to distract me I’ll find their team mates cuz that means 2 people off gens. As I ignore the runner I’ll keep them in my peripheral and swat them if we get to an opportune place for me. If they start being douches like clicking flashlights or tea bagging then I will start only going after the unhooked to kill faster to deal with them quickly. That games no longer fun. Gen rushing, using perks, and looping well are all mechanics of the game and hats off to the survivor who can loop me for a gen or two or 3(I’ve only met like 2 of those in a few months). But tea bagging and clicking flashlights? That’s just straight up trying to mock/tease/stress me out and for that I’ll start using the most brutal methods I can think of.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Well dude, just because one gen popped its really not over.

    And even if you lose this game, if you always dc if someone outplays you once, then you should maybe switch to a game thats not competitive at all?

    I also get those matches way to often. But as more i get gen rushed, the more i know how to pressure them. You`ll learn when to chase, who to chase und when to let the chase go to get someone off a gen. To summ it up, dbd is just one of these games where you need the skill and work on that all the time.

    So playing killer is always try hard at the moment, but it is possible.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Just Copy/Pasting from the other thread:

    Survivor is ez mode yes, its just far more relaxed in every way:

    Dont like how the match is going? Die on the hook

    Actually get caught after an intense chase in which atleast a gen got done? time to relax on the hook, catch your breath a bit.

    Killer meanwhile has to sweat it out from start to finish or just give up and sit in the basement and HOPE survivors will do gens quick so you dont waste too much time + the risk of being banned for "afk'ing" too much.