Moris are more powerful than keys.



  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Starting off, yes mori's are stronger than keys. However, most killers are not getting mad at the people finding keys and getting out, they are getting annoyed with people bring keys in.

    To honest, I always bring a mori if a I see a key being brought in, even more so if I check their profiles and realize they are friends... Because that means endgame becomes a lot harder. I've had a lot of games where I should have been able to go from a 1k to at least a 3k because the survivors 3 gen'ed themselves. But in reality the other three were SWF and just wanted the solo to die so they could key hatch. Which means my already larger list of targets of 3 gens and 3 survivors now has to include keeping track of a key, who has it, and where the hatch is.

    So basically, Yes I agree that a mori is stronger than a key, but if you bring a key into a lobby, you can't get upset with a mori. You are basically breaking the game, so am I.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    No I am not telling these things from nothing. The game mechanichs help killers to catch survivors. I also play as killer at red ranks. I do pressure by tunneling(I down immediatelly and let them on the ground so that other survivors will not be working on the gens at least not all of them)-slugging and not chaasing a stronger survivor a lot. So by this way I do not let them do gens. I do not camp, I just go check the gens. I am also rank-1 survivor and believe me when the killer wants to tunnel you, you do not have so many choice. Soon or late you will be dead. There pallets will be consumed, bloodlust will be activated, the windows will be blocked. It is easy to tunnel and get the second down immediately after you hook survivors. I also take into account BT's so I am not suffered DS and BT as killer. And keys are all about teammates. If teammates are not usefull believe me because of not enough gens are completed, your key is nothing but a trash :D But I do believe that I used my moris when I played as killer. But when I took a key, I did not escape through the hatch as much as I used my mori when I was killer. I am not saying keys are weak. But I am telling moris are a bit stronger than keys

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    Where as a mori at least "requires you to hook, and re find the same person". Bro I am serious it is not hard. I do not know how you play killer but I rely on myself and I can tell you that I find survivors after I hook them and down the same one. You get a notification after someone is unhooked, stratchmarks and bloods. Btw I am playing at red rank as killer. It is not hard to tunnel and get the second down.