Dweet mains rejoice

According to Leaks by Daylight our boy Dweet is on the next rift challenges. Huzzah! Give me those Dweet charms.
Other survivor is the lovely Kate Denson. Killers are Huntress and Legion.
*Cries in Feng Min*
However I did predict both Kate and Legion so that at least makes me happy
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wait where did you find this?
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it would be perfect without this boring legion
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Sucks I don't have Legion, welp I'm in the market
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I'm just waiting to see Freddy now.
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oh dear i forget about him
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Leaks by Daylight posted it on twitter; https://twitter.com/leaksbydaylight/status/1246107458222927875
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i wouldnt mind legion if his power wasn't so boring to face mendin every couple of seconds isnt fun for me, but meybe thwy will suprise us with his rework aswell
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petty, this rift will be really long for me
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Keep in mind the Killers in the Tome are more likely to see balance changes. Legion desperately needs help.
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i know that, but for now i will have to play agains and as him, as he is now
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I felt the same way about Spirit being in the last Tome, so I understand. Everyone will eventually have to face an influx of their most hated Killer for a couple months lol
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the reall pain will begin when nurse will get her turn in rift
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But think of all the baby Nurses trying to learn her :D Good ones are pretty rare.
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Yes! I've been waiting for Huntress for so long!
And my girl Kate! This is gonna be awesome.
I like Legion too so I wanna see his rift
Dweet is...meh but I'll enjoy his tokens anyway
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Firstly, mods dont like ppl taliking about leaked info, so OP might get a slap on the wrist, and this thread taken down.
Secondly, I WAS going to grind Tapp and get his perks, but I guess now I'll be doing Dwight now. And buying all Kate's perks in the Shrine. Good thing I got all the Killers leveled up.
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Yes!! Almost perfect tome take my money BHVR!
Edit: Now let's hope Dwight's the one to get the charm and not Kate or hopefully both.