DC penalties

sarkonvol Member Posts: 7
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

What is everyone's opinion?


  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I like them. They have their issues yeah but overall I don't have any problems with them.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    When they were on Xbox they were fine for me, and all of my mates on other devices find them fine.

  • sarkonvol
    sarkonvol Member Posts: 7

    See I'm having a problem with getting disconnected because of the covid 19 protocols internet speed in my country has been reduced which drops me from games a lot more this has resulted in increasing bans for me when I havent done anything wrong

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    In my opinion it does nothing but enables people to bully eachother.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    You shouldn't be able to quit the first time anything doesn't go your way

  • Eradik
    Eradik Member Posts: 63

    I absolutely love them. It doesn't stop ALL, it doesn't stop hook suicides, but it has made games much better since being implemented. IMO anyway.

  • sarkonvol
    sarkonvol Member Posts: 7

    I agree but if I'm not quitting and being cc'd by other means should I really be punished? I've seen this a lot in other posts. Also I play as killer mostly.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    but you need a way to leave a match that is locked in a loop or in a bugged state. it's known that if some bugs happen there is no way to get out except close the program, or use the leave match button in the menu. If people didn't decide this would be a fun thing to continue to use we'd not be here. I have seen people who would disconnect because they didn't like how a killer player would nod their head when they downed them, how they would do x or y or hey i'm rubberbanding I'm out. One streamer would do this 5-10 times a night! in some of these I was playing as a survivor with her, sure i accepted it but what am i going to say? just didn't like it personally.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Theres always causalities

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2020

    I think it's fine as it is? I'm satisfied with how it's working so far.

    I like that it's case by case basis though. It's treated more humanely than a simple ban just because you were having a bad day but wanted just ONE game that was decent, but also didn't have the forethought to quit after thirty minutes of waiting and quitting.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I don't like being tunneled 3 times in row at 5 gens, just because killer feels like it. He is wasting my time. He isnt playing the game at that point. i much rather DC and wait 5 minutes than stay in the game and be miserable for another 5 minutes for the 3rd time.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    He was playing the game and most people dont agree with survivors definition of tunneling

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Against. Particularly because it may not always be their fault for disconnecting. Also, why force people to stay in the game and penalize them when their probably not having fun due to lag, slugging, whatever. It’s not fair to everyone when someone disconnects, sure I’ll give you that. But they need to fix the latency issues. I don’t want to be somebody’s kill because I’m rubber banding backwards 5 steps every time I take 1 step. It’s nonsense. It’s not fun for survivors atm. I think they need to make it more playable in terms of being able to defend yourself more so people feel like it’s not hopeless after getting hooked once. Typically they get camped on or Mori’d as soon as they get off and that’s unacceptable. I know it’s 1v4 but it’s not that serious. I get everyone just fine playing killer without Mori’s and sometimes without even needing perks 😂 some killers are too efficient right now.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    ######### are you on about. Three time in row, killer either camped or stayed around the hook. Once unhooked killer went straight for me. He repeated it until i died. All while no gens were done and i am at rank 1 playing against rank 1-5. My definition of camping and tunneling is fine dont assume #########.

    This happens more often than you think it does.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Why sre your teammates trying to unhook in his face in the first place do gens and leave sounds like your team ran to the hook as soon as you were hooked of course he wasn't gonna leave if he knew others where there

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I am not going to waste my words on you, because you clearly dont listen. I hope you get gen rushed, cya-

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Hope you get ebony moried in the first 2 minutes after a 30 minute wait

  • sarkonvol
    sarkonvol Member Posts: 7

    I hope we can resolve the issue so neither has to happen, it's clear both of these things aren't fun to go against and neither side should be punished for leaving a game either unintentionally or when it's so unfun it runs it for you. IMO if we do have a ban system I think it should just be 10 min. That's it no increase in time, that way people who are DC'd unintentionally aren't given insensitive to just quit and people who did have a fair cooloff period

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Doesnt effect anyone aside from those that crash midgame.. People just die on 1st hook or DC at the loading screen

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213
    edited April 2020

    There is no point of having such a mechanic in any game. We are talking GAMES here, not life support apparatuses. No matter why someone leaves, because he has network problems, real life issues getting in the way or just does not like your style of play.

    There are plenty of other measures one could take like (but not limited to):

    Award the other party fuil points as if they had escaped/been killed with max points -> no more arguments about pips or points not granted

    Reduce their perks by one stage or two, reduce their BP by a significant amount -> they actually lose a lot of progress, way more than they would have gained finishing the game, creates an incentive to play the round to the end or have to play several rounds to get back to the status they were before

    Banning someone from a game they paid money for is not justifyable at all, especially in a software that is so bug ridden that it regularly crashes and I have already had more than one 5 minute "ban" due to the inability of this publisher to create stable software.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Thing is, you are playing a multi-player match based game while knowing that your internet is turned to crap. It IS your fault. Not that your country decided to throttle connections, but that you are willingly inflicting it on other players who just want a stable match.

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2020

    Should be longer of a ban and less chances to come back from it. I play 50/50 killer survivor and the thing that takes more fun out of the game than tunneling or Mori or keys or gen rushing which is what most complain about is survivors dc when they get dropped once or killing themselves on the hook especially when the run no mither. If you can play out the game and not screw others over then why bother playing at all. Not all games will go your way but you don’t have to ruin other ppls games because you have a bad game especially on the first hook. Two games in a row today two dcs and the next two suicides from first hook.

  • Nagi
    Nagi Member Posts: 11

    Should do what they originally said and only punish you if you click leave. getting real tired of the game crashing or lagging out and getting penalized.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I don’t think it matters a lot of the time as killers tend to hover around that hooked survivor like a vulture rather than trying to protect gens 😂 they need to implement stronger ways for survivors to protect themselves in these scenarios. DS isn’t enough it’s only a one time use that requires a difficult skill check and it’s only 5 sec. killers can still track you down easily afterwards when it’s only 5 sec.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Nah, I’d still click leave if the lag was that bad to where I’m giving killers free kills. It’s unfair to me. They shouldn’t enforce DC penalties regardless as long as there’s as much lag as I’ve seen in some of these games. It’s unfair to survivors. Killers lagging, well that’s a whole different thing that isn’t as big of a deal. They recover from missed attacks so fast anyways 😂

  • Nagi
    Nagi Member Posts: 11
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    It stopped me from playing survivor.

    I've been playing killer but staying Rank 16 since their implementation.

  • sarkonvol
    sarkonvol Member Posts: 7

    I dont agree with this statement at all everyone deserves to play, most of the time I can complete my matches it isnt my fault for wanting to play a game I like and having a random internet drop I cant predict be the preface for my ban. I know it can happen, it can also happen to everyone else for no reason doesnt mean they should be punished for actions they didnt intentionally take. Very closed minded statement in my opinion

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I think they might even need to be increased. I still see survivors DC after being dropped for the first time or whatever. I've only had one legitimate bug happen mid game since this system was implemented, so while it's still a problem kind of, I disagree that random crashes are a reason for them to reduce the penalty or anything. If somebody truly doesn't disconnect all the time, a random crash that gives a small 5 minute penalty isn't the end of the world.

    The people in this forum that are saying "if I get tunneled 3 games in a row" or "I'll just disconnect anyway if the game is unfun for me" are the exact types of survivors that bolster my point. People don't understand that if they decide to jump into a multiplayer game with other people online, that they're taking on an unspoken responsibility to make the game a fair match. Just like if you were to play a game of street basketball with some people, you don't just randomly say "okay I'm done" and leave your team whenever you feel like it. It's the same kinds of people that I imagine going over to a friend's house to play video games, and then getting mad and shutting off the console when they're getting beat. It's the a perfect example of entitlement and selfishness.

  • sarkonvol
    sarkonvol Member Posts: 7

    Like I've said before my internet randomly drops and usually I'm able to complete matches I dont quit on purpose, but it had been more frequent with connections being slowed in my area. I paid for my game I should be able to play it.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I will say I don't hate on people for having bad internet. I know not everybody can have access to great internet. I'm talking specifically about people who, it's obvious they intentionally disconnect. After their first down, DC within 1.5 seconds or whatever. I still see that stuff pretty frequently.

    And I agree that you should be able to play the game if you paid money. Just like anybody else who paid money should be able to play it. I just don't think that just because somebody paid money to play, that means they get to ruin the experience for others. Intentionally. The same way if I went into a fancy restaurant that I paid to get into, I could expect to get kicked out or punished for ruining the experience for other restaurant-goers.

    I do feel for you with internet problems, honestly. I just think that people thinking they're entitled to just quit whenever they want, just because they're not having fun, is a huge problem. And if the problem continues to exist, then obviously the system isn't harsh enough to keep those players that DC like that out of my games.

    At the same time I can also imagine positive reinforcement working better possibly. I'm of the opinion that, to some people, even getting a complete ban isn't going to stop them from just getting the game again and purposefully trolling. So maybe it might be nice to have positive reinforcement, and reward the players that actually bother to stick out multiple games through to the end. Like maybe accruing a 1.25 or 1.5x BP multiplier for being on a streak of not quitting games. Those might be overwhelming/underwhelming numbers, but it's just a random idea off the top of my head. That way, people who DC randomly would finally get to stop complaining about their penalties and it wouldn't punish people with bad internet. And, the people who actually play the game are getting a reward they deserve that the trolls that just disconnect don't get to have.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    I think that overall, it's improved the situation. yeah, theres still hook suicides, but that benefits both parties more than DCs. the killer gets emblem points and bloodpoints, and the survivors get a little bit more time.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    With how toxic the community is? Its awful, just awful.

    I’ve seen so many trolls who have no intention of playing normally. They just sandbag and farm on purpose to ruin the game. In rarer cases killers slugging until bleedout or endgame timer and a few hackers.

    They’ll stop people from leaving but they haven’t done a single thing as to some of the legit reasons why people disconnected (not including the crybabies who dc because losing).

    Being farmed and sandbagged by a troll who has no intention of playing the game? Better let them have their fun for a few minutes or take an escalating penalty. Survivor and killer working together for the lulz? Better let them have their fun.

    This game just punishes the innocent and teally prioritises the enjoyment of trolls. At this point I genuinely hope it kills the game. Most boneheaded move I’ve ever seen a development team make. Again having such a harsh penalty wouldnt be the end of the world IF they actually made any effort to fix the bugs, servers issues, trolls and hackers but so far they have shown they could not care less.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    It's really not closed minded, it's just that these days, everyone only cares about what they get and want, and to hell with how if effects anyone else.

    Back in the days of original counterstrike, people would get kicked off of servers all the time because their ping got into triple digits. Most pvp games rely on having decent connections to keep things fair and smooth, and it has always been expected that if you have internet trouble, you leave.

    I agree, it sucks. I couldn't play killer for almost a year because I was stuck on crap dsl. It was strong enough to play survivor or f13, but not to handle killer. So I stopped playing killer rather than force people to suffer it especially since it'd generally be green in lobbies, but bog down in game once data really started flowing.

    It makes a big difference that you said you are AWARE of a current problem with your internet and that it's widespread where you're at, so it's not just a one time hiccup.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    Idc for him or whenever someones dc's. Because every single time someone does i can see why they would.

  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94

    Yesterday I watched a streamer I like play against a fairly sweaty rank 1 SWF. He took them down and they had 4 gens done and were about to finish 5 when he knocks one down, near the hatch. He's about to hang the person when the last guy runs in front of him. He chases, misses a hit, the guy kneels down for just a second and is holding a medkit. So the streamer's like "oh he used Styptic I'm gonna wait 10 seconds to hit him". Streamer waits - on second 9, the survivor teabags once and DCs, thinking their friend would have crawled to the hatch by now.

    Fortunately the streamer made it, but this DC /was/ the difference between pipping up, and merely black pipping because of course he didn't get hook credit for the DCed guy.

    I also saw that same streamer just 4 games before that, both surviving members of an SWF were hiding at opposite ends of the map, he saw scratches, went and hunted one, couldn't catch them, turned around, saw the hatch by accident. The second he saw it, the other SWF member was running to it, so killer went and stood on it, boom, the other person DCed. it was clear their plan was "lets bait the killer to one side of the map, DC, and you run for hatch" but they mis-timed it.

    Survivors treat DCs as "I have a special ability I can use once every day and a half or so, where I get out of one situation"

    Things I see this used for daily, bearing in mind I am rank 1 on killer and surv (I hate when my teammates do it, believe me):

    DCing to "give hatch", especially in coordinated SWF.

    DCing to prevent a use of bbq, when you're on your death hook.

    DCing if its late game and you're next to an almost done gen, to prevent Pop.

    DCing out of spite when downed early.

    DCing - and this was amazing - to prevent Oni from hitting you and getting blood.

    DCing to prevent use of obsession perks, including someone who DCed because I was "farming save the best for last" off him (starting chases to get tokens then leaving him alone for a sec, as wraith).

    DCing when you miss your DS

    DCing when you jump in a locker to bluff DS and I call your bluff successfully "The Ds for when you have no DS"

    I should make a list that's more exhaustive, but all of these are things I've faced since DC penalties came in. Happens MORe at red ranks, not less, often by people who know they aren't pipping or know they're about to die and would rather deny you an advantage.

    I don't know how to solve this, I admit it.

    Perhaps SWF who DC don't open the hatch instantly (that's another thing, if you hang someone on a hook it takes about 10ish seconds for them to fully get to death, giving you time to block for example a nearby hatch, but the hatch opens the same microsecond you DC, so its faster if they're on comms and their teammate says "I'm on hatch")

    Perhaps make it so that if someone DCs you get a free immediate stack/use of all your "when you hook someone" perks as compensation alongside the quitter bloodpoints.

    I'd suggest changes for the emblem system, but they're deleting the concept of ranks soon.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    At first it was hell because some players were doing everything they could to get people to DC, but now it's just resulted in more suicides on hooks which is whatever. There's a bigger issue with entitlement that this game produces.