So many -rep salt comments on steam...

It sucks honestly that if you play Killer, you cant let your steam profile comments open because you will get every match atleast 1 salty -rep comment, it doesn't has to be -rep at all. I mean overall salty comments. I personally love letting positive feedback to players that played well in my game maybe this person will write a funny or nice message to my profile too. Overall I like the steam profile comment feature but on Dbd it is just use to leave some salt after a game. It is mostly the same "Trash Killer uninstall", "Tunneler", "Camper", "Tryharding" etc. Fun fact most of the time I didnt even played like that. For sure I can just delete those comments, but it is annoying doing that after every game.
Do you have the same experience or am I just really unlucky?
Nah, if you main killer, you'll get that indeed, which is why closing comments to strangers is a thing for dbd killer mains.
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Sad but true :/
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Yes. Survivors enjoy playing only one side. They dont care to learn about the other side.
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It's normal when you play killer, sadly. It doesn't matter how you play, you can be super generous, you are still going to get insulted on a regular basis. There is a reason why this community has its reputation.
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I have never gotten as many hate comments as I do now after I started playing DBD. Nor as many suicide recommendations.
This is one of the worst gaming communities I have ever seen.
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Atleast it seems like that. Especially the most survivors love calling killers "Tunneler" or "Camper" without even knowing how that was looking from the view of the Killer. If a survivors gets unhooked and instead of running to a pallet or save spot they run open field around, obviously I will go for the slug. I am suppose to make pressure not waiting until you are healed xD
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I've had matches that I could of ended before Survivors even did their third gen, but then I let them all leave, and give them hatch. Then they still flame me in chat and call me cancer.
So I've stopped. Mori's for everybody!
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Agree. Even today, 2 ppl decided to dc because I hitted them with the oni flick around a corner. Then I felt bad because 2 dcs at the start of the game. I downed 1 survivor and ran on purpose to the laurie to pallet save me. Then she teabagged me and they both were hiding for like 10 min. I was really done, I just wanted to let them escape and go to the next game but they were STILL hiding. So when I found them I just straight up killed them and then they insulted me in the chat for beeing a hearthless ######### and I should kill myself.
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I've literally had that before too.
Its painful indeed, which is why I only play killer when I'm feeling resilient.
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Well I guess we need enduring in reallife :D
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Call them genrushers and sweaty loopers. xD Thats all you can do as long as they dont understand killer.
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Ok, just make your profile private.
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I leave mine open, I get some pretty spicy stuff. Mostly swearing, so if I went into full detail I'd probably get in trouble.
However, my favorite is one I thought was pretty funny. My profile has a pretty rough description of who i am (the basics- what I play, etc.)
This guy comments: "Cringe profile description, this isn't My Space -Rep"
I just throw a comment back saying Ouch my fragile self esteem
Dude actually comes back, "With a profile like this I bet"
But what I've always found odd is that before I started playing Dead By Daylight is that I've never got that many profile comments before. Now after playing the game for a few years I have received multiple comments throughout the whole year, Always going -Rep tunneled, camped, played X killer.
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My favorite is +rep fairplay killer and same guy -rep plays nurse (before the nerf)
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Same I feel like the amount of Steam profile comments sky rocketed when Dbd came out, I guess there is no other game where ppl comment under profiles like in Dbd xD Thats actually crazy
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Had someone accuse me of hacking today due to them not hearing my TR as Bubba. One of their teammates had to stop them to point out that I was running Nemesis. Unfortunately, you get ppl that have a very narrow view of the game and quickly lash out when they don't understand why something happened the way it did.
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Yeah someone called ma a Hacker because I used Dark Devotion on Doctor xD
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I also have lots of people who +rep me when i play killer. I think it is about 50/50 for me.
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Whenever i 4K or do well in red ranks, most of the time i got the -rep tunneler, camper as thier excause for getting destroyed by the Legion witch makes thier situation more pathetic, even thought I most of the time I don't tunnel. Altough i keep all the gold comments where salty survivor write something more than -rep.
The only thing that suck in this situation, is the fact that people are judging me basing on my steamprofile comments, written by survs with private profile/locked comments with only one comment written by thier fridnd saying "+rep good survivor"
This #########'s pathetic.
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Agree, even funnier, I have a link to my main profile on my steam profile where I play dbd, on my old acc I got banned. And mostly the salty survivors check my main account and stalk everything there just to write me that I am a peace of ######### and should get banned again xD
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I typically dont even bother denying it when someones like that, and just say "yup, you know it" or something.
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I always find it really surprising that players who engage in this sort of behaviour believe that they've done something meaningful by the end of it.
Like sure, you left -rep on my profile, but what is "rep", how is it quantified, and who actually cares enough about it to deny me something I can't get elsewhere based on it? Even if it had ramifications that mattered, I can just delete the comment so what have you done?
And yet people will still do it.
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I see it as a badge of honor
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I always thank the killer that plays nurse. It's either a really easy match cause she is the most difficult to learn or really hard (and scary) cause they played her well.
Either way, nurse killers are very rare so I try to encourage them to keep playing her.
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The question was asked and I answered. No need to get snarky. Or are people only allowed to answer yes on this thread?
Even if I was willing to spend money on DbD, I don’t care to buy collectibles from any game/media that I may enjoy. They’re just not my thing.
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Surprisingly, I don't have the same experience. I'm at rank 1 and I get more GGs than I do salt. When I started to consistently reach and stay at red ranks, especially rank 1, I expected to be bombarded with salt. I guess I just happen to get most of the nice Survivors somehow.
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just remove them :D Keep enjoying the way you play.. 😉
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Same here. I guess mileage may vary.
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Someone sent a death threat in the comments and I reported
The account got banned, guess the user did that to plenty of killers
Remember to report if the comment is too horrible!
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Does putting -rep even do anything?
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It used to years ago. If you got enough -reps you could end up having your profile temp banned. Steam got rid of that feature because of abuse and harassment. For whatever reason the +rep/-rep thing carried on as a custom even after they lost their power.
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Reminds me of a old saying. Give someone a like button, they will use it in a fair and honest way. Give someone a dislike button and they will abuse it.
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Take your katana and commit seppuku for tunneling. I just started to care of my fun and you know? Feels great to ignore their barking