Why deathslinger should be 115

After thoroughly playing deathslinger I can say the only real thing he needs is 115 movement speed. His chase will be a bit stronger but as a survivor you probably won't notice much. As a killer though being 115 will solve the deathslingers only weakness of low map pressure. This will also help him in Hawkins or lerys as he mostly can't use his power on those maps so he can't be taken on a 5 gen chase.
If he is 115 he would be a balanced fun and strong killer. And if survivors complain they just need to adapt like killers are always told.
They literally broke his leg so his slow movement speed would fit the lore.
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Can't argue with that
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He's a stealth ranged killer with M&A which is already ridiculous enough. 115% movement speed would be insane unless they gave him the terror radius to match and fixed his broken TR audio.
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Hes fine, he already has better than average chase potential on 50% of loops if you can aim and they would need to increase his terror radius to 32m to compensate for a movement speed buff. Id rather him be slower and stealthier than risk a potential nerf to his skill based power just so he can play as an M1 killer.
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I'm glad I didn't meet a Deathslinger the past 2 days.
Even though his TR is intentional, I still think it's way too small, and M&A is a meta perk for him pretty much.
Don't turn him into a speed demon.
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115 and a 32m tr are all one package
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They already stated, he's not a Stealth killer. His terror radius needs to be a lot more audible though.
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I don’t need it...but if they change me to 115%, then I want this brace off my leg and bigger terror radius.
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if they made him 115% he would be completely overpowered. hit a survivor, spear them two seconds later because of that extra speed.
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No I enjoy weak killers lol especially death slinger... I seem to win ever game I play against him 🤔
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115% doesn't solve map pressure. Clown has no map pressure with 115%. Slinger is way stronger than Clown, lacking map pressure is actually the only thing you have to take advantage of when playing against him. The stupid insta unhooking throws so many games I play against him because he is instantly in the next chase. And two people on hook is the best gen slowdown you can get
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You actually believe them even though the evidence clearly points otherwise? If somebody sharpened a candy cane and stabbed somebody in the eye with it, would you believe them when they said the candy cane was just food, not a weapon?
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He does have some range slowdown and downs way faster than clown creating much better pressure
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Nice bait. He’s ranged why should he be fast too? At what point is this going to be ridiculous to even play survivor anymore? A lot of the killers are already OP as hell. There’s pros and cons. Live with them. If anything killers need a nerf right now. It’s getting ridiculous how I’m constantly playing with rank 1-4 survivors and I see us get demolished by some of the killers that are just too efficient 🤔. Talk about balance, nah I’m not having it for one moment that killers need more than they already have. Ebonys need to go. Iridescent/infantry combo needs to go
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Killers just want to spawn in and just mow people down with speed and one hit downs without giving them a good chase. That’s where the points come in. That’s where the fun is in this game. Survivor - killer interactions is what the game thrives on. And you’re sitting here wondering why you don’t go faster? Sheesh. He’s got a gun that pulls you in. Why does he need that too? Get good with the shots.
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Nice bait? Hate to break it to you but no killer is op right now. You must be a god awful survivor to say something like that. You cry about moris but probably haven't got moried in months. Plagues ranged so should she be 110? Please play your first game as killer before commenting or at least get good as survivor
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i think he is pretty nicely balanced the way he currently is.
115% mms would make him too strong in chases, so while i agree that he is lacking map pressure, 115% mms isnt the solution for it.
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Please stop I'm loosing brain cells just reading this. You are the type of guy to say clown is op because he downed you at a t l wall. Survivor is disgustingly easy right now and it's bad players like you that hold this game back. You are the people the devs are catering to and you are extremely unhealthy for the game
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If you make him a 115% speed killer, then you would need to make his terror radius 32 meters, and that would really hurt him because he really benefits from that small ass terror radius. He is fine.
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So you're saying making him 115 would be a nerf?
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Technically, yes.
If you have a really big problem with his speed I would recommend running PWYF
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I find it ironic that you said someone's post was making your lose brain cells and then you proceed to not read someone's comment thoroughly.
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By that I meant you sacrifice the low terror radius for speed. Which most would consider a buff be he considered it a nerf
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The only reason Deathslinger is as good as he is right now is because of his terror radius. It honestly feels bugged at times with how quiet it is and how late you hear it.
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Making him 115 would help map pressure and chase while also fixing the very quiet tr. An eye for an eye but I think 115 is better for him
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I'm not really looking for more brain dead mechanics to be in the game tbh. Just increasing speed requires no skill on the side of the Deathslinger. I don't want him to become another Freddy.
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I think he could use a little boost but don't think increasing his MS is the way to go. I'd rather they increase his projectile and reeling speed.
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Sorry but Clown existed, He's terrible at map pressure while he has 115% movement speed.
Increased Deathslinger movement speed to 115% wouldn't solve anything.
Moreover, If you think that increased his terror radius is "fixing", That's mean you don't even understand how he can use his terror radius as his advantage.
Conclusion, Increased his terror radius for increased his movement speed isn't worth it and these changes are nerfed for him.