why is nothing done about bloodlust??
seriously, i think these devs never think before they act. now when they reworked maps they left out shelter woods, hawkins and the game. why? it is very obvious these maps need changes, but no we dont get them because the devs don't think further. it's now obvious because they also didn't remove bloodlust. i just wanted to ask what makes you think these changes are good without adjusting the other side as well? do you think making every map a dead zone without removing bloodlust is a good change? where the hell do we need bloodlust when "god loops" are being removed and we can easily catch survivors now, bloodlust is overkill. you can't just make changes by looking from one angle and ignoring other point of views..
Hawkins needs to be changed and Shelter Woods needs a slight change. That's it.
2 -
It would be best to finish revisiting the maps before outright removing bloodlust, i'd say.
They said that all the maps not included on the PTB can still be revisited later down the line. One step at a time. 🙂
27 -
yeah, we'll see how healthy these changes are when we don't even get to use our brains just bloodlust every unsafe pallet, no mindgames nothing just mindlessly 4k every match. sounds like so much fun.
until they balance this game correctly without any stupid bias i'm out. can't have fun as survivor and can't have fun as killer neither. for some people easy 4ks might be fun but i prefer a real game instead of a killing simulator on it's easiest mode. uninstalled. hope they fix their damn game and learn to think further than this moment.
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Kind of like how Ruin was changed without making changes to gen speeds?
25 -
Since I dont think you have any idea of how bloodlust works or why it exists ima leave this here for you
19 -
Bloodlust is not a problem.. everytime the killer breaks a pallet it resets.. plus it only increases every 15 seconds, more than enough time to find a pallet and loop around it.
14 -
Bloodlust is fine
6 -
Actually.. does bloodlust do anything? If you looped the killer until bloodlust 2 or 3 then you already wasted tons of killer's time and should consider yourself the winner in that chase.
When i play killer, i never go beyond t1 bloodlust and when i do, it's when i hit survivor or lose the chase.
9 -
Lol only 2 maps. Cry some more.
4 -
As much of a pain the Meat Plant can be, I think it is fine where it is. Hawkins should be looked at all together and Shelter Woods could do with more walls or some sort of cover but that is it. Bloodlust should not be removed just yet. We have to see how the update goes when it hits live servers. Not sure why you put god loops in quotes as they do definitely exist. I have seen them on both sides and it makes the survivor untouchable. That shouldn't be a thing
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Yeah 45s to bloodlust 3 for every pallet. You'd be gen rushed after 3 pallets. My only problem with bloodlust is that you can transfer your BL to chase with other surv. Btw it's fine or need little nerf. There are still maps like disturbed ward. Or you can be looped around 1 loop as deathslinger or huntress without bloodlust
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I 100% agree with you. I posted about bloodlust too just now. Glad to see someone else discuss it
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You guys aren't grateful at all. You get some good changes, take them
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There's a reason people say Beast of Prey is a trash perk... The effect is tied to bloodlust activating.
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Oh man if only you were around when bloodlust wasn’t a thing.. you were NEVER able to catch survivors who could just loop you until the 5 gens are done and everyone’s gone. Maybe you should take notes from your critiques of the devs and think About things before you say something. Bloodlust is completely fair in the current state of things.
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you have to waste 45 seconds twice to down a survivor. Thats 3 gens done while "Bloodlusting every pallet"
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You know, i never saw complaints about bloodlust UNTIL this patch. It's almost like survivors have a list of changes they want made every time killers even get a slight pat on the head.
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Its because bloodlust was added to counter infintes. Now that infintes are gettung fixed bloodlust isnt needed
13 -
Idk any killer that's facing anyone under Rank 15 that gets 4Ks from just Bloodlusting. Stop exaggerating to make your point seem stronger.
1 -
Mindlessly? Do you know how long it takes for bloodlust to activate? Do you know how long it takes for Bloodlust to activate 3 times?
If you've bloodlusted a killer, you shouldn't be upset at yourself, you've bought your team a lot of time already.
You're not meant to live forever dude, you're meant to die. The actions you do during the chase decide that.
4 -
If you're making changes, bloodlust is something that should be looked at before you even release the update on the PTB.
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What actions are we going to be able to do at this point? Survivors aren't meant to die, they're meant to escape.
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You're meant to die, the killer's purpose to to sacrifice you.
It's the reasoning behind Bloodlust, the killer is meant to catch you.
What YOU do, also decides that.
2 -
Seems like a bit of an overreaction though. Killers that rely on Bloodlust to end chases will most likely lose anyways because they are wasting too much time waiting for Bloodlust to build up.
No doubt that it will need to be removed once maps are more or less balanced though, and the devs will certainly get to that.
1 -
This answer's simple, the devs want to coddle and cater to bad killers that whine about being looped because they're either not smart enough, or too lazy to want to work at being a better killer. So those killers can now win trials more easily with the changes while keeping bloodlust, loose hitboxes and Ebony Mori.
4 -
Yeah, kinda like when they nerfed ruin before they fixed gens speeds, and toolboxes, and god loops, and god windows and infinites? it's kinda like that maybe. Maybe you need to make smaller changes and see how it works before you decide to nerf something else too.
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Bloodlust isn’t that bad. Bloodlust 3 is op though. When a killer wants to tunnel they just resort to that.
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What good changes? Killers have been receiving all the good changes recently because devs finally realized that they need some changes, and have recently unnecessarily nerf some stuff on the survivors side when no one asked.
3 -
Its crazy how from like 2 to 3 weeks ago all I mainly saw was "Survivors easy mode and killer gets treated unfair" and now its reversed. Devs re balancing the game as best they can. I can say a few months ago I was the same, but I guess I matured and realize I need to be patient. In my opinion any survivors right now complaining and such can leave the forums. You don't know how the ptb will be so just wait for it. I'm someone who can't even try the ptb as I'm a console pleb. These changes are for the better like the ruin nerf was, it just takes time to adjust. And to be real if youra survivor complaining now wanting things not to be changed then I guess killers are the bigger person since most of them have dealt with the nerfs they are handed. Yes there are killers that complain here but the point is I see way more survivors than killer posts. Also bloodlust imo should stay until these maps have all been changed and tweaked and feel balance between the majority of players on both sides as it was a bandaid fix for map design and as they are now changing them bloodlust should be on its way out soon.
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The killer should be able to down anyone he is chasing and if you need BL2 or BL3 to do that your already throwing the game by taking too long to down someone. Good survivors will capitalize on this and now you have a 5 minute game.
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You mean like when they changed ruin and didn't adjust gen speeds, toolboxes to go with it they just nerfed ruin and left it at that? now they have better data on gen speeds they are changing things to adjust for it makes you wonder if they will do the same thing test the new maps for a while then adjust things as needed.
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You mean like when they nerfed survivors into the ground before even nerfing Ruin?.. Also Ruin didnt affect purple/red ranks.. It only affected newer players and those suffering from bad latency.
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Just like they nerfed killers also before ruin the point is that they can't adjust bloodlust till they find out how these new maps work and if it should be changed and if so how same with a lot off other things they will only be able to adjust things once they have got the data they need from changing the maps, some killers might be OP in some areas because off the change and will need adjusting but they won't know that until later on when people have played on the new maps.
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when did i say that we 4k by only bloodlusting? my point is that bloodlust makes it easier and now that loops are nerfed bloodlust is NOT needed anymore. stop trying to shape other people's words.
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i know very well how bloodlust works. why would i argue about it otherwise? bloodlust can make a big difference but biased people can't see it. now that loops are nerfed bloodlust is just an overkill
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why are you referring to players as killers and survivors? i'm a person who plays this game on both playable roles, no im not a survivor or killer. there's no killers or survivors complaining, there are only players giving feedback that should be listened to.
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I'm sorry but I disagree. Yes people can play and like both roles and cool thats awesome but I mostly see mains on here. As you aren't one I will try my hardest to remember. I for one am a killer main and don't take offense being called one. I honestly don't get why thats the big issue here other than this isn't feedback its players (who happen to like survivor more) complaining. Wanna know the difference? Feedback is used as the basis for improvement and from what I know the ptb isn't up yet therefore none of this can be tested.
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I would agree with you but that was when there were double pallets at every loop. Bloodlust needs to be looked at because holding the "W" key around a medium safe pallet and winning the chase is something that shouldn't happen. It's static, just like Legion's original power.
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But if you can only loops them for 45 seconds how do you brag about a 4 gen chase
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I imagine you did not play much in the last 3 month
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“youre meant to die” my god the cringe. NO YOU ARENT LOL if youre good enough to run someone and live your deserve to live what kind of silly single player fantasy is this
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Yeah, that's why the game is called
"Survive by Daylight."
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Bloodlust is a bandaid mechanic. It will be removed when maps are more balanced. It will be removed when the goal is achieved. It is a lot like Old Ruin in that respect, but Old Ruin was removed too early.
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You can lose chase even you're still chasing. Breaking line of sight and pallet stun does the trick.
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It really doesn't. Chases should end well before Bloodlust is even active. Getting Bloodlust frequently just means you're playing badly.
Which means they probably aren't very good. Which means easy escape.
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winning the chase is losing the killer/making him give up on you.
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with these hitboxes, even 0,01 seconds can make a difference. sorry but you're wrong.
and there's no timer how long chases should last. they can last 10 seconds or they can last 5 minutes. it depends on how well both sides play. and that is how it just works.
2 -
You're absolutely right. Every second counts.
If it takes a Killer until tier 1 Bloodlust to land a single hit, then they aren't playing efficiently. Generators still get done very quickly.
Sorry man idk anyone who genuinely thinks Bloodlust is OP. There's very little reward to it. At best you get a hit. At worst you force a pallet down and get stunned and continue the chase.
0 -
oh yes remove bloodlust,how dare killers ever catch survivors I mean omg,how dare you killer so rude!!
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Does the time of day change in each map as the trial goes along? Does it approach daylight just before you die? No? Maybe you're reading too much in to the ######### name then.
The game isn't designed for survivors to die no matter what. I know people who only play killer would love the game to mean 4 kills every round. If you're absolute ######### at playing killer why should you be given 4 kills every round? Because the name uses the word dead in it? Idiotic focus given to the name of the game.