Is report for selling out teammates vaild ?

Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

So story time incoming.

I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @Master said:

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    Working together with the killer is indeed bannable.

    I have one question though, why didnt you eat feng and try to catch claudette before she makes it to hatch?
    The entity would be dissapointed in you....

    I know that working with killer is bannable but for the sake of survival there might be exceptions otherwise all killers that give hatch for free could be considered farmers.

    Also hey I'm the killer here so I lay out the rules :) . I can dominate teams sometimes and when that oppurtunity shows itself I can be mercyfull. I feel really good when I'm destroying survivors because I know that I can let them go If I desire so. Sometimes letting someone go is more enjoyable for me than killing them if I can squeeze more fun out of it that way.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Kebek said:

    @Master said:

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    Working together with the killer is indeed bannable.

    I have one question though, why didnt you eat feng and try to catch claudette before she makes it to hatch?
    The entity would be dissapointed in you....

    I know that working with killer is bannable but for the sake of survival there might be exceptions otherwise all killers that give hatch for free could be considered farmers.

    Also hey I'm the killer here so I lay out the rules :) . I can dominate teams sometimes and when that oppurtunity shows itself I can be mercyfull. I feel really good when I'm destroying survivors because I know that I can let them go If I desire so. Sometimes letting someone go is more enjoyable for me than killing them if I can squeeze more fun out of it that way.

    You are employed by the entity. If not doing your job is enjoyable go ahead, but dont be surprised when you are fired :wink:

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @Master said:

    @Kebek said:

    @Master said:

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    Working together with the killer is indeed bannable.

    I have one question though, why didnt you eat feng and try to catch claudette before she makes it to hatch?
    The entity would be dissapointed in you....

    I know that working with killer is bannable but for the sake of survival there might be exceptions otherwise all killers that give hatch for free could be considered farmers.

    Also hey I'm the killer here so I lay out the rules :) . I can dominate teams sometimes and when that oppurtunity shows itself I can be mercyfull. I feel really good when I'm destroying survivors because I know that I can let them go If I desire so. Sometimes letting someone go is more enjoyable for me than killing them if I can squeeze more fun out of it that way.

    You are employed by the entity. If not doing your job is enjoyable go ahead, but dont be surprised when you are fired :wink:

    Haha I get it but don't worry I think my usual gameplay is filling entity enough survivor salt. These moments happen only from time to time that's why they are so funny.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    Yes. It's working with killer. But it is funny and I thought myself about doing something like this myself, like pointing at a survivor while the killer is chasing you. But I'd kill Feng and let Claudette go.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    Yes. It's working with killer. But it is funny and I thought myself about doing something like this myself, like pointing at a survivor while the killer is chasing you. But I'd kill Feng and let Claudette go.

    Yeah I probably would have done the same. since I wouldn't want to be the Claudette. I don't like it when people body block their teammates or intentionally farm them so I always go after the person bodyblocking, selling out, farming ect
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    It depends.

    You're getting chased, you run by someone (intentional or not) and try to dump the killer on someone else so you can escape, that's not bannable.

    You specifically try to get someone else killed just because, that's bannable.

    The key is when your own survival comes into things. If you're doing it to escape, we're pretty forgiving. If you're going out of your way to get the killer to follow you and show them where other survivors are, that's not okay.

    Either way, we review things on a case by case basis. If it's particularly egregious, action probably will be a taken.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @Peanits said:
    It depends.

    You're getting chased, you run by someone (intentional or not) and try to dump the killer on someone else so you can escape, that's not bannable.

    You specifically try to get someone else killed just because, that's bannable.

    The key is when your own survival comes into things. If you're doing it to escape, we're pretty forgiving. If you're going out of your way to get the killer to follow you and show them where other survivors are, that's not okay.

    Either way, we review things on a case by case basis. If it's particularly egregious, action probably will be a taken.

    Thank you this cleared it up very well.

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    It definitely should be. I had a game where we were fixing the generator in Autohaven Wreckers on the map with the gas station, one survivor kept pointing at the cabinet I was hiding in to get the killer to pull me out of it but thankfully for me the killer ignored me and continued to hit this survivor instead. I reported the dude for it, of course.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Seeif I was in a game and someone tried that id I would there friend and kill them then let who I slugged get back up and then leave them be after I follow the one that sold them out first I cant stand people like that
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    edited September 2018
    Despite what everyone here is saying, it’s NOT bannable.

    You and the Feng weren’t teaming up at the start of the game or anything so it was completely unintentional.

    Selling out your teammates isn’t bannable either because you guys are all working as INDIVIDUALS to get out.
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    As Feng main I feel enraged, since this guy put my waifu in bad sights >_<

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Strider said:

    It definitely should be. I had a game where we were fixing the generator in Autohaven Wreckers on the map with the gas station, one survivor kept pointing at the cabinet I was hiding in to get the killer to pull me out of it but thankfully for me the killer ignored me and continued to hit this survivor instead. I reported the dude for it, of course.

    I think the killer knew you was in there and was just pissed they sold you out so left you be for playing the game honourably
  • Doctor_Derek
    Doctor_Derek Member Posts: 93

    If I have bond, and am being chased and see someone in a locker, I point to it so they get them instead of me. That's just survival and shouldn't be against the rules.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @PinkEricka said:
    Despite what everyone here is saying, it’s NOT bannable.

    You and the Feng weren’t teaming up at the start of the game or anything so it was completely unintentional.

    Selling out your teammates isn’t bannable either because you guys are all working as INDIVIDUALS to get out.

    Peanits cleared it up a few comments back. Selling others out isn't good and you probably shouldn't do it but if you do it for the sake of survival just sometimes then it's alright. Bannable is doing it just because you can.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Btw, last time I got pointed inside locker, the guy who pointed at me was tunneled to death. Just saying.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Rattman said:

    Btw, last time I got pointed inside locker, the guy who pointed at me was tunneled to death. Just saying.

    That's because most killers dont want to be accused of working with a survivor and be banned if your gonna do that play kyf for funny utube vids not rank's
  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    When I see survivors do that trash I camp them. Then at the end of the match I'll let the other 3 survivors know why I camped him.

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    People play this game with too much honor lol...

    The goal is to SURVIVE... i see nothing wrong with this action. Kudos for communicating with the killer and escaping. Goal is to survive. Survivor survived uses tools found in game. Not bannable.

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    100% not bannable. The mod above said so. If I successfully pulled this off I would for sure be lol'ing... its just a game i dont get why people take it so seriously. I'd imagine if I tried this it would work like 1% of the time at best. Way to call me an @$$ hole lol are you 12?

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Bannable, survivor should never be working with the Killer

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Kebek said:
    So story time incoming.

    I was playing as a hag and managed to get 5 tokens on Devour hope. After I killed 2 survivors and 3 gens were left I managed to find a Feng and nodded at her that I'm coming for her. But she just stood there and pointed at me to follow her. I got interested in what she wanted so I didn't kill her right away and followed.
    She led me to the hatch and pointed at it and started nodding. I understoond that she'll sell out the last survivor (Claudette) for the hatch to me. So I kept following and eventually she led me to her so I ate her and gave Feng the hatch. For me it was quite funny which is why I did it but as you might know Claudette was very unpleasent about it and reported Feng for it.

    So any mods out there is it okay to sometimes sell out teammates for our own survival if that is our best bet to survive or we should never do it even if it happens in like 1 out of 100 games ?

    This should not be bannable. It was kinda smart by the survivor.
    If you get chased by a tiger, you dont have to be faster than the tiger… just faster than the other guy.^^