Message to the DEVS: The problem is not survivors repairing together. It is when they are not.
Survivors repairing the same gen is honestly a good thing. The problem is when survivors are not together. One survivor on each generator is what gen rushing really is. It is most efficient to remain away from each other and complete each gen individually, up until the last generator. These "repair" changes are going to do nothing but promote even more of the above mentioned behavior (haha get it), and will make the game even more unbearable since it seems like this is the strategy being forced on most teams. The killer cannot be everywhere at once, and the only way to apply real pressure to multiple survivors is by slugging them, and sometimes hooking one while another is slugged, thus creating a snowball effect. HOWEVER, since slugging was nerfed a while ago, this is no longer a viable strategy, meaning that if survivors choose to play efficiently, you will more than likely lose as killer. The current repair debuff should be removed, and another repair change should be implemented that involves encouraging survivors to repair together. Something like this:
Repairing a generator by yourself applies a repair speed debuff of 30 percent, however, if more than one survivor is working on a generator, the debuff is removed and a repair speed buff is applied (+8 percent per additional survivor up to a maximum of 24 percent.) The problem with the current meta is that survivors repairing different generators can end the trial too quickly without any chance to really counter it, but survivors still need some kind of compensation and way to apply pressure, even though the pressure may not be as strong as it once was. In addition, it also helps killers like Legion find and apply pressure to multiple survivors at once. Now, rather than 3 or 4 generators popping at the same time, it is now only one, since the killer should be in a chase.(One generator being repaired by a single person, and another generator with two survivors repairing it. This would be the most optimal repair strategy.)
Point is, this will probably be my last DBD forum post, as I have moved onto other games and only check this forum occasionally, but hopefully the team can see this post.
And yet the most complaining came when the first Gens got done fast, because Survivors spawned together. So the Devs are basically reacting to the complains on the forum.
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Its sad, because that is the opposite of the real issue. These changes will only encourage the above mentioned strategy.
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But they're nerfing loops and forcing maze tiles to spawn apart, meaning you will down survivors faster. One thing at a time, please.
Let's try playing with the new changes before we say it's not enough.
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Chases and downs were never really an issue. Even with quick downs, no matter how quick, generators were able to pop even faster.
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You should explain this to the people who complained. But I doubt you will have much success.
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Not only is every survivor on their own generator more efficient, it's also less risky because the devs strictly give us access to punishing grouping, and mistakes tend to happen when survivors congregate onto the same loops.
By forcing the killer to patrol every generator, you waste more of their time. If you're all together, then slugging, Infectious snowballing, spreading Doctor Madness to stall, finding a new chase, they all take less time and cut out the time investment of patrolling.
It also means finding your team once stops all four of you from repairing instead of one of you, actually making it even less efficient to repair as a group.
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Let's see how big the maps are and how strong the tiles are now. A huge part of the reason why spreading out was so effective is that having just 2 teammates who weren't complete spuds in a chase spelled game over on most maps. An 80 second chase may be far less feasible now.
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I don't mean to disagree with you by any means, because yes, survivors are most efficient when they're working on separate generators. Though that isn't what we were aiming to change with this update.
What we are looking to get rid of are the situations where a generator goes off before you could possibly get to it. Things like spawning in the opposite corner of the shack in Ormond and having all four survivors spawn in the shack. Outside of one or two killers, there's no conceivable way you could have gotten there in time to stop it from going off.
The goal is to give you the tools to go stop that generator from being powered, not to stop generators from being powered when you're not stopping them.
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I never complained about survivors working on the same gen. I complained about 3 gens popping at the same time while I down 1. Survivors working on the same gen is a blessing in the beginning. The only thing this patch will do is make 3 gen stronger. If multiple survivors all get on the same gen it won't repair as fast.
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That isn't an issue, Peanits. So what if one gen popped all the way across the map that quickly? That means that all 4 survivors are on that generator. The problem comes after, when they split up onto different gens.
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I am sorry to disappoint you, but my mind does not circle around you (whoever you are). Just stating what was one of the biggest complaints during the past weeks/months.
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If that was the design goal then this would be a reasonable enough way of fixing it, but I think there's a more pressing issue at hand here. Honestly, and with all vitriol out of the discussion, what is a Leatherface or a Pig going to do if everyone is just genrushing on a map like Temple of Purgation where I lose 2 generators per chase and it takes me a generator's worth of time just to complete a patrol?
The biggest problem is that at the skill cap with most killers (barring the top 4), killers need to patrol, find a survivor, chase them, loop around pallets/jungle gyms/semi-infinites, get a hit and slow down as the victim speeds up, catch up again, loop through everything again, get a second hit, wipe your weapon again, pick them up, slowly walk to a hook, hook them. Now do that 8 more times if you want to pip because you're getting bronze Gatekeeper at best. You have 4 minutes, good luck.
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Actually I don't think multiple survivors on the same gen was the biggest complaint at any point in the past few months. Ive seen tons of threads about ds, noed, tunneling, camping, gen times but never about survivors stacking 1 gen.
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Good job 👍. I was thinking of you just help survivors, but the main topic since hex ruin was nerfed was genrush and god loops... Thanks for listening to community,
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do people not realize how split survivors is actually the worst feeling?
"just pressure 4head" doesnt work for that, and if the first chase goes a little too long, up to 3 gens can pop before hook 1, but yea, just try harder LOOOOL
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I guess not.
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"Get rid of situations where a generator goes off before you could possibly get to it" But then you just put the nerf into Prove Thyself. That doesn't make sense. If survivors run PT it's the same and doesn't solve ANYTHING. What's the logic there? I don't get your balance decisions. You contradict with yourself.
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You have no idea what you’re talking about. And I don’t believe you play killer on anything above green ranks.
I would rather everyone on different gens spending an entire 80 seconds so I can use pop and not have gen after gen pop if I guess wrong as to which one they are on.
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I think it may be you who is always in green ranks.
Every match at RANK ONE that I play as Killer usually involves all survivors working on different gens at the same time BECAUSE IT IS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO WIN.
Think about it, if all 4 survivors are on different gens, that could very well be 4 gens done in 80 seconds. Does that not sound efficient to you? Pop only works on one generator at a time, so you are not going to be popping 3 or 4 gens with one use. Heck, even when my friends and I play will all go on different gens and usually always escape in record time. But I guess those killers just do not apply enough pressure, right? you are the one exception to the meta and never see that kind of play, right?
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You’re confusing mathematically efficient with in-game efficiency. It is still more efficient to double up on gens and finish it before the killer can get their and pop it or kick it. You have no idea what you’re talking about. And I do not believe you are a red rank killer.
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Are you serious? The killer cannot chase 4 people at once, usually, 3 people are on different gens and can get them all done while one person gets chased. I don't know what more I can tell you.
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If it takes you 80 seconds to down someone then we shouldn’t even be talking about gen efficiency. It should take you 10 seconds to down someone. You hook them, one person has to stop doing a gen to go unhook. You go chase someone else. Now you have THREE people not doing a gen. Down that person in 10-15 seconds. Repeat. You are NOT a red rank killer. You are green and it shows.
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You misunderstand, first, you need to find a survivor, then chase them, then hit them twice, then pick them up and hook them, then find another survivor. That can take longer than 80 seconds. Do not forget you also need to patrol to find someone. I get red ranks every season as killer, so you must be pretty mistaken.
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Yes, the first time. You will always lose the first 1-3 gens. And that is normal and not a problem. You get red rank every season as killer and yet you're still complaining? It sounds like everything works as planned then. You're not meant to win anything more than 51% of your games. That is how MMR should work once it's implemented. Out of 100 games, 3-4 survivors escape 49 times, and you kill 3-4 survivors 51 times.
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Just think about what you're saying for a second.
If Survivors co-operate on Generators you can revert all their progress with Pop. - All progress is reverted.
If multiple gens are being done you can only apply Pop to one while the other two continue to be worked on. - 1/3 of their progress is reverted.
How is reverting all progress better than reverting one third of all progress?