What are your Killer/Survivor Offering Ideas?

Ivaldi Member Posts: 977
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Most killers love to go with the tried and true Ebony Mori for their offering; it's powerful and it gets the job done. If Devs were to add new offerings into the mix, what would you guys love to see implemented into the game? Here are some of my ideas that I could think of.

1) When burned; the entity offers protection over all hooks preventing them from being sabotaged

2) When burned; The Entity increases the speed at which it consumes each hooked survivor. Greatly decreasing the time it takes to kill a survivor on the hook by 10/15/20 seconds

3) When burned; Increases the amount of totems on the map by 1/2/3 totems.

4) When burned; The entity graces the killer with two basements to devour its pray.

5) When burned; All survivors start the match with the broken status for 10/20/30 seconds.


  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    1) I feel like offerings should only cancel out other offerings not perks/abilities (I can't think of any that do currently, but I have been away for over a year and wasn't too experienced beforehand) . But, if we were to go against that, maybe. There would have to be a survivor counter offering though of course, something like 1/2/3 hooks perma-damaged. The opposite survivor perk would be to grant protection over all generators. That doesn't sound too appealing from a killer's perspective, huh?

    2) I'm okay with this. Need the counter for survivors, recuding the speed. 5/10/15 sounds better.

    3) Nah. More work for survivors so I'm assuming you intend for this to be a killer offering. What would the survivor counter be? Having less than 5 would not benefit the game.

    4+5) Polite response... No thanks.

    I'd be interested in seeing a survivor offering that nullifies the killer's offering, and vice versa. These should not affect the universal Bloody Party Streamers offering. I might give this some thought and get back to you with some ideas.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    These were all killer offerings.. obviously just theorizing and times could be adjusted.. Just shooting out different ideas and seeing what peoples opinions would be.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I just want the bps offerings to be buffed in some way.

    Brown = 100% bonus bps in selected category

    Yellow = 200% bonus bps in selected category

    Green = 300% bonus bps in selected category

    Escape Cake and Party Streamers remain the same.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Yeah understood, mate. Actual numbers would be decided by the devs but it's good to have a foundation to discuss, which you have provided. Just throwing my thoughts into the mix.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Id love to see a offerings be relevant for more than just BP and moris

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I want to burn an offering that turns all Blendettes into Big Fat-ass Janes. Now try your magic tricks you cheating whores!

    Sorry, I’m still a lil traumatized by a game I had earlier today...

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Survivor offering - When burnt you give the killer 200% more bloodpoints. "Sometimes what lurks in the shadows isn't as scary as you first thought..."

    Killer offering - When burnt all survivors get 100% more bloodpoints. "There comes a time where one must thank nature for the bountiful prey it provides, to nurture the young so they may grow to become your most thrilling hunt yet."

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    An offering to open both basements but take 4 hooks away... and have it secret so the surprise 2nd basement is more enjoyable

  • yandere_gamer
    yandere_gamer Member Posts: 27

    1) this offering could be useful but it might not actually do anything since survivors might just not sabotage.

    2) this one is ok since it might catch people off guard and give you a free hook state

    3) I like this one however, the only three totem perks that would benefit are thrill of the hunt, noed, and hex retribution, so survivors would figure out real fast what you are doing.

    4) This is a good one and I like it

    5) This is strong, perhaps just starting out the trial injured would be strong enough, since survivors would spend time healing. The broken status effect is just benefit, though for stealth killers this could be really strong.