Map Reworks: Remove Bloodlust!!

Just finished watching King’s video on a few of the map reworks.
Have you seen how there’s almost no pallets anymore? Not even unsafe ones. Wretched Shop and Fractured Cowshed have huge dead zones now. With the (needed) removal of infinites and (semi-needed) nerf to strength of pallets/tiles, Bloodlust is a mechanic that needs to be removed.
If you consistently lose as a killer after these map reworks then I’m sorry but nothing more can be done for you to make life easier.
As someone who plays both sides as well, I’m going to have no problem taking out a team consistently in 2-3 minutes after they’ve burned through their 3 safe pallets.
I agree but we need time to tell. If it does seem pallets and are just insanely unsafe dor survivors then yeah bloodlust needs to be removed. But too new to tell right now.
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I aswell think bloodlust should be removed ith this update, there is not such thing like god loops anymore
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maybe after all maps get hit then maybe. they havent fixed gen speed with ruin nerf soooo id say pass on that
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ngl they went too far with some maps too much limited pallets lol and for bloodlust yeah its actually a trash mechanic it just helps poor killers who doesnt know which pallet to break or which pallet to mindgame
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We had this crap loops for over 3 years. They won't just decide in seconds if Bloodlust needs to go. Personally I hope they will do something about Moris and Keys next.
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”Looping” as you know it today will be non existent after these map changes go live.
Any bad survivor team will be demolished game after game due to lack of resources, not lack of god loops.
Gen speed was slightly nerfed as well, so all of this at once means killers are going to get easy wins.
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FYI - I can see a Meg Head using every pallet on the map before 1 or 2 gens are done now.
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They don't need to fix gen speed now that they are making proper changes to maps. Gen speed will be just fine
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How? It's not like they are getting rid of any good loops in this game besides god loops. Survivors still have enough to work with, only killers will now have more counterplay on these maps.
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Yeah hard agree on that one. I do think we should wait some time to see how it plays out though, PTB is just such a small sample size to truly visualize this. Maybe in the next update or the one after the next.
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they only changed like a few maps, and the 2 of them still can loop for days.
only a few maps now, how long till all the maps are fixed?? need gen changes now while they work on maps.
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Not until they remove d strike
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I dont mind blood lust one, but 2 and 3 are becoming unnecessary nowadays.
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acually it could be a good idea to keep bloodlust only on firs level to see if wee need to keep it or we can get rid of it
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Considering they didn't hit every map and there are still some maps that have problems I don't think it's a good idea to remove bloodlust yet maybe at the most nerf it slightly.
Once all the maps have become more balanced then bloodlust can be removed
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I'd be happy to see bloodlust go. Even without bloodlust eventually you'll catch someone if you exclusively focus on them.
2 and 3 are definitely unnecessary. By that point it's definitely a 'you' issue for not catching the survivor even without any reworks.
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if they keep balancing maps, they can remove bloodlust and even revert balanced landing pre-nerf, gens speed will also follow map balance.
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The problem with bloodlust is when you randomly lose the chase if a survivor is in the other side of a wall for 2 seconds, and there are many killers who lose it after attempting to use their power with the risk of failing.
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If we look at just those 4 Maps then i would definetely say that you need to disable bloodlust for them and keep it for the unbalanced ones until every map is balanced.
I really like these changes i've seen so far but my problem is that solo survivor will be absolute hell with these changes.
Randoms just wasting pallets will completely ruin your game because there will now only be a few pallets on these maps and no god loop to rely on.
I hope they will implement this new rank/matchmaking system as soon as possible or else i see myself even less motivated to play solo survivor than before if at all.
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I may be okay with keeping Bloodlust 1... but please give survivors a couple more pallets per map, please.
Exactly! If I’m not in SWF, I’m expecting these randoms to waste every pallet before I get a chance to use them.