Devs, rank 1 survivors had average 80% win rate before Hex:Ruin nerf... how much now?
I think it's a nice moment to make data public now... My guess these win rates are between 85%-90% right?
I undestand that theses changes do not afect bad survivors, as they don't know how to abuse game design, but it's a necessary change to deal with the "almost invincible" survivors.
It would be really nice to see win rates before and after map reworking! Actually, you guys should make something to keep it public because it's a good source to stop/continue some discussions. And with data, it's easier to change people opinion because they can see the big picture.
How about not telling lies about survival rates?
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I'm curious as well. I see a lot of posts on here saying that killers have it easy. I've been playing survivor the last few days and I'd say that 3-4 people escape in 9 out of 10 games. I don't see this killer being strong thing.
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Post edited by Mandy on5
Those 80% were because of poor statistics, because it calculated the Rank after the game. But someone who died will most likely not have been Rank 1 afterwards, meaning that these 80% were not accurate at all.
Also I hope they dont release stats anymore - we have seen it with Killers already. Stats were posted, they were not relevant because Red Ranks were missing. Next time Red Ranks were present, and still there was some issue. People dont value the stats given at all, so I am happy with the Devs not releasing stats.
I already can imagine that a low Survival Rate would somewhat be false because some people claim to play vs 4 man SWFs EVERY game who EVERYTIME escape and do Gens in 30 seconds, but if the Survival rate is above average, the stats are 100% valid and serious nerfs need to happen.
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Interesting... Didn't remember that. Thank you! Must be something around 70% still.. Which is still very high before Hex:Ruin nerf.
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This bunk stat seriously needs to die
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I don't know... for me, you can't just balance a game listening to other people's impression of the game... Most of the time they are biased and wrong. You can suggest another way to do it too.. maybe I'm the one who is not seeing something.
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I'm also curious about the stats.
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Sources: dude trust me
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Hopefully about to go down with the map changes.
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Even if the stats were wrong, I would be interested in them running current data in the same manner to see what the chart looks like now. Rank 1 or not, it will at least give a good idea about the rest of the field.
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I remember from a while back that it was confirmed rank 1 survival rates was actually around 46%ish soooo yeah lol. But dont try to make points based on stats. Make points with stats being able to back you up but not being needed to prove your point.
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Sorry but I'm a data driven person. I prove points with data analysis and statistics.
1 - - THESE are the actual latest stats we had after the Freddy and Nurse rework. You were right about the nearly 80% but it is the kill rate of Freddy actually/+ spirit before the nerf and Blly / LersPlayTogether got the right response for you !
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What region?
I’m EU and myself and others see killers win 9 out of 10 games. When I switch to killer I also win most games too. Only 3-4 man swf are troublesome.
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Thats perfectly fine but in this case the date you used, even if it was right, isn't useful because you immediately shot yourself in the foot with
"My guess these win rates are between 85%-90% right?"
Most made up statistics are generally incorrect and you also show some imminent bias in general.
Like i said it's fine to use stats and facts for points but i guess i forgot to say to use multiple facts. And i guess fact check the stats next time too because as people stated, it already was proven that those stats were incorrect.
Im not trying to call shots at you by any chance lol
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Guess again. It was more like 43%.
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Yes, you're right. I completely missed Novembers stats. Would like an update still.
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Ill just leave it here for you from november 2019. I hope that will end this pointless thread
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Honestly sameee. I love me some stats lol. Especially now that toolboxes and ruin was nerfed. In fact i think it'll be more appropriate to show stats like 2 weeks after the ptb. To let stuff die down and we can see stats with
- No ruin
- A lot less pseudo infinites
- Neutered tool boxes
- Gen speeds slightly being touched
- Maps being fair
Like I'm honestly looking forward to this now lol.
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This doesn't end the thread because I'm asking for developers "How much now?".
As @yandere777 pointed, there's a lot of changes since last stats. And still, there's no lie about the thread. The fact that I missed november stats don't invalidate individual stats from April because there're a lot of things that we can't see on november stats format.
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Kill stats will never be accurate. All of us know how many, many 3 escape games turn into 4ks handed to the killer on a platter even with the gens done, because so many cannot simply walk out the door while one guy is left on a hook.
You do see an occasional afk killer pushing stuff the other direction, but there's far fewer of them than there are Survivors who would rather feed killers kills than leave 1 guy behind in egc.
Add in failed bully squads who all swoop in to flash the killer 3x before they realize they drew an actually skilled killer and they go 3 down right there in the space of 20 seconds.
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Yeah! Before Hex:Ruin nerf I went to rank 1 because even if I was going to die, I was still piping.
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The title of the thread isn’t even accurate with regards to the April stats though, that has nothing to do with missing the November stats. Obviously people who are informed and know it was never 80% are going to call you out on it if it’s left in the title.
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"My guess"
Stop guessing.
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Literally read the text below it
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Ok... I'm a killer main, Rank 1, who mostly versus rank 1-3 survivors. I promise you that you're lying about the stats, or you're misinformed.
I get at least a 2k in almost every game, and 3-4k more often than not. There's no way that the survival rate is as you say it is. Maybe the survivors in YOUR games have a high survival rate?
Of course, since this post involves the Hex: Ruin nerf, I'd guess you used it as a crutch for slowdown. I never did in the first place.
Stop complaining, practice and play try hard if you have to, and get better. My guess is that you're also one of the many killers I see that give up when a few gens pop with no downs.
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NOED probably fudges the numbers more than any other perk. Killer mains veto any notion of changing it though so oh well.
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Killer is strong, if you know what you're doing. Just like survivor, Killers are more useful if setup correctly. Now, I can't remember my stats from when I played on PC, but I currently have 3200ish kills, and 500ish escapes.. I say this to point out I play killer a LOT more than survivor.
I'm rank 2 survivor, and I was rank 1... I definitely, definitely didn't see this 80%+ winrate.
I hate to be the one to say "git gud"... But the fact is that a lot of killers I see while doing survivor challenges make mistake after mistake. The biggest mistake? Chasing a survivor for 2-3 gens. If a chase lasts more than 30 seconds, peel off and patrol gens.
If you're having problems, go on YouTube or Twitch, and watch killer mains play. I'm not the best around, but I do get 2-4k per game, without sweating too much. And it's because I learned from others, and I learn from my mistakes.
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Why would these games make kill stats not accurate? Survivors throwing the match due to over-altruism or misguided attempts to bully are part of the normal gameplay. They don’t skew the stats, they’re a legitimate part of the stats. The survivors messed up their game and the killer capitalised on it, and they died.
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here, thats from the exact same source you provided us.
its the paragpaph directly underneath this picture, you should give it a read:
"This graph shows the average rate of survival per Survivor at any given rank, per platform. Please note: The data collected is using your rank after the match, so players who depipped from rank 1 down to rank 2 would appear as rank 2 for our purposes. This is likely the reason why you'll notice a large gap between the survival rate of rank 1 and rank 2: Players who survived were more likely to pip and maintain their rank, while those who died were more likely to depip and lose their rank."
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Yeah these are poor statistics, because you can do almost nothing and still pip as a survivor, and this puts TONS of bad survivors into red ranks. 80% survival rate is way too low for higher level players.
As someone who has put about 100 hours into survivor, I can survive about 70% of the time in red ranks / high red ranks if I don't use meta perks and I mess around. I can push that number up a lot more if I try and I use what everyone else is using at rank 1.
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Sorry, but that was stated right under the graph you posted, so the only thing you had to do is read the information and not only look at the graphs.
Rank 2 had a survival rate around 60%, if you look at the rise of the graph and keep in mind, that Rank 1 and Rank 2 are closer to each other because you can't collect pips on Rank 1, 70% would still be an unrealistic jump.
But in the end it is data from almost a year ago, so it's quite outdated.
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Ok and by that logic there are games were killer gives the last person hatch, there are games where the killer gives up and hides in a corner, there are killers that defend the basement chest as leather face, there are killers that decide to farm. There will always be inaccuracies but as a whole the statistics show that killers are averaging more than 2k per game.
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Probably the same.
I'm still doing pretty well keeping my rank even if I die.
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What is the % success rate with SWF and Ruin nerf
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Yeah, that's why I mentioned those things. It's still way less common than instant hook suicides and altruism suicides.
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killer is dead in DBD,
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It's makes them inaccurate because the game isn't designed around intentionally throwing the entire match for a single unhook. There is a big difference between a survivor dying to a mistake (ie going for that one last loop without realizing the killer is too close) and a survivor group going into a leatherface basement party with the doors open. That's not a mistake, it's a forfeiture. It's a pvp game, the "normal" play for those is attempting to win.
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It doesn’t matter how the game is designed, it matters how it’s played. The game wasn’t designed for a killer to stand there and face camp one kill, but it happens. It also wasn’t designed for four survivors to derank and then mess around and troll the killer with flashlights, DS and Head On, but those matches happen too. And killers giving people hatch, and survivors sandbagging each other, and so on and so on.
The stats take into account every kind of game, as they should. There’s no way to cherry pick only matches where everyone is serious and only plays optimally and in a certain way, and even if there was it wouldn’t give a representative overview of the game as a whole because a ton of people don’t play like that.
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It absolutely matters how the game is designed. It cannot be balanced to be all things to all people. That leads to the messiness we have now. If you make a racing game, you make it about racing. You encourage people trying to win races. You don't start balancing around people who pull into the infield and start doing donuts.
If they want this to turn into a super casual party game, that's fine - just make games be vs bots, whichever side you're playing. Or something equally ridiculous where the killer cannot actually kill and just amassed points for how much they delay and harass Survivors.
If they want it to be a pvp game, then it needs to be arranged around people attempting to WIN. It can be tempered by people who don't have or aren't using the absolute optimal builds and strats, but it cannot be tempered by people who ignore open doors so everyone can go die around a single hook together.
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This game was designed as a spooky horror game, but nobody plays it that way. If the devs tried to balance the game around scared, immersed survivors it would be ridiculously imbalanced, unfun and at odds with how the vast majority of people play this game.
I’m gonna bow out of this conversation anyway because we’re talking past each other and I don’t see it ending in any other way than agreeing to disagree. You’re talking like survivors throwing themselves at camping killers is a common occurrence, and that’s not my experience at all. It happens, but the vast majority of matches ARE people playing to win, and I believe the stats reflect that. But there’s no way to prove or disprove how common it is so I’ll just leave it here. Thanks for the civil discussion.
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You do realise how flawed these statistics are right? Its accounting for if your rank 1 after the game so if you dont escape you most likely depip so you drop to rank 2 but if you escape then you remain rank 1 so most losses arnt even accounted for
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The guy who made the post is using evidence that dosent even make since cause it accounts for if your rank 1 after the match. If you die the you de pip to rank 2 so most losses arnt accounted for since your not in rank 1. The fact that he thinks his evidence means anything is kinda sad