can't mend while in madness III

i know these circumstances are extremely rare but i just got unhooked and the survivor gave me borrowed time and the doctor hit me and i ran away. By the time i ran away my mend timer was on like two seconds left and i tried to mend but instead it started trying to snap out of it. I was on last hook and i got downed and killed. i do not know if this is intentional or not but please remove this there's no reason for it
This is intentional because for some reason mending before snapping out of it is a no go
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For some reason, this is a completely skillful interaction they want to keep in the game. Because, ya know... locking you from mending and forcing you to bleed out is skillful.
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okay but imo this is rlly stupid at least pause it or something when you are in tier 3 madness
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I agree, mending should take priority over snapping out of it.
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You can't do anything except vault windows and loop walls in madness 3.
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this is another advantage doctor doesnt need he passively counters borrowed time in his own way with this.
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I'm not saying this is a good interaction but the mend time gets paused when you're running so how did you get to 2 seconds before you started snapping out of it
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And unhook. Also hide in lockers. And i think open the door but i could be wrong about that one.
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Yeah you could nerf a very specific scenario like this by making mend take priority, or you could just find a teammate to mend you. You only get into this scenario if you aren't optimal with getting out of t3 asap and then mend yourself, miss madness skill checks, or it is Borrowed time 1.
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No you're right about those two. Unhooked can be prevented by doc tho forcing a unhook impossible.
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Freddy dream state laughs..
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Probably vaulted a window or pallet thus shortening the timer.
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Dont get me wrong i 100% its dumb but The Developers clearly think doctor is weak so they need to buff him just like the PTB your screen turns completely white during flashes another "intended" change im assuming.
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Something's not adding up here. The Mend timer is supposed to pause while running, but you're saying that it was almost empty by the time you ran to a safe place. Do you happen to remember the tier that the Borrowed Time was at? At tier 2/3 your Mend timer lasts 15/20 seconds, which is longer than the time it takes to Snap Out of It (12 seconds). Only at tier 1 is when the Mend timer is shorter than Snap Out of It. Even then, your Mend timer still shouldn't have gone down if you were running the entire time. You should've have enough time to Snap Out of It and Mend yourself. You must've walked/crouch walked without realizing it or you encountered a bug.
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Cannot even turn a flashlight on. So, mending is much more difficult.
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Or you could.. idk run and search for a Team Mate who mends you instead.
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Which is again something which benefits SWF more than Solos. Which is not good.
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It's intentional. I believe the idea behind it is both thematic and practical consistency. Basically, being in Madness Tier III is supposed to stop you from being able to do basically anything, and they decided that mending shouldn't be an exception to that.
The best way to prevent it from being a problem is to sprint until you're sure you're not being chased, and then start Snapping Out Of It the moment you stop sprinting. Assuming you don't fail the skill checks (which you shouldn't, they're pretty easy to hit), that should still leave you with enough time to mend afterwards.
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If you are crazy (like see hallucinations and such) in real life and you get a deep injure you surely wont go to the hospital maybe you should look for a player in that case 😉
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But you could try to mend an injury that isn't actually there.
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Pretty sure you don't even need "plenty of time" right? The mending bar stops decreasing the moment you begin to mend I thought. So you only need half a second to start the mending process and then you're good.
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Or!!!!! And hear me out.... the survivor with borrowed time shouldn't unhook you in the Doctor's terror radius.
Look at that! Just saved the devs a ton of time. Survivors could use their gray matter.
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Right, which is why the two or three seconds you usually have remaining at that point is plenty of time.
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But that's not always the case, especially within the majority of most matches. You need to consider the type of Doctor's that will go out of their way to tunnel and not give up. Plus, this is probably a huge issue for newer survivors as they're an easy target for the Doctor.
The point is, madness 3 shouldn't prevent mending as it's basically killing you slowly.
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I would disagree that this is a problem in most matches. I have been deep wounded while in Madness III a bunch of times since this change was introduced, and haven't gone down once. It's just a matter of resource management.
I never said that it wasn't a problem or gave an opinion on whether it should be changed, I was just sharing what we've been told was the reason behind the change, and some tips as to how one might avoid falling victim to it, for the sake of the OP and anyone else who might be having trouble.
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I guess that's true.
It just concerns me because of matchmaking and how newer survivors who could be solo are going against a fully experienced Doctor and have teammates using Borrowed Time. It's more stressful in their shoes.
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That's true, though I would say that's a problem with matchmaking, not the feature itself. Balance changes should never be made to compensate for existing issues (especially ones, like matchmaking, that are hopefully soon to be fixed).
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Distressing, Unnerving, Lullaby Doctor on The Game would like to know your location. (specifically about the "shouldn't miss snap out skill checks" bit)
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You seem like you work at BHVR. Do you know when the matchmaking is going to be fixed or when this new system comes into place?
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Distressing, Unnerving, Lullaby Doctor on The Game says good luck with madness skill checks.
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I'm just a community member who likes to keep myself informed about what's going on, I'm not employed by or affiliated with BHVR. But even those who do work there aren't allowed to reveal the anticipated release dates of upcoming changes until officially approved to do so, so unfortunately all any of us players can do for the moment is hope for the best.
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Right? You seem to be the only commentor asking this question.