Can we nerf swf already. Or at least voice chat software.

plunder Member Posts: 74

This is not from a killers standpoint but for both sides. swf isnt really the problem on it's own. Discord and console party chats is the problem that needs to be addressed. The devs need to take a stance on this and make it where you cant que in game or start a game in lobby while a third party voice chat is active. They need to give solos a ingame party chat if it was intended for survivors to have it. So at least survivors are nerfed fairly for all then nerfing all of them because of swf party chats.

If communication for survivors wasn't intended. then they need start adding into the game a blocker for party chats for console and have pc flag discord so they cant start lobbies or games while its active. Mainly because those are considered exploits that should be bannable. For anyone who doesn't understand. The act of using third party software to give yourself a unfair advantage that the developers didn't intend is a exploit. That frankly needs to be bannable.

But let's be real no dev will do this. They will hide. because they want to shill money from us as long as they can with shoddy design games they create. Why else do you see so many bugs that takes weeks or been a year and still not fixed. But I rather vent this frustration thenhold onto it.



  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I more intended this to vent really. But yeah no crap people will do anything to gain a unfair advantage. You get rewarded for it in this game. But I mean I rather they give solos a in game party chat to balance it out for everyone on survivor side then nerf the ######### out of them to compensate for the insane bonus of constant communication.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,256

    As far as Xbox is concerned, the party chat is entirely separate from any game, and I believe Microsoft mandates any game they accept cannot interfere with the party chat in any way.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2020

    TBH blocking comms entirely isn't necessarily the way, at least it's way too late for that. The game has way too many people who just play with a friend, and statistically 2 man SWFs are most common. That said, at this point there really should be some type of "opt out" system in regards to play with SWF due to the potential they have to completely break the game's design. Even if they took the approach of some other games where solo and 2 man share a queue, but 3 or more have their own separate queue and have killers and solo survivors need to opt into that pool... anything like that would help considerably.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    The game doesn't need to prevent people from using comms. That would drive away a lot of survivors since the only reason some of them play is because they can play with their friends. Instead, the game should start balancing around the idea that all survivor teams can potentially be a SWF on comms. Giving debuffs to SWF groups isn't an effective solution either because then it gets all messy when a team is half SWF & half solo or two seperate SWF groups or whatever the case. Also, one could argue that SWF isn't the real issue, but rather that the role of survivor can be quite easy & is not nearly as stressful as being killer. The game should focus on lightening the impact a mistake from the killer has on their ability to win & make the mistakes of survivors a bit more impactful.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I do remember a game on xbox that did force me into game chat. but when i ignored it. It forced me out of the lobby. Back to lobby menu.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    That why I said just give solos a in game chat then nerf the ######### out of survivors to compensate.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    It was a fps game. That all I can remember. Was to long ago.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I remember it was mw3 it would prevent party chat in some game modes. Long time ago but it did.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2020

    So survivors who do not wish to participate in voice chat should be horribly punished? What if I don't want to listen to children complaining or people playing loud music or other similar situations?

    The game was designed to be played in silence apart from the in game audio. And also a humidifier to make the room all foggy and spooky.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,256

    OK makes sense I think Microsoft started the no-screwing with party chats about 4 years ago, not sure.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    SWF is fine, be a better player.

    and as for this, it's because it was console, and consoles are very closed systems, it's entirely plausible that Activision, who was creating call of duty, one of the worlds biggest game franchises would be able to say "hey microsoft can you stop voice chat working if these people are queued in 1v1 so they don't boost".

    You can't ask microsoft, or anyone to be like

    "Hey when our players are on dbd can you block... discord, steam chat, team speak, mumble, ventrillo, skype... etc etc".

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    If you don't wish to play party chat is fine. But you dont understand how truly gamebreaking communication is in a 4v1 game.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    no clearly I don't. I've never discussed it on this forum ever. nope.

    (dang, where's the LOL button when you need it)

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I dont think you can understand how in a 4v1 situation how unfair it is to be able to communicate at all times. No matter how good a player you can be. 4 people who can say when you are chasing them to rush gens or say hey he gone get me off hook. Or say hey I'm across the map heal me. You can state perks like bond to cherry pick your argument against me but these are perks that take slots away from you.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I stated actual logic and reason in this discussion but you both just basically can only say get gud but offer no real argument against it. Because it clearly shows that you have none.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    We've both discussed the topic a lot on this forum, thats why. not only that, but I agree with you that SWF is an unfair advantage, but you lashed out at me because i didn't give you a "Yeah, you tell em Steve Dave!"

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited April 2020

    your request is unreasonable so as to expect a reasonable rebuttal is silly, there is nothing to argue, what you want will never happen because it's likely illegal af and also ridiculously intrusive, be a better player.

    95% of the player base understand what you're asking is absurd so why argue about it lmao

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597
  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2020

    So by this statement, you are either trying to say that nobody has ever played a 4 v 1 SWF and can't possibly understand, or they have played 4 v 1 SWF, but their opinions are invalid if they don't match yours?

    I'm not going to get into the debate of SWF, i'm just going to point out that whatever else DBD is, it is a business. And it would be bad business to invade peoples privacy, stop them from using coms and suddenly penalise a lot of players for daring to play in an SWF, an option the devs themselves implemented.

    Balance changes are coming, but the call of "NERF THE HELL OUT OF THEM" is unrealistic, selfish and not at all thinking about balance. SWF's exist, we have all faced them. Some can be beaten, some can't. That's how a game works. Killer is always stressful, but unless you want to switch to playing against bots, it will always be stressful, because thats the other side of playing with actual people, they can be unpredictable, and they can eventually learn to play the game to their advantage.

    I'm all for balance changes, but when people suggest, ban this and nerf that with no payoff to the side you want nerfed, you aren't talking balance, you're asking for another advantage.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343

    You can't do that though, for reasons already explained.

    It might be a bitter pill to swallow to some, but the expectation of being able to talk to people while playing with them without restriction is so firmly established in gaming that it will completely override any balance concerns it might bring up. Trying to interfere with it would not only be extremely unpopular and considered an invasive thing to do by many players, it's also impossible to actually enforce as it can be circumvented, and I'm sorta doubtful that Steam, Microsoft, Sony or any others would be too keen on even letting a dev block their own built-in chat functions in the first place nowadays.

    There's a reason that outside of rare and sorta experimental cases like the aforementioned Search and Destroy example in some COD games messing with voice chat is not the way games go. Assymetrical games are a special challenge for sure, but even in their case that firmly established expectation isn't going to budge in the name of balance, ever.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    you literally cannot nerf comms, its impossible since survivors use a 3rd party software to do it

    besides, even if they did, what would stop them from just calling each other on their phone?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,584

    Just stating, it needs to be as easy as possible for people to play together. Blocking something like Discord or Skype will only drive players away. The more easier it is to speak to friends, the more casual are the players, make it harder and only people who are more competetive will do it (like using the Phone). And trust me, you want to keep the chill, casual players.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020

    How on earth should it be possible for the devs to find a way to deactivate any program that is installed on the users pc, especially by a legal way. They are not even able to fully prevent cheats which intervent with the actual game. On top of that, its 2020, most people do own a mobile phone.

    You can not do anything about this.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This ship has sailed. DBD has spent the last 12+ months making changes to balance the SWF/killer dynamic by making patch after patch filled with killer buffs, survivor nerfs, and environmental changes that solely benefit killers. To change SWF now would completely negate more than a years worth of development and cause severe imbalance in the other direction. No, they would have had to start by doing this as the solution to SWF in the beginning. At this point, especially after 3.7.0, if you STILL feel the urge to cry about SWF, you should probably find a different game.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Play with your friends so,its the best solution if not the other solution I see to use a omni aura system for survivors. Or message system that like saying im repairing

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    forcing swf in a game thats supposed to be about surviving as an individual, right.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I would recommend to stop thinking that in a multiplayer game the people are supposed to play solo. That can never work. So pls, for gods sake, stop being so starry-eyed.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    If devs made it wrong by adding SWF option without a proper balance now players need to find a solution for them as they had years to fix it

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    The solutions that players have made have been pretty unliked in the community. While some players on both sides are toxic, a lot of strategies that get called toxic are often times players "adapting" to underlying issues in the game itself. The reason SWF was introduced in the first place was because survivors would queue dodge constantly until they got paired with their friends.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    If survivors cant play the game without cheating on comms they shouldn't play at all i say bye to anybody that would quit we dont need cheats in this game

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    That doesnt change the fact that they didnt balanced SWF in the game.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a cheat. I mean you can keep calling it a cheat till you are blue in the face but nobody is going to be banned for it because it is not a cheat, ergo not a bannable offence.

    You can say the sky is lime green over and over with utter conviction, ain't gonna change the sky green. Devs have said repeatedly that using comms is not cheating. They have refused to ban people for using comms multiple times know, keep on pushing that 'cheat' thing i guess, in a time when all games have some form of in game comms....I'm sure you'll get there eventually...maybe..

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I hate SWF groups purely because voice chat is way to over powered to be used in this game, but it can't be taken off the groups.

    Instead, SWF should be nerfed so they're not so powerful. I know an update is coming out, but i'm talking about a proper nerf. Extra gen speeds per SWF member, extra totems on the map, only one playable character at any one time, only one perk to be used by each member and not multiple perks that're the same, slow their running speed down by a %, don't let the SWF take all the same tools in the game so tool boxes etc, buff the killer vaulting/pallet breaking by a % for each SWF in the lobby.

    My stance is that killer should be brought up on the same level as a survivor.

    Example of what I mean. Earlier I killed 2 people, hooked the 3rd person, the 4th didn't come and save the 3rd, instead the 3rd person on the hook killed them self on the hook on purpose, and the 4th person with in like 5 seconds escaped through the hatch. SWF using communications to win the game a game.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219
  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    People have already explained why this wouldn't be plausible.

    Either way, you say "The devs need to take a stance on this" and they have. They've said comms is fine. End of story. There's your stance.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    If they put limits on swfs teams like only one perk of the same kind not the same perk being ran by others, made gens go by slower, etc then good luck to killers eventually finding lobbies. I know many who have said they will not play survivor anymore if they do that. I'm glad the deva are smart enough not to cater to that. Also if they allowed killers to see who is swfs in lobbies they know that's a horrible idea. That wll just have killers griefng swfs, by tunneling them out the game and constantly bringing Moris or lobby dodging.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    SWF is so overrated. People just use it as an excuse. Sure sometimes solo players don't work well together and you got the ones that hide instead of taking chases. But solo players at rank 1's sometimes play so well with each other that they seem like a SWF team. That's why killers say SWF in every post game lobby that ever existed.

    SWF where all 4 members have over 5k hours in the game is what is broken. Bully squads. And there's really never going to be a way to be able to nerf that.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Yes its cheating using comms in a game not designed for it it wasn't put in until the devs were bullied into putting it in you must be one of scrub survivors that depends on comms to wins must suck to need such a big crutch

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2020

    No dev would do this because they’re not silly. Steam has team voice built right in. You want them to ban the use of Steam? Or their cell phones?

    edit: take a look at this: these stats show that killer is out performing and that most people who complain about playing killer are just bad.

    there are some specific game play mechanics and perks that are bullshitty for survivors but in general killers are wrecking survivors.

    Post edited by DisappointedUser on
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Buff solo to be as strong as SWF, then buff killers accordingly. The best way to 'nerf' SWF without ruining the fun for people who just want to have fun with their mates.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    That's the best you have? Ignore the facts and blindly push on with an untruth and insult someone because they don't agree with you? Hah, yeah Imma peace out on this particular argument. I wish you luck in your attempts at getting every SWF comm user banned. Let me know how that goes for you.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Honestly I just made this post to vent frustration. I never really looked into the devs on this particular issue. But I mean they would say comms are fine. Its to cater to people so they stay playing the game to buy cosmetics.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited April 2020

    Nerfing friends for wanting to play with their other friends isn't the way to go. Only 2% (if that) of SWFs are the god-tier SWF's that all killers should fear. The other 98% just talk to their friend about their day while holding M1 on a generator or while they urban evade around the map to self care in the corner.

    Nerfing those guys isn't warranted.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    The Devs also use comms when they play with again why would they ever remove it even IF they could?

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    This is one of the worst ways i have heard of balancing swf. I am fine with extra gen time but all the other stuff is unwarranted . the whole problem with swf was gen rushing so removing perks or slowing their running speed is utterly unaceptable just cause they wanna play with their freinds. Gen speeds are not fine where they are at so like i said extra time on gens is fine but you cant just not let them play a character that they bought with their money just cause someone else is using that character and the same for perks yea their annoying in large groups but that dosent mean that they cant use anythibg that they have if someone else uses it. So just let it be and maybe the devs will add extra time for gens per swf member.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    no no-ones happy but killers why should they be punished for playing with freinds?

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    why are killers punished for playing vs SwFs?? why do u believe survivors are entitled to over 10 perks alone with voice comms??

    because Voice comms alone gives over 10 perks.