How do you deal with playing solo survivor?
I'm so tired of dying over and over trying to play solo survivor because I always get degenerate teammates who either always let me go to second state when I get hooked or sometimes just don't rescue me at all and make stupid plays like unnecessarily wasting safe pallets or going down within seconds of being in a chase or not doing gens while I'm keeping the killer busy. One would think that me being rank 8 wouldn't have these problems but I do. I main killer at rank 1 and go against strong teams it seems like every game so why can't I just get good teammates? Sorry for the rant but it just discourages me from playing survivor.
I bring a key.
That's how I deal with being a solo survivor.
Almost every match, I bring a key.
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Kindred and Spine Chill, then an exhaustion perk, then whatever you want (BT, DS, Adrenaline, etc are good picks)
With a combination of perks in that vein, you're given all the information you could need as a solo survivor. As a bonus, Kindred will help the others (hopefully) not be dumb while you're on the hook. Other than that, if people look like theyre losing chases quickly, get chased on purpose so you can buy time and lead the killer away. If you're good and pallets havent been wasted yet, you should clearly be able to buy more time and use them more efficiently. Playing solo survivor isn't about sticking to one aspect of the game that you feel like doing, its about assessing the strengths and weaknesses of other survivors and covering those weaknesses to reduce the killer's efficiency.
That said, you WILL have bad games. there will always be people who sandbag or are playing inebriated or you might get facecamped or whatever. All you can do is do your best and wash off the rest :)
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Become a masochist and find pleasure in the pain.
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Yea I'm aware I'll have bad games but sometimes I wish I'd just get teammates of the same caliber as the ones I face. Now that I think about it though maybe that might be my problem; putting too much faith in randoms :p
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Left Behind perk helps.
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I play Alert, Kindred, Urban Evasion and usually Balanced Landing. I am objective-focused, and knock out 2 gens or so each match plus totems. With Kindred, I know what the others are doing when someone is on the hook and can make better decisions about when to go for the rescue. I only do rescues if I think it will be "safe", or if I'm pretty sure I can tank the hit for them to get away.
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Same for me. Left behind and a key. There are too many games where you get a killer running a BS build on a killer sided map and it is such a stomp that the only thing to do is wait for the hatch. That is why I will never complain about keys when I am playing the killer, who I usually main.
The game is only survivor sided if every one of the 4 survivors are really good, or are running meta perks. Whenever I see some baby survivor getting downed in 10 seconds and then tunneled off the hook, to not have DS, at red ranks; I die a little inside.
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Thats why win condition has always been such a debate with this game. If you always play to survive, you're only going to get more and more upset at when you're unable to survive because of things beyond your control. Same with killers always playing to 4k. Meanwhile, if you play to pip, you'll find that you should be able to at least black pip or 1 pip in nearly every match, regardless of your team (unless they're just griefing or something)
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Bring perks that help solo play.
prioritize gens over everything else.
If you are altruistic, make sure you are being safe.
Don't be overly altruistic.
If you get hooked, struggle as long as you can in hopes that you buy time for the rest of the potatos to finish some gens.
Don't DC.
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I'd also suggest playing killer in order to get a better understanding of each killers stengths/weakness.
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Easy, I don’t. Quit that game a while ago. Find someone else to play with and you’ll be less frustrated. Solo survivor is by far the worst thing about the game right now.
Lose to really bad players because you got put with even worse players or trolls who have no interest in even touching a generator and just want to mess about with the killer.
Yeah thanks but no thanks.
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I just have fun and go into a match knowing that I might not escape because of team imbalances. Though to be fair i'm not that good of a survivor myself. I still enjoy my matches and also escape a fair amount of times despite the problematic matchmaking.
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I've found Kindred doesn't help me get unhooked so much as I'd hoped, but it's handy to do the unhooking and get a general sense of what the killer is doing immediately after a teammate is hooked.
I don't play very well, unfortunately, so when I'm alone (without SWFing with my wife), I tend to get tunneled or mori'd out of matches before I even earn 10k and often only 5k. It's discouraging to wait 10+ minutes for that, so I play Killer instead
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I'm posting the screenshot because most of these people who say "bring a key" or "bring a [op-offering]" are not consistent rank 1 players and for that reason are talking [bad-word]. The screenshot is just a proof that I have been there.
Firstly, winning is not escaping. You should persue a pip or safe pip, even if you are going to die. You should play proactively: choose unhook 3 survivors, do a generator, and loop the killer for 2 minutes and die instead of playing like a scared cat and get a hatch in the end.
My second advice is to play as killer. I'm pretty sure that I'm a rank 1 player because I know how the killer's mind works. Most of the time I know when they are mindgaming on loops; I know which generators to do in order to avoid a bad setup; I know which areas have good loops; I know when to abandon loops; I know when to save someone and most importantly: I know how to abuse my knowledge in order to get a perfect execution. I believe that the biggest problems with non-consistent rank 1 players is that they understand the game, but they mess up most of the time while trying to execute it.
You could ask how did I learn that. Simple: through the fastest way. Just watch people who have more than 4000 hours play. Stop playing and go watch ZubatLeL playing as survivor/killer on youtube. I have absolutely no doubt that you will learn a lot watching him, and your progress will be a lot faster than if you plan playing a lot this game. I would recommend firstly the "rank 20 to 1 without perks playing as killer" playlist.
Ending, I have a simple rule: every second you should be thinking "What should I do right now in order to maximize my impact in the game?". If you have a good knowledge of the game, this will push you to play optmally, and even if you do not escape, you will be piping/safe-piping most of the time.
As English is not one of my native languages, I'm sorry if you had trouble reading. Hopefully I have helped you.
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I also like Alert and Bond, but Kindred is the overlord of solo survivor perks. It tells you about the general behaviour of your teammates, the killer, if you should go for a save, if anyone should come save you... And I also remember that an escape is not a victory, and getting sacrificed is not a loss. If you pulled your weight and pipped, congrats.
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1) Don’t hide or be scared from the killer ( Imagine your Mom is playing as a killer, would you hide from her?)
2) Don’t put yourself in a situation where the killer would try to mind game you. If the killer is trying to mind game, simply abandon the pallet and move to the next one( I see many killers try to do too much Mind game only to end up mind gaming themselves.)
3) Leave super safe pallets for injured survivors ( if you are healthy, don’t drop the shack pallet unless you got a good 2 minutes chase off of it)
5- Test the killer on wether or not he respects pallets. If the killer respects pallets, try to make it as you want to drop the pallet but fake it. This will cause the killer to stand still waiting you to drop the pallet while you get an extra 10 seconds chase.